1989-03-24 Comments of Star Tribune.pdf - Minnesota Judicial Branch

1989-03-24 Comments of Star Tribune.pdf - Minnesota Judicial Branch

1989-03-24 Comments of Star Tribune.pdf - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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a&-. DEC 7 1988 Michigan Supreme Court<br />

ichigan Courts In The News<br />


._. .-. .<br />

HOV-23-88<br />

JUDY DAUB- ,<br />


LANSING - Counnmms in all 83 Michigan<br />

counries should be opened to journalists’ cam-<br />

.tbem.<br />

Only 63 <strong>of</strong> the 174 requests for the expanded<br />

media coverage were approved under those<br />

guidelines. according 10 a report presented to<br />

get a bold <strong>of</strong> and sell papers,” she said.<br />

But Sullivan said ample evidence existed in<br />

other states that cameras in the counrooms<br />

don’t disrupt proceedings in those types <strong>of</strong><br />

eras and tape record- a committee<br />

Michigan Supreme Court recommends.<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe the committee.<br />

On June 20, tbc court changed lhc guidelines<br />

cases. He said that only six stales donl allow<br />

any type <strong>of</strong> expanded media coverage<br />

The Camerai in ‘the Mntrwm Cummittee in live counties. making access to ~rtrootns<br />

voted 9-l Tuaday lo W the lugh court to<br />

make permaneot an aperimwtthatbasoperated<br />

in five Michigan countks since June<br />

‘“he public has a right to kr~~ and the<br />

public’s right to know is fulfilled only in part<br />

by the newspapers . . . We feel that this would<br />

open the coverage <strong>of</strong> court mat* to Ihe genera1<br />

public.” said Michigan Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals<br />

Judge Joseph B. Sullivan,<br />

committce<br />

chainnan <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Sullivan said that wbea the orperiment b<br />

gan aume feared courtmoms would be disrupt-<br />

ed.<br />

“Actually, in the workings <strong>of</strong> it things have<br />

gone rather calmly and smo~thly,~ be said.<br />

The high court began its experiment state<br />

wide on Feb. 1 but petmittted defense auor-<br />

neys prosecutors or judges to block the use <strong>of</strong><br />

cameras or tape recorders if they didn’t want<br />

automatic unless a judge determined that such<br />

coverage would make the trial or court prP<br />

ceding unfair.<br />

Ofthe144reque&&ivd;i’inGrand~<br />

wne. ,lngham Mnrquetle. oak&ad and wex-<br />

ford counties, 138 were approved, the report<br />

said<br />

Sullivan said comments from judges in-<br />

volved in those cases tumed up few problems.<br />

The lone dissenter on tbe commjttee was<br />

Detroit F&corders’ Court Judge Vera hIassey<br />

Jones, who argued that.the use <strong>of</strong> camems and<br />

tape nxvnkrs abould’~ an experiment<br />

for another year but be expanded statewide<br />

Jones said the iivccounty qeriment dii<br />

not provide enough ocperience with the type <strong>of</strong><br />

violent felony caJg beard in Detroit Record-<br />

ers’ Court<br />

“it’s tbe kind <strong>of</strong> thing most papers want to<br />

Ml. CLPMEKS. Ml<br />


NOV-23-38<br />

_--._-..- . ..-.<br />

Panel backs . c%iiiieraS in courtrootis<br />

IANSING (UPI) q;bkcom-<br />

mendations lo 0pd".p11 WrUr-<br />

momsinthestote~~eRs~d<br />

recording equipment,, but @nt<br />

I judges wide discretion to linut or<br />

: deny cove.mgt, were adopted<br />

, TM&~ by ?.apecial eommikt.e%<br />

The 14-member committee’s<br />

recommendations follow a five-<br />

month pilot study in five counties<br />

that e&owed broadcsat media<br />

greater ace-ass to coumcmm pm<br />

CeediAp.<br />

1 Tbe ?d.ichiean Surrreme Ch<br />

which must amuwve tbe reci2<br />

mendations &fore they become<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial court guidelines, ap<br />

pointed the committee to conaidv<br />

the atate’s hmg-atanding ban on<br />

amens and recording equipment<br />

in coluvooms.<br />

Under the proposed guidelines,<br />

judges could permit broad- e<br />

.ponem and news photomphers<br />

to . record proceedings,<br />

tire2 days written notice. gz<br />

ever, a judge could waive that<br />

notice requirement if necemary.<br />

A jiadgc also could allow cover-<br />

age <strong>of</strong> a trid generally while btui-<br />

ning asxne~ during cennin<br />

sensitive potions <strong>of</strong> tbe proceed-<br />

%& example, filming and up<br />

ing could be tied in cases in-<br />

volving sex <strong>of</strong>fenses, child<br />

<strong>of</strong>fenders, parental rights, undcr-<br />

cover Offlcera, RlocALcd la:<br />

nesses and others,.. at tbe<br />

discretion <strong>of</strong> a judge.<br />

Fiiming or taping <strong>of</strong> jlnan and<br />

jnrv would be fiatly prohibited<br />

uder the guideline&<br />

A judge’s decision to limit or<br />

deny weas could not k appcpled<br />

bv the media, although ponies to<br />

de cmc would be allowed to ehd-<br />

lenp the de&ion. under the pm<br />

posda. Tne fear was that media<br />

would frequently become part <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe cow ease wh;a-queu~~<br />

rlceesmcounT6o<br />

‘I don’t want to we the me&<br />

AS a poaaible litigant in every ain-<br />

gie bwsuit,” aaid Detroit Record-<br />

en Court thdge Vern Jones, a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the commitlee.<br />

Committee members, ranging<br />

from judges and attorneys to a<br />

hfkhie;v State University. jour.‘.<br />

n&am pr<strong>of</strong>essor, expressed con-<br />

cemsoverbahcingtheri~ts0f<br />

defandents, victim and tir.nm<br />

aith tbe public’s right to know. It<br />

waa decided, by and large, to<br />

leave most authority in tbe hands<br />

<strong>of</strong>’tbe judge nther than mandat-<br />

ing eemin Actions.<br />

-Au<strong>of</strong>ttlishjngWontbediE-<br />

a&ion <strong>of</strong> tbe judge,” said Michi-<br />

gan Appeak’Co~t Judge J-ph<br />

Sullivan, chairmsn <strong>of</strong> the commit-<br />

tee. The judge must control the<br />

counroom pmperiy.”<br />

On June 20, the Surpeme Court<br />

decided tb sar up the pilot project<br />

in lngham, Msuquette, OnWmd,<br />

hand ‘haveme and Wexford<br />

counties. Over the following five<br />

months, circuit, district ana pm<br />

bare coum received at least 144<br />

requests to allow -eras or re-<br />

corders innwms.<br />

During the hvwunty crperiment. news or-<br />

ganizations wanting to use television or still<br />

:.cameras .m tape recorders had to request per-<br />

mission from the judge thrte days in advance.<br />

but ‘the judge could approve a request that<br />

came in hlff.<br />

A judge’s decision to terminate. suspend or<br />

ban the coverage could not be appealed under<br />

the experiment<br />

’ The committee recommended those guide<br />

lines be continued. but suggested the guidelines<br />

‘spell out that judges are free to exclude cover-<br />

age <strong>of</strong> certain witneses such as victims <strong>of</strong> sex<br />

crimes and their families, police informant&<br />

undercover agents and relocated witnesses.<br />

Cow-age <strong>of</strong> jurors already was excluded.<br />

Supreme Coun spokesman Tom Farrell said<br />

tbc bgh court would take up the recommend;l+<br />

bon early in <strong>1989</strong>.<br />


126 s. Pwmm. wlumnBmn ucn aa95<br />

DOiAGlAC, MI<br />


L61,OOO<br />


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