3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository

3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository 3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository

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Subdivision surface 203 References [1] Jos Stam, Exact Evaluation of Catmull–Clark Subdivision Surfaces at Arbitrary Parameter Values, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'98. In Computer Graphics Proceedings, ACM SIGGRAPH, 1998, 395–404 ( pdf (http:/ / www. dgp. toronto. edu/ people/ stam/ reality/ Research/ pdf/ sig98. pdf), downloadable eigenstructures (http:/ / www. dgp. toronto. edu/ ~stam/ reality/ Research/ SubdivEval/ index. html)) [2] Ulrich Reif. 1995. A unified approach to subdivision algorithms near extraordinary vertices. Computer Aided Geometric Design. 12(2) 153–174 • J. Peters and U. Reif: The simplest subdivision scheme for smoothing polyhedra, ACM Transactions on Graphics 16(4) (October 1997) p. 420-431, doi (http:/ / doi. acm. org/ 10. 1145/ 263834. 263851). • A. Habib and J. Warren: Edge and vertex insertion for a class of C 1 subdivision surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(4) (May 1999) p. 223-247, doi (http:/ / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1016/ S0167-8396(98)00045-4). • L. Kobbelt: √3-subdivision, 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, doi (http:/ / doi. acm. org/ 10. 1145/ 344779. 344835). External links • Resources about Subdvisions (http:/ / www. subdivision. org) • Geri's Game (http:/ / www. pixar. com/ shorts/ gg/ theater/ index. html) : Oscar winning animation by Pixar completed in 1997 that introduced subdivision surfaces (along with cloth simulation) • Subdivision for Modeling and Animation (http:/ / www. multires. caltech. edu/ pubs/ sig99notes. pdf) tutorial, SIGGRAPH 1999 course notes • Subdivision for Modeling and Animation (http:/ / www. mrl. nyu. edu/ dzorin/ sig00course/ ) tutorial, SIGGRAPH 2000 course notes • Subdivision of Surface and Volumetric Meshes (http:/ / www. hakenberg. de/ subdivision/ ultimate_consumer. htm), software to perform subdivision using the most popular schemes • Surface Subdivision Methods in CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (http:/ / www. cgal. org/ Pkg/ SurfaceSubdivisionMethods3)

Subsurface scattering 204 Subsurface scattering Subsurface scattering (or SSS) is a mechanism of light transport in which light penetrates the surface of a translucent object, is scattered by interacting with the material, and exits the surface at a different point. The light will generally penetrate the surface and be reflected a number of times at irregular angles inside the material, before passing back out of the material at an angle other than the angle it would have if it had been reflected directly off the surface. Subsurface scattering is important in 3D computer graphics, being necessary for the realistic rendering of materials such as marble, skin, and milk. Rendering Techniques Most materials used in real-time computer graphics today only account for the interaction of light at the surface of an object. In reality, many materials are slightly translucent: light Direct surface scattering (left), plus subsurface scattering (middle), create the final image on the right. Example of Subsurface scattering made in Blender software. enters the surface; is absorbed, scattered and re-emitted — potentially at a different point. Skin is a good case in point; only about 6% of reflectance is direct, 94% is from subsurface scattering. [1] An inherent property of semitransparent materials is absorption. The further through the material light travels, the greater the proportion absorbed. To simulate this effect, a measure of the distance the light has traveled through the material must be obtained. Depth Map based SSS One method of estimating this distance is to use depth maps [2] , in a manner similar to shadow mapping. The scene is rendered from the light's point of view into a depth map, so that the distance to the nearest surface is stored. The depth map is then projected onto it using standard projective texture mapping and the scene re-rendered. In this pass, when shading a given point, the distance from the light at the point the ray entered the surface can be obtained by a simple texture lookup. By subtracting this value from the point the ray exited the object we can gather an estimate of the distance the light has traveled through the object. Depth estimation using depth maps The measure of distance obtained by this method can be used in several ways. One such way is to use it to index directly into an artist created 1D texture that falls off exponentially with distance. This approach, combined with

Subsurface scattering 204<br />

Subsurface scattering<br />

Subsurface scattering (or SSS) is a<br />

mechanism of light transport in which<br />

light penetrates the surface of a<br />

translucent object, is scattered by<br />

interacting with the material, and exits<br />

the surface at a different point. The<br />

light will generally penetrate the<br />

surface and be reflected a number of<br />

times at irregular angles inside the<br />

material, before passing back out of the<br />

material at an angle other than the<br />

angle it would have if it had been<br />

reflected directly off the surface.<br />

Subsurface scattering is important in<br />

<strong>3D</strong> computer <strong>graphics</strong>, being necessary<br />

for the realistic rendering of materials<br />

such as marble, skin, and milk.<br />

Rendering Techniques<br />

Most materials used in real-time<br />

computer <strong>graphics</strong> today only account<br />

for the interaction of light at the<br />

surface of an object. In reality, many<br />

materials are slightly translucent: light<br />

Direct surface scattering (left), plus subsurface scattering (middle), create the final<br />

image on the right.<br />

Example of Subsurface scattering made in<br />

Blender software.<br />

enters the surface; is absorbed, scattered and re-emitted — potentially at a different point. Skin is a good case in<br />

point; only about 6% of reflectance is direct, 94% is from subsurface scattering. [1] An inherent property of<br />

semitransparent materials is absorption. The further through the material light travels, the greater the proportion<br />

absorbed. To simulate this effect, a measure of the distance the light has traveled through the material must be<br />

obtained.<br />

Depth Map based SSS<br />

One method of estimating this distance is to use depth maps [2] , in a<br />

manner similar to shadow mapping. The scene is rendered from the<br />

light's point of view into a depth map, so that the distance to the nearest<br />

surface is stored. The depth map is then projected onto it using<br />

standard projective texture mapping and the scene re-rendered. In this<br />

pass, when shading a given point, the distance from the light at the<br />

point the ray entered the surface can be obtained by a simple texture<br />

lookup. By subtracting this value from the point the ray exited the<br />

object we can gather an estimate of the distance the light has traveled through the object.<br />

Depth estimation using depth maps<br />

The measure of distance obtained by this method can be used in several ways. One such way is to use it to index<br />

directly into an artist created 1D texture that falls off exponentially with distance. This approach, combined with

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