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3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository

3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository


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Shadow mapping 182<br />

Further reading<br />

• Smooth Penumbra Transitions with Shadow Maps [33] Willem H. de Boer<br />

• Forward shadow mapping [34] does the shadow test in eye-space rather than light-space to keep texture access<br />

more sequential.<br />

• Shadow mapping techniques [35] An overview of different shadow mapping techniques<br />

References<br />

[1] http:/ / www. opengl. org/ registry/ specs/ ARB/ shadow. txt<br />

[2] http:/ / www. opengl. org/ registry/ specs/ ARB/ shadow_ambient. txt<br />

[3] Cascaded shadow maps (http:/ / developer. download. nvidia. com/ SDK/ 10. 5/ opengl/ src/ cascaded_shadow_maps/ doc/<br />

cascaded_shadow_maps. pdf), NVidia, , retrieved 2008-02-14<br />

[4] Tobias Martin, Tiow-Seng Tan. Anti-aliasing and Continuity with Trapezoidal Shadow Maps (http:/ / www. comp. nus. edu. sg/ ~tants/ tsm.<br />

html). . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[5] Michael Wimmer, Daniel Scherzer, Werner Purgathofer. Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps (http:/ / www. cg. tuwien. ac. at/ research/ vr/<br />

lispsm/ ). . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[6] Fan Zhang, Hanqiu Sun, Oskari Nyman. Parallel-Split Shadow Maps on Programmable GPUs (http:/ / appsrv. cse. cuhk. edu. hk/ ~fzhang/<br />

pssm_project/ ). . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[7] "Shadow Map Antialiasing" (http:/ / http. developer. nvidia. com/ GPUGems/ gpugems_ch11. html). NVidia. . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[8] Eric Chan, Fredo Durand, Marco Corbetta. Rendering Fake Soft Shadows with Smoothies (http:/ / people. csail. mit. edu/ ericchan/ papers/<br />

smoothie/ ). . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[9] William Donnelly, Andrew Lauritzen. "Variance Shadow Maps" (http:/ / www. punkuser. net/ vsm/ ). . Retrieved 2008-02-14.<br />

[10] http:/ / http. developer. nvidia. com/ GPUGems3/ gpugems3_ch10. html<br />

[11] http:/ / developer. download. nvidia. com/ SDK/ 10. 5/ opengl/ src/ cascaded_shadow_maps/ doc/ cascaded_shadow_maps. pdf<br />

[12] http:/ / www. cg. tuwien. ac. at/ ~scherzer/ files/ papers/ LispSM_survey. pdf<br />

[13] http:/ / www. comp. nus. edu. sg/ ~tants/ tsm. html<br />

[14] http:/ / www-sop. inria. fr/ reves/ Marc. Stamminger/ psm/<br />

[15] http:/ / http. developer. nvidia. com/ GPUGems/ gpugems_ch11. html<br />

[16] http:/ / www. thomasannen. com/ pub/ gi2008esm. pdf<br />

[17] http:/ / research. edm. uhasselt. be/ ~tmertens/ slides/ csm. ppt<br />

[18] http:/ / citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/ viewdoc/ download?doi=10. 1. 1. 104. 2569& rep=rep1& type=pdf<br />

[19] http:/ / http. developer. nvidia. com/ GPUGems3/ gpugems3_ch08. html<br />

[20] http:/ / developer. download. nvidia. com/ shaderlibrary/ docs/ shadow_PCSS. pdf<br />

[21] http:/ / www. cs. cornell. edu/ ~kb/ publications/ ASM. pdf<br />

[22] http:/ / visual-computing. intel-research. net/ art/ publications/ avsm/<br />

[23] http:/ / free-zg. t-com. hr/ cssm/<br />

[24] http:/ / sites. google. com/ site/ osmanbrian2/ dpsm. pdf<br />

[25] http:/ / <strong>graphics</strong>. pixar. com/ library/ DeepShadows/ paper. pdf<br />

[26] http:/ / www. cs. unc. edu/ ~zhangh/ technotes/ shadow/ shadow. ps<br />

[27] http:/ / gamma. cs. unc. edu/ LOGSM/<br />

[28] http:/ / citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/ viewdoc/ download?doi=10. 1. 1. 59. 3376& rep=rep1& type=pdf<br />

[29] http:/ / www. idav. ucdavis. edu/ func/ return_pdf?pub_id=919<br />

[30] http:/ / visual-computing. intel-research. net/ art/ publications/ sdsm/<br />

[31] http:/ / jgt. akpeters. com/ papers/ Mikkelsen07/ sep_math. pdf<br />

[32] http:/ / <strong>graphics</strong>. stanford. edu/ papers/ silmap/ silmap. pdf<br />

[33] http:/ / www. whdeboer. com/ papers/ smooth_penumbra_trans. pdf<br />

[34] http:/ / www. cs. unc. edu/ ~zhangh/ shadow. html<br />

[35] http:/ / www. gamerendering. com/ category/ shadows/ shadow-mapping/

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