3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository

3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository 3D graphics eBook - Course Materials Repository

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Quaternions and spatial rotation 137 Pairs of unit quaternions as rotations in 4D space A pair of unit quaternions z l and z r can represent any rotation in 4D space. Given a four dimensional vector , and pretending that it is a quaternion, we can rotate the vector like this: It is straightforward to check that for each matrix M M T = I, that is, that each matrix (and hence both matrices together) represents a rotation. Note that since , the two matrices must commute. Therefore, there are two commuting subgroups of the set of four dimensional rotations. Arbitrary four dimensional rotations have 6 degrees of freedom, each matrix represents 3 of those 6 degrees of freedom. Since an infinitesimal four-dimensional rotation can be represented by a pair of quaternions (as follows), all (non-infinitesimal) four-dimensional rotations can also be represented. References [1] Quaternions and rotation Sequences: a Primer with Applications to Orbits, Aerospace, and Virtual Reality. Kuipers, Jack B., Princeton University Press copyright 1999. [2] Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups. Altmann, Simon L., Dover Publications, 1986 (see especially Ch. 12). [3] (http:/ / www. j3d. org/ matrix_faq/ matrfaq_latest. html#Q55), The Java 3D Community Site, Matrix FAQ, Q55 [4] Bar-Itzhack, Itzhack Y. (2000), "New method for extracting the quaternion from a rotation matrix", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics 23 (6): 1085–1087 (Engineering Note), doi:10.2514/2.4654, ISSN 0731-5090 External links and resources • Shoemake, Ken. Quaternions (http:/ / www. cs. caltech. edu/ courses/ cs171/ quatut. pdf) • Simple Quaternion type and operations in more than twenty different languages (http:/ / rosettacode. org/ wiki/ Simple_Quaternion_type_and_operations) on Rosetta Code • Hart, Francis, Kauffman. Quaternion demo (http:/ / graphics. stanford. edu/ courses/ cs348c-95-fall/ software/ quatdemo/ ) • Dam, Koch, Lillholm. Quaternions, Interpolation and Animation (http:/ / www. diku. dk/ publikationer/ tekniske. rapporter/ 1998/ 98-5. ps. gz) • Byung-Uk Lee. Unit Quaternion Representation of Rotation (http:/ / home. ewha. ac. kr/ ~bulee/ quaternion. pdf) • Ibanez, Luis. Quaternion Tutorial I (http:/ / www. itk. org/ CourseWare/ Training/ QuaternionsI. pdf) • Ibanez, Luis. Quaternion Tutorial II (http:/ / www. itk. org/ CourseWare/ Training/ QuaternionsII. pdf) • Vicci, Leandra. Quaternions and Rotations in 3-Space: The Algebra and its Geometric Interpretation (ftp:/ / ftp. cs. unc. edu/ pub/ techreports/ 01-014. pdf) • Howell, Thomas and Lafon, Jean-Claude. The Complexity of the Quaternion Product, TR75-245, Cornell University, 1975 (http:/ / world. std. com/ ~sweetser/ quaternions/ ps/ cornellcstr75-245. pdf)

Quaternions and spatial rotation 138 • Berthold K.P. Horn. Some Notes on Unit Quaternions and Rotation (http:/ / people. csail. mit. edu/ bkph/ articles/ Quaternions. pdf). Radiosity Radiosity is a global illumination algorithm used in 3D computer graphics rendering. Radiosity is an application of the finite element method to solving the rendering equation for scenes with purely diffuse surfaces. Unlike Monte Carlo algorithms (such as path tracing) which handle all types of light paths, typical radiosity methods only account for paths which leave a light source and are reflected diffusely some number of times (possibly zero) before hitting the eye. Such paths are represented as "LD*E". Radiosity calculations are viewpoint independent which increases the computations involved, but makes them useful for all viewpoints. Radiosity methods were first developed in about 1950 in the engineering field of heat transfer. They were later refined specifically for application to the problem of rendering computer graphics in 1984 by researchers at Cornell University. [1] A simple scene (Cornell box) lit both with and without radiosity. Note that in the absence of radiosity, surfaces that are not lit directly (areas in shadow) lack visual detail and are completely dark. Also note that the colour of bounced light from radiosity reflects the colour of the surfaces it bounced off of. Notable commercial radiosity engines are Enlighten by Geomerics, as seen in titles such as Battlefield 3, Need for Speed and others, Lightscape (now incorporated into the Autodesk 3D Studio Max internal render engine), form•Z RenderZone Plus by AutoDesSys, Inc.), the built in render engine in LightWave 3D and ElAS (Electric Image Animation System).

Quaternions and spatial rotation 138<br />

• Berthold K.P. Horn. Some Notes on Unit Quaternions and Rotation (http:/ / people. csail. mit. edu/ bkph/ articles/<br />

Quaternions. pdf).<br />

Radiosity<br />

Radiosity is a global illumination<br />

algorithm used in <strong>3D</strong> computer<br />

<strong>graphics</strong> rendering. Radiosity is an<br />

application of the finite element<br />

method to solving the rendering<br />

equation for scenes with purely diffuse<br />

surfaces. Unlike Monte Carlo<br />

algorithms (such as path tracing) which<br />

handle all types of light paths, typical<br />

radiosity methods only account for<br />

paths which leave a light source and<br />

are reflected diffusely some number of<br />

times (possibly zero) before hitting the<br />

eye. Such paths are represented as<br />

"LD*E". Radiosity calculations are<br />

viewpoint independent which increases<br />

the computations involved, but makes<br />

them useful for all viewpoints.<br />

Radiosity methods were first<br />

developed in about 1950 in the<br />

engineering field of heat transfer. They<br />

were later refined specifically for<br />

application to the problem of rendering<br />

computer <strong>graphics</strong> in 1984 by<br />

researchers at Cornell University. [1]<br />

A simple scene (Cornell box) lit both with and without radiosity. Note that in the absence<br />

of radiosity, surfaces that are not lit directly (areas in shadow) lack visual detail and are<br />

completely dark. Also note that the colour of bounced light from radiosity reflects the<br />

colour of the surfaces it bounced off of.<br />

Notable commercial radiosity engines are Enlighten by Geomerics, as seen in titles such as Battlefield 3, Need for<br />

Speed and others, Lightscape (now incorporated into the Autodesk <strong>3D</strong> Studio Max internal render engine), form•Z<br />

RenderZone Plus by AutoDesSys, Inc.), the built in render engine in LightWave <strong>3D</strong> and ElAS (Electric Image<br />

Animation System).

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