VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy


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<strong>VtM</strong> - Review: Guide to the Sabbat<br />

isn't just a re-hashing and re-vamping of old material either, new secrets and changes are mentioned in<br />

nearly every faction. A resource for both new and old players alike.<br />

The next chapter, Around the Fires, is perhaps where the book shines the strongest. It is here that each<br />

Clan and bloodline in the Sabbat is given the standard two-page spread as a showcase. Done in the<br />

wodnerful vein of the Vampire Revised spreads, this chapter changes many of the glaring holes in the old<br />

Sabbat books. The Assamite antitribu are explained much better. The Serpents of the Light have a life<br />

now. The Ventrue antitribu are more than just Brujah-wannabes. Malkavian and Toreador antitribu are<br />

truly dangerous and depraved. The Gangrel antitribu are animalistic and dangerous. The Blood Brothers<br />

are interesting. The Kiasyd are now reasonable actually frightening, like a vampire should be. I could go<br />

on and on.<br />

What thrills everyone though, are the write-ups for the new bloodines. The Harbingers of Skulls and the<br />

Salubri antitribu are both enticing and mysterious. Both harken to major shake-ups within the undead<br />

society of the World of Darkness, and if the books continue as they are now, it will be an exciting ride<br />

indeed.<br />

Following that is the character creation section, which is a good as really any other. There are some new<br />

merits and flaws and other traits (personality archtypes, backgrounds, etc), but the chapter is more solid<br />

and work-horse than amazing.<br />

The Discipline chapter is nicely done. The higher-level Disciplines are nice, if somewhat underpowered<br />

in some cases. There is a new Necromancy path for the Harbingers. Sanguinus is redone with rules (they<br />

work too, but it's nice to just have rules for them at all) instead of the nasty work in the Storyteller's<br />

Guide. Valeren (specifically the warrior variety) is reintroduced at the hands of the Salubri antitribu,<br />

although it's not fixed from the Dark Ages write-up. New Thaumaturgy Paths and rituals are also<br />

included, both of which are much better than the old Sabbat books (although I do miss the Path of<br />

Morpheus) The best thing in the chapter from my point of view, however, is the reworking of<br />

Mytherceria into something recognizable as a coherent Discipline. Kiasyd fans everywhere should be<br />

happy. The Vicissitude-as-a-disease issue is also dealt with. The "Souleaters!" idea seems to have been<br />

scrapped. Instead, the land to which the Tzimisce are so closely tied has been corrupted, twisting their<br />

Discpiline as well. While I don't have the Transylvania Chronicles myself, I'm told that such a turn of<br />

events is implies in there.<br />

The next chapter is the Path section, and it is here that the book again shines through the old material. A<br />

new Path, the Path of Lillith, is included, and all the old Paths are redone in usable formats. No longer<br />

are they the Paths of What I Was Going to Do Anyway, but actual moral codes. The section also remarks<br />

at how most Sabbat are on the Path of Humanity, if low on it. Merely become Sabbat doesn't put you<br />

upon a monstrous moral code, you have to be taught it. A superb, superb section all around.<br />

Also in this chapter are the auctoritas ritae and ignoblis ritae, and they help turn the "fratboy Sabbat" into<br />

the "religious zealot Sabbat". These ritae are the unifying factor among the Sabbat, and they are written<br />

http://vampirerpg.free.fr/Books/2303.php3 (3 of 4) [6/1/2002 12:20:58 AM]

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