Key - Blaby District Council

Key - Blaby District Council

Key - Blaby District Council


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New<br />

Lubbesthorpe<br />

New Community<br />

Transport Assessment A<br />

(Supplementary Document)<br />

April 2012

New Lubbesthorpe, Leicester<br />

Supplementary Transport Assessment<br />

Hallam Land Management, Barratt Strategic &<br />

Davidson Developments<br />

April 2012

QM<br />

Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3<br />

Remarks<br />

WSP Development and Transportation<br />

Unit 9, The Chase<br />

John Tate Road<br />

Foxholes Business Park<br />

Hertford<br />

SG13 7NN<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1992 526 000<br />

Fax: +44 (0)1992 526 001<br />

http://www.wspgroup.com<br />

Date April 2012<br />

Prepared by Brian Plumb<br />

Signature<br />

Checked by Brian Plumb<br />

Signature<br />

Authorised by Brian Plumb<br />

Signature<br />

Project number 11501693<br />

File reference N/Lubbesthorpe/<br />

Supplementary<br />

TA<br />

WSP UK Limited | Registered Address WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1AF, UK | Reg No. 01383511 England | WSP Group plc | Offices worldwide

Contents<br />

1 Forward 1<br />

2 Introduction 3<br />

3 Existing Site and Local Highway Network 5<br />

4 Planning Policy 10<br />

5 Development Proposals 17<br />

6 Accessibility 20<br />

7 Internal Road Network 25<br />

8 Base Traffic Data and Assessment Parameters 27<br />

9 Accident Analysis 31<br />

10 Phasing 32<br />

11 Travel Plan 34<br />

12 Trip Generation and Distribution 35<br />

13 Link Flow Assessment 45<br />

14 Junction Capacity Assessment 47<br />

15 Public Consultation 62<br />

16 Summary and Conclusions 64

Appendix A Figures<br />

Appendix B Main Site Access Routes<br />

Appendix C Summary of Travel Planning Measures<br />

Appendix D Detailed Modal Flows<br />

Appendix E Detailed Junction Assessment<br />

Appendix F Proposed Improvements - Desford Road Junction<br />

Appendix G Proposed Improvements - Beggars Lane Junction<br />

Appendix H Proposed Improvements - Kirby Lane<br />

Appendix I Proposed Improvements - Baines Lane<br />

Appendix J Bus Lane Improvements along A47<br />

Appendix K Proposed Improvements - Braunstone Lane Crossroads<br />

Appendix L Proposed Improvements - A47/A563 Junction<br />

Appendix M Proposed Improvements - <strong>Blaby</strong> Road/Leicester Lane<br />

Junction<br />

Appendix N Proposed Improvements - Foxhunter Junction<br />

Appendix O Proposed Improvements - Leicester Lane/St Johns<br />

Junction<br />

Appendix P Proposed Improvements to A5460/A563 Link<br />

Appendix Q Proposed Improvements to Beggars Lane/Desford Road<br />

Junction<br />

Appendix R Traffic Calming Proposals<br />

4Supplementary Travel Assessment 4

1 Foreword<br />

1.1.1 This Supplementary Transport Assessment has been prepared on behalf of the<br />

consortium of Hallam Land Management, Barratt Strategic and Davidson Developments<br />

in relation to the application for 4,250 dwellings, retail uses and employment on land to<br />

the west of Leicester, at Lubbesthorpe, <strong>Blaby</strong>. The site location plan is attached at<br />

Figure 1.<br />

1.1.2 The application was supported by a Transport Assessment prepared by<br />

Waterman Boreham, dated January 2011. WSP are now instructed to provide additional<br />

information to supplement the original TA, primarily to address the matters relating to the<br />

Leicestershire and Leicester Integrated Transport Model (LLITM) together with issues<br />

raised through the consultation process. The TA submitted in support of the application<br />

was prepared using the various traffic counts undertaken between 2008 and 2010,<br />

together with modelling of the development within the Central Leicester Traffic Model<br />

(CLTM) and also by the PTolomy transport model. At that time the LLITM was not<br />

available for use in the context of this scheme although the TA made reference to the<br />

model being used in the future to assess the overall impact of the development<br />

proposals. (Ref 10.11 original TA).<br />

1.1.3 The LLITM model became available for the testing of the Lubbesthorpe<br />

development, in the summer of 2011. Accordingly the consortium commissioned<br />

Aecom, via a tendering process organised by LCC, to undertake the modelling of the<br />

scheme within the LLITM model. The LLITM model is a robust WebTAG compliant<br />

integrated model, which is based on assumptions including economic forecasts and<br />

predictions regarding travel behaviour. These assumptions are based on observed base<br />

year data, recent trends and DfT WebTAG forcasting assumptions.<br />

1.1.4 The model has considered the various components of the development and<br />

assessed these against a core network model which excludes this level of development<br />

from this base network. It therefore provides a basis to assess the impact of the<br />

development on the transport network.<br />

1.1.5 This modelling work has now been undertaken with the consortium<br />

commissioning Aecom to assess the scheme within the LLITM model. This instruction<br />

for the further modelling was made at the beginning of August 2011 and Aecom have<br />

now undertaken the detailed modelling work in conjunction with Leicestershire County<br />

<strong>Council</strong> (LCC), with the final model report being issued in January 2012. Accordingly<br />

this Supplementary TA reports on the modelling work, together with addressing issues<br />

raised through the consultation process. The Aecom modelling report whilst not part of<br />

this report is available as part of the submitted documents. The original TA remains a<br />

valid document for the purpose of assessment of the scheme and is referred to within<br />

this Supplementary TA.<br />

1.1.6 Beyond the initial development modelling within LLITM, further modelling has<br />

been undertaken to consider specific issues including the use of Beggars Lane by<br />

development traffic together with traffic in general. Further modelling is also to be<br />

undertaken of the phasing of the development to ensure the mitigation measures are<br />

provided at the appropriate stages of the development. As part of this it will be<br />

necessary to ensure that the impact of the development is no greater though the<br />

development process than at the completion of the development. This work will also<br />

assist in ensuring the appropriate measures are provided to encourage and sustain<br />

alternative modes of transport through and beyond the development phases.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 1

1.1.7 It is anticipated that as part of the travel planning measures on-going<br />

monitoring to ensure the modal split targets are achieved and that if this is not the case,<br />

further measures can be employed to assist in ensuring the targets are met. Accordingly<br />

whilst the supplementary Transport Assessment considers and assesses the impact of<br />

the development, there will remain in place an on-going process of monitoring and<br />

review including <strong>Blaby</strong> D.C, Leicestershire CC and Leicester City <strong>Council</strong>, together with<br />

the consortium to ensure the development achieves the sustainable transport targets<br />

and that the proposed measure provide the appropriate solution to the transport needs<br />

of this part of the transport network.<br />


1.2.1 The report structure follows the format of the original TA picking up on issues<br />

raised through the consultation process of the original TA, and also providing details of<br />

the modelling work undertaken within LLITM. Each section within the original TA is<br />

referenced and any amendments or additions identified. Accordingly the original TA<br />

remains valid and is supported by this supplementary document which in part reiterates<br />

elements of the original TA.<br />

1.2.2 The other matter addressed within this report relates to the changes that have<br />

occurred by way of consented schemes which will need to be considered within this<br />

supplementary TA which are not specifically dealt with as part of the LLITM model. This<br />

primarily relates to the Glenfield site which has now received a planning consent<br />

following the planning appeal. Details of that scheme have been obtained from the<br />

Highway Authority and considered as part of this detailed appraisal. The LLITM does<br />

include for further residential and employment growth beyond that of Lubbesthorpe<br />

within <strong>Blaby</strong>, but not specifically at this location and hence the Glenfield site will be<br />

included in the detailed junction appraisal.<br />

1.2.3 Accordingly the report format follows the original TA format and where sections<br />

of the report have not altered or remain valid this is identified.<br />

2 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

2 Introduction<br />


2.1.1 WSP have now been instructed by the consortium in November 2011, taking<br />

over from the previous work undertaken by Waterman Boreham. The scheme proposals<br />

remain as set out in the original TA, that being for up to 4,250 dwellings, retail uses,<br />

community facilities, schools and employment land to the west of Leicester at <strong>Blaby</strong>.<br />

The land was identified in the <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s emerging Local Development<br />

Framework as a Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) together with the Strategic<br />

Employment Site (SES).<br />

2.1.2 The site has been considered a part of the evidence basis to the LDF process,<br />

with a report produced by Scott Wilson for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, “Assessment of<br />

Transport Implications”, dated July 2009. The original TA made reference to that<br />

document, together with undertaking further strategic modelling making use of the<br />

Central Leicester Traffic Model (CLTM) and PTolomy model. As part of the TA, scoping<br />

discussions were held with the Highways Agency, <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Leicester City<br />

<strong>Council</strong> and Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>. Details of these are within the original TA.<br />

2.1.3 In considering the structure of this report, it follows the same format at the<br />

original TA and where appropriate reiterates elements of the original TA. Accordingly<br />

section 3 considers the local highway network and the extent of the network being<br />

assessed. This area has extended following the original TA submissions and the LLITM<br />

modelling. As part of this section the bus and cycle network are identified with this<br />

information updating the work originally included in the TA.<br />

2.1.4 Section 4 reviews the site against the relevant policy and reiterates that stated<br />

in the TA whilst including further references that were raised in the consultation process.<br />

2.1.5 The description of the development proposals as modelled in the LLITM model<br />

are included at Section 5, together with reiterating the principle highway infrastructure<br />

being provided and sustainable transport measures.<br />

2.1.6 Section 6 deals with the sites accessibility to modes other than the car<br />

including access to existing Public Rights of Way, cycle links etc. Section 7 reiterates<br />

the internal road network as set out in the original TA.<br />

2.1.7 Section 8 reviews the base line the traffic data and the basis of assessment<br />

within the LLITM model and the changes to the various parameters which were<br />

considered as part of the original TA.<br />

2.1.8 Section 9 of the original TA considered the accident data over the past 5 years.<br />

This is considered to remain valid and has therefore not been repeated in this<br />

Supplementary TA.<br />

2.1.9 Section 10 reviews the phasing of the development and highlights the key<br />

changes proposed in this regard.<br />

2.1.10 The travel plan measures are outlined in section 11 addressing the key points<br />

raised through the consultation process. The residential and employment travel plans<br />

have been updated and are provided as separate documents.<br />

2.1.11 Section 12 considers the trip generation and distribution as identified in the<br />

LLITM model and compares this with the work undertaken in the original TA. Based on<br />

these changes to traffic as identified in the LLITM model sections 13 and 14 assess the<br />

link and junction capacities on the extended study network.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 3

2.1.12 Section 15 then reviews the consultation process, with section 16 providing the<br />

overall summary to the Supplementary TA. Whilst this document has been prepared as<br />

a stand alone report to consider the LLITM assessment and address matters raised in<br />

the consultation process it should be read in conjunction with the original TA and the<br />

original TA still remains a valid document.<br />

4 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

3 Existing Site and Local Highway Network<br />


3.1.1 As part of this section details are provided of the surrounding highway network<br />

as originally set out in the TA. In addition to this further details are provided of the<br />

extended area of consideration as required by Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> and<br />

Leicester City <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

3.1.2 The site forms two parts, the northern area of land is bounded by residential<br />

properties of Leicester Forest East to the north, the M1 to the east, M69 to the south and<br />

Beggars Lane to the west. The second part of the site is located to the south and is<br />

bounded by the M69 to the north, M1 to the east, Leicester Lane to the south and Mill<br />

Hill to the west. The site location plan attached in Figure 1 identifies the key transport<br />

routes within the vicinity of the site and also the areas of general assessment as a<br />

consequence of the LLITM modelling. This area has been extended beyond the original<br />

area assessed within the TA, and reflects the discussions with LCC together with the<br />

general impact of the development as taken from the LLITM modelling.<br />


M1<br />

3.2.1 The M1 forms the eastern boundary of the site and runs to the west of<br />

Leicester. The M1 is a north – south arterial route stretching 193 miles between London<br />

to the north of England at Leeds. The M1 provides links to major centres including<br />

Milton <strong>Key</strong>nes, Luton, Leicester, Derby, Nottingham and Sheffield. The M1 provides<br />

access to southwest Leicester via Junction 21 and northwest of Leicester via Junction<br />

21a.<br />

3.2.2 To the southeast of the site the M1 connects to the M69 and A5460 via<br />

Junction 21, via a large roundabout. The strategic network suffers congestion with<br />

queuing at peak time on the motorway as a consequence of traffic exiting at Junction 21<br />

and also traffic moving between the M1 and M69. The primary congestion at Junction<br />

21 relates to traffic in the AM peak exiting the M1 to access Leicester, and in the PM<br />

peak traffic exiting Leicester to access the M1.<br />


3.2.3 In relation to the strategic network measures were proposed for the M1<br />

between Junction 21 and 30 including widening over parts of this section. Specifically to<br />

the north of Junction 21 consideration was given to the introduction of active traffic<br />

management (ATM) which would operate at peak times and improve the flow and the<br />

operational performance of the motorway at these times. However, to achieve such<br />

ATM measures, it would be necessary to achieve a full hard shoulder over this section of<br />

the M1. This is currently restricted by the Leicester Forest East motorway services and<br />

also the farm accommodation bridge serving the land to the west of the motorway, the<br />

development site. These works are currently on hold as part of the Government<br />

Spending review. The proposed measures are taken into account in the application.<br />

M69<br />

3.2.4 The M69 forms the southern boundary of the SUE site, with the SES site lying<br />

to the south of the M69. The M69 runs between <strong>Blaby</strong> and Coventry and between the<br />

M1 and M6 on the northeast – southwest alignment. The eastern end of the M69<br />

terminates at its junction with the M1, access onto the M1 north is via a free flow slip<br />

road. Access to the M1 south and A5460 is taken via the M1 Junction 21 roundabout.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 5


3.2.5 In addition to the ATM scheme proposed on the M1, consideration has been<br />

given to the provision of free flowing slip roads between the M1 to the north of junction<br />

21 and the M69. To achieve such slip roads, the Leicester Forest Services would be<br />

closed and would need relocating to maintain core MSA facilities on this part of the<br />

strategic road network.<br />

3.2.6 The timing of the delivery of the M1 upgrading including the ATM and also the<br />

M1 / M69 roads has been assumed post 2015. However, as with the M1 improvement<br />

these proposals are being reviewed as part of the new regional highways strategy for the<br />

Midlands, but an account has been taken of these proposals in the application and a<br />

reserve corridor is identified.<br />



3.3.1 Beggars Lane forms the western boundary of the site and runs between the<br />

A47 Hinckley Road to the north and the B582 Desford Road to the south. Beggars Lane<br />

is single carriageway and predominantly rural in character although in part is fronted by<br />

residential development associated with Leicester Forest East to the north and Enderby<br />

to the south.<br />

3.3.2 The northern end of Beggars Lane forms a signalised junction with the A47<br />

Hinckley Road. The Beggars Lane arm of the junction has a 30mph speed limit,<br />

provided with street lighting and subject to a 7.5 tonne weight limit. No footways are<br />

provided in the immediate vicinity of the signalised junction on Beggars Lane. However,<br />

a wide footway is provided on the eastern side of Beggars Lane to the south of the<br />

junction with Mallards Close and is associated with the residential properties that front<br />

the southbound carriageway. This footway continues in a southerly direction on the<br />

eastern side of Beggars Lane until a point 100 metres to the south of the junction with<br />

Forest House Lane.<br />

3.3.3 Beggars Lane takes on a rural character to the south of the Leicester Forest<br />

East residential area and reverts to national speed limit with no street lighting or footpath<br />

provision. Beggars Lane forms a priority junction with Lubbesthorpe Bridle Road which<br />

is a single carriageway road, with passing places, and runs on a northwest/southeast<br />

alignment through the site linking with the A5460 to the east.<br />

3.3.4 Continuing southward Beggars Lane is bound by agricultural fields until it<br />

reaches the northern boundary of Enderby and forms a signalised crossroad junction<br />

with Desford Road. The Beggars Lane northern arm of the junction is provided with a<br />

left turn lane and combined ahead and right turn lane. No pedestrian crossing facilities<br />

are provided at this junction. The southern arm of the Beggars Lane junction serves an<br />

industrial area and is provided with footways on both sides with street lighting and is<br />

subject to a 30mph speed limit.<br />


3.3.5 The A47 provides a link from the west of Leicester to the City Centre and<br />

provides a route from Hinckley to Leicester.<br />

3.3.6 Travelling in the westbound direction from the signalised junction with Beggars<br />

Lane the A47 is subject to a 30mph speed limit with street lighting and a footway on the<br />

6 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

northern side. In addition, an on-road cycleway is provided on the eastbound<br />

carriageway. The A47 reverts to the national speed limit once at the western edge of<br />

Leicester Forest East. The northern footway provision also stops at the residential<br />

boundary. Approximately a mile west from the junction with Beggars Lane the A47<br />

forms a staggered arrangement signalised junction with the B582 Desford Road and<br />

Leicester Lane. The Leicester Lane arm of the junction is subject to a 40mph speed limit<br />

and is provided with a combined ahead and left turn and right turn lane.<br />


3.3.7 The A47 Hinckley Road to the east of Beggars Lane runs on a west to east<br />

alignment through the middle of Leicester City Centre. It also provides links to the A563<br />

Leicester outer ring road.<br />

3.3.8 To the east of Beggars Lane the A47 Hinckley Road is subject to a 40mph<br />

speed limit with residential development and associated footways on both sides of the<br />

carriageway. The A47 is also provided with central hatching and regular traffic islands<br />

that accommodate uncontrolled pedestrian crossing facilities. Cycle lanes are provided<br />

on both sides of the carriageway for approximately 50 metres to the east of the junction<br />

with Beggars Lane and start again to the east between Warren Lane and Ellis Drive,<br />

where they terminate.<br />

3.3.9 The A47 Hinckley Road forms a signalised Y junction arrangement with Kirby<br />

Lane to the west of the M1 which links to Kirby Muxloe. An uncontrolled pedestrian<br />

crossing is located on the Kirby Lane arm of the junction and on the A47 Hinckley Road<br />

western arm. The eastern A47 arm of the junction is not provided with any pedestrian<br />

facilities. A stand alone signalised pedestrian crossing is provided to the east of the<br />

junction adjacent to a convenience food store.<br />

3.3.10 The A47 crosses the M1 via a bridge and cycle lanes are located on both sides<br />

of the carriageway. Approximately 500 metres to the east of the M1, the A47 forms a<br />

signalised cross road with Braunstone Lane and B5380 Ratby Lane. Ratby Lane<br />

provides access to the M1 via Junction 21 (a) (southbound), access from the M1 at the<br />

junction, can only be achieved if travelling northbound. In addition, Ratby Lane<br />

accesses the A46 which runs to the north of Leicester. Braunstone Lane, the southern<br />

arm, is provided with a staggered signalised pedestrian crossing. The eastern Hinckley<br />

Road arm of the junction is also provided with a controlled signalised pedestrian<br />

crossing, no other crossing facilities are provided at this junction.<br />

3.3.11 Ratby Lane also provides access to the Meynells Gorse Park and Ride Site<br />

approximately 200 metres north of the A47 junction. Approximately 1 mile to the east of<br />

the M1 the A47 forms a signalised roundabout junction with the A563 New Parks Way<br />

(Leicester Ring Road). Bus lanes are provided on the A47 in both directions, from the<br />

Meynells Gorse Park and Ride site to the city centre although they are not continuous<br />

over the route.<br />

3.3.12 Beyond the A47/A563 junction the route of the A47 to the city, is primarily a<br />

single carriageway with a series of signal controlled junctions together with various side<br />

road accesses which are uncontrolled. The key junctions along this route are:-<br />

Cort Crescent<br />

Wyngate Drive/Woodville Road<br />

Fosse Road North<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 7

Narborough Road North/Tudor Road<br />

St. Nicholas Circle<br />

Congestion exists along this route in the am and pm peak periods with little opportunity<br />

to improve capacity within the extent of the public highway.<br />


3.3.13 The A563 is effectively Leicester’s outer ring road and as such is primarily for<br />

the movement of traffic and links with a number of other roads including M1 / M69, A47,<br />

A5460, A426, A5199, A6 and A6030. To the south of the signalised junction with the<br />

A47 no footway or pedestrian facilities are provided. To the south of the A47 the A563 is<br />

single carriageway to the south of Braunstone Lane bridge. Beyond this point the road<br />

becomes a dualled link, the A563 provides on and off slips to access Meridian Way and<br />

associated retail employment and residential areas. Further to the south the A563 also<br />

provides access to the Fosse Park area, Grove Park and links to lane A5460 and the<br />

M1/M69.<br />

3.3.14 North of the A47/A563 junction the A563 New Parks Way is a dualled<br />

carriageway up to the roundabout junction with Scudamore Road.<br />


3.3.15 Meridian Way runs to the west of the A563 and provides access to Thorpe<br />

Astley and associated residential and retail development.<br />

3.3.16 Meridian Way forms roundabout junctions either side of the A563 which<br />

connect to the on and off slip roads. The eastern most roundabout provides access to a<br />

leisure, cinema and David Lloyd fitness centre, via the eastern arm and the southbound<br />

carriageway of the A563. The roundabout located to the west of the A563 provides<br />

access to the northbound carriageway of the A563 via the northern Withers Way arm. A<br />

bridge links the two roundabouts and crosses the A563. Footways are provided on both<br />

sides of the bridge and around both roundabouts. Uncontrolled pedestrian facilities are<br />

provided on all arms of the two roundabouts.<br />

3.3.17 To the west of the A563 Meridian Way is a dual carriageway until the<br />

roundabout junction with Foxon Way and Meridian Way East where it reverts to single<br />

carriageway. Combined cycleway footways are provided on both sides of Meridian Way<br />

for the dual carriageway section.<br />

A5460<br />

3.3.18 The A5460 runs between Junction 21 of the M1 / M69 to the A47 west of<br />

Leicester. Four lanes are provided between the A563 and the M1 and in a westerly<br />

direction and 3 lanes in an easterly direction. To the east of the junction with the A563<br />

the A5460 reduces to three lanes in both directions and forms a large signalised junction<br />

with Fosse Park Avenue and the B4114. The A5460 then continues in a north easterly<br />

direction linking to the A47 to the west of Leicester City Centre.<br />

B582<br />

3.3.19 The B582 links to the A47 at the Desford Cross Roads as described above and<br />

connects to the B4114 to the south. To the south of the Desford Road junction with the<br />

A47 is the signal controlled junction of the B582 with Beggars Lane. This junction also<br />

8 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

serves as access to the Next development. This junction is relatively constrained with<br />

little opportunity to improve the junction and experience peak hour congestion.<br />

3.3.20 Further to the south on the B582, is the signalised junction of <strong>Blaby</strong> road with<br />

Leicester Lane. Again this is a constrained junction with little or no opportunity to<br />

improve the junction, which also experiences peak period congestion with queuing on<br />

the B582 approaches to the junction.<br />

3.3.21 The junction of the B582 and B4114 is known locally as the Foxhunter junction<br />

and is a partially signalised roundabout junction with the B582 north leg remaining<br />

unsignalised, together with a remote pedestrian crossing facility. Again this is a<br />

congested junction in the peak hours.<br />

B4114<br />

3.3.22 To the north of the Foxhunter Roundabout the B4114 links to the Fosse Park<br />

junctions and the A563. However, prior to the A563 junction, is the signalised junction of<br />

Narborough Road/St John’s, with Leicester Lane. Currently this junction restricts traffic<br />

from Leicester Lane turning tight to the B4114 and necessitates all movements to turn<br />

left to the Fosse Park junction. This junction also provdes access to the police<br />

headquarters.<br />

3.3.23 In addition to the above routes around the site, this Supplementary TA will<br />

consider the effect of the development on the A47 corridor into the city centre, the routes<br />

around Kirby Muxloe and areas to the south of the site to the junction of the B4114 and<br />

B582. These areas are illustrated in the plan attached at Figure 2 and generally reflect<br />

the comments made by the Highway Authorities regarding the scope and extent of the<br />

highway network.<br />

3.3.24 The assessment of the existing network is considered as part of the junction<br />

assessment and link flow assessments included in sections 13 and 14 of this report.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 9

4 Planning Policy<br />


4.1.1 The Planning Policy identified in the original TA is considered to remain<br />

relevant and is therefore reiterated below. In addition reference is also made to the 6C’s<br />

Design Guide together with Manual for Streets and Manual for Streets 2.<br />

4.1.2 Set out below is the relevant policy background relating to transportation<br />

planning.<br />


4.1.3 The key objectives of PPG13 are to integrate planning and transport at<br />

national, strategic and local level. The objectives seek to promote more sustainable<br />

transport choices and reduce the need to travel especially by car.<br />

4.1.4 When PPG13 was published in March 2001, the then Planning Minister, Nick<br />

Raynsford said:<br />

“PPG13 is about getting the right development in the right place and ensuring people<br />

have a choice in transport.”<br />

4.1.5 This statement remains valid today and is wholly pertinent in the context of the<br />

selection of a site or sites within the East Midlands. The location of development<br />

proposal to the West of Leicester in <strong>Blaby</strong> is considered to provide the right development<br />

in the right place not only ensuring that people have a choice in transport, but also easy<br />

access to established local facilities.<br />

4.1.6 PPG13 identifies at paragraph 6 that when preparing development plans Local<br />

Authorities should:<br />

“accommodate housing principally with existing urban areas planning for increased<br />

intensity of development for both housing and other uses at locations which are highly<br />

accessibly by public transport, walking and cycling.”<br />


4.1.7 When considering PPS3, Paragraph 10 considers, “Planning for housing policy<br />

objectives”. This states:<br />

“These housing policy objectives provide the context for planning for housing through<br />

development plans and planning discussions. The specific outcomes that the planning<br />

system should deliver are:<br />

Housing developments in suitable locations which offer a good range of community<br />

facilities, and with good access to jobs, key services and infrastructure.”<br />

4.1.8 In the context of achieving high quality housing, paragraph 18 states:<br />

“To facilitate efficient delivery of high quality development, Local Planning Authorities<br />

should draw on relevant guidance and standards15 and promote the use of appropriate<br />

tools and techniques such as design coding alongside urban design guidelines, detailed<br />

masterplans, village design statements, site briefs and community participation<br />

techniques.”<br />

4.1.9 This quote references as relevant guidance and standards, Manual for Streets.<br />

Whilst the quote refers to the original Manual for Streets, Manual for Streets 2 has<br />

recently been published which provides a comparison guide to the original document. In<br />

terms of walkable neighbourhoods, Manual for Streets states at paragraph 4.4.1:<br />

10 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

“Walkable neighbourhoods are typically characterised by having a range of facilities<br />

within 10 minutes’ (up to about 800m) walking distance of residential areas which<br />

residents may access comfortably on foot. However, this is not an upper limit and<br />

PPS13 states that walking offers the greatest potential to replace short car trips,<br />

particularly those under 2km. MfS encourages a reduction in the need to travel by car<br />

through the creation of mixed use neighbourhoods with interconnected street patterns,<br />

where daily needs are within walking distance of most residents.”<br />

4.1.10 This reference to walking distances is an important consideration in the content<br />

of the development of the site, too often authorities are fixed on a distance of 400m to<br />

bus stops and 800m to Town Centres. However, it must be recognised in the context of<br />

new developments that whilst these may be goals to set for walking distances to<br />

appropriate facilities they are not the maximum distances people are prepared to walk.<br />

In practice it is about the quality of the walking environment and facilities at the trip end<br />

that determines the distance people are willing to travel.<br />

4.1.11 The Scott Wilson report for <strong>Blaby</strong> refers to para 2.3.3 to the DfT document,<br />

“Building Sustainable Transport into New Development”. This identifies that the internal<br />

layout of developments can be important in minimising car trips by:-<br />

“Using traditional compact town layouts. Walking neighbourhoods are typically<br />

characterised as having a range of facilities within 10mins walking distance (around<br />

800m). However, the propensity to walk or cycle is not only influenced by distance but<br />

also the quality of the experience; people may be willing to walk or cycle further where<br />

their surroundings are more attractive, safe and stimulating”.<br />

Accordingly it is considered that the 800m is not necessarily an upper ceiling on walk<br />

distances within a well designed neighbourhood. In any event this is achieved for the<br />

application site in the context of access to the local centres.<br />

4.1.12 The Institute of Highways and Transportation: Guidelines for Providing for<br />

Journeys on Foot (2000) highlights the significance of one mile in terms of walking<br />

journeys in urban areas (paragraph 3.3):<br />

“Approximately 80% of walk journeys and walk stages in urban areas are less than one<br />

mile. The average length of a walk journey is one kilometre (0.6 miles). This differs little<br />

by age or sex and has remained constant since 1975/76. However, this varies according<br />

to location. Average walking distances are longest in Inner London. The main factors<br />

that influence both walking distances and walking time in a city or town centre appear to<br />

be the size of the city or town itself, the shape and the quality of the pedestrianised area,<br />

the type of shops and number of activities carried out.”<br />

4.1.13 At paragraph 36, PPS3 addresses the issue of providing housing in suitable<br />

locations:<br />

“In support of its objective of creating mixed and sustainable communities, the<br />

Government’s policy is to ensure that housing is developed in suitable locations which<br />

offer a range of community facilities and with good access to jobs, key services and<br />

infrastructure. This should be achieved by making effective use of land and existing<br />

infrastructure...”<br />


4.1.14 Accessibility Planning is an initiative which forms part of the policy commitment<br />

to improving social inclusion. It is highlighted in Annex B of PPS12 under the heading<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11

“Integration of Transport and Land-use Policies”. It also links directly to the aims of PPS3<br />

in seeking to ensure new housing has good access to jobs, key services and<br />

infrastructure. It is, however, primarily focussed on delivering good accessibility to shops<br />

and services for all sections of society. The recently published Accessibility Planning<br />

Guidance makes clear the key objectives:<br />

“Improving social inclusion lies at the heart of Government policies. The Government<br />

wants to improve access to opportunities, and enable individuals and communities to<br />

realise their potential. Achieving these aims means making sure everyone can get to<br />

work, schools, healthcare, food shops and other key services.” (paragraph 1 –<br />

Summary)<br />

4.1.15 Paragraph 2 of the Summary provides further details about what accessibility<br />

planning aims to achieve:<br />

“This guidance sets out how the accessibility problems faced by people from<br />

disadvantaged groups and areas can be identified and addressed through local transport<br />

plans (LTPs) and local authorities’ other functions, and through working with local<br />

partners. It builds on the Social Exclusion Unit report Making Connections, which<br />

demonstrated the importance of transport and accessibility to social inclusion, and sets<br />

out a cross-Government strategy for improving access to the services with the greatest<br />

impact on life opportunities – jobs, health care, learning and food shops.”<br />


4.1.16 As part of the Government’s commitment to localism and decentralisation,<br />

Ministers announced in May 2010 the Governments intention to abolish Government<br />

Office for The East Midlands. However, for the purposes of this report the aspirations of<br />

the Regional Transport Strategy are identified as it is considered relevant to this<br />

development proposal until such time that an alternative local strategy is put in place.<br />

4.1.17 The Regional Transport Strategy (RTS) focuses on encouraging the developing<br />

of sustainable travel patterns through:<br />

Reducing the need to travel, especially by car, and managing traffic growth and<br />

congestion;<br />

Significantly improving opportunities for walking and cycling;<br />

Improving the reliability, capacity, quality, accessibility and coverage of the public<br />

transport network;<br />

Making better use of existing transport networks through better management, and<br />

Only developing additional highway capacity when all other measures have been<br />

considered.<br />

4.1.18 When considering the Region Transport Strategy, paragraph 4.2.27 and 4.2.28<br />

states:<br />

“4.2.27. The housing strategy for the Leicester and Leicestershire HMA is one which<br />

focusses on the existing Leicester Urban Area, initially by capitalising on its substantial<br />

urban capacity. However, this will be insufficient to meet all the proposed provision to<br />

2026, and later in the plan period, this will need to be met by planned sustainable urban<br />

extensions”.<br />

12 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

“4.2.28. In considering the areas of search for these urban extensions, regard has been<br />

had to an assessment of constraints and opportunities around Leicester. The best<br />

opportunities to meet the bulk of the additional provision for the PUA lie west of Leicester<br />

in <strong>Blaby</strong> and north of Leicester in Charnwood”.<br />


(LTP3)<br />

4.1.19 Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> adopted their Local Transport Plan (LTP3) in the<br />

1 April 2011. The key policy objectives are identified below:-<br />

“We will work through the planning system to seek to minimise the potential<br />

transportation impacts of population growth on the efficient and reliable operation of our<br />

transport system.<br />

Our approach to doing this will include:-<br />

a) Seeking to ensure that district council proposals for new development set out in<br />

their Development Plan documents, and proposals put forward by others, are<br />

underpinned by credible and robust transportation evidence.<br />

b) Maximising the use of our existing transport system by seeking to deliver new<br />

development in areas that are already able to be well served by walking, cycling<br />

and public transport.<br />

c) Inputting into the masterplanning of the new development, especially the<br />

Sustainable Urban Extensions around the edges of Leicester and the county towns,<br />

to ensure that they are designed from the outset to provide high quality, safe<br />

facilities to encourage walking and cycling and (as appropriate) public transport<br />

access/use.<br />

Note that through the planning system, we will seek to resist proposals that do not<br />

achieve these things.<br />

d) Monitoring the effectiveness of measures that are implemented to support new<br />

development, in particular the Sustainable Urban Extensions, and use the<br />

information generated to inform decisions about our future approach.<br />

e) Helping to secure and co-ordinate the funding and provision of the significant<br />

transportation infrastructure (likely to include some new road building), required to<br />

provide access to and support the Sustainable Urban Extensions around the edges<br />

of Leicester and the county towns.<br />

In seeking to minimise the impacts of development proposals put forward by others, it is<br />

important that we seek to reduce the potential levels of travel generated by population<br />

growth, not only in the interests of maintaining a transport system that is capable of<br />

effectively meeting the economic needs of the sub-region, but also in seeking to reduce<br />

the cost of new transport infrastructure that is required to support the growth agenda.<br />

We recognise, however, that this may still entail new road building schemes, for<br />

example the proposed route around Melton Mowbray, which would open up land for<br />

housing development.<br />


The sections that follow provide more details of what we will be doing to deliver the key<br />

elements of our long-term strategy to encourage more active and sustainable travel.<br />

Whilst we recognise the vital importance of our efforts to reduce CO2 output from our<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 13

transport system and support healthier lifestyles, we cannot concentrate on all aspects<br />

of our approach at once and afford them all the same priority within our available<br />

resources. Our first Implementation Plan identifies the things that we will be doing in the<br />

first three years of LTP3 to deliver our long-term strategy and explains how we will<br />

monitor and review progress to ensure that our approach remains relevant and robust.<br />

Chapter 11 of this strategy provides the context for our first Implementation Plan, and<br />

thus the context in which we have made decisions regarding which aspects of our<br />

approach to encouraging more active and sustainable travel we take forward in the first<br />

three years of LTP3.<br />

We will work through the planning system to seek to reduce the need to travel.<br />

We will do this by:<br />

a) Seeking to promote and support land-use planning policies that are developed by<br />

others that aim to reduce the need for existing residents to travel outside their local<br />

area. For example, the provision of supported office accommodation that would<br />

enable someone to work more locally on occasions rather than travel to work<br />

outside their local area.<br />

b) Maximising the use of our existing transport system by seeking to deliver new<br />

developments in areas that are already able to be well served by walking , cycling<br />

and public transport.<br />

c) Seeking to ensure that new development proposals put forward by others are either<br />

supported by an appropriate range of facilities that reduce the need to travel off-site<br />

or, when necessary to travel off-site, travel distances are minimised and genuine,<br />

safe, high quality choices are available (or can be provided) for people to walk,<br />

cycle and use public transport to access facilities and service nearby.<br />

d) Inputting into the masterplanning of new developments to ensure that they are<br />

designed from the outset to provide high quality, safe facilities to encourage<br />

walking, cycling and public transport access and use. We will focus particularly on<br />

the sustainable Urban Extensions that are planned for the edges of Leicester and<br />

some of our county towns.<br />

e) Seeking to ensure that new development proposals put forward by others are<br />

supported, as appropriate, by travel plans. Such travel plans should seek to reduce<br />

travel by car and be backed up a target-driven monitoring and reporting programme<br />

that will allow the effectiveness of the travel plan in changing travel behaviour to be<br />

assessed. It is suggested that such travel plans should also contain the<br />

requirement for penalty charges to be introduced where targets are not met.<br />

f) Using wider planning policies to promote and help enable travel by walking, cycling<br />

and public transport. Ensuring land use and transport planning are properly<br />

integrated throughout the planning process is vital to reducing the need to travel<br />

and to encouraging travel by public transport, bike or on foot. This is particularly<br />

important given the level of growth planned for Leicester and Leicestershire.<br />

It should be noted the through the planning system, we will, as appropriate, seek to<br />

resist proposals that would likely result in adverse impacts on our efforts to encourage<br />

modal shift away from the private motor car.”<br />

14 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693


4.1.20 The Leicester City council LTP3 includes the transport objectives which are the<br />

focus to the City <strong>Council</strong>’s transport strategies. These are:-<br />

Reduce congestion and improve journey times<br />

Improve connectivity and access<br />

Improve safety, security and health<br />

Improve air quality and reduce noise<br />

Reduce carbon emissions<br />

Manage to better maintain transport assets<br />

Improve quality of life.<br />

4.1.21 The development proposal will provide opportunities to use modes other than<br />

the private or by providing a regular and frequent bus service between the site and the<br />

city centre, as well as providing links with the surrounding employment areas. In<br />

addition, cycle routes will be provided within the site, linking with the existing cycle route<br />

infrastructure.<br />

4.1.22 It is clear that by providing the right location and appropriate infrastructure, the<br />

objective of the RTS can be achieved and that the land West of Leicester in <strong>Blaby</strong> is<br />

such a location. In this regard, studies have been undertaken by Leicestershire County<br />

<strong>Council</strong> to support the RTS with a technical report produced in April 2007. Whilst work<br />

identified specific issues which would need to be addressed the overall conclusion<br />

states:<br />

“Given the above, there is no material cause to revise the conclusions reached in the<br />

previous work that a sustainable urban extension to the north of Leicester and one to the<br />

west could be accommodated in transport terms.”<br />

4.1.23 The aims and objectives of the city and counties LTP’s are key to the selection<br />

of the PUA site, and this STA seeks to ensure that the development addresses these<br />

issues in the context of the impact on the transport network, and also in the context of<br />

improving the current conditions.<br />

4.1.24 The LTP includes measures to enhance bus and cycle travel. Currently, park<br />

and ride bus facilities exist on the A47, the Quicksilver Shuttle, together with the Enderby<br />

and Birstall Park and Ride sites. The Enderby site makes use of the A47 bus priority<br />

corridor into the city routing buses along the Ring Road up to the A47. There are a<br />

number of existing cycle routes to the west of Leicester with measures proposed to<br />

extend these further. More information on this is provided in Section 5.<br />

4.1.25 Clearly, it is particularly important given the growth in employment together with<br />

the retail areas at Fosse Park and around junction 21, to improve transport links within<br />

this area for non car modes and also ensure good links exist between this area and the<br />

City Centre.<br />


4.1.26 As has been identified as part of the LDF process, an assessment of the<br />

transport implications of the various potential sustainable urban extensions was<br />

undertaken by Scott Wilson on behalf of <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. This report was<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 15

published in July 2009 and reference to this is made in the subsequent sections of this<br />

report.<br />


4.1.27 The design of the site and internal road layout will be in accordance with 6C’s<br />

Design Guide. This provides guidance on matters of highway and transportation<br />

infrastructure. The revised edition published in November 2011 aims to include the<br />

principles contained in Manual for Streets (MfS).<br />


4.1.28 Manual for Streets published in 2007 gives guidance on the design of<br />

residential streets. This recognises that most highways in built up areas can be<br />

considered as streets and that streets with direct access can accommodate volumes of<br />

traffic in excess of 10,000 vehicles per day, and far in excess of that likely on the main<br />

routes within the proposed development site.<br />


4.1.29 Manual for Streets 2 was published in September 2010 and applies the<br />

principles developed in Manual for Streets more widely.<br />

16 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

5 Development Proposals<br />


5.1.1 The development proposals were set out in detail in the original TA and also<br />

within the Design and Access Statement, and these remain valid. However, for the<br />

purpose of the modelling work within the LLITM, more specific information was given of<br />

the development proposals and this is set out below.<br />

5.1.2 For the purpose of the LLITM model the development has been identified as<br />

follows.<br />

Residential – 4250 dwellings of which;<br />

5% - 1 bedroom<br />

25-30% - 2 bedroom<br />

25-30% - 3 bedroom<br />

30-35% 4 bedroom<br />

5-10% 5+ bedrooms<br />

<strong>District</strong> Centre;<br />

Retail – 5,460m²<br />

Community – 1,500m²<br />

Business – 2,000m²<br />

Health – 1,200m²<br />

Local Centres – 2 No. Local Centres each comprising;<br />

Retail – 1,240m²<br />

Community – 1,400m²<br />

Business/Workspace – 500m²<br />

Local Convenience Shop – 185m²<br />

Education – 2 No. Primary Schools, 1 No. Secondary School<br />

Strategic Employment – 100,000m²<br />

5.1.3 Attached at Figure 3 is a zoning plan which identifies the zones within the<br />

model and within which the various components of the development have been split.<br />

Within the residential areas it is assumed that 70% will be private housing and 30%<br />

being rented.<br />


5.2.1 The main infrastructure is identified in the zoning plan attached at Figure 3. Of<br />

this infrastructure it is assumed that the main routes within the site are provided a 6m<br />

wide roads with 3m pedestrian/cycle routes to both sides. The speed limit will be 30mph<br />

over the majority of the main routes with this being reduced to 20mph through the local<br />

and district centres as identified on the plan. As the route to the south leaves the<br />

residential area it is anticipated that the speed of the road would increase to 40mph prior<br />

to crossing the M69 and up to the junction with Leicester lane. The width of this road<br />

would also widen to 7.3m to serve the employment area.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 17

5.2.2 The route across the M1 to Meridian Way would also be a 7.3m wide<br />

carriageway with segregated pedestrian and cycle routes. This route would be a 30mph<br />

road linking to the Lubbesthorpe Way junction. The connections to Beggars Lane<br />

together with the other main infrastructure connections are shown on the plans attached<br />

at Appendix B.<br />

5.2.3 In relation to buses, it is proposed to provide a bus gate on exit to Baines Lane<br />

for buses, cyclists and pedestrians primarily providing access for the strategic bus<br />

service to link to the A47. This will include a new signal controlled junction at Baines<br />

Lane to ensure priority exit for the bus services. It is proposed that both the strategic<br />

and local bus services will circulate around the development and pass through the<br />

Transport Hub which will form part of the <strong>District</strong> Centre, with full details of transport<br />

routes for all modes of transport being available at this Transport Hub.<br />

5.2.4 Finally, in addition to the main access routes providing for pedestrians and<br />

cyclists, it is also intended that the existing Lubbesthorpe Bridle Road/Watergate Lane<br />

be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists and that this route provides the opportunity to<br />

connect into the Meridian business Park and also further to the east the cycle routes<br />

along the Soar Valley linking to Leicester City Centre. Alternatively routes for cyclists to<br />

the City Centre are via the A47 or via Meridian Way and Braunstone Town. Details of<br />

the cycle routes are shown on the plan attached at Figure 6. Further details of<br />

pedestrian and cycle facilities are discussed in section 6 of this Supplementary TA.<br />


5.3.1 In relation to the provision of public transport discussion have taken place with<br />

the three main source providers and also with Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> and<br />

Leicester City <strong>Council</strong>. From this it is considered that through the development phases it<br />

is appropriate that a bespoke service for the site is provided and only when the<br />

development is substantially complete will operators consider diverting existing services<br />

into the site. Accordingly it is proposed to provide two bus services to the site, one being<br />

and express service linking the site to the city centre, and the other a local service<br />

connecting the site with Meridian Business Park, Fosse Park and Grove Park together<br />

with the employment opportunities to the south of fosse Park in <strong>Blaby</strong> and also those in<br />

Enderby.<br />

5.3.2 In relation to the express service, this will provide a 20 minute frequency<br />

service between the site and the city centre routing along the A47 and into the city<br />

centre. It is intended that as part of the personalised travel planning new residents are<br />

offered a 6 month free bus pass per household to encourage such usage. The route<br />

within the site would be a circular route around the main corridors as shown on the plan<br />

attached at Figure 11 passing through the district centre which would be considered as a<br />

transport hub within the development. Upon leaving the site the service would travel to<br />

the city centre dropping off and picking up from a single central location. Details of the<br />

route options within the city are shown on the plans at Figures 7 to 10, of these options<br />

option 3 has been included in the LLITM modelling. The final details of the routing within<br />

the city centre will need to be agreed with the City <strong>Council</strong>, County <strong>Council</strong> and bus<br />

operator, together with, whether the bus picks up on route to the city centre. Whilst<br />

option 3 has been tested it is understood that option 4 is now the preferred scheme by<br />

the city and county councils.<br />

5.3.3 In terms of local services these are also show on the plan at Figure 11. This<br />

proposes a circular route through the site linking to the local employment and retail<br />

18 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

facilities. This service would operate on the 30 minute frequency with services travelling<br />

in both directions along the route.<br />

5.3.4 Detailed travel plans have been prepared for the residential and employment<br />

area and further details of this are set out at section 11 of this Supplementary TA. At<br />

Appendix C is a summary of the travel planning measures.<br />

5.3.5 The original TA set out the anticipated start date as being 2013/2014 with a<br />

completion date at 2026. In this regard the LLITM modelling has been undertaken at<br />

2026 assuming all development in place and this is compared with the core network at<br />

2026 with the Lubbesthorpe scheme and infrastructure excluded from the model.<br />

Accordingly this ensures a robust comparison of the effects of development. A further<br />

test year of 2031 has also been undertaken to compare the core and development<br />

models. This then provides an assessment 5 years post completion.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 19

6 Accessibility<br />


6.1.1 This section reflects the existing footways and cycleway within the vicinity of<br />

the site that were identified within the original TA and seeks to add to these to address<br />

issues raised by LCC.<br />


6.2.1 There are number of existing Public Rights of Way (PRoW) that cross the<br />

development site, a plan showing these routes is included in Figure 4 and are detailed in<br />

the table below.<br />

Table 6.2.1 Public Rights of Way through the Proposed Site<br />

Footpath<br />

Reference<br />

V77a<br />

V80a<br />

V82<br />

W3<br />

W3a<br />

W4<br />

Description Width<br />

From Hunters Way to Stafford Leys, Leicester<br />

Forest East.<br />

From Beggars Lane, Lubbesthorpe to the Desford<br />

Road at Huncote Grange and to Thurlaston Lane,<br />

Enderby with spur to V72a south of Newhal Park,<br />

Thurlaston.<br />

This route extends from Desford Road, Kirby<br />

Muxloe to Main Street and then from Barwell<br />

Road to Station Road, then from Station Close to<br />

Barry Close, then from Cherry Tree Avenue (with<br />

spur to Barbara Avenue), to Hinckley Road, then<br />

from Hinckley Road to Woodpecker Close, then<br />

from Lark Close crossing the site on a north/south<br />

alignment to Mill Hill.<br />

From New House Farm, Lubbesthorpe (within the<br />

site) to Hinckley Road, Leicester Forest East on a<br />

north/south alignment.<br />

From Old Warren Farm, Lubbesthorpe (within the<br />

site) to join W4 west of M1<br />

From Kingsway North Braunstone to Meridian<br />

Way and from Meridian East to Abbey Farm,<br />

Lubbesthorpe (at the south eastern corner of the<br />

site) and from the M69 Motorway to Mill Hill,<br />

Enderby.<br />

Limitations & Conditions:<br />

All weather surface from Kingsway North to M1<br />

motorway. Kingsway North to Lubbesthorpe Way<br />

also has cycleway status.<br />

Minimum 1.6m<br />

Not defined<br />

Minimum width<br />

of 1.8 metres<br />

over diverted<br />

route (1362)<br />

Not defined<br />

Not defined<br />

Min.width of 3.8<br />

metres over<br />

diverted route<br />

(1641) 1.8<br />

metres over<br />

diverted routes<br />

(1430, 1437,<br />

1571 & 1591)<br />

and 3.7 metres<br />

over<br />

tarmacadamed<br />

diverted route<br />

(1630)<br />

20 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

W6 From Desford – Enderby Road to Warren Lane. Not defined<br />

W7<br />

From footpath V82, east of Forest House, on a<br />

east-west alignment to footpath W4, south of<br />

Braunstone.<br />

Not defined<br />

W15 From Hal Walk, Enderby to footpath W4 Not defined<br />

W25<br />

W118<br />

(Bridleway)<br />

From Kirk Road, Enderby (on a west-east<br />

alignment) to Leicester Lane and from Enderby<br />

Warren Quarry, south east of Warren Farm to join<br />

W4 at Harold's Lane.<br />

From Abbey Farm, Lubbesthorpe (at the south<br />

eastern corner of the site) to Leicester Lane,<br />

Enderby.<br />

Note: Information obtained from Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>’s web site.<br />

Not defined<br />

Not defined<br />

6.2.2 As part of the development proposals, the existing PRoW crossing the site will<br />

be incorporated within the design and mostly on their existing alignments. Some<br />

modifications may be necessary to accommodate development but replacement routes<br />

of equal amenity will be provided. These matters will be addressed at the detailed<br />

design stage. A plan identifying how these routes will be maintained and linked to the<br />

broader network, is included in Figure 6 and linked to the broader network.<br />

6.2.3 To enhance the existing PRoW a number of new footways will also be provided<br />

these routes will be either footways, cycleways, bridleways or a combination. The<br />

proposed width and surfacing of these routes by type is listed below.<br />

Table 6.2.2 Typical footways / cycleway widths<br />

Type Minimum Width Surface Type<br />

Recreational Footpath<br />

(along the Brook/ outside<br />

of the residential areas)<br />

Recreational Footpath<br />

(within the residential<br />

areas)<br />

Residential Footway<br />

(along roads within the<br />

residential/ employment<br />

areas)<br />

Combined Footway and<br />

Cycleway (Along the<br />

Brook)<br />

Combined Footway and<br />

Cycleway (within the<br />

residential/employment<br />

areas)<br />

1.8m Loose granular type material<br />

2.5m Geotextile Material<br />

2m Paved / Tarmac<br />

3.5m Loose granular type material/<br />

Geotextile Material<br />

3m Tarmac<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 21

Combined Footway,<br />

Cycleway and Bridleway<br />

6.3 CYCLE ROUTES<br />

3m footway &<br />

cycleway and 1.5m<br />

bridleway. Total<br />

width 4.5m<br />

Paved/ Tarmac for the<br />

footway/cycleway<br />

Loose granular type material for<br />

the bridleway.<br />

6.3.1 The A47 Hinckley Road accommodates intermittent on road cycle lanes<br />

between the junction with Beggars Lane and Leicester City Centre. A short length of onroad<br />

cycle lane is provided on both sides of the A47 for approximately 100 metres to the<br />

east of the junction with Beggars Lane. In addition cycles lanes are provided on both<br />

sides of the carriageway between the junctions with Warren Lane and Ellis Drive. Cycle<br />

Lanes then continue in an easterly direction from the point where the A47 crosses the<br />

M1.<br />

6.3.2 Along Leicester Lane, there is an existing combined footway/ cycleway which<br />

starts from a point approximately 240 metres west of the M1 and continues eastwards to<br />

B4114 Narborough Road South. Narborough Road provides off road cycle lanes in both<br />

a northerly and southerly direction, and in turn links with Fosse Park retail development.<br />

6.3.3 Off road cycle routes also run alongside the A563 Lubbesthorpe Way<br />

(Leicester Ring Road) and provides links to the wider Leicester cycle network.<br />

6.3.4 An existing combined footway/ cycleway is also provided on both sides of<br />

Meridian Way along the section which is duelled carriageway.<br />

6.3.5 A plan identifying the existing cycle routes is provided in Figure 5.<br />

6.3.6 As part of the development proposal, there will be strategic cycle routes that<br />

link the site with the existing cycle routes near to the edge of the site which are along<br />

Lubbesthorpe Way, Leicester Lane and along A47. The plan in Figure 6 shows how<br />

these existing routes will link with the proposed highway infrastructure within the site,<br />

and the links that they provide to the local facilities available. Table 6.2 identifies the<br />

widths of these routes where they are dedicated routes. Other roads within the site are<br />

considered to be suitable for on-road cycling.<br />

6.3.7 The key aim of the cycle links is to enable residents to use these routes to<br />

access the local shops, health services, schools etc without the need to travel by car. All<br />

routes within the development area will be lit, and designed to provide a safe and<br />

enjoyable environment. The detailed design of these will accord with Sustrans<br />

guidelines. Typical cross sections are provided in Appendix 7 of the original TA..<br />



6.3.8 The proposed residential and employment sites will include a comprehensive<br />

network of footways and cycleways allowing residents to be able to walk or cycle to local<br />

facilities and places of employment. As part of the development proposal a new<br />

vehicular access will be provided via a new bridge across the M1 linking to Meridian<br />

Way and in turn onto the A563. This access will also provide a pedestrian and cycle<br />

connections between the site and the existing employment areas to the east of the M1<br />

and also linking with the existing footway and cycleways.<br />

22 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

6.3.9 To the northern end of the development site, a bus only link will be provided<br />

utilising the existing road bridge that serves the M1 Leicester Forest East Motorway<br />

Service area. This will also accommodate cycle and footpath provision linking to the<br />

existing footpaths and cycleways to the north of the site and along A47.<br />

6.3.10 Other new and upgraded pedestrian and cycle routes will be provided as<br />

outlined in the plans attached at Figure 6.<br />

6.4 BUS ROUTES<br />

6.4.1 In the context of sustainable travel measures, Leicestershire and specifically<br />

Leicester, have implemented a number of measures to encourage sustainable travel<br />

with much of this focussed around bus based travel. Measures include the existing park<br />

and ride sites at Meynalls Gorse on the A47 and at Enderby, south of Fosse Park. Both<br />

sites use the bus lanes provided along the A47 as a connection to the City Centre with<br />

the Enderby buses travelling around the ring road, along Lubbesthorpe Way to connect<br />

to the A47. It is evident that the A47 corridor is probably the highest quality bus based<br />

corridor into the City Centre, and provides a potential high quality link from the site to the<br />

City Centre.<br />

6.4.2 Details of the existing bus services within the vicinity of the site are attached at<br />

Figure 12. These include services travelling along the A47 together with local services<br />

passing through Thorpe Astley to the east of the motorway.<br />


6.4.3 The development proposal will also include for high quality bus services<br />

through the site, linking the site with the City Centre and surrounding area. A plan<br />

showing the proposed route is included at Figure 11 with the catchment areas for these<br />

routes shown at Figure 13. These reflect a 400m walk distance from each proposed bus<br />

stop.<br />

6.4.4 It is intended that a high quality fast and frequent service is provided from the<br />

site to the City Centre via the A47. Such a service is to be provided from an early stage<br />

in the development with buses operating in the peak periods (7.00am til 9.30am and<br />

4.00pm til 6.30pm) on a 20 minute frequency. From the City Centre, a number of other<br />

bus routes will be available for residents to undertake journeys beyond the City Centre.<br />

During the off peak period it is proposed that a 30 minute service is provided which will<br />

be between the hours of 9.30am till 4.00pm.<br />

6.4.5 As part of the high quality link to the City Centre there will be real time bus<br />

information within the site at key locations. The reliability of this service will be provided<br />

through the provision of a new bus lane on the A47 between Baines Lane and<br />

Braunstone Lane junction. Further improvements to bus priority on the A47 are currently<br />

being considered by the City <strong>Council</strong> extending bus lanes both inbound and outbound to<br />

the City, and contributions towards this infrastructure will be provided. The increased<br />

level of bus priority measures will increase the reliability of the service being proposed.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 23

6.4.6 Discussions have been held with the bus operators and it is concluded from<br />

these that through the early phases of the development bespoke services for the site are<br />

required, which are likely to involve hopper type buses (15 seat capacity). Once Phase<br />

2 is complete the buses are likely to change to single decker buses (30 seat capacity).<br />

A review of the predicted modal split and phasing is undertaken in Chapter 8. Once the<br />

site is established with the main infrastructure in place it is anticipated that existing<br />

services will divert into the site including the services travelling around Leicester via the<br />

ring road, such as the number 40 service operated by Centrebus on an hourly basis<br />

around the City.<br />

6.4.7 It is intended that the bus services and patronage will be monitored and<br />

reviewed on an ongoing basis as part of the Travel Planning, in conjunction with the City<br />

<strong>Council</strong>, County <strong>Council</strong> and <strong>Blaby</strong>.<br />

24 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

7 Internal Road Network<br />


7.1.1 The internal road network arrangements remain as per those identified in the<br />

original TA. Accordingly this is repeated below.<br />

7.1.2 The design of the site layout follows the design principles of Manual for Streets<br />

(MfS) together with the Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>s Design guidelines. The<br />

proposed road hierarchy includes various street types including:<br />

High Street<br />

Main Street<br />

Mixed Use Street<br />

Avenue<br />

Mews<br />

Lane<br />

Courtyard<br />

A plan showing the proposed hierarchy is included in Figure 14.<br />

7.1.3 As part of the planning application a Design and Access Statement will be<br />

submitted identifying the proposed details of typical street layouts. In relation to the<br />

highway aspects, the proposed street dimensions will follow the principles of MfS and<br />

LCC design guidelines and will be generally as follows, with the precise details being<br />

resolved at the detailed planning stage.<br />

Table 7.1.1 Proposed Highway Design<br />

Road Type Carriageway<br />

Width<br />

Footway Width Design Speed<br />

High Street 6m Min 2m 20 mph<br />

Main Street 6m Min 2m 30 mph<br />

Mixed Use<br />

Street (not<br />

accessed by<br />

bus)<br />

5.8m Min 2m 20 mph<br />

Mews / Lane 4.8m 2m 20 mph<br />

7.1.4 As can be seen from the LLITM modelling considered later within this report the<br />

levels of traffic using the routes within the site are well below the theoretical capacity of<br />

such roads.<br />


7.1.5 Parking is a key function of many streets and can assist in calming speeds.<br />

The design will incorporate a mixture of parking arrangements including off-street, onstreet<br />

and communal parking areas. The layouts of the parking areas will be designed<br />

so that they maximise security and minimise visual dominance.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 25

7.1.6 The level of parking to be provided will accord with Leicestershire County<br />

<strong>Council</strong>s Parking Standards.<br />

26 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

8 Base Traffic Data and Assessment<br />

Parameters<br />


8.1.1 Within this section of the supplementary TA, the base input data to the LLITM<br />

main parameters are considered and reviewed against the original work undertaken in<br />

the TA.<br />


8.1.2 The base traffic data used in the TA was taken from a series of counts<br />

undertaken on various days between 2008 and 2010. This data included specific<br />

junction counts undertaken during the peak periods together with link counts undertaken<br />

by using automatic traffic counters over two week periods. This information was<br />

included in summary form in the original TA. Questions have been raised by others<br />

through the consultation process over the validity of the link counts, the concern is that<br />

as these may not be accurately counting traffic during congested periods. However, for<br />

the purpose of assessment of the TA, the link count data was not used and only the<br />

junction count data was applied as part of the junction assessment process.<br />

8.1.3 For the LLITM modelling the local area of the network was considered by<br />

Aecom to ensure the model reflected accurate base data for the base year of 2008. As<br />

part of this process, Aecom assessed all the appropriate local data which was collated<br />

by LCC and also included the data within the original TA. This data provided a model<br />

comparison for 2008 in both the AM and PM periods and ensure the local network of the<br />

overall model was considered to provide a robust basis for the future years of<br />

assessment.<br />

8.1.4 The model is then developed over the future years from 2011 onwards in this<br />

case to 2031, reflecting the growth in development over this period. As part of this the<br />

model assumes the effect of the planned growth over this period to 2026, which for<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> is defined as:-<br />

6894 dwellings;<br />

5,500m² retail floorspace;<br />

47,500m²office space;<br />

14,291m² industrial floorspace; and<br />

5,700m² warehouse floorspace.<br />

(ref. Aecom Report Appendix 1 of that report para 3.1.03)<br />

(Note: The core figures include the above levels of development with the residential<br />

element reduced to 2644 dwellings. It should also be noted that the core excludes the<br />

Glenfield development).<br />

8.1.5 However, to ensure the full effect of the development is established the base<br />

year assessment for 2026 is redefined to remove the Lubbesthorpe proposals from the<br />

model and a core model created for 2026 and 2031. In essence therefore the predicted<br />

growth for <strong>Blaby</strong> is therefore reduced to a lower level removing the 4,250 dwelling<br />

associated with Lubbesthorpe, together with retail and employment providing the core<br />

network which can then be compared with the effect of the proposed development.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 27

8.1.6 It must however, be recognised that this core network is only developed as a<br />

comparative and does not reflect the situation should the Lubbesthorpe development not<br />

proceed. In practice if the Lubbesthorpe site were not to be developed, other allocations<br />

would be required within <strong>Blaby</strong> which will increase traffic volumes on the network<br />

although not necessarily within the vicinity of the site.<br />

8.1.7 For the purpose of comparison of the base data, the 2011 bases data taken<br />

from the core network is compared with the 2 way flows included in the original TA at<br />

table 8.1 of that document which was 2010 base data. Full details of the 2011 flow data<br />

is attached at Figure 15a and 15b.<br />

Table 8.1.1 Comparison of Peak hour flows<br />


TA (2010) LLITM<br />

(2011)<br />

TA (2010) LLITM<br />

(2011)<br />

A47 (west of Beggars Lane) 1043 1300 1266 1357<br />

A47at M1 overbridge 1442 1603 1684 1800<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Road, Enderby 1047 1054 950 978<br />

Leicester Lane 1214 989 1123 956<br />

Beggars Lane 624 563 685 673<br />

Meridian Way, west of<br />

Lubbesthorpe Way<br />

934 873 1120 1249<br />

8.1.8 As can be seen from the above the 2010 recorded flows in the main are<br />

broadly consistent with the 2011 LLITM base flows.<br />


8.1.9 Despite the core network not including the Lubbesthorpe development levels<br />

within the <strong>Blaby</strong> growth figures, there will still be growth within the <strong>Blaby</strong> area reflecting<br />

other developments within <strong>Blaby</strong> together with the effect of growth outside of <strong>Blaby</strong> but<br />

effecting the <strong>Blaby</strong> road network. In this regard the 2008 base network has been<br />

compared with the 2026 core network on the key routes around the site for AM and PM<br />

peaks and these showed the following growth rates over this period. This is shown at<br />

table 8.2 below with an average growth figure shown at table 8.3. Details of the 2026<br />

core network and 2031 core network are attached at Figure 17.<br />

28 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Table 8.1.2 Comparison of Local Network Flows<br />

AM PM<br />

2008 2026 2008 2026<br />

A47 – W Beggars Lane 1086 1659 1145 1597<br />

A47 – E Kirby Lane 1462 2016 1731 1821<br />

A47 – W A563 1673 1967 1875 2282<br />

A563 – S A47 2195 2420 2754 3083<br />

A563 – N Fosse 2384 2615 2623 2864<br />

B4114 – N B582 2733 2800 3046 3084<br />

B582 – S A47 644 828 703 885<br />

B582 – S M69 722 1037 784 1103<br />

Totals flows 12899 15342 14661 16725<br />

Difference in flow 2443 2064<br />

Percentage change. 18.94% 14%<br />

Table 8.1.3 Growth 2008 – 2026<br />

AM Peak 19%<br />

PM Peak 14%<br />

Average Peak 16.5%<br />

8.1.10 By comparison the tempro growth factors over this period are as follows for the<br />

urban area.<br />

Table 8.1.4 Tempro Growth Factors.<br />

AM PM Average<br />

Leicester 20% 20% 20%<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> 14% 15.5% 14.75%<br />

Accordingly the residual growth rate within the model reflecting the core network is<br />

indicating growth on the road network around the Lubbesthorpe site in the region of<br />

16.5% which is in excess of the total expected growth for <strong>Blaby</strong> as a whole but less than<br />

the Tempro growth for Leicester. However, it must be recognised that this is the residual<br />

growth for the general area, not including the Lubbesthorpe. Accordingly it would<br />

appear that the background growth within <strong>Blaby</strong> is higher within the model than would be<br />

expected especially when the Lubbesthorpe development represents over half of the<br />

anticipated development growth for <strong>Blaby</strong>.<br />

8.1.11 However, by adopting this level of growth on the core network the assessment<br />

will clearly take account of the other commitments which have or will come forward over<br />

this period within <strong>Blaby</strong> such that no specific inclusion of these sites is required in the<br />

detailed assessment dealt with later in this report. The exception to this as agreed with<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 29

LCC is the Glenfield development which has now been granted consent. Whilst this is<br />

considered to be included in the growth applied to the model over this period between<br />

2008 and 2026, it is recognised that this specific distribution of traffic for that site should<br />

be considered at the Braunstone cross roads and on the routes around Kirby Muxloe,<br />

even though this will no doubt result in a duplication of some of the effect of traffic<br />

growth.<br />

8.1.12 The other sites which have been raised through the consultation process are<br />

identified on the plan attached at Figure 16. As has been identified, give the robust level<br />

of background growth within the LLITM model, it is considered that the effects of these<br />

developments is taken into account. In the context of the Sainsbury development the TA<br />

for that development has focused on the internal roundabout, and whilst undertaking a<br />

robust assessment of that junction recognises that on the broader network the majority<br />

of the traffic will already be on the network and not be new traffic. Accordingly it is<br />

considered that the growth applied to the base network is robust and ensures that the<br />

effect of committed development and other more recent planning consents are taken<br />

account of within the modelling work.<br />


8.1.13 As previously identified it has been assumed within the modelling that the full<br />

commitment of the Lubbesthorpe site will be in place by 2026 and accordingly this has<br />

been adopted as the design year. Further modelling has been provided for 2031 to<br />

compare the effect of the development’s traffic at this future year. Whilst this considers<br />

the full development with all the previously identified mitigation, the phasing will assess<br />

the impact of the development over the earlier years prior to 2026.<br />


8.1.14 The original TA then identified details of modal split within the local area taken<br />

from the census data. This remains valid and will be discussed in comparison to the<br />

modelled modal splits in subsequent sections of this report.<br />

30 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

9 Accident Analysis<br />


9.1.1 The accident analysis contained in the TA is considered to remain valid in the<br />

context of this supplementary TA, and can be found in section 9 of the original TA and<br />

also at Appendix 19 of that document. Once the final mitigation measures are agreed it<br />

is proposed that full road safety audits are undertaken of each of the proposals which<br />

will be informed by the accident data relating to those locations. Accordingly the<br />

accident data will be updated and the extent increased once the fixed mitigation<br />

schemes have been agreed.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 31

10 Phasing<br />

10.1 PHASING<br />

10.1.1 The phasing as set out and considered in the original TA sought to develop the<br />

northern part of the site and then progress south through the development with the first<br />

phase of development being accessed from Beggars Lane. Whilst the general principle<br />

remains the same the early phases have been reviewed to minimise the impact on<br />

Beggars Lane. According the phasing is now proposed as follows.<br />

Table 10.1.1 Development Land North of M69<br />

Phase Development Access Off Site<br />

Infrastructure<br />

1(a) Prior to first occupation<br />

Improvements to<br />

of any dwellings<br />

Beggars Lane Junction<br />

and Signalisation of<br />

Baines Lane junction<br />

1(b) Up to 200 Dwellings<br />

accessed via Beggars<br />

Lane<br />

Up to 100 dwellings<br />

accessed via Baines<br />

Lane<br />

2(a) Prior to occupation of<br />

301 st dwelling<br />

Via Beggars Lane<br />

Via Baines Lane<br />

2(b) Up to 2000 dwellings Via Beggars Lane and<br />

Meridian Way. Bus<br />

only access via<br />

Baines Lane, Baines<br />

Lane access to the<br />

site closed to all other<br />

traffic<br />

3(a) Prior to the occupation<br />

of 2001 st dwelling<br />

Bus lane on A47<br />

between Baines Lane<br />

and Braunstone Way,<br />

plus new bus service<br />

linking site via Baines<br />

lane to City Centre<br />

New bridge crossing<br />

over M1 linking to<br />

Meridian Way and link<br />

through site between<br />

Beggars Lane and<br />

Meridian Way. Access<br />

via Baines Lane<br />

amended to allow only<br />

bus, cycle and<br />

pedestrian access.<br />

New bridge link<br />

crossing over M69<br />

linking internal road<br />

between Beggars Lane<br />

and Meridian Way to<br />

Leicester Lane.<br />

Improvements to<br />

Leicester<br />

Lane/Narborough<br />

Road Junction<br />

32 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

3(b) Up to 2000 dwellings Via Beggars Lane,<br />

Leicester Lane or<br />

Meridian Way<br />

Table 10.1.2 Development Land South of M69<br />

Phase Development Access Off Site<br />

Infrastructure<br />

1 Prior to<br />

development<br />

2 Up to 25,000m 2 New access off<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

and spine road<br />

3 Up to 40,000m 2 New access off<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

and spine road<br />

New access off<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

and spine road<br />

Improvement to<br />

Leicester Lane /<br />

Narborough<br />

Road junction<br />

New M69 bridge<br />

crossing linking<br />

to northern part<br />

of site<br />

10.1.2 The assessment of this infrastructure and levels of development are<br />

considered in the subsequent section of this report. However the approach has been to<br />

minimise the initial impact on Beggars Lane prior to the link to Meridian Way and the M1<br />

Bridge being completed. As will be discussed later, it is recognised that this link offers<br />

an alternative route to the A47 such that the provision of the link offsets the impact of the<br />

development traffic on the A47.<br />

10.1.3 It is proposed that this proposed phasing will be subject to further modelling<br />

within the LLITM model to ensure the impact of the development is no greater in any<br />

phase than the final scheme with mitigation complete. This further modelling within<br />

LLITM will also ensure the complete measures proposed and set out in section 14 of this<br />

report have been appropriately tested within LLITM and the triggers for those<br />

implantation have been agreed.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 33

11 Travel Plan<br />

11.1 TRAVEL PLAN<br />

11.1.1 This section of the TA sets out the overview of the Travel Plans. A travel plan<br />

for the employment area was submitted as part of the application together with a<br />

framework travel plan for the residential area. In taking on board the comment provided<br />

by LCC in the consultation process updated framework travel plans have been prepared<br />

for both the employment area and also in respect to the residential development.<br />

11.1.2 These updated documents build on the previously submitted details and seek<br />

to ensure that the following themes highlighted by LCC are included in these framework<br />

documents. These themes include;<br />

Analysis – a review of existing facilities with the local area and an assessment of future<br />

requirements;<br />

Targets – establishment of desired modal shares through the life of the development.<br />

This is taken from the LLITM modelling output;<br />

Proposals – details to be provided of the infrastructure and accessibility enhancements<br />

that the scheme brings forward to contribute towards the reduction in travel and<br />

where travel is necessary, to minimise single occupancy car journeys;<br />

Design Principles – identifying those measures within the site that encourage<br />

movements by non-car modes;<br />

Phasing – ensuring that appropriate measures are provided at all stages of the<br />

development;<br />

Monitoring/Reviews – As part of the travel planning process the scheme will be reviewed<br />

on a regular basis to ensure targets are met and the modal share achieved.<br />

11.1.3 In terms of the residential travel plan this will include;<br />

Personalized Travel Planning<br />

Car Clubs<br />

Electric Car Charging Points<br />

Furthermore, there will be a central transport hub as part of the district centre within<br />

which there will be information about travel options for walking, cycling, bus, car share,<br />

etc. It is also intended that both the local and strategic bus services pass through this<br />

central hub as part of the routing of these services Details of the bus services are<br />

included at Figures 11 and 13 of this report. It is anticipated that the facilities that would<br />

constitute the “transport hub” would be agreed with Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> and<br />

be a requirement of the residential travel plan.<br />

11.1.4 As has been identified more specific information is contained within the<br />

framework plans which accompany this supplementary TA and a summary of the travel<br />

planning measures is included at Appendix C.<br />

34 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

12 Trip Generation and Distribution<br />

12.1 TRIP RATES<br />

12.1.1 In considering the trip rates for the development these are set out in the original<br />

TA and relate to 2360 two way vehicular movements in the am peak and 2283 vehicular<br />

movements in the pm peak travelling to and from the development to the broader<br />

highway network, i.e. outside of the development site. The trips have been discounted<br />

to reflect the linkage between the employment and residential areas, and also for the<br />

opportunities for travel by non-car modes.<br />

12.1.2 The assessment of the trips and discount applied to the external trips has been<br />

questioned by the Local Highway Authority and they have sought further understanding<br />

from the LLITM modelling.<br />

12.1.3 When considering the LLITM data the following details are taken from the<br />

output matrices for the 2026 assessment assuming the mitigation as described in the<br />

original TA and the inclusion of smarter choices.<br />

Table 12.1.1 Trips from the Development Site AM Peak<br />

Mode <strong>Blaby</strong> Leicester<br />

City<br />

Rest of<br />

Leicester<br />

Rest of<br />

UK<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 35<br />

Total<br />

Car 388 300 301 208 1197<br />

Public<br />

Transport<br />

25 166 42 155 388<br />

Walking/Cycling 153 177 11 0 341<br />

Freight 16 27 24 8 75<br />

Total 582 670 378 371 2001<br />

Table 12.1.2 Trips to the Development Site AM Peak<br />

Mode <strong>Blaby</strong> Leicester<br />

City<br />

Rest of<br />

Leicester<br />

Rest of<br />

UK<br />

Total<br />

Car 193 205 168 89 655<br />

Public<br />

Transport<br />

18 66 40 135 259<br />

Walking/Cycling 617 878 41 0 1536<br />

Freight 15 22 20 7 64<br />

Total 843 1171 269 231 2514

12.1.4 From the above it can be seen that in the am peak the total vehicular trips<br />

to/from the site equate to:-<br />

Table 12.1.3 Total Development Traffic Flows. AM Peak<br />

Arrivals Departures Total<br />

Cars 655 1197 1852<br />

Freight 64 75 139<br />

Total 719 1272 1991<br />

12.1.5 Turning to the PM peak the following are taken from the output matrices<br />

Table 12.1.4 Trips from the Development Site PM Peak<br />

Mode <strong>Blaby</strong> Leicester<br />

City<br />

Rest of<br />

Leicester<br />

Rest of<br />

UK<br />

36 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693<br />

Total<br />

Car 285 249 202 112 848<br />

Public<br />

Transport<br />

13 51 32 132 228<br />

Walking/Cycling 367 510 29 0 906<br />

Freight 15 24 20 7 66<br />

Total 680 834 283 251 2048<br />

Table 12.1.5 Trips to the Development Site PM Peak<br />

Mode <strong>Blaby</strong> Leicester<br />

City<br />

Rest of<br />

Leicester<br />

Rest of<br />

UK<br />

Total<br />

Car 381 285 308 211 1185<br />

Public<br />

Transport<br />

16 103 29 151 299<br />

Walking/Cycling 333 390 22 0 745<br />

Freight 15 22 20 7 64<br />

Total 745 800 379 369 2293<br />

12.1.6 From the above the following relate to vehicular trips to and from the<br />

development site.<br />

Table 12.1.6 Total Development Traffic Flows. PM Peak<br />

Arrivals Departures Total<br />

Cars 1185 848 2033<br />

Freight 64 66 130<br />

Total 1249 914 2163

12.1.7 The following table therefore compares the arrivals and departures to and from<br />

the site as identified in the LLITM model with those figures adopted in the TA for the trips<br />

which travel external to the development site.<br />

Table 12.1.7 Comparison of Vehicular Trips<br />

Source Arrivals Departures Total<br />

AM TA 832 1528 2360<br />

LLITM 719 1272 1991<br />

PM TA 1512 722 2283<br />

LLITM 1249 914 2163<br />

12.1.8 Accordingly it can be seen that the assessment adopted in the TA exceeds the<br />

LLITM predicted vehicular trips by 369 in the am peak and by 120 in the pm peak.<br />

Accordingly it is considered that the TA presents a robust assessment in relation to the<br />

trip rates adopted.<br />

12.1.9 Whilst the above relate specifically to the peak hours for the am and pm peaks<br />

it is also appropriate to consider the peak period which has now been assessed in<br />

LLITM, namely the period 7:00 to 10:00 by mode of transport, type and trip and<br />

destination. The table below summarises these trips from the site to the various<br />

destination relating to community trips and education.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 37

Table 12.1.8 Destination of AM Peak (0700-1000) Trave from Site by Mode/Purpose<br />

(2026)<br />

12.1.10 When considering all trip purposes, the modal split and distribution is as follows<br />

for all trips from the site.<br />

38 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Table 12.1.9 Destination of Morning Peak Period (0700-1000) Travel from Site – All<br />

Purposes<br />

12.1.11 As identified the above provides details for trips from the site. When looking at<br />

trips both to and from the site for the <strong>Blaby</strong> and Leicester City areas, the following trips<br />

can be seen.<br />

Table 12.1.10 Vehicle Trips Morning Peak from the Development (to development)<br />

Destination Total Car PT Active<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> 1176 (1157) 997 (521) 25 (18) 154 (618)<br />

Leicester City<br />

Centre<br />

Leicester City<br />

within A594<br />

968 (1207) 693 (430) 109 (55) 165 (722)<br />

204 (325) 136 (160) 57 (10) 12 (155)<br />

Total 2348 (2689) 1826 (1111) 191 (83) 331 (1495)<br />

Percentage to<br />

(from)<br />

Overall<br />

Percentage<br />

78% (41%) 8% (3%) 14% (56%)<br />

58% 6% 36%<br />

12.1.12 From the above it can be seen that of the outbound morning peak period trips<br />

22% are by public transport and active mode. Whilst the split to PT seems low<br />

compared with active modes, the contribution of both of these modes provides a good<br />

basis to build upon to further increase the non-car share. This will to some degree be<br />

influenced by the smarter choices promoted by the development, but more likely reflects<br />

the overall smarter choices within the model which are being promoted by Leicestershire<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 39

County <strong>Council</strong> and Leicester City <strong>Council</strong> to the period to 2026. These figures increase<br />

substantially when considering trips to the site with includes those walking and cycling<br />

from the local area. The total combined PT and active trips relate to 46% from <strong>Blaby</strong><br />

and Leicester City areas.<br />

12.1.13 It should also be noted that the Aecom model report at page 29, considers the<br />

potential of unreleased vehicles to the network in the AM and PM peaks. From this it is<br />

concluded that there is no significant difference in flow suggesting that only a small<br />

number of vehicles are unreleased in each time period. The consequence of this is that<br />

the peak hour development flows are considered to reflect the demand in these periods<br />

and that network congestion is not causing peak spreading to occur from the<br />

development. The unreleased vehicles are those vehicles which do not enter the model<br />

during the time period due to network congestion.<br />


12.1.14 There are two aspects of the distribution and assignment of traffic and these<br />

relate firstly to the development traffic on the broader transport network and secondly the<br />

effect of reassignment of traffic through the development site as a consequence of new<br />

road infrastructure.<br />

12.1.15 In dealing with the second of these two matters first, this aspect was ignored<br />

within the original TA on the basis that while it was anticipated that such re-routing would<br />

occur the analysis was robust in not considering such re-routing and assuming the effect<br />

of the development traffic on the local road network was all additional traffic above that<br />

which existed.<br />

12.1.16 The modelling however, provides details of the re-routing of traffic which can be<br />

seen in the total flows entering and leaving the site in the am and pm peaks. These are<br />

taken from Figure 11 Appendix 3 of the Aecom report.<br />

Table 12.1.11 Total Flow to/from Development Site<br />

Arrivals Departures Total<br />

AM Peak 1058 1677 2735<br />

PM Peak 1984 157 3557<br />

12.1.17 When comparing the above figures with those shown in the table at para 12.7<br />

the following differences can be established.<br />

Table 12.1.12 Differences in Network Trips through Development<br />

AM PM<br />

Total Development Trips 1991 2163<br />

Total Network Trips 2735 3557<br />

Difference 744 1394<br />

12.1.18 The differences above reflect the additional traffic beyond the development<br />

traffic arriving and departing the site and hence reflect double the actual through<br />

movement. Accordingly in the AM peak hour in the order of 372 vehicles are re-routing<br />

through the site rather than travelling along the A47, Desford Road or Beggars Lane.<br />

40 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

This figure increases to approximately 697 in the PM peak. Attached at Figures 19 are<br />

details of the re-routed traffic travelling through the development, which will<br />

consequently reduce flows on other existing links within the vicinity of the site. The<br />

reductions on the other links are shown as negative figures on the plans.<br />

12.1.19 Turning to the broader network, the distribution and assignment of the<br />

development traffic within the model is identified on the plans attached at Figures 18a<br />

and 18b for the am and pm respectively, again for the design year of 2026. This<br />

distribution is compared with that included in the TA.<br />

12.1.20 The figures included in the diagrams attached at Figures 18a and 18b, for the<br />

TA distribution have been reduced by 16% for the AM peak and 5% for the PM peak to<br />

reflect the reduced overall trip rate identified in the LLITM modelling. What is apparent<br />

from this comparative distribution is the reduction in overall flows that occurs in the<br />

LLITM modelling within the immediate network of the site compared with that assumed<br />

in the original TA. This no doubt reflects in part the car trips to the <strong>Blaby</strong> area which will<br />

relate to car trips to the Meridian, Fosse Park and Grove Park areas.<br />

12.1.21 When considering the AM peak network in more detail, the assignment of trips<br />

to the A47 west of the site is consistent between the TA and the LLITM modelling. The<br />

only issue in this regard is whether the traffic is routing to the A47 to travel west rather<br />

than the M69, avoiding any congestion at junction 21 of the M1. When considering the<br />

am peak hour movements it is estimated that in the order of 290 vehicles are routing<br />

to/from the west and could be assigned to the M69. Broadly 100 of these relate to trips<br />

to and from Hinkley/Earl Hilton/Barwell. If it is assumed that half of these trips would not<br />

reassign from the A47, that would still leave potentially 240 two way trips that could be<br />

routed to the M69. Accordingly the assignment to the A47 via Beggars Lane may be<br />

accommodating some traffic that might otherwise travel via the M69 if access to the M69<br />

was considered a quicker option.<br />

12.1.22 Details of the distribution of trips by mode to the main zones which were<br />

agreed with LCC, are shown on the plans attached in Figures 20 and 21.<br />

12.1.23 The report now considers the impact of the development traffic on the various<br />

routes around the site against the core flows and also the effect of redistributed traffic.<br />

Details of this are shown attached at Figures 22a and 22b.<br />

12.1.24 Whilst it is understood that the City and County <strong>Council</strong> are seeking an<br />

assessment based on the % impact of the development traffic compared with the core<br />

network which is included at Figure 22, the figures also express the effect of the<br />

redistribution of traffic which in part results from the introduction of new infrastructure<br />

within the development, namely new links between the A47 and A563 together with a<br />

link across the M69.<br />

12.1.25 The report now considers the various routes in detail. Turning to the A47<br />

inbound to the city in the AM peak, the model assigns higher flows to the east of<br />

Beggars Lane than the original TA, however this is then offset by traffic diverting off the<br />

A47 and through the site. Accordingly whist LLITM shows an increase in traffic from the<br />

development on the A47 on approach to the Kirby Lane junction of 198 vehicles twoway,<br />

this is offset by a reduction due to rerouting of 270 vehicles resulting in a net<br />

reduction to traffic on the A47.<br />

12.1.26 Traffic flows along Kirby Lane are shown higher than the TA predicted and<br />

indicate total two-way flows of 113 vehicles. However, this again is offset by traffic<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 41

outing with the net effect of development traffic being 32 vehicles two-way. The core<br />

flow on this route is identified as 1022 vehicles two-way and hence the impact of the<br />

development on this link in the AM peak is 3% and not considered to be material.<br />

However further consideration of traffic calming along Maytree Drive and Forest Rise is<br />

discussed in a subsequent section of this report.<br />

12.1.27 Further east on the A47 up to the Braunstone Cross Road, the distribution of<br />

traffic in LLITM is slightly higher than from the TA, with two-way flows from the<br />

development of 71 in LLITM compared with 47 in the TA. However, again the effect of<br />

re-routing of traffic more than compensates for this with the overall effect being to reduce<br />

traffic levels on this link in the AM peak by 93 vehicles two-way or by 4% of the core<br />

flow. In practice it is considered that more traffic will route via the A47 and Beggars<br />

Lane to access the city than the model predicts, with the consequential reduction to<br />

traffic using Lubbesthorpe Way (north).<br />

12.1.28 That traffic using the A47 over this section is primarily routing to Ratby Lane,<br />

and is broadly consistent with the TA. However, the effect of re-routing of traffic results<br />

in net increase of traffic of 49 vehicles which represent an increase of 4% in traffic over<br />

the core flow.<br />

12.1.29 Turning to the A47/A563 junction, the LLITM model is assigning higher flows to<br />

the A563 north of Meridian than those considered in the TA. Total flows for the AM peak<br />

from LLITM are 405 vehicles two-way compared with 244 vehicles in the TA. By<br />

comparison flows on the A47 on approach to the junction from the west are reduced by<br />

42 vehicles. Accordingly as identified above it is considered that some traffic will in<br />

practice route via Beggars Lane and A47 to this junction rather than via the A563.<br />

12.1.30 The modelling of Meridian Way within LLITM has identified 763 vehicles twoway<br />

in the AM peak compared with 952 in the TA. However, the effect of re-routing of<br />

traffic through the site results in 299 additional vehicles using this , resulting a total of<br />

new traffic on this link of 1062 vehicles two-way. Of this traffic 257 vehicles access the<br />

Meridian Business Park or travel through this area via Meridian East, with the remaining<br />

traffic accessing the A563 Lubbesthorpe Way.<br />

12.1.31 The model identifies 264 vehicles two-way traveling south on the A563,<br />

compared with 520 in the TA. However, the effect re-routing of traffic reduces flows on<br />

the A563 south by 315 vehicles with no nett increase to traffic along this route.<br />

12.1.32 Traffic flows with the LLITM model on the A5460 toward Leicester, the A563 to<br />

the east and the A5460 toward the M1 are much lower than predicted in the TA and<br />

result in minor nett changes in flow on these routes when comparing the core network<br />

with the proposed network with development traffic and mitigation.<br />

12.1.33 Turning to Beggars Lane and routes through Enderby, the overall effect of<br />

traffic shows only minor changes to the flow. However the distribution of development<br />

traffic, assigns 138 development trips south through Enderby in the AM peak. By<br />

contrast the TA considered 52 vehicles which if discounted by 20% to reflect the level of<br />

flows from LLITM would by 42 additional vehicles. The reason for limiting traffic through<br />

Enderby is the delay encountered at the Beggars Lane signals and also the Enderby<br />

signals. However, the effect of re-routing of traffic results in reduction in flow in the AM<br />

peak which reduce the total AM peak flow along the B582 by 70 vehicles or 7% of the<br />

flow. Accordingly the net effect is only the minor change to the overall flow.<br />

42 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

12.1.34 The original TA anticipated for higher levels of traffic leaving the site in the AM<br />

peak via the link to Leicester Lane and then travelling south via improvements to the<br />

Leicester Lane/St Johns Road junction. Whilst the LLITM model identifies a reasonable<br />

level of traffic leaving the development area via Leicester Lane, the model appears to<br />

show a preference to routing via Beggars Lane and Enderby for routes to the south<br />

rather than Leicester lane.<br />

12.1.35 The table below highlights the travel times taken from the LLITM model for<br />

routes from the district centre within the site, to the junction of the B582 / B4114, to the<br />

south of the study area. These travel times compare the three alternative routes<br />

available. The first of these routes passes through the site and links to Leicester Lane,<br />

and then via the junction with St Johns. The second route is via Enderby, and the third<br />

via Meridian and the A563 Lubbersthorpe Way. Details of the alternative routes is shown<br />

on the plan attached at Figure 23.<br />

Table 12.1.13 Comparison Travel Times, 2026 Development Plus Mitigation<br />

Travel<br />

Time<br />

AM Peak. PM Peak<br />

Delay Travel time<br />

without delay<br />

Travel<br />

time<br />

Delay Travel time<br />

without delay<br />

Route 1 495 82 413 517 104 413<br />

Route 2 526 49 477 525 48 477<br />

Route 3 551 109 442 572 130 442<br />

12.1.36 When comparing these journey times it is evident that the model is predicting<br />

that route 1 is more favourable to routes 2 and 3, with the least delay on route 2.<br />

However, the model is assigning traffic to route 2 in preference to route 1 and is<br />

potentially understating the queuing at the junctions along this route. In practise it is<br />

considered that this is not the case and accordingly as part of the junction assessment it<br />

is considered that a greater distribution of traffic via Leicester lane should be considered<br />

rather than this traffic routing through Enderby. It is the overall aim of the development<br />

proposals to minimise the routing of development traffic via Beggars Lane and through<br />

Enderby.<br />

12.1.37 To consider the routing through Enderby further and the development traffic<br />

exiting via Beggars Lane, further LLITM modelling has been undertaken based on these<br />

scenarios. These consider Beggars Lane in three sections, i.e. north of the northern site<br />

across, the section between the two access points and the section south of the southern<br />

access. The scenarios considered are:-<br />

1) Beggars Lane closed between the two site access points.<br />

2) Beggars Lane restricted to north bound traffic only on the southern section.<br />

3) Beggars Lane southern access closed to all vehicular traffic.<br />

12.1.38 The results of this analysis are attached at Figures 24a and 24b, and are<br />

shown by comparison with the core flows development including mitigation scenario.<br />

From those it is evident that whilst traffic may be restricted to use Beggars Lane and<br />

reunite through the development, it then returns to the Enderby Cross Roads via<br />

Leicester Lane. From this it appears that the capacity of the Enderby Cross Roads is<br />

shown in the model as being greater than in practice. To address this point measures<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 43

are proposed at the Foxhunter and Leicester Lane/St Johns junctions to ensure that the<br />

route through the site is more attractive in terms of time and delay, than by travelling<br />

through Enderby.<br />

12.1.39 This matter is discussed further in section 14.<br />

44 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Link 2016<br />

Base<br />

A47 West Beggars<br />

Lane<br />

A47 East Beggars<br />

Lane<br />

13 Link Flow Assessment<br />


13.1.1 The TA included an assessment of the two way link flows on the main routes<br />

around the site. This assessment has been extended to compare this with the LLITM<br />

modelling both with the Development including mitigation and smarter choices and also<br />

the core network. However, as previously identified the core network does not reflect a<br />

2026 base flow as this should otherwise include the level of development associated<br />

with Lubbesthorpe, but located elsewhere within the district.<br />

Table 13.1.1 Am Peak Two-Way Flows<br />


2026<br />

Proposed<br />

Development<br />

Traffic<br />

Development<br />

Traffic<br />

Re-routing<br />

Traffic<br />

Core Network<br />

2026<br />

Proposed<br />

2026<br />

1023 1375 352 300 -163 1659 1796<br />

1541 1653 139 198 -270 1773 1701<br />

A47 M1 Crossing 1991 2049 59 81 -176 2016 1921<br />

A47 East Braunstone<br />

Crossroads<br />

1967 1990 0 36 19 1967 1984<br />

Kirby Lane --- --- 80 113 -81 1022 1054<br />

Ratby Lane --- 1506 58 45 +4 1228 1277<br />

A5460 North of<br />

Fosse Park<br />

--- --- 400 117 -13 2906 2981<br />

B582 M69 Crossing 1679 1745 67 187 -257 1037 967<br />

B582 M1 Crossing --- 1241 141 197 -69 1206 1334<br />

Leicester Lane 1048 1578 532 201 -210 1122 1113<br />

A5460 Approach to<br />

M1<br />

--- --- 143 145 -166 5999 5978<br />

A563 North Meridian 2735 3040 305 405 -126 2420 2699<br />

A563 South Meridian 3006 3772 650 264 -315 2615 2564<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 45

Link 2016<br />

Base<br />

A47 West Beggars<br />

Lane<br />

A47 East Beggars<br />

Lane<br />

Table 13.1.2 Pm Peak Two-Way Flows<br />



2026<br />

Proposed<br />

Development<br />

Traffic<br />

Development<br />

Traffic<br />

LLITM<br />

Re-routing<br />

Traffic<br />

Core<br />

Network<br />

2026<br />

46 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693<br />

Proposed<br />

2026<br />

1239 1586 347 227 8 1597 1832<br />

1768 1903 135 243 -244 1885 1884<br />

A47 M1 Crossing 2089 2249 57 83 -140 1827 1770<br />

A47 East Braunstone<br />

Crossroads<br />

2075 1769 0 29 2644 2713<br />

A47 East of A563 2488 2743 256 -125 2282 2186<br />

Kirby Lane 78 156 -47 1113 1222<br />

Ratby Lane 1252 1358 57 42 5 1118 1165<br />

A5460 North of Fosse<br />

Park<br />

386 65 -7 3341 3399<br />

B582 M69 Crossing 1577 1694 66 164 -141 1103 1126<br />

B582 M1 Crossing 1197 1333 136 238 -140 1471 1569<br />

Leicester Lane 681 1195 514 131 -595 1362 898<br />

A5460 Approach to M1 135 4535 4677<br />

A563 North Meridian 2917 3214 299 443 -268 3083 3261<br />

A563 South Meridian 1177 1920 743 312 -552 2864 2624<br />

13.1.2 Finally in terms of flow data, attached at Figure 26 are the 18 hour and 24 hour<br />

flows as taken from the LLITM modelling.

14 Junction Capacity Assessment<br />


14.1.1 In the context of the junction capacity assessments, a number of junctions were<br />

assessed in the TA. However, further junction assessments have been requested by the<br />

Highway Authorities as a consequence of the LLITM modelling and these are also<br />

included in this appraisal. The full details of the junctions assessed are shown on the<br />

diagrams at Appendix D and at figure 25. For each of these junctions the traffic flows as<br />

taken from the LLITM model are presented together the original analysis from the TA<br />

where appropriate. These diagrams of the assessment are included at Appendix E of<br />

this report, with the overall junction performance as shown below. The junction<br />

summary assessments indicate the Practical Reserve Capacity (PRC) as a percentage<br />

and indicate negative figures in places. These reflect the junction working in excess of<br />

its capacity.<br />

14.1.2 This assessment of the various junctions from the LLITM flows considers the<br />

base flows and then adds the development traffic from the model to these base flows. In<br />

this way the effect of any redistribution of traffic as a consequence of the development is<br />

not taken into account and the modelling of the junction is considered to reflect a worst<br />

case. This is an important point to note as the model in many cases reflects very little<br />

change at key junctions overall due to traffic redistributing whereas this analysis<br />

assesses increases in junction flows above those considered in the modelling. This is<br />

therefore a robust assessment in this regard.<br />


14.2.1 The analysis of the Desford Road junction has been undertaken using the<br />

Linsig 3 computer programme both for the existing junction and with some<br />

improvements to the approach flares on three arms of the junction. The analysis<br />

considers both the TA flows and also the LLITM figures on the basis of the proposed<br />

mitigation scheme included in the modelling. Details of the various modelled flows are<br />

included in Appendix D, with the improvement measures included at Appendix F.<br />

14.2.2 A summary of the results from this modelling are presented below for the AM<br />

and PM peak periods with the full details attached at Appendix E. From this it should be<br />

noted that the development flows used in the TA are higher than those adopted from the<br />

LLITM modelling. The assessment shows that with the proposed measures in place the<br />

junction operates with an improved level of performance when comparing the core<br />

LLITM model with the addition of the development traffic.<br />

Table 14.2.1 Summary of Junction Assessment - A47/Desford Road Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -3.6 62.0<br />

PM -9.1 86.7<br />

AM -13.1 105.0<br />

PM -27.4 197.4<br />

AM -11.5 92.4<br />

PM -14.2 102.3<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 47

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />


AM -8.2 76.7<br />

PM -23.8 166.7<br />

AM -29.6 201.0<br />

PM -31.0 205.5<br />

AM -1.3 6.35<br />

PM -3.0 6.53<br />

14.3.1 Again in the case of the Beggars Lane junction this has been assessed using<br />

the Linsig 3 computer programme, and also compares the analysis using the TA figures<br />

with the LLITM modelled flows. The results show that by the inclusion of the<br />

improvements the junction provides an acceptable level of capacity in the design year.<br />

Details of the improvement measures are attached at Appendix G with the modelled<br />

flows included at Appendix D, and the detailed modelling at Appendix E.<br />

14.3.2 It should be noted that the improvement measures provide advance stop lines<br />

for cyclists which is an improvement beyond the existing layout.<br />

Table 14.3.1 Summary of Junction Assessment –Beggars Lane Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />


Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM 34.1 18.9<br />

PM 18.6 30.7<br />

AM -4.0 52.2<br />

PM -44.8 315.6<br />

AM 27.0 26.1<br />

PM 9.1 37.4<br />

AM -8.1 42.2<br />

PM -11.1 67.7<br />

AM -121.8 650.0<br />

PM -177.8 668.4<br />

AM 0.4 35.2<br />

PM -12.4 73.7<br />

14.4.1 The Kirby Lane junction was not previously modelled in the original TA but has<br />

been included in this STA at the request of LCC. The LLITM modelling has shown that<br />

whilst some development traffic uses this route the effect of the rerouting of traffic<br />

including that travelling through the site minimises the impact on Kirby Lane. However<br />

48 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

for the purpose of this analysis the modelling has assume the full impact of the<br />

development and no rerouting.<br />

14.4.2 The junction has again been modelled using the Linsig 3 computer programme,<br />

and a localised improvement scheme has been adopted for inclusion in the proposed<br />

modelling of the junction which included advanced stop lines for cyclists. The details of<br />

these improvements are shown attached at Appendix H with the modelled flows<br />

attached at Appendix D. The results below again demonstrate minimal impact on the<br />

junction with the measures proposed seeking to address this level of impact.<br />

Table 14.4.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Kirby Lane Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />


Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM -18.6 102.1<br />

PM -3.4 27.8<br />

AM -33.1 207.2<br />

PM -18.1 76.7<br />

AM -22.0 89.4<br />

PM -13.2 52.5<br />

14.5.1 The proposed signalisation of the Baines Lane junction has been provided to<br />

ensure the bus services can readily exit the site, and it is proposed that transponders on<br />

the buses will trigger the signals to allow easy exit to the A47. As part of the assessment<br />

the analysis has considered in the order of an additional 40 vehicles in each direction<br />

arriving to the leaving the site in the peak hour. This is considered to equate to broadly<br />

100 dwellings plus existing traffic relating to the first phase of development.<br />

14.5.2 The summary analysis shows a suitable junction can be provided with the<br />

necessary capacity. Details of the junction are shown on the plan attached at Appendix I,<br />

with the bus lanes on approach to the Braunstone Cross roads shown on the plan at<br />

Appendix J. The detailed flows are included at Appendix D with the modelling at<br />

Appendix E.<br />

Table 14.5.1 Proposed Junction (2026 + Development)<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

2026 Base TA AM - -<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 49

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM -<br />

PM -<br />

AM -<br />

PM -<br />

AM 45.6 6.7<br />

PM 39.0 7.0<br />


14.6.1 The cross roads junction was originally considered in the TA and was<br />

considered to accommodate the development traffic. This analysis considers both the<br />

TA flows and the LLITM flows and includes specifically the effect of the Glenfield<br />

development.<br />

14.6.2 The proposals now include the measures provided by LCC for improvement to<br />

this junction which enhances the pedestrian crossing facilities specifically across<br />

Braunstone Lane and the A47 west of the junction. These measures are included at<br />

Appendix K<br />

14.6.3 The results shown below demonstrate the development traffic can be<br />

accommodated at this junction. It is however recognised that the LLITM modelling does<br />

not assign much traffic to the A47 through this junction and it may be that the actual<br />

impact of the development traffic is more representative of the TA assessment.<br />

14.6.4 Details of the assessed flows are included at Appendix D with the Linsig 3<br />

analysis shown at Appendix E.<br />

Table 14.6.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Braunstone Lane Crossroads<br />

Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -66.5 148.8<br />

PM 6.6 48.0<br />

AM -66.5 146.9<br />

PM 1.4 54.3<br />

AM 8.7 47.2<br />

PM -18.6 101.4<br />

50 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

14.7 A47 / A563 JUNCTION.<br />

AM -17.5 113.1<br />

PM -10.1 63.7<br />

AM -13.3 69.5<br />

PM -16.7 97.5<br />

AM -6.8 62<br />

PM 4.7 45.8<br />

14.7.1 This junction was originally assessed in the TA as a signalised roundabout.<br />

The original assessment assumed the flow in the am peak was predominantly from west<br />

to east. However the LLITM modelling focuses a large volume of the development traffic<br />

along the A563 to this junction.<br />

14.7.2 The assessment is summarised below and from the base studies it was evident<br />

that the junction operates close to capacity in the peak periods. Accordingly as part of<br />

the reassessment WSP have considered alternative options for the junction which have<br />

included removal of the roundabout and the introduction of a conventional cross roads.<br />

Details of this improvement scheme are shown on the plan attached at Appendix L with<br />

the traffic flow data at Appendix D, and the junction analysis at Appendix E.<br />

14.7.3 The summary of the results indicates the improved capacity that can be<br />

provided as a consequence of the measures.<br />

Table 14.7.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – A47/A563 Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -110.0 603.2<br />

PM -108.0 706.3<br />

AM -136.1 543.9<br />

PM -119.7 594.3<br />

AM -39.9 133.2<br />

PM -8.4 57.1<br />

AM -124.6 577.9<br />

PM -100.2 672.3<br />

AM -101.3 672.0<br />

PM -142.2 623.5<br />

AM -41.1 113.7<br />

PM -30.9 130.3<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 51

14.7.4 In terms of the various junctions along the A47 the County <strong>Council</strong> requested<br />

these junctions be modelled in a single model to assess the impact of the development.<br />

Having considered this request WSP consider that the proximity of the junctions means<br />

that this is not a practical solution for assessment in relation to the modelling the<br />

Beggars Lane junction. However, the junctions between Braunstone Cross Roads and<br />

Kirby Lane have been assessed with the results summarised at Appendix E.<br />


14.8.1 Between the A563 junction and the city centre there are a number of junctions<br />

with the bus lanes running over much of this route. Whilst development traffic is<br />

assigned to this route by the LLITM model the net effect when discounting the<br />

redistributed traffic is not considered to be material. Inevitably there is a limited capacity<br />

to this route which cannot be meaningfully increase through minor junction amendments.<br />

However the route is an important bus corridor along which both the Enderby and<br />

Maynells Gorse Park and Ride buses travel. Accordingly it is considered that as with the<br />

Lubbesthorpe site the emphasis to buses should be strengthened and as such<br />

measures are proposed to extend the existing bus lanes where appropriate.<br />

14.8.2 Details of these are shown on the plans attached at Appendix J. However, the<br />

various junctions along this route have been assessed below.<br />

14.9 A47/CORT CRESCENT<br />

14.9.1 Whilst the analysis of this junction has been requested detailed flows from<br />

LLITM are not available.<br />


Table 14.9.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Wyngate Drive/Woodville Road<br />

Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 18.8 31.8<br />

PM -6.3 49.8<br />

AM 13.1 33.0<br />

PM -10.5 60.4<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

52 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

The detailed flows and junction analysis are included at Appendix D and E. In the<br />

context of this junction it is considered that the development does not have a material<br />

impact on the operation of the junction.<br />


Table 14.10.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Fosse Road North/King Richards<br />

Road Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 13.4 39.1<br />

PM -13.6 81.8<br />

AM 8.3 40.9<br />

PM -15.3 105.4<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

The detailed flows and junction analysis are included at Appendix D and E. In the<br />

context of this junction it is considered that the development does not have a material<br />

impact on the operation of the junction.<br />


Table 14.11.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Narborough Road North/A47<br />

Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

2026 Base LLITM AM 18.7 35.0<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 53

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

PM 9.6 34.6<br />

AM 16.4 35.6<br />

PM 2.5 37.5<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

The detailed flows and junction analysis are included at Appendix D and E. In the<br />

context of this junction it is considered that the development does not have a material<br />

impact on the operation of the junction.<br />


Table 14.12.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – St Nicholas Circle/St Augustine<br />

Road Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 62.9 9.2<br />

PM 56.0 16.1<br />

AM 56.3 9.2<br />

PM 51.4 16.0<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

The detailed flows and junction analysis are included at Appendix D and E. In the<br />

context of this junction it is considered that the development does not have a material<br />

impact on the operation of the junction.<br />

14.14 MERIDIAN WAY / A563 JUNCTION.<br />

14.14.1 The dumbbell roundabouts at this junction were modelled in the original TA and<br />

have been reviewed again in the STA. This analyisis has been undertaken using the<br />

Arcady 6 program. This analysis is shown below and demonstrates the junction operates<br />

within capacity even with the inclusion of the development traffic.<br />

54 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Table 14.14.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Meridian Way/A563 Junction<br />

(West)<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 62.8 2.4<br />

PM 47.4 2.4<br />

AM 30.6 3.0<br />

PM 10.2 4.2<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

Table 14.14.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Meridian Way/A563 Junction<br />

(East)<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 49.7 4.2<br />

PM 43.4 3.0<br />

AM 24.3 4.8<br />

PM 26.5 4.2<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 55

14.14.2 Whilst the Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> have requested these junctions to be<br />

modelled together, it is considered that the analysis shows no significant queuing is<br />

occuring to cause the junctions to interact. The detailed flows are at Appendix D with<br />

modelling at Appendix E.<br />


14.15.1 This junction was assessed in the original TA and has been reassessed in this<br />

STA. The junction has been assessed using the original TA flows as the LLITM model<br />

does not assess this as a cross roads but as a tee junction with the development loading<br />

from the Next development being loaded onto Beggars Lane. To the base flows the<br />

LLITM model flows have been added.<br />

14.15.2 Whilst the LLITM model seeks to assign traffic to this route from the<br />

development, it is recognised that the proposals are seeking to resist the movement of<br />

additional traffic through Enderby. Accordingly the results below show a loss of capacity<br />

at the junction and increases in queuing and delay. It is considered that the junction can<br />

be operated to minimise delay to traffic on the B582 and exiting the next access with the<br />

delays primarily focussed to Beggars Lane to discourage the use of this route. The<br />

improvements to this junction are included at Appendix R with the junction flows at<br />

Appendix D and the modelling at Appendix E. This scheme includes a ban to the right<br />

turn to Beggars Lane to restrict the use of this route.<br />

Table 14.15.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Beggars Lane/Desford Road<br />

Crossroads Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -4.3 47.9<br />

PM 11.5 43.5<br />

AM -7.3 55.4<br />

PM 7.5 45.5<br />

AM 23.2 23.9<br />

PM 6.6 39.3<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM -27.0 195.1<br />

PM -12.2 84.3<br />

AM 21.8 25.2<br />

PM 6.3 37.5<br />


14.16.1 This junction in the middle of Enderby is a constrained junction with little<br />

opportunity to improve the operation of the junction. Furthermore it is the intention of the<br />

development to seek to resist traffic travelling through Enderby and encourage traffic<br />

through the development. Accordingly whilst this has been assessed and the TA and<br />

56 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

LLITM flows modelled, is it considered that traffic should not be encouraged to access<br />

the site via this route and measures should not be promoted to encourage this.<br />

However, to address the operational capacity of this junction, it is possible to ban the<br />

right turn from <strong>Blaby</strong> Road to Leicester Lane and improve the overall capacity of the<br />

junction. This option is shown in the figures below with the improvement shown at<br />

Appendix M. Details of the junction flows and modelling are included at Appendices D<br />

and E.<br />

Table 14.16.1 Summary of Junction Assessment - <strong>Blaby</strong> Road/Leicester Lane Cross<br />

Roads Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -3.7 60<br />

PM -2.5 58.4<br />

AM -19.5 201.1<br />

PM -14.2 106.9<br />

AM 5.5 33.1<br />

PM -2.3 24.5<br />

AM -7.5 67.4<br />

PM -27.9 354<br />

AM -26.6 330.7<br />

PM -52.4 669.8<br />

AM 15.2 44.6<br />

PM -8.2 52.7<br />

14.16.2 In the context of both the Beggars Lane junction and the Leicester Lane<br />

junction, the proposals are to restrict development traffic routing through Enderby and to<br />

encourage such traffic via the site and Leicester Lane / St John’s junction.<br />

14.16.3 This issue was considered in the LLITM model with restrictions to the use of<br />

Beggars Lane as identified in paragraphs 12.1.37 – 12.1.39. It is clear from this that the<br />

model assigns traffic to Enderby and may not be fully recognising the existing<br />

congestion which exists. Accordingly, whilst measures can be provided at both Beggars<br />

Lane and Leicester Lane junction to improve the capacity by banning the right turning<br />

traffic, it is anticipated that in practice the route will not be as attractive as the model<br />

predicts and that traffic to the south will route through the development. In such<br />

circumstances, the measures proposed would not be necessary as the level of traffic<br />

impact on these junctions would not be material.<br />


14.17.1 The Foxhunter junction was not assessed in the original TA but has been<br />

included in this further assessment. The junction is partially signalised with the <strong>Blaby</strong><br />

Road approach from the north uncontrolled. The assessment of this junction has been<br />

undertaken using the Linsig 3 program and has assessed both the LLITM flows and the<br />

TA base flows and development traffic.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 57

14.17.2 As part of the discussions on this junction with LCC it is recognised that the<br />

Highway Authority would like to see the junction fully signalised to address safety<br />

concerns they have. Accordingly as part of this assessment WSP have prepared a<br />

scheme to fully signalise the junction, which is included at Appendix N. This amendment<br />

to the scheme is included in the analysis set out below and demonstrates that the impact<br />

of the development can be accommodated on the junction. By signalising the <strong>Blaby</strong><br />

Road junction from the north it is considered that some control can be placed on this<br />

flow approaching the junction which may form part of a strategy to assist in routing traffic<br />

away from Enderby and through the development site.<br />

14.17.3 Full details of the various traffic flows are included at Appendix D with the<br />

detailed analysis at Appendix E.<br />

Table 14.17.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Foxhunter Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM -0.8 53.0<br />

PM -3.1 51.4<br />

AM -6.4 57.9<br />

PM -7.5 61.3<br />

AM 13.9 46.7<br />

PM -7.3 52.7<br />

AM -6.0 58.6<br />

PM -3.0 53.4<br />

AM -10.8 81.0<br />

PM -11.3 83.7<br />

AM -3.9 59.6<br />

PM -6.5 63.6<br />


14.18.1 This junction is also a signalised junction and currently restricts movements<br />

from Leicester Lane from turning right and hence all traffic is routed to the Fosse Park<br />

junction. The junction also serves the Police station.<br />

14.18.2 The proposed junction as assessed in the TA included right turn facilities and<br />

these have been improved in the latest layout as attached at Appendix O. Furthermore<br />

the layout has improved the approach flare from the south to extend the four lanes over<br />

a longer length.<br />

14.18.3 The analysis of the junction demonstrates suitable capacity can be achieved,<br />

with the flows used in this assessment included at Appendix D and the analysis at<br />

Appendix E.<br />

58 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Table 14.18.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Leicester Lane/St Johns Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM 12.1 22.8<br />

PM 18.2 18.8<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM -9.2 54.9<br />

PM -2.4 51.4<br />

AM 64.3 17.2<br />

PM 25.7 22.2<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 44.4 15.6<br />

PM 17.4 31.9<br />


14.19.1 This junction is to the southern end of Lubbesthorpe Way to the north of the<br />

A5460 link to the M1. The junction has been assessed using the LLITM flows as shown<br />

attached at Appendix D. Consideration was given to partial signalisation but is not<br />

considered necessary. Details of the analysis area attached at Appendix E.<br />

14.19.2 Full details of the Arcady analysis are set out below.<br />

Table 14.19.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – Lubbesthorpe Way/Meridian South<br />

Roundabout Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 28.8 1.8<br />

PM 23.3 2.4<br />

2026 Base LLITM & AM 28.8 2.4<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 59

Development PM 23.2 2.4<br />

14.20 A5460 / A563 LINK.<br />

14.20.1 Whilst it is considered that the impact of the development traffic is minimal on<br />

the A5460 link, it is equally recognised that there is a desire for development traffic to<br />

route to and from the West Midlands making use of the M69. As such consideration has<br />

been given to increase the weaving capacity of this link to four lanes from the existing 3<br />

for traffic travelling east bound on this link. The west bound link already has 4 lanes to<br />

junction 21, with an additional 2 lanes to the dedicated left turning slip lane. The<br />

measures to widen the link also include measures to provide some improvement to the<br />

operational performance of the junction. These details are included at Appendix P.<br />

14.20.2 No specific analysis has been undertaken of these works although they are<br />

considered to ease current congestion that exists in that area, by providing additional<br />

capacity.<br />


14.21.1 The detailed flows and junction analysis is included at Appendix D & E. In the<br />

context of this junction it is considered that the development does not have a material<br />

impact in the operation of this junction.<br />

Table 14.19.1 Summary of Junction Assessment – A563/Scudamore Road<br />

Roundabout Junction<br />

Assessment<br />

Scenario<br />

2026 Base TA<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base TA &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

2026 Base LLITM<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development<br />

2026 Base LLITM &<br />

Development with<br />

Improvements<br />

14.1 OTHER MEASURES.<br />

14.2 KIRBY MUXLOE<br />

Period PRC (%) Average Delay –<br />

Seconds Per PCU<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

AM 21.0 3.0<br />

PM 17.4 3.6<br />

AM 17.7 3.6<br />

PM 17.1 3.6<br />

AM - -<br />

PM - -<br />

14.2.1 Whilst not included in the LLITM model it is recognised that traffic from the<br />

development may route via Maytree Drive, Cherry Tree Avenue, Barry Drive and Forest<br />

60 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Rise. Accordingly it is proposed to introduce a traffic calming scheme to these routes to<br />

restrict the potential rat running that may occur. Details of this are shown on the plan<br />

attached at Appendix Q.<br />

14.3 GLENFIELD<br />

14.3.1 Within the Glenfield area measures are proposed along Liberty Road to ensure<br />

ratrunning does not occur. This is also shown at Appendix Q.<br />

14.4 NARBOROUGH<br />

14.4.1 Finally in Narborough, traffic calming is proposed on Forest Road, Hardwick<br />

Road and the Pastures to address traffic calming issues raised by the County <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 61

15 Public Consultation<br />


15.1.1 The details of the Public Consultations that took place and the key issues<br />

raised are set out in the original TA. In dealing with the key points raised in the context<br />

of the further modelling in LLITM, these are discussed below.<br />


15.2.1 The modelling has considered the whole network and the likely routing of traffic<br />

around the site. This also allows for traffic to route through the site which has identified<br />

shown some 372 vehicles routing through the site in the am peak and 697 in the pm<br />

peak. This in part releases some capacity for development traffic on the existing<br />

network. The detailed assessment has then considered the development traffic in<br />

addition to the base LLITM flow thereby appraising a worst case assessment of the<br />

development impact.<br />


15.3.1 In dealing with the A47, corridor improvements are proposed at the following<br />

junctions:-<br />

1) Desford Road<br />

2) Beggars Lane<br />

3) Kirby Lane<br />

4) Braunstone Cross Roads<br />

5) A563<br />

In addition other measures are proposed along the corridor between the Braunstone<br />

Cross Roads and the City, together with the new bus lane from Baines Lane to the<br />

Braunstone Cross Roads.<br />

15.4 ACCESS ACROSS M1<br />

15.4.1 Access across the M1 and M69 are agreed in principle with the HA.<br />

15.5 RAT RUNNING<br />

15.5.1 It is proposed to address potential rat running within Kirby Muxloe, Glenfield<br />

and Narborough. Details of this are included at Appendix Q.<br />


15.6.1 The modelling identifies additional traffic through Enderby which has been<br />

assessed and mitigation proposals identified. However, the development is seeking to<br />

minimise trips from the development routing through Enderby and encourage such traffic<br />

via the site and St Johns to route further to the south. It is considered that the modelling<br />

over states the capacity of the route through Enderby and that in practice this routing will<br />

be limited.<br />


15.7.1 The public transport proposals are included within this supplementary TA to<br />

support and encourage such uses. The proposed measures have been adapted to<br />

reflect the inclusion of a Transport Hub within the district centre.<br />

62 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

15.8 SUMMARY<br />

15.8.1 Overall it is considered that the measures proposed address the various<br />

concerns raised and that the development proposals ensure a sustainable development<br />

proposal.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 63

16 Summary and Conclusions<br />

16.1.1 This Supplementary Transport Assessment has been prepared as part of a<br />

planning application for development of a sustainable mixed use urban extension west of<br />

Leicester City Centre. This STA accompanies the updated Environmental Statement<br />

submitted as part of this application.<br />

16.1.2 The STA incorporates the assessment of the development within the LLITM<br />

model and it is considered that this now provides the highway authorities with sufficient<br />

information in order to establish the likely impact the proposed urban extension will have<br />

on the local highway network.<br />

16.1.3 The development proposal includes for the provision of up to 4,500 dwellings, 2<br />

primary schools, 1 secondary school, district and local centres, health care facilities and<br />

employment land on land west on Leicester at Lubbesthorpe. The Application site is<br />

located approximately 6Km to the west of Leicester City Centre south of Leicester Forest<br />

East. The land was identified in <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s emerging Local Development<br />

Framework as Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) together with the Strategic<br />

Employment Site (SES).<br />

16.1.4 The development proposal includes for new highway infrastructure to be<br />

provided which includes improvements to the signalised junction at Beggars Lane, a new<br />

bridge link road across the M1, a bus link via the existing M1 MSA bridge and Baines<br />

Road onto A47, a new bus lane on A47 between Baines Land and the Braunstone Lane<br />

junction, a new bridge link road across the M69 and a new roundabout junction<br />

arrangement on Leicester Lane.<br />

16.1.5 The proposed access to the site from Beggars Lane will be in the form of a<br />

roundabout junction at the north western side of the site and a priority junction<br />

arrangement to the south western side of the site. To the east, access will be provided<br />

through the provision of the new M1 bridge which will link with Meridian Way providing<br />

access onto A563. To the south, access will be provided via a new bridge across the<br />

M69 junction which in turn links onto Leicester Lane. These access arrangements will be<br />

provided at key trigger points during the development process. It is intended that further<br />

modelling be undertaken within the LLITM model to ensure that the development impact<br />

is no greater at any point through the development phases than the completed<br />

development.<br />

16.1.6 The assessment of the proposed development within LLITM has shown that<br />

the development trip rates are lower within LLITM than considered in the original TA, for<br />

the overall trip rates. The LLITM model distribution has been considered and the impact<br />

of the development traffic assessed against the core flows and also the effect of the<br />

redistributed flows. This has then formed the basis of the revised area of assessment<br />

which includes a more extensive assessment than considered in the original TA. The<br />

assessment of the various junctions has considered the core traffic flows and then<br />

added the development traffic without any effect of the redistribution of traffic. In this way<br />

this is a robust assessment and considers higher levels of traffic flow through the<br />

junctions than considered in the LLITM model.<br />

64 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

16.1.7 The background core traffic flows have been considered against the base flows<br />

assessed in the original TA and are considered to correlate to that data. The growth<br />

rates have also been assessed at the 2026 design year. In the context of the core<br />

network this excludes the Lubbesthorpe development from the growth, however when<br />

considering the background growth levels these indicate growth in excess of that<br />

anticipated for <strong>Blaby</strong>. By adopting these growth levels this therefore takes into account<br />

the impact of committed development within the area although effect of the Glenfield<br />

development has been manually added to the development flows.<br />

16.1.8 The sites location offers the opportunities for residents, employees and users<br />

of the local facilities to use alternative modes other than the private car. The proposals<br />

place an emphasis onto providing a regular and frequent bus service between the site<br />

and Leicester City Centre together with local services connecting to the surrounding<br />

employment and retail areas. The modelling predicts a modal split to non-car modes in<br />

the AM peak of 36% overall for trips between the site, <strong>Blaby</strong> and the Leicester City area.<br />

16.1.9 The proposed bus provision is to be provided within the first phase of the<br />

development linking the site and the City Centre with a peak hour frequency of 1 service<br />

every 20mins, and an off peak service at 30min intervals. The reliability of this service<br />

will be increased through the provision of the bus lane between Baines Lane and the<br />

Braunstone Lane junction. This will be further improved through contributions towards<br />

further bus priority measures on A47 going into and out of the City Centre. Real time bus<br />

information will also be provided at key locations within the development site, and at the<br />

Transport Hub which will form part of the district centre.<br />

16.1.10 The development proposal provides a strategic network of footpaths and<br />

cycleways providing links to key areas such as schools, local centres, health facilities etc<br />

as well as recreational routes. These routes link with the existing cycle and footway links<br />

that surround the site allowing residents and employees to use alternative modes of<br />

transport. The design of these networks will conform to the design guidelines set out by<br />


16.1.11 Travel Plans are provided for both the employment use and the residential use.<br />

These Travel Plans are submitted as standalone documents and provide the measures<br />

that will be put in place to encourage use of alternative modes of transport as well as the<br />

proposed targets to be met.<br />

16.1.12 The design of the site layout follows the design principles of the recently<br />

published Manual for Streets (MfS) together with the Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>s<br />

Design guidelines. The main routes through the site will be 6meters in width and have a<br />

speed limit of 30mph, this will be reduced to 20mph where it passes schools. Local<br />

roads will be between 5.8m and 4.8m depending upon the level of use proposed; these<br />

roads will be subject to a 20mph speed limit. The design of the highway layout will<br />

ensure that speed levels are self enforcing where possible, reducing the need for<br />

physical traffic calming measures.<br />

16.1.13 Parking is a key function of many streets and can assist in calming speeds.<br />

The design will incorporate a mixture of parking arrangements including off-street, onstreet<br />

and communal parking areas. The layouts of the parking areas will be designed<br />

so that, they maximise security and minimise visual dominance. The level of parking to<br />

be provided will accord with Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>s Parking Standards.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment 65

16.1.14 Assessment of the impact of the development proposal has been undertaken<br />

using the industry standard computer programmes namely ARCADY (roundabouts) and<br />

LINSIG (Signals). The results of the analysis show that with the proposed highway<br />

infrastructure in place the majority of junctions will operate within capacity, and that the<br />

measures proposed offer network improvements. The junction improvements include<br />

measures at the following junctions:<br />

A47 Desford Road junction.<br />

A47 Beggars Lane junction.<br />

A47 Kirby Lane junction.<br />

A47 Baines Lane junction.<br />

A47 Bus lane between Baines Lane and Braunstone Cross Roads.<br />

A47 Braunstone Cross Roads junction.<br />

A47 / A563 junction.<br />

Enhancements to the bus corridor between A47 / A563 junction and the City.<br />

Beggars Lane / Desford Road junction.<br />

Leicester Lane / <strong>Blaby</strong> Road junction.<br />

Foxhunter Junction.<br />

Leicester Lane / St Johns junction.<br />

A5460 link between junction 21 and Fosse Park.<br />

It is considered that the measures proposed provide a significant investment to the<br />

improvement of the network in the vicinity of the proposed junction.<br />

16.1.15 In the context of the measures to the junction within Enderby, it is considered<br />

that the development is seeking to avoid development traffic using that route. It is<br />

intended that development traffic should be routed via the new link crossing the M69 to<br />

Leicester Lane and then via St Johns. However it is considered that the LLITM model<br />

appears to be routing traffic through Enderby and potentially is over stating the capacity<br />

of the junctions along that route. Accordingly whilst mitigation schemes have been<br />

proposed it is anticipated that these may not be needed as the development traffic will<br />

not impact to the extent the model suggests.<br />

16.1.16 The measures being proposed by the development proposal will assist in<br />

providing improvements to the existing highway infrastructure and mitigating the<br />

developments impact on the local highway network. These include the considerable<br />

investment of new links across the M69 and M1 together with a dedicated high speed<br />

bus link to the City Centre. The site will have a number of facilities internal to the site<br />

which will reduce the need for residents to travel on the local highway network especially<br />

during the network peak periods. Measures will be provided to encourage the use of<br />

alternative modes of transport to accord with the relevant local and central government<br />

policy objectives in reducing private car travel.<br />

66 Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

Appendices, Figures & Tables

Appendix A Figures<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

Figures<br />

1. Site Location Plans<br />

2. Extent of Assessment<br />

3. Zoning Plan<br />

4. Existing PROW<br />

5. Existing Cycle Routes<br />

6. Proposed PROW and Cycle Routes<br />

7-10. Bus Routes to City Centre<br />

11. Local Bus Route Plan<br />

12. Existing Local Bus Services<br />

13. Bus Catchment Plan<br />

14. Development Road Hierarchy (Revision A)<br />

15. 2011 Base Core Flow Data LLITM<br />

16. Identified Commuted Development<br />

17. 2026 & 2031 Core and Development Plans<br />

18. Development Traffic<br />

19. Traffic Re Routing<br />

20. Local Mode Share<br />

21. National Mode Share<br />

22. % Impact<br />

23. Routing to Foxhunter<br />

24. Changes in Flow for Options for Beggars Lane<br />

25. Assessed Junctions<br />

26. 18 Hour and 24 Hour Flow Data<br />

Supplementary Travel Assessment 11501693

M1<br />

M69<br />

M1<br />

New Parks Way A563<br />

Soar Valley Way A563<br />

Leicester City Centre<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Site Area

M1<br />

A47<br />

M69<br />

Based upon the Ordnance Survey map<br />

with the permission of the Controller<br />

of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office,<br />

Crown Copyright reserved.<br />

Licence Number 100048755<br />

Kirby Lane<br />

Beggar’s Lane<br />

B582<br />

Ratby Lane<br />

New Parks Way A563<br />

M1<br />

A563<br />

B4114<br />

A47<br />

Braunstone Lane<br />

Meridian Way<br />

A5460<br />

Leicseter Lane<br />

Leicester City Centre<br />

Soar Valley Way A563<br />

Site Location Plan<br />

Showing Assessed Routes<br />

Not to Scale<br />

N:\Leicester New Lobbesthorpe 1693\DRAWINGS\FREEHAND\Assessed Routes Plan.fh11 11501693<br />

TITLE<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

FIGURE No:<br />

Site Area<br />

Assessed Routes<br />

Figure 2

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Main traffic routes<br />

Bus only link<br />

20mph traffic calmed<br />

sections<br />

Transport Hub<br />

Net Area (ha)<br />

Zone 1 - 28.5 ha<br />

Zone 2a - 36.9 ha<br />

Zone 2b - 47.1 ha<br />

Zone 3 - 58.8 ha<br />

Zone 4a - 8.3 ha<br />

Zone 4b - 9.1 ha

V87<br />

W6<br />

V82<br />

V80a<br />

V106<br />

V82<br />

V77<br />

Route is Segregated<br />

at this Point<br />

W31<br />

V83<br />

Field Track<br />

W3/3a<br />

V82<br />

V66<br />

W17<br />

W7<br />

W16<br />

Footbridge<br />

W15<br />

W2<br />

W3/3a<br />

V77a<br />

Underpass<br />

W25<br />

W4<br />

W4a<br />

W118 Bridleway<br />

W24<br />

W5<br />

W42<br />

W9<br />

W5 Bridleway<br />

W16a<br />

W4<br />

W108<br />

W20<br />

W21<br />

W5 Bridleway<br />

W120<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

W3 / 3a<br />

W4<br />

W6<br />

W7<br />

W15<br />

W118 (Bridleway)<br />

V77a<br />

V80a<br />


Subway<br />

Footbridge<br />


Bus Link Only<br />

To city centre<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Clockwise<br />

Anti clockwise<br />

20 min frequency bus<br />

service between the<br />

residential area and<br />

Leicester City Centre.<br />

30 min frequency bus<br />

service between the<br />

site and local<br />

employment/retail<br />

facilities.<br />

Proposed bus stops<br />

Existing bus stops<br />

Transport Hub

<strong>Key</strong>:<br />

Bus Routes:<br />

50A<br />

51<br />

18<br />

302<br />

15, 15A<br />

104<br />

148<br />

45<br />

50<br />

X6<br />

51A<br />

140<br />

13A<br />

158<br />

48<br />

152<br />

153<br />

Motorway<br />

Park & Ride<br />

Site Area

<strong>Key</strong><br />

400m. Isochrone<br />

Proposed Bus Route<br />

(6.7 km.)<br />

Road Network<br />

Residential<br />

School<br />

Employment Area<br />

Transport Hub

Primary<br />

School<br />

Primary<br />

School<br />

Secondary<br />

School<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Main Street (30mph)<br />

High Street (20mph)<br />

Industrial Road (30mph)<br />

Mixed Use Street (20mph)<br />

Mews / Lane (20 mph)<br />

Transport Hub<br />

Residential<br />

Schools<br />

Employment<br />

Site Area

NA<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

916<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 380<br />

B5380<br />

1081<br />

M1<br />

Not Available<br />

Main Street 438 1216<br />

582 A47<br />

285<br />

430<br />

Station Road 554<br />

921<br />

835 415<br />

270<br />

768<br />

1046<br />

926 1104<br />

560<br />

1041 1229<br />

807 Brounstone Lane<br />

393<br />

613 900<br />

B582 245 480<br />

263<br />

A47<br />

687<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

175 388<br />

425<br />

5807 5714<br />

51 200<br />

984 1435<br />

243 1359<br />

2724<br />

471<br />

1741<br />

M69 656<br />

206<br />

333<br />

644<br />

3362<br />

2506<br />

A5460<br />

703 514<br />

3872 3521 1238<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

410<br />

1097<br />

1400<br />

1412<br />

1052<br />

M1 B582<br />

744 1261<br />

B4114<br />

1026<br />

1616 A563<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

No Development<br />

AM Peak<br />

All Vehicles (0.95PCU)<br />

2011<br />

Figure 15a

NA<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

365<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 857<br />

B5380<br />

879<br />

M1<br />

Not Available<br />

Main Street 707 701<br />

220 A47<br />

445<br />

301<br />

Station Road 434<br />

1283<br />

719 592<br />

456<br />

1081<br />

849<br />

638 1138<br />

1152<br />

1507 1232<br />

870 Brounstone Lane<br />

616<br />

573 1069<br />

B582 243 633<br />

296<br />

A47<br />

784<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

471 202<br />

408<br />

6322 5827<br />

289 140<br />

1313 1285<br />

346 1252<br />

2681<br />

420<br />

1741<br />

M69 390<br />

388<br />

566<br />

554<br />

2920<br />

1791<br />

A5460<br />

1176 1062<br />

4254 3392 1796<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

424<br />

719<br />

1362<br />

1752<br />

1291<br />

M1 B582<br />

656 1144<br />

B4114<br />

1344<br />

1720 A563<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

No Development<br />

PM Peak<br />

All Vehicles (0.95PCU)<br />

2011<br />

Figure 15b

Based upon the Ordnance Survey map<br />

with the permission of the Controller<br />

of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office,<br />

Crown Copyright reserved.<br />

Licence Number 100048755<br />

Beggar’s Lane<br />

145 dewllings<br />

Next Car<br />

Park<br />

Glenfield Park<br />

Employment<br />

250 Dwellings<br />

Local Centre<br />

Energy Centre<br />

Oak Spinney Park<br />

Ratby Lane<br />

Grove Park<br />

Topps Tiles<br />

Warehouse / Storage<br />

/ Office Space<br />

St. John’s, Enderby<br />

45 dwellings<br />

Meridian Way<br />

Sainsbury’s<br />

Grove Park<br />

Triangle<br />

Audi Garage<br />

Impact of Cumulative<br />

Development Site Plan<br />

Showing Consented Schemes<br />

Not to Scale<br />

FIGURE 16<br />

N:\Leicester New Lobbesthorpe 1693\DRAWINGS\FREEHAND\Alternative Sites.fh11 11501693<br />

TITLE<br />


<strong>Key</strong><br />

Motorway<br />

A563<br />

A - Road B5380<br />

1112<br />

B - Road M1 1186<br />

Link Road 1161<br />

New Road 652<br />

633 A47<br />

Core Only 576 644<br />

Core + Development 605 1003 1384<br />

Core + Development +<br />

633 954 1343<br />

Mitigation<br />

961 1364<br />

Kirby Lane<br />

964<br />

1048<br />

1023<br />

1310<br />

1256 1047 1373<br />

1273 1307 1397<br />

1248 1451<br />

649<br />

603 468<br />

611 1073 474<br />

1103 1028 504 464<br />

373 1051 1017 513<br />

433<br />

443<br />

1067 511<br />

913<br />

866<br />

794 854 Brounstone Lane<br />

775 425<br />

778 665 469<br />

638 733<br />

842 979<br />

B582 245 936 928 392<br />

238 878 923 424 549<br />

238 825<br />

336 227 840<br />

297<br />

344<br />

266<br />

817<br />

848 226 6288<br />

918 325 6457 6319<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

6464<br />

6460<br />

6302<br />

1035 1580<br />

270 511 1060 1109<br />

A47 338 530 1077 1487<br />

629 663<br />

230<br />

438 221<br />

468 A5460<br />

390 423 1310<br />

427 439 1315<br />

365 452 1333 1596<br />

3512 1671<br />

3488 1648<br />

3483<br />

3176<br />

3185<br />

3189<br />

1497<br />

1480<br />

1482<br />

2487<br />

2486<br />

2495<br />

4388 4215 1946<br />

4371 4249 1951<br />

4369 4247 1954<br />

166 240<br />

180 233 1655 A563<br />

660 1648<br />

641 1644<br />

M69 639 757<br />

377 613<br />

315 614<br />

328 Leicester Lane<br />

365<br />

326<br />

280<br />

1398<br />

1390<br />

453 1378<br />

554<br />

539 1402<br />

753 1387<br />

761 1398<br />

795<br />

1086<br />

1435 1103<br />

1420 1174<br />

1448<br />

M1 B582<br />

1085 1486<br />

1163 1420<br />

B4114 1174 1448<br />

Land at New Lobbesthorpe<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

AM<br />

Figure 17a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Motorway<br />

A563<br />

A - Road B5380<br />

1201<br />

B - Road M1 1167<br />

Link Road 1167<br />

New Road 598<br />

612 A47<br />

Core Only 520 617<br />

Core + Development 546 803 1443<br />

Core + Development +<br />

548 796 1541<br />

Mitigation<br />

758 1546<br />

Kirby Lane<br />

1479<br />

1440<br />

1428<br />

773<br />

774 1701 1382<br />

722 1705 1575<br />

1704 1557<br />

365<br />

400 400<br />

417 1366 419<br />

640 1339 385 396<br />

748 632 1362 384<br />

774<br />

805<br />

589 384<br />

1187<br />

1145<br />

778 1181 Brounstone Lane<br />

763 660<br />

768 511 898<br />

516 889<br />

713 1107<br />

B582 251 805 1076 935<br />

251 819 1116 971 662<br />

250 1052<br />

354 188 1159<br />

337<br />

360<br />

306<br />

884<br />

957 279 6595<br />

1013 373 6851 6592<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

6862<br />

6850<br />

6538<br />

1439 1425<br />

563 275 1289 1266<br />

A47 613 329 1387 1237<br />

838 573<br />

358<br />

442 missing<br />

465 A5460<br />

443 441 1539<br />

485 355 1570<br />

452 322 1562 1802<br />

3100 1847<br />

3191 1837<br />

3195<br />

3226<br />

3249<br />

3256<br />

1290<br />

1301<br />

1307<br />

1435<br />

1485<br />

1482<br />

4670 4051 1946<br />

4697 4024 1937<br />

4689 3972 1942<br />

252 281<br />

287 377 1608 A563<br />

579 1644<br />

615 1632<br />

M69 624 620<br />

524 578<br />

488 558<br />

502 Leicester Lane<br />

742<br />

714<br />

578<br />

1339<br />

1354<br />

537 1347<br />

572<br />

605 1745<br />

934 1750<br />

958 1754<br />

964<br />

1411<br />

1411 1433<br />

1433 1403<br />

1403<br />

M1 B582<br />

1337 1337<br />

1343 1343<br />

B4114 1355 1355<br />

Land at New Lobbesthorpe<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

PM<br />

Figure 17b

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Motorway<br />

A563<br />

A - Road B5380<br />

1113<br />

B - Road M1 1197<br />

Link Road 1165<br />

New Road 672<br />

657 A47<br />

Core Only 598 665<br />

Core + Development 646 1020 1428<br />

Core + Development +<br />

679 956 1382<br />

Mitigation<br />

970 1397<br />

Kirby Lane<br />

987<br />

1064<br />

1027<br />

1333<br />

1268 1064 1443<br />

1295 1309 1444<br />

1262 1511<br />

678<br />

629 471<br />

648 1089 473<br />

1134 1051 512 463<br />

389 1065 1036 521<br />

449<br />

466<br />

1088 519<br />

935<br />

890<br />

804 872 Brounstone Lane<br />

784 433<br />

792 643 423<br />

607 755<br />

869 984<br />

B582 245 951 936 419<br />

238 894 914 470 562<br />

239 844<br />

344 213 868<br />

310<br />

361<br />

250<br />

835<br />

880 220 6414<br />

944 334 6616 6512<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

6637<br />

6610<br />

6501<br />

1072 1656<br />

296 533 1057 1083<br />

A47 346 525 1106 1548<br />

646 657<br />

239<br />

435 241<br />

472 A5460<br />

414 422 1312<br />

443 1329<br />

386 468 1351 1683<br />

489 3491 1706<br />

3470 1687<br />

3462<br />

3274<br />

3270<br />

3272<br />

1467<br />

1442<br />

1449<br />

2466<br />

2248<br />

2229<br />

4509 4418 1951<br />

4479 4149 1950<br />

4467 4150 1960<br />

172 221<br />

174 216 1664 A563<br />

696 1633<br />

661 1631<br />

M69 665 750<br />

426 607<br />

351 599<br />

369 Leicester Lane<br />

410<br />

364<br />

299<br />

1399<br />

1381<br />

471 1368<br />

577<br />

575 1426<br />

761 1465<br />

775 1490<br />

788<br />

1161<br />

1161 1277<br />

1285 1285<br />

1277<br />

M1 B582<br />

1464 1464<br />

1641 1461<br />

B4114 1468 1468<br />

Land at New Lobbesthorpe<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2031<br />

AM<br />

Figure 17c

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Motorway<br />

A563<br />

A - Road B5380<br />

1223<br />

B - Road M1 1180<br />

Link Road 1172<br />

New Road 632<br />

642 A47<br />

Core Only 485 650<br />

Core + Development 490 816 1508<br />

Core + Development +<br />

488 813 1576<br />

Mitigation<br />

783 1583<br />

Kirby Lane<br />

1468<br />

1427<br />

1436<br />

752<br />

751 1695 1448<br />

674 1699 1596<br />

1699 1584<br />

386<br />

411 406<br />

452 1378 421<br />

616 1357 385 404<br />

804 606 1368 385<br />

828<br />

877<br />

536 384<br />

1201<br />

1167<br />

765 1186 Brounstone Lane<br />

752 693<br />

751 524 918<br />

554 926<br />

729 1105<br />

B582 253 805 1079 954<br />

251 821 1110 969 681<br />

250 1079<br />

360 183 1240<br />

346<br />

361<br />

308<br />

903<br />

971 279 6691<br />

1023 383 6981 6718<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

6974<br />

6979<br />

6691<br />

1453 1500<br />

581 295 1313 1285<br />

A47 630 326 1462 1277<br />

858 599<br />

366<br />

445 354<br />

463 A5460<br />

463 442 1639<br />

500 1661<br />

472 369 1651 1810<br />

329 3154 1879<br />

3233 1880<br />

3233<br />

3122<br />

3163<br />

3169<br />

1269<br />

1278<br />

1285<br />

1364<br />

1410<br />

1431<br />

5053 4164 1957<br />

5063 4169 1948<br />

5048 4183 1944<br />

253 307<br />

311 405 1606 A563<br />

617 1650<br />

625 1646<br />

M69 626 629<br />

558 597<br />

515 578<br />

526 Leicester Lane<br />

758<br />

738<br />

616<br />

1340<br />

1344<br />

553 1343<br />

598<br />

602 1755<br />

989 1739<br />

1018 1746<br />

1013<br />

1448<br />

1467<br />

1461<br />

M1<br />

1448<br />

1467<br />

1461 B582<br />

1384 1384<br />

1398 1398<br />

B4114 1413 1413<br />

Land at New Lobbesthorpe<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2031<br />

PM<br />

Figure 17d

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

0<br />

0<br />

New Road A563<br />

Without Mitigation 1<br />

With Mitigation 1 B5380<br />

0<br />

TA Figures with Mitigation (-16%) M1 124<br />

NA Not Available<br />

108<br />

Main Street 11 3<br />

8 41 4 A47<br />

19 30 18<br />

6 0<br />

7 6 0<br />

16 0 57<br />

36<br />

30<br />

0<br />

15<br />

46 297 147<br />

30 256 149<br />

176 80<br />

Station Road<br />

39<br />

38 2<br />

23 24 2<br />

22 25 5 0<br />

77 52 19 5<br />

75<br />

45<br />

30 0<br />

27<br />

29<br />

100 19 Brounstone Lane<br />

131 518<br />

75 473<br />

829<br />

63 65<br />

B582 2 78 67 110 274<br />

2 82 42 109 290<br />

11 337<br />

37<br />

51 13 182<br />

26 129 13 43<br />

124 162 17 33<br />

222<br />

214 4 51<br />

10 34 3 49<br />

12 40 41 15 99 14<br />

Beggars Lane 113 151<br />

144 402<br />

70 56<br />

A47 153 59<br />

147<br />

143<br />

0 12<br />

0 A5460<br />

0 4 59<br />

0 61<br />

0 332 213 58<br />

349 32 27<br />

39 91 123<br />

32<br />

3<br />

54<br />

88<br />

32<br />

32<br />

11 44 32<br />

38 61<br />

2 4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

32<br />

13 50 54<br />

12 49 50<br />

6 16 190<br />

71 156<br />

118 143 70 A563<br />

143 228 291 67<br />

138 109<br />

M69 44 19 109<br />

54 23 106<br />

49 39 258<br />

13 Leicester Lane<br />

41 118<br />

36 95<br />

34 189<br />

2<br />

2<br />

135 144<br />

130<br />

72 1<br />

66 2<br />

67 71<br />

46<br />

95<br />

9 94<br />

10 0<br />

190<br />

M1 B582<br />

10 49<br />

10 50<br />

B4114 29 0<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development Traffic Only<br />

AM Peak<br />

All Vehicles (0.95PCU)<br />

2026<br />

Figure 18a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

12<br />

16<br />

New Road A563<br />

Without Mitigation 1<br />

With Mitigation 1 B5380 107<br />

TA Figures with Mitigation (-5%) M1 107<br />

NA Not Available 74<br />

Main Street 6 12<br />

38 6 36 A47<br />

41 20 34<br />

0 186<br />

19 1 183<br />

20 0 169<br />

14<br />

28<br />

0<br />

5<br />

6 211 259<br />

20 204 238<br />

86 199<br />

Station Road<br />

81<br />

88 2<br />

50 23 2<br />

5 67 2 0<br />

67 10 34 4<br />

67<br />

24<br />

20 0<br />

28<br />

73<br />

75 34 Brounstone Lane<br />

82 357<br />

44 341<br />

356<br />

74 108<br />

B582 1 125 162 117 551<br />

0 241 85 147 502<br />

29 744<br />

29<br />

41 20 148<br />

12 129 38 19<br />

69 128 0 0<br />

102<br />

88 1 91<br />

69 24 1 65<br />

102 23 119 105<br />

Beggars Lane 214 98<br />

471 235<br />

71 72<br />

A47 83 119<br />

266<br />

228<br />

1 45<br />

0 A5460<br />

1 0 59<br />

0 54<br />

0 242 128 12<br />

238 91 10<br />

13 64 238<br />

92<br />

3<br />

2<br />

36<br />

85<br />

83<br />

0 61 78<br />

56 38<br />

5 1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

12<br />

1 91 62<br />

29 2 59<br />

118<br />

174 114<br />

158 116 52 A563<br />

147 330 235 39<br />

138 225<br />

M69 14 71 74<br />

83 130 72<br />

27 37 196<br />

45 Leicester Lane<br />

40 95<br />

43 59<br />

39 293<br />

4<br />

2<br />

100 25<br />

98<br />

48 1<br />

136 2<br />

141 96<br />

81<br />

71<br />

10 73<br />

10 0<br />

105<br />

M1 B582<br />

2 97<br />

1 103<br />

B4114 144 0<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development Traffic Only<br />

PM Peak<br />

All Vehicles (0.95PCU)<br />

2026<br />

Figure 18b

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

955<br />

946<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

-9<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 543<br />

Core after Dev 548 B5380<br />

1112<br />

Difference 5 M1 1038<br />

NA Not Available<br />

-75<br />

Main Street 576 652<br />

558 592 640 A47<br />

554 16 -12<br />

-4 1003 1384<br />

280 955 1364<br />

216<br />

-64<br />

-48 -20<br />

964<br />

993<br />

29<br />

1310<br />

1227 1047 1373<br />

-83 992 1302<br />

-55 -71<br />

Station Road<br />

649<br />

573 468<br />

-76 1073 462<br />

1103 992 504 -6<br />

373 1015 -81 506<br />

368<br />

-5<br />

-88 2<br />

913<br />

826<br />

794 -88 Brounstone Lane<br />

647 0 425<br />

-147 165 733<br />

165 308<br />

842 979<br />

B582 245 800 857 0 0 549<br />

236 -42 -123 56 134 840<br />

-9 56 134 291<br />

336<br />

293 52 239<br />

-43 0 63 429<br />

817 49 11 190<br />

696 49<br />

-121 6457 6288<br />

0 0 6457 6253<br />

140 100 0 -35 1035 1580<br />

Beggars Lane 140 100 964 1336<br />

-71 -244<br />

270 511<br />

A47 476 604<br />

206 93<br />

0<br />

79<br />

438 79<br />

423 A5460<br />

390 -15 1310<br />

365 1272<br />

-25 0 -38 1596<br />

103 3512 1621<br />

103 3392 25<br />

-120<br />

2487<br />

2441<br />

-46<br />

3176<br />

3157<br />

-19 1450 1849<br />

1359 1634<br />

-91 -215<br />

1497<br />

1481<br />

-16<br />

4388 4215 1946<br />

4357 4198 1904<br />

-31 -17 -42<br />

0 0<br />

62 90 1655 A563<br />

660 62 90 1577<br />

501 -78<br />

M69 -159 757 757<br />

377 591 644<br />

279 -166 -113<br />

-98 Leicester Lane<br />

365 365<br />

244 268<br />

-121 -97<br />

1398<br />

1376<br />

453 -22<br />

409<br />

-44 1402<br />

753 1396<br />

728 -6<br />

-25<br />

1086<br />

1435 1080<br />

1439 -6<br />

4<br />

M1 B582<br />

1085 1486<br />

1165 1398<br />

B4114 80 -88<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development with Mitigation<br />

AM Peak<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 19a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

12<br />

16<br />

New Road A563<br />

Without Mitigation 1<br />

With Mitigation 1 B5380 107<br />

TA Figures with Mitigation (-5%) M1 107<br />

NA Not Available 74<br />

Main Street 6 12<br />

38 6 36 A47<br />

41 20 34<br />

0 186<br />

19 1 183<br />

20 0 169<br />

14<br />

28<br />

0<br />

5<br />

6 211 259<br />

20 204 238<br />

86 199<br />

Station Road<br />

81<br />

88 2<br />

50 23 2<br />

5 67 2 0<br />

67 10 34 4<br />

67<br />

24<br />

20 0<br />

28<br />

73<br />

75 34 Brounstone Lane<br />

82 357<br />

44 341<br />

356<br />

74 108<br />

B582 1 125 162 117 551<br />

0 241 85 147 502<br />

29 744<br />

29<br />

41 20 148<br />

12 129 38 19<br />

69 128 0 0<br />

102<br />

88 1 91<br />

69 24 1 65<br />

102 23 119 105<br />

Beggars Lane 214 98<br />

471 235<br />

71 72<br />

A47 83 119<br />

266<br />

228<br />

1 45<br />

0 A5460<br />

1 0 59<br />

0 54<br />

0 242 128 12<br />

238 91 10<br />

13 64 238<br />

92<br />

3<br />

2<br />

36<br />

85<br />

83<br />

0 61 78<br />

56 38<br />

5 1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

12<br />

1 91 62<br />

29 2 59<br />

118<br />

174 114<br />

158 116 52 A563<br />

147 330 235 39<br />

138 225<br />

M69 14 71 74<br />

83 130 72<br />

27 37 196<br />

45 Leicester Lane<br />

40 95<br />

43 59<br />

39 293<br />

4<br />

2<br />

100 25<br />

98<br />

48 1<br />

136 2<br />

141 96<br />

81<br />

71<br />

10 73<br />

10 0<br />

105<br />

M1 B582<br />

2 97<br />

1 103<br />

B4114 144 0<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development Traffic Only<br />

PM Peak<br />

All Vehicles (0.95PCU)<br />

2026<br />

Figure 18b

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

955<br />

946<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

-9<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 543<br />

Core after Dev 548 B5380<br />

1112<br />

Difference 5 M1 1038<br />

NA Not Available<br />

-75<br />

Main Street 576 652<br />

558 592 640 A47<br />

554 16 -12<br />

-4 1003 1384<br />

280 955 1364<br />

216<br />

-64<br />

-48 -20<br />

964<br />

993<br />

29<br />

1310<br />

1227 1047 1373<br />

-83 992 1302<br />

-55 -71<br />

Station Road<br />

649<br />

573 468<br />

-76 1073 462<br />

1103 992 504 -6<br />

373 1015 -81 506<br />

368<br />

-5<br />

-88 2<br />

913<br />

826<br />

794 -88 Brounstone Lane<br />

647 0 425<br />

-147 165 733<br />

165 308<br />

842 979<br />

B582 245 800 857 0 0 549<br />

236 -42 -123 56 134 840<br />

-9 56 134 291<br />

336<br />

293 52 239<br />

-43 0 63 429<br />

817 49 11 190<br />

696 49<br />

-121 6457 6288<br />

0 0 6457 6253<br />

140 100 0 -35 1035 1580<br />

Beggars Lane 140 100 964 1336<br />

-71 -244<br />

270 511<br />

A47 476 604<br />

206 93<br />

0<br />

79<br />

438 79<br />

423 A5460<br />

390 -15 1310<br />

365 1272<br />

-25 0 -38 1596<br />

103 3512 1621<br />

103 3392 25<br />

-120<br />

2487<br />

2441<br />

-46<br />

3176<br />

3157<br />

-19 1450 1849<br />

1359 1634<br />

-91 -215<br />

1497<br />

1481<br />

-16<br />

4388 4215 1946<br />

4357 4198 1904<br />

-31 -17 -42<br />

0 0<br />

62 90 1655 A563<br />

660 62 90 1577<br />

501 -78<br />

M69 -159 757 757<br />

377 591 644<br />

279 -166 -113<br />

-98 Leicester Lane<br />

365 365<br />

244 268<br />

-121 -97<br />

1398<br />

1376<br />

453 -22<br />

409<br />

-44 1402<br />

753 1396<br />

728 -6<br />

-25<br />

1086<br />

1435 1080<br />

1439 -6<br />

4<br />

M1 B582<br />

1085 1486<br />

1165 1398<br />

B4114 80 -88<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development with Mitigation<br />

AM Peak<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 19a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

824<br />

764<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

-60<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 1187<br />

Core after Dev 1160 B5380<br />

1201<br />

Difference -27 M1 1060<br />

NA Not Available<br />

-141<br />

Main Street 520 598<br />

519 542 581 A47<br />

499 22 -17<br />

-20 803 1443<br />

436 757 1363<br />

415<br />

-21<br />

-46 -80<br />

1479<br />

1400<br />

-79<br />

773<br />

716 1701 1382<br />

-57 1500 1319<br />

-201 -63<br />

Station Road<br />

365<br />

329 400<br />

-36 1366 394<br />

640 1295 385 -6<br />

748 580 -71 380<br />

738<br />

-10<br />

-61 -5<br />

1187<br />

1108<br />

778 -79 Brounstone Lane<br />

686 0 660<br />

-92 175 889<br />

175 229<br />

713 1107<br />

B582 251 694 955 0 0 662<br />

250 -19 -153 30 469 1159<br />

-1 30 469 497<br />

354<br />

319 174 341<br />

-35 0 139 494<br />

884 185 -35 153<br />

911 185<br />

27 6851 6595<br />

0 0 6849 6473<br />

-1 147 -2 -122 1439 1425<br />

Beggars Lane -1 147 1173 1139<br />

-266 -286<br />

563 275<br />

A47 755 454<br />

192 179<br />

0<br />

94<br />

442 94<br />

441 A5460<br />

443 -1 1539<br />

452 1508<br />

9 0 -31 1802<br />

84 3100 1827<br />

84 3131 25<br />

31<br />

1435<br />

1480<br />

45<br />

3226<br />

3173<br />

-53 1398 2347<br />

1353 2024<br />

-45 -323<br />

1290<br />

1307<br />

17<br />

4670 4051 1946<br />

4661 3970 1883<br />

-10 -81 -63<br />

0 0<br />

129 261 1608 A563<br />

579 129 261 1593<br />

486 -15<br />

M69 -93 620 620<br />

524 428 412<br />

475 -192 -208<br />

-49 Leicester Lane<br />

742 742<br />

535 355<br />

-207 -387<br />

1339<br />

1345<br />

537 6<br />

507<br />

-30 1745<br />

934 1752<br />

823 7<br />

-111<br />

1411<br />

1411 1330<br />

1394 -81<br />

-18<br />

M1 B582<br />

1337 1337<br />

1354 1252<br />

B4114 17 -85<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development with Mitigation<br />

PM Peak<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 19b

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

2%<br />

0%<br />

( 3% )<br />

0%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

4%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

1%<br />

( 5% )<br />

1%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

1%<br />

2%<br />

( 1% )<br />

2% ( 0% )<br />

1% ( 0% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

0%<br />

( 1% )<br />

3%<br />

1% ( 0% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

2%<br />

5%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

1%<br />

14% ( 2% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

9%<br />

3%<br />

9%<br />

( 6% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

( 7% )<br />

1%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 2% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - A M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

P u b lic Tra n sp o rt T rip s<br />

F ig u re 20a<br />

F IG U Reewrer<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

6%<br />

5%<br />

( 6% )<br />

1%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

1%<br />

( 5% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

3%<br />

4%<br />

( 3% )<br />

2% ( 1% )<br />

2% ( 3% )<br />

3%<br />

( 5% )<br />

3%<br />

( 5% )<br />

3%<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

5%<br />

2% ( 2% )<br />

3% ( 1% )<br />

2%<br />

2% ( 1% )<br />

( 6% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

5%<br />

3% ( 1% )<br />

( 6% )<br />

2%<br />

3%<br />

( 4% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

4%<br />

4% ( 4% )<br />

( 5% )<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

2%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

3%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 3% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - A M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

A ll V e h ic le T rip s<br />

F ig u re 20b<br />

F IG U R X<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

( 1% )<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

1%<br />

83%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 52% )<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

2%<br />

3%<br />

( 6% )<br />

2%<br />

0% ( 1% )<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

( 10% )<br />

( 6% )<br />

2%<br />

0% ( 2% )<br />

( 5% )<br />

2%<br />

1%<br />

( 6% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

1%<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 0% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - A M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

A c tiv e Trip s<br />

F ig u re 20c<br />

F IG U R<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

3%<br />

0%<br />

( 2% )<br />

0%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

1%<br />

( 4% )<br />

0%<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

1%<br />

2%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

0% ( 1% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

3%<br />

0% ( 1% )<br />

0% ( 1% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

2%<br />

2% ( 4% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

3% ( 13% )<br />

2%<br />

( 1% )<br />

5%<br />

3%<br />

6%<br />

( 6% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 7% )<br />

1%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 1% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - P M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

P u b lic Tra n sp o rt T rip s<br />

F ig u re 20d<br />

F IG U R E X<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

5%<br />

5%<br />

( 6% )<br />

1%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

1%<br />

( 5% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

3%<br />

( 3% )<br />

1%<br />

4%<br />

3%<br />

5%<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

3%<br />

( 4% )<br />

4%<br />

( 4% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

2%<br />

7%<br />

( 2% )<br />

2% ( 2% )<br />

3%<br />

2%<br />

1% ( 1% )<br />

( 5% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

7%<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 5% )<br />

3%<br />

4%<br />

( 2% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

5%<br />

3%<br />

( 4% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

2%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

3%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 3% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - P M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

A ll V e h ic le T rip s<br />

F ig u re 20e<br />

F IG U RX<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

0%<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

1%<br />

( 1% )<br />

0%<br />

2%<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

53%<br />

( 2% )<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 58% )<br />

0%<br />

( 0% )<br />

( 0% )<br />

0 0.5 1 2 3 4<br />

Kilometres<br />

6%<br />

9%<br />

( 4% )<br />

5%<br />

1% ( 2% )<br />

0% ( 0% )<br />

( 7% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

5%<br />

0% ( 3% )<br />

( 4% )<br />

6%<br />

2%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

2%<br />

1%<br />

( 3% )<br />

( 2% )<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

( 1% )<br />

0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (d e v e lo p m en t)<br />

B ra u n s to n e (S o uth )<br />

C e n tra l L e ic es te r<br />

C h a rn w o o d<br />

E n d erby<br />

F o s s e P a rk<br />

F o x h o le s<br />

G ro v e P a rk<br />

H a rb o ro u g h<br />

H in c k le y, B a rw e ll & E a rl S h ilto n<br />

K irk b y M u x lo e<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : N o rth W e s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth E a s t<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (n o rth )<br />

Le ic e s te r C ity : S o uth W e s t (s o uth )<br />

Le ic e s te r F o re s t E a s t<br />

Lu b b e s tho rp e (e x is tin g z o n e )<br />

M e lto n<br />

M e ridia n B u s ine s s P a rk<br />

N a rb o ro u g h<br />

N o rth W e s t L e ic e s tersh ir e<br />

R e s t o f B la b y<br />

R e s t o f H in c k le y & B o s w o rth<br />

R e s t o f L e ic e s te r C ity : C e n tra l<br />

( 0% )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

(To Site)<br />

2 0 2 6 - P M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

A c tiv e Trip s<br />

F ig u re 20f<br />

F IG U R E<br />

0%<br />

R e s t o f W h e ts to ne & C o u n tes th o rp e a n d C ro s b y<br />

T h u rla s to n & H u n c o te<br />

W ig s to n

File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

Rest of Staffordshire<br />

PT - 0%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

West Midlands and South Staffordshire<br />

PT - 5%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

0 5 10 20 30 40<br />

Kilometres<br />

Rest of the East Midlands<br />

PT - 9%, AV - 3%, ACT - 0%<br />

Coventry<br />

PT - 4%, AV - 3%, ACT - 0%<br />

Warwickshire<br />

PT - 4%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of Leicestershire<br />

PT - 11%, AV - 25%, ACT - 1%<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Total<br />

PT - 6%, AV - 34%, ACT - 91%<br />

Leicester City Total<br />

PT - 43%, AV - 25%, ACT - 9%<br />

Northamptonshire<br />

PT - 2%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of the UK<br />

PT - 15%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

D e v e lo p m e n t S ite<br />

P T - P u b lic T ra n s p o rt<br />

AV - A ll Ve h ic le s<br />

A C T - A c tiv e (W a lk in g C y c lin g )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

2 0 2 6 - A M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

F ig u re 21a<br />


File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

Rest of the UK<br />

PT - 23%, AV - 0%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of Staffordshire<br />

PT - 0%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

West Midlands and South Staffordshire<br />

PT - 8%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

0 5 10 20 30 40<br />

Kilometres<br />

Rest of the East Midlands<br />

PT - 12%, AV - 3%, ACT - 0%<br />

Coventry<br />

PT - 3%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

Warwickshire<br />

PT - 8%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of Leicestershire<br />

PT - 14%, AV - 23%, ACT - 1%<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Total<br />

PT - 6%, AV - 36%, ACT - 72%<br />

Leicester City Total<br />

PT - 22%, AV - 28%, ACT - 26%<br />

Northamptonshire<br />

PT - 3%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of the UK<br />

PT - 18%, AV - 0%, ACT - 0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

D e v e lo p m e n t S ite<br />

P T - P u b lic T ra n s p o rt<br />

AV - A ll Ve h ic le s<br />

A C T - A c tiv e (W a lk in g C y c lin g )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

F ro m S ite<br />

2 0 2 6 - P M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

F ig u re 21b<br />


File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

Rest of Staffordshire<br />

PT - 0%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

West Midlands and South Staffordshire<br />

PT - 9%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

0 5 10 20 30 40<br />

Kilometres<br />

Rest of the East Midlands<br />

PT - 11%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

Coventry<br />

PT - 2%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

Warwickshire<br />

PT - 9%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of Leicestershire<br />

PT - 15%, AV - 25%, ACT - 1%<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Total<br />

PT - 7%, AV - 32%, ACT - 71%<br />

Leicester City Total<br />

PT - 25%, AV - 30%, ACT - 28%<br />

Rest of the UK<br />

PT - 18%, AV - 0%, ACT - 0%<br />

Northamptonshire<br />

PT - 3%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

D e v e lo p m e n t S ite<br />

P T - P u b lic T ra n s p o rt<br />

AV - A ll Ve h ic le s<br />

A C T - A c tiv e (W a lk in g C y c lin g )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

To S ite<br />

2 0 2 6 - A M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

F ig u re 21c<br />


File: Q:\WSP_UK\WSP_D\Hertford\Leicester New Lubbesthorpe\2026_Core_Dev&Mitigation.mxd Drawn By: ukaah002 Date Modified: 15/12/2011<br />

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown<br />

copyright and database right 2011.<br />

Rest of Staffordshire<br />

PT - 0%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

West Midlands and South Staffordshire<br />

PT - 9%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

0 5 10 20 30 40<br />

Kilometres<br />

Rest of the East Midlands<br />

PT - 10%, AV - 3%, ACT - 0%<br />

Coventry<br />

PT - 5%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

Warwickshire<br />

PT - 4%, AV - 4%, ACT - 0%<br />

Rest of Leicestershire<br />

PT - 10%, AV - 25%, ACT - 1%<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Total<br />

PT - 5%, AV - 34%, ACT - 77%<br />

Leicester City Total<br />

PT - 34%, AV - 24%, ACT - 22%<br />

Rest of the UK<br />

PT - 20%, AV - 1%, ACT - 0%<br />

Northamptonshire<br />

PT - 2%, AV - 2%, ACT - 0%<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

D e v e lo p m e n t S ite<br />

P T - P u b lic T ra n s p o rt<br />

AV - A ll Ve h ic le s<br />

A C T - A c tiv e (W a lk in g C y c lin g )<br />

N e w L u b b e s th o rp e , L e ic e s te rsh ire ,<br />

To S ite<br />

2 0 2 6 - P M<br />

P R O J E C T T IT L E<br />

F ig u re 21d<br />


NA<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

New Road A563<br />

Dev traffic % of Core 0.2%<br />

% including redistribution 1.1%<br />

B5380<br />

M1<br />

Not Available<br />

Main Street 7.1% 0.6%<br />

3.4%<br />

2.7%<br />

9.9% -1.2% A47<br />

5.8%<br />

-17.1%<br />

0.6%<br />

-4.2%<br />

9.3% 6.8%<br />

B582 0.8% 4.3% -5.7%<br />

-2.9%<br />

3.2%<br />

6.1%<br />

3.5%<br />

-2.8% 24.4% 10.9%<br />

19.2% 5.7%<br />

5.9%<br />

Station Road -5.9% 0.4%<br />

2.3% -0.9%<br />

4.7% -5.2% 0.9%<br />

20.1% -3.3% 1.4%<br />

18.8%<br />

3.1%<br />

-6.5%<br />

16.5% Brounstone Lane<br />

-2.0%<br />

15.3%<br />

2.4% 25.6% 17.9%<br />

46.2% 97.5%<br />

27.2%<br />

12.4%<br />

0.0% 0.8%<br />

0.0% 0.2%<br />

10.9% 9.6%<br />

Beggars Lane 4.1% -5.9%<br />

56.6% 11.5%<br />

A47 133.0% 29.7%<br />

0.0%<br />

-3.4% A5460<br />

0.0% 4.6%<br />

-6.4% 1.8%<br />

1.7%<br />

1.4% 3.3%<br />

-0.8%<br />

1.0%<br />

0.4%<br />

0.1%<br />

-1.0%<br />

2.3%<br />

0.3%<br />

2.6% 3.3%<br />

-3.7% -8.3%<br />

0.3% 1.2% 2.6%<br />

-0.4% 0.8% 0.4%<br />

4.1% A563<br />

20.9% -0.7%<br />

-3.2%<br />

M69 3.0% 14.1%<br />

13.1% -18.9% -0.9%<br />

-13.0%<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

9.9% 26.0%<br />

-23.3% -0.5%<br />

28.7%<br />

19.0%<br />

0.1%<br />

-1.4%<br />

0.1%<br />

9.0% -0.3%<br />

5.6%<br />

8.7%<br />

0.7% 8.7%<br />

0.7%<br />

M1 B582<br />

0.9% 3.4%<br />

0.8% 3.6%<br />

B4114<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development with Mitigation %<br />

AM Peak<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 22a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

2.0%<br />

-5.3%<br />

New Road A563<br />

Dev traffic % of Core 0.1%<br />

% including redistribution -2.2%<br />

B5380<br />

M1<br />

NA Not Available<br />

Main Street 1.1% 6.0%<br />

7.9%<br />

4.0%<br />

5.4% 3.2% A47<br />

4.6%<br />

-0.2%<br />

0.1%<br />

-5.6%<br />

17.6% 14.6%<br />

B582 0.0% 14.9% 0.8%<br />

-0.4%<br />

1.9%<br />

-3.4%<br />

0.7%<br />

-6.6% 12.0% 17.3%<br />

0.2% 12.7%<br />

24.2%<br />

Station Road 14.2% 0.5%<br />

4.9% -1.0%<br />

1.5% -0.3% 1.0%<br />

9.0% -8.0% -0.3%<br />

7.6%<br />

6.2%<br />

-0.5%<br />

10.5% Brounstone Lane<br />

-1.3%<br />

11.5%<br />

1.7% 21.8% 5.6%<br />

1.7% 50.4%<br />

11.5%<br />

14.6%<br />

0.0% 1.0%<br />

0.0% -0.9%<br />

14.9% 6.9%<br />

Beggars Lane -3.6% -13.2%<br />

14.7% 43.2%<br />

A47 48.8% 108.4%<br />

0.0%<br />

-0.2% A5460<br />

0.0% 3.5%<br />

2.0% 1.5%<br />

2.6%<br />

0.9%<br />

0.0%<br />

1.3%<br />

0.1%<br />

3.3%<br />

4.0% 1.6%<br />

0.8% -12.1%<br />

0.6% 0.0% 3.0%<br />

0.4% -2.0% -0.2%<br />

2.4% A563<br />

23.8% 1.5%<br />

7.8%<br />

M69 21.0% 11.6%<br />

5.1% -10.0% -21.9%<br />

-4.2%<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

5.8% 7.9%<br />

-22.1% -44.2%<br />

18.2%<br />

12.7%<br />

0.1%<br />

0.6%<br />

0.1%<br />

15.1% 0.5%<br />

3.2%<br />

5.2%<br />

0.7% -0.6%<br />

-0.6%<br />

M1 B582<br />

0.1% 7.7%<br />

1.3% 1.3%<br />

B4114<br />

0.6%<br />

1.9%<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Development with Mitigation %<br />

PM Peak<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 22b

N:\Leics New Lubbesthorpe\Drgs\FH\Routes 1,2,3.fh11<br />


ROUTES 1, 2 AND 3<br />

FIGURE 23A<br />

Job No

N:\Leics New Lubbesthorpe\Drgs\FH\Route 4.fh11<br />


ROUTE 4<br />

FIGURE 23B<br />

Job No

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

New Road<br />

Mitigation Option 1<br />

A563<br />

Mitigation Option 2 B5380<br />

3<br />

Mitigation Option 3<br />

M1 12<br />

NA Not Available<br />

2<br />

Main Street 14 1<br />

13 5 A47<br />

-8 -1<br />

7 0<br />

2 8<br />

0 2<br />

B5380<br />

-3<br />

3<br />

-9<br />

22<br />

13 -19 -1<br />

-10 4 10<br />

16 1<br />

Station Road<br />

6<br />

14 0<br />

-2 1 -1<br />

-2 7 6 -1<br />

21 -10 -1 5<br />

12<br />

-3<br />

-23 6<br />

3<br />

8<br />

45 -1 Brounstone Lane<br />

27 -77<br />

-12 -143<br />

19<br />

11 9<br />

B582 8 22 -3<br />

18 -2 6<br />

11<br />

A47<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

-16<br />

19<br />

26 -1 -1<br />

-1 -10<br />

0 2 -1 -58<br />

Beggars Lane -3 -148<br />

10 3<br />

59<br />

53 A5460<br />

97 44<br />

0<br />

37 4<br />

-2 0<br />

-9 5<br />

5<br />

-3<br />

2<br />

-1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1 5 -2<br />

4 -2<br />

5 -1<br />

0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

1 -1<br />

0 1<br />

3 0<br />

-15<br />

-136<br />

M69 -115 2<br />

5 51<br />

-29 43<br />

-32 Leicester Lane<br />

2<br />

188<br />

130<br />

1<br />

1<br />

23 2<br />

28<br />

24 7<br />

10 10<br />

9 8<br />

10<br />

9<br />

1<br />

-4<br />

11<br />

13<br />

-2<br />

M1 B582<br />

29 1<br />

B4114<br />

47<br />

29<br />

3<br />

-1<br />

A563<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Diference when compared to original mitigation<br />

AM Peak<br />

Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 24a

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

New Road<br />

Mitigation Option 1<br />

A563<br />

Mitigation Option 2 B5380<br />

-4<br />

Mitigation Option 3<br />

M1 2<br />

NA Not Available<br />

4<br />

Main Street 2 10<br />

-1 1 A47<br />

0 -10<br />

-13 -2<br />

-14 5<br />

-14 6<br />

B5380<br />

-2<br />

0<br />

-6<br />

7<br />

-1 -19 -6<br />

-2 -94 5<br />

-86 15<br />

Station Road<br />

11<br />

8 1<br />

-3 10 0<br />

2 1 0 0<br />

24 -4 -20 0<br />

12<br />

-2<br />

10 -2<br />

12<br />

1<br />

33 -20 Brounstone Lane<br />

12 -18<br />

-4 9<br />

10<br />

0 23<br />

B582 -2 8 -24<br />

9 -24 -93<br />

-70<br />

A47<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

-10<br />

21<br />

12 0 -9<br />

0 5<br />

0 11<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

1<br />

-10 A5460<br />

3 -31<br />

-50<br />

-20 6<br />

43 8<br />

50 7<br />

51<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

-4<br />

1<br />

2 -36 -1<br />

-37 9<br />

-36 1<br />

28<br />

30<br />

31<br />

-1 14<br />

2 22<br />

3 29<br />

2<br />

-137<br />

M69 -88 -75<br />

76 21<br />

-19 29<br />

-8 Leicester Lane<br />

-1<br />

139<br />

83<br />

2<br />

-1<br />

1<br />

-3<br />

21<br />

0<br />

-66<br />

-37<br />

2<br />

0<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

29 -15<br />

31 -9<br />

41<br />

M1 B582<br />

0 1<br />

-1 -3<br />

B4114 0 3<br />

A563<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Diference when compared to original mitigation<br />

PM Peak<br />

Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 24b

A<br />

Based upon the Ordnance Survey map<br />

with the permission of the Controller<br />

of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office,<br />

Crown Copyright reserved.<br />

Licence Number 100048755<br />

B<br />

D<br />

H<br />

I<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Y<br />

X<br />

J<br />

R<br />

G<br />

O<br />

P<br />

N<br />

Q<br />

Assessed Junctions<br />

N:\Leicester New Lobbesthorpe 1693\DRAWINGS\FREEHAND\Assessed Junctions.fh11 11501693<br />

K<br />

S<br />

T<br />

U<br />

V<br />

<strong>Key</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

D EF<br />

G HIJKN<br />

O P<br />


A47 - Desford Cross Roads<br />

A47 - Beggars Lane<br />

A47 - Kirby Lane<br />

A47 - Baines Lane<br />

A47 - Braunstone Lane<br />

A47 - A563<br />

Beggars Lane - B582<br />

B582 - Leicester Lane<br />

B582 - B4114 Foxhunter Roundabout<br />

B582 - <strong>Blaby</strong> By-Pass<br />

B4114 - Leicester Lane<br />

Meridian Dumbell Roundabouts<br />

Meridian South - A563 Roundabout<br />

A47 - Cort Crescent<br />

A563 - Scudamore Road<br />

A47 - Wyngate Drive<br />

A47 - Fosse Road<br />

A47 - Narborough Road<br />

A47 - St Nicholas Circle<br />

Meridian Way - Foxon Way Roundabout<br />

Leicester Lane Site Access<br />

TITLE<br />

FIGURE No:<br />

Not to Scale<br />

Figure 25

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

12079<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

11720<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 11747<br />

B5380<br />

15705<br />

Development with Mitigation 11611 M1<br />

NA Not Available<br />

15807<br />

Main Street 7442 8488<br />

Factor for 24hr - 18hr<br />

7313 A47<br />

0.97 8019 8562<br />

7557 12263 19195<br />

4862<br />

11672 19759<br />

4529<br />

16588<br />

16642<br />

14144<br />

18659 18706<br />

13546<br />

20044 20424<br />

6885<br />

Station Road 5894<br />

6980 16561<br />

11835 6036 5839<br />

7612 16153<br />

11244 6077<br />

8474<br />

14259<br />

10674 13818 Brounstone Lane<br />

0 7367<br />

10497<br />

7836 11013<br />

10558 14164<br />

B582 3368 0 0 8223<br />

11523 13845<br />

3314 2322 9472 13573<br />

4685<br />

1535 3938<br />

4780 0<br />

11550 1718 6688<br />

3558<br />

13111 90361 87476<br />

0 0<br />

90375 87184 16798 20404<br />

Beggars Lane 1718 2105<br />

16731 18496<br />

5656 5337<br />

A47<br />

9961 8392<br />

5975 3801<br />

0<br />

5656 5867 19345<br />

5547 0 19657 23072<br />

44895<br />

5255 23663<br />

45344<br />

43470<br />

26630<br />

27004<br />

A5460<br />

43762 19338 28491<br />

18924<br />

18937<br />

0 0<br />

8413 3171 4142<br />

M69 8576 9350 9350<br />

6118<br />

7958 8379<br />

5636 Leicester Lane<br />

19053 25510<br />

61504 56126 26427<br />

61504 55807 26454<br />

7517 7517<br />

5826 5276 18584<br />

11455<br />

11944<br />

6722 18503<br />

7768 21368<br />

19324<br />

19358<br />

21402<br />

16955<br />

17498<br />

M1 B582<br />

16445 19168<br />

B4114<br />

17172 19032<br />

22156 A563<br />

22244<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Core, Dev & Mit<br />

18 hr period<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 26a

<strong>Key</strong><br />

B5380<br />

12453<br />

Motorway<br />

A - Road<br />

B - Road<br />

Link Road<br />

12082<br />

New Road A563<br />

Core 12110<br />

B5380<br />

16191<br />

Development with Mitigation 11970 M1<br />

NA Not Available<br />

16296<br />

Main Street 7672 8750<br />

Factor for AM/PM - 24hr 7539 A47<br />

(AM+PM)*7 8267 8827<br />

7791 12642 19789<br />

5012<br />

12033 20370<br />

4669<br />

17101<br />

17157<br />

14581<br />

19236 19285<br />

13965<br />

20664 21056<br />

7098<br />

Station Road 6076<br />

7196 17073<br />

12201 6223 6020<br />

7847 16653<br />

11592 6265<br />

8736<br />

14700<br />

11004 14245 Brounstone Lane<br />

0 7595<br />

10822<br />

8078 11354<br />

10885 14602<br />

B582 3472 0 0 8477<br />

11879 14273<br />

3416 2394 9765 13993<br />

4830<br />

1582 4060<br />

4928 0<br />

11907 1771 6895<br />

3668<br />

13517 93156 90181<br />

0 0<br />

93170 89880 17318 21035<br />

Beggars Lane 1771 2170<br />

17248 19068<br />

5831 5502<br />

A47<br />

10269 8652<br />

6160 3801<br />

0<br />

5831 6048 19943<br />

5719 0 20265 23786<br />

46284<br />

5418 24395<br />

46746<br />

44814<br />

27454<br />

27839<br />

A5460<br />

45115 19936 29372<br />

19509<br />

19523<br />

0 0<br />

8673 3269 4270<br />

M69 8841 9639 9639<br />

6307<br />

8204 8638<br />

5810 Leicester Lane<br />

19642 26299<br />

63406 57862 27244<br />

63406 57533 27272<br />

7749 7749<br />

6006 5439 19159<br />

11809<br />

12313<br />

6930 19075<br />

8008 22029<br />

19922<br />

19957<br />

22064<br />

17479<br />

18039<br />

M1 B582<br />

16954 19761<br />

B4114<br />

17703 19621<br />

22841 A563<br />

22932<br />

Land at New Lubbesthorpe<br />

Core, Dev & Mit<br />

24 hr period<br />

All Vehicles<br />

2026<br />

Figure 26b

Appendix B Main Site Access Routes<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

Hinckley Road<br />

M69<br />

Beggars Lane<br />

M1<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

M1<br />


c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

87.77<br />

87.79<br />

88.35<br />

87.69<br />

88.5<br />

88.77<br />

89.20<br />

Viewport 1<br />

Scale @ 1:1,500<br />

89.37<br />

87.94<br />

89.0<br />

89.5<br />

87.5<br />

PT 1<br />

88.0<br />

88.41<br />

88.91<br />

89.05<br />

87.30<br />

88.62<br />

87.98<br />

87.29<br />

88.5<br />

88.77<br />

89.27<br />

89.42<br />

X Axis = 1:500<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000<br />

X Axis = 1:500<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000<br />

87.5<br />

88.31<br />

89.0<br />

87.48<br />

88.43<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

88.00<br />

87.00<br />

86.00<br />

85.00<br />

84.00<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

88.00<br />

87.00<br />

86.00<br />

85.00<br />

84.00<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

88.95<br />

89.04<br />

87.92<br />

89.12<br />

PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 PT 5 PT 6 PT 7 PT 8 PT 9 PT 10<br />

1 in 48<br />

88.83 87.43 85.75 85.00 84.42 84.85 84.66 84.19 82.45 83.74<br />

PT A PT B PT 11<br />

PT C PT D<br />

1 in 31<br />

86.22<br />

87.11 86.7886.41<br />

87.09<br />

Proposed Road<br />

1 in 3 1 in 3<br />

1 in 23<br />

85.84<br />

85.92<br />

1 in 16<br />

85.87 85.29 84.51 83.41 82.67<br />

85.67<br />

PInv<br />

Ø0.5m<br />

GH121<br />

85.626<br />

85.75<br />

85.59<br />

Post<br />

Edge<br />

of<br />

bridge<br />

1 in 44 Proposed Bridge Level = 91.00<br />

1 in 51<br />

91.00<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

88.00<br />

87.00<br />

86.00<br />

85.00<br />

84.00<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

PInv<br />

PInv<br />

Ø0.3m<br />

84.54<br />

PInv 82.97<br />

Ø1.1m 84.51<br />

Ø1.1m<br />

GH122<br />

85.411<br />

Post<br />

WL<br />

83.12<br />

1 in 24<br />

1 in 23<br />

84.97<br />

86.97 86.72 85.80 86.08 84.32 86.45 85.40 84.92 83.91 83.5183.37<br />

88.44<br />

87.79<br />

87.41<br />

88.32<br />

Veg etation M1<br />

89.0<br />

88.04<br />

87.47<br />

88.5<br />

Viewport 2<br />

Scale @ 1:750<br />

88.0<br />

87.0<br />

88.63<br />

88.93<br />

88.95<br />

87.5<br />

88.76<br />

87.08<br />

87.47<br />

88.26<br />

88.48<br />

86.82<br />

88.62<br />

88.49<br />

86.11<br />

85.5886.02<br />

87.0<br />

88.0<br />

88.5<br />

86.5<br />

Viewport 3<br />

Cross Section A - A<br />

Scale @ 1:500<br />

86.98<br />

88.34<br />

85.14<br />

88.68<br />

86.0<br />

87.76<br />

87.99<br />

87.83<br />

86.0<br />

86.49<br />

87.5<br />

PT<br />

2<br />

88.0<br />

87.26<br />

87.78<br />

88.68<br />

P /W fen ce h t 0.7m<br />

86.5<br />

87.40<br />

88.80<br />

87.99<br />

87.65<br />

86.70<br />

87.0<br />

Veg etation<br />

Viewport 4 - Scale @ 1:750<br />

88.5<br />

86.41 86.17<br />

87.00<br />

88.21<br />

85.81<br />

85.06<br />

86.42<br />

87.14 86.62 86.20<br />

87.5<br />

85.78<br />

86.56<br />

87.17<br />

87.44<br />

88.32<br />

85.49 85.47 85.71<br />

85.65<br />

85.63 85.73<br />

86.5<br />

87.0<br />

85.59<br />

88.0<br />

88.37<br />

85.74<br />

P /R fence ht 1.3m<br />

86.0<br />

85.29<br />

86.03<br />

87.75<br />

87.95<br />

84.64<br />

84.59<br />

85.83<br />

85.28<br />

85.30<br />

84.84<br />

H edg e ht 4m<br />

85.36<br />

Veg etation<br />

86.5<br />

85.37<br />

86.42<br />

85.20<br />

85.5<br />

86.92<br />

87.5<br />

PInv<br />

Ø0.3m<br />

84.02<br />

85.21<br />

85.72<br />

85.28 85.15<br />

83.06<br />

85.62<br />

83.92<br />

85.21<br />

85.48<br />

86.0<br />

87.0<br />

87.87<br />

85.11<br />

87.16<br />

84.91<br />

87.25<br />

85.18<br />

85.25<br />

85.77<br />

P /R fence ht 1.3m<br />

85.90<br />

85.23<br />

PT<br />

3<br />

85.74<br />

86.23<br />

86.5<br />

87.24<br />

H edg e ht 4m<br />

PT<br />

4<br />

86.00<br />

86.44<br />

86.07<br />

87.0<br />

86.21<br />

P /R fen ce ht 1.3m<br />

86.42<br />

86.56<br />

H edg e h t 4m<br />

86.60<br />

86.73<br />

87.23<br />

86.89<br />

88.63<br />

86.57<br />

1 in 9<br />

90.24<br />

88.36<br />

88.5<br />

Cross Sect ion A - A<br />

PT<br />

6<br />

PT<br />

7<br />

88.0<br />

87.5<br />

90.29 89.97<br />

90.00<br />

89.5<br />

88.10<br />

87.0<br />

86.16<br />

89.77<br />

90.0<br />

89.0<br />

P /R fen ce ht 1.3m<br />

89.5<br />

85.95<br />

89.0<br />

88.44<br />

89.77<br />

Existing Carriageway<br />

1 in 12 1 in 42 1 in 38<br />

1 in 3<br />

88.34<br />

87.12<br />

86.5<br />

88.5<br />

Grass<br />

88.5<br />

85.5<br />

88.32<br />

88.53<br />

85.60<br />

88.0<br />

88.0<br />

86.58<br />

86.0<br />

87.5<br />

86.98<br />

87.23<br />

87.5<br />

88.35<br />

87.32<br />

83.98<br />

85.26<br />

83.72<br />

PInv<br />

Ø0.5m<br />

82.42<br />

PT<br />

9<br />

PT<br />

8<br />

P /R fen ce ht 1.3m<br />

86.39<br />

83.73<br />

83.5<br />

83.75<br />

Headwall<br />

87.0<br />

87.0<br />

86.64<br />

83.08<br />

PInv<br />

Ø1m<br />

82.11<br />

Central Reserve<br />

86.85<br />

86.93<br />

83.78<br />

83.91<br />

82.35<br />

86.53<br />

85.93<br />

85.5<br />

83.12<br />

Cross Sect ion A - A<br />

86.5<br />

86.56<br />

86.5<br />

84.34<br />

PT<br />

10<br />

83.0682.97<br />

86.18<br />

86.47<br />

86.85<br />

85.51<br />

83.79<br />

PInv 82.18<br />

Ø0.3m<br />

82.12<br />

Existing Carriageway Width<br />

86.0<br />

85.0<br />

P /R fen ce ht 1.3m<br />

83.43<br />

Proposed Carriagewa y Width<br />

83.54<br />

86.07<br />

84.5<br />

84.0<br />

Grass<br />

86.66<br />

85.87<br />

83.21<br />

PInv<br />

Ø0.3m<br />

82.22<br />

83.23<br />

81.96<br />

86.0<br />

83.5<br />

83.23<br />

86.29 85.98<br />

85.35<br />

85.21<br />

83.24<br />

Edge<br />

of<br />

bridge<br />

PT E PT F PT 13<br />

PT G PT H<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

1 in 10<br />

88.00 1 in 5<br />

1 in 6<br />

87.00<br />

Proposed Road<br />

86.00<br />

1 in 3<br />

85.00<br />

1 in 4<br />

84.00<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

1 in 19<br />

86.60 90.16 88.37 83.93 82.96<br />

84.20<br />

83.40<br />

84.80<br />

86.00<br />

84.24<br />

84.19<br />

83.09<br />

81.91<br />

P/Wfence 1m<br />

83.5<br />

85.45<br />

84.67<br />

84.46<br />

84.39<br />

83.37<br />

Grass<br />

86.98<br />

85.72<br />

G:2.5<br />

83.59<br />

P /R fence 1.3m<br />

86.5<br />

85.39<br />

86.65<br />

1 in 4<br />

FP/<br />

Cycleway<br />

83.95<br />

85.08<br />

84.57<br />

84.29<br />

83.51<br />

83.72<br />

83.44<br />

86.29<br />

86.14<br />

Grass<br />

84.94<br />

85.45<br />

85.88<br />

83.39<br />

86.99<br />

86.73<br />

84.41<br />

1 in 8<br />

86.25<br />

83.81<br />

86.79<br />

83.25<br />

Headwall<br />

Headwall<br />

PInv<br />

C anop y Lvl<br />

PInv<br />

81.85 92.40<br />

81.85 Ø0.8m<br />

Ø0.8m<br />

83.21<br />

84.0<br />

84.5<br />

84.5<br />

83.57<br />

83.90<br />

84.0<br />

85.0<br />

83.30<br />

82.93<br />

85.0<br />

81.94<br />

C anop y Lvl<br />

94.68<br />

84.0<br />

85.5<br />

84.5<br />

84.13<br />

PT<br />

A<br />

85.0<br />

85.5<br />

85.5<br />

G:0.8<br />

86.0<br />

86.0<br />

83.29<br />

83.5<br />

83.09<br />

83.18<br />

86.0<br />

86.07<br />

86.09<br />

86.5<br />

87.0<br />

PT<br />

B<br />

86.5<br />

87.5<br />

83.5<br />

88.16<br />

88.06<br />

88.0<br />

87.0<br />

86.44<br />

84.0<br />

83.29<br />

83.12<br />

88.39<br />

86.49<br />

87.5<br />

86.78<br />

84.5<br />

GH120<br />

88.167<br />

88.55<br />

PT A PT B PT C PT D<br />

Bridge Deck<br />

1 in 52<br />

FP/<br />

Cycleway<br />

PT 11 PT 12 PT 13 PT 14 PT 15 PT 16 PT 17<br />

1 in 11<br />

1 in 44<br />

1 in 60 1 in 428 1 in 333<br />

84.51 89.05 88.37 87.89 87.96 87.87 83.29<br />

1 in 3<br />

Existing Carriageway Level = 84.85<br />

85.87 85.29 84.51 83.41 82.67<br />

83.62<br />

86.23<br />

87.13<br />

85.54<br />

84.90<br />

87.08<br />

86.42<br />

85.99<br />

85.0<br />

C anop y Lvl<br />

91.65<br />

84.0<br />

88.0<br />

86.06<br />

85.87<br />

84.49<br />

84.5<br />

88.5<br />

86.0<br />

PT<br />

11<br />

86.78<br />

86.12<br />

85.87<br />

86.07<br />

84.08<br />

82.81<br />

85.0<br />

86.38<br />

87.82<br />

84.54<br />

86.72<br />

85.5<br />

85.07<br />

86.66<br />

86.38<br />

86.94<br />

86.38<br />

85.53<br />

86.93<br />

85.0785.32<br />

86.84<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles/<br />

Small trees)<br />

PT<br />

C<br />

88.44<br />

83.0<br />

88.08<br />

84.53<br />

85.5<br />

86.0<br />

85.85<br />

85.51<br />

86.99<br />

84.36<br />

86.79<br />

85.91<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles/<br />

Small trees)<br />

82.75<br />

86.23<br />

84.87<br />

83.34<br />

86.36<br />

85.07<br />

83.49<br />

84.15PT<br />

D<br />

86.06<br />

86.19<br />

85.47<br />

85.26<br />

85.59<br />

85.23<br />

86.45<br />

C anop y Lvl<br />

95.43<br />

G:2<br />

85.71<br />

85.49<br />

86.33<br />

85.60<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles)<br />

Unable to survey watercourse<br />

d ue to dense vegetation.<br />

87.5<br />

86.0<br />

87.0<br />

86.5<br />

86.5<br />

83.5<br />

86.0<br />

86.5<br />

85.0<br />

85.5<br />

85.5<br />

82.65<br />

83.67<br />

83.7483.61<br />

85.5<br />

86.81<br />

86.57<br />

86.0<br />

85.47<br />

87.01<br />

87.63<br />

84.0<br />

85.0<br />

84.5<br />

8 3. 868 3. 73 8 3. 62<br />

84.83<br />

86.84<br />

85.65<br />

88.09<br />

84.48<br />

Lp<br />

Veg etation<br />

84.0<br />

86.5<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles)<br />

88.42<br />

84.68<br />

85.64<br />

87.0<br />

87.11<br />

85.84<br />

87.90<br />

83.35<br />

83.28<br />

83.77<br />

83.86<br />

82.59<br />

85.62<br />

88.38<br />

86.09<br />

85.84<br />

Grass<br />

88.29<br />

87.39<br />

88.78<br />

85.31<br />

86.35<br />

88.60<br />

83.83<br />

83.25<br />

83.35<br />

83. 55<br />

83.5083.43<br />

Gy<br />

83.34<br />

83.46<br />

MH<br />

83.55<br />

83.48<br />

MH<br />

83.51<br />

83.58<br />

83.0<br />

87.5<br />

86.19<br />

85.86<br />

85.63<br />

83.37<br />

82.48<br />

88.93<br />

83.46<br />

83.71<br />

Lp<br />

81.93<br />

83.11<br />

Gy<br />

85.94<br />

87.67<br />

83.79<br />

89.12<br />

87.23<br />

88.63<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles)<br />

81.85<br />

82.30<br />

86.03<br />

83.31<br />

86.07<br />

89.33<br />

83.80<br />

85.99<br />

85.05<br />

88.24<br />

82.37<br />

81.74<br />

89.55<br />

81.9081.75<br />

83.81<br />

Grass<br />

86.10<br />

83.41<br />

89.74<br />

86.26<br />

86.05<br />

PT<br />

E<br />

83.8384.07<br />

Grass<br />

82.45<br />

82.84<br />

Gy<br />

82.89<br />

Gy<br />

83.1783.05 82.92 82.82<br />

83.12<br />

MH<br />

83.09<br />

83.12<br />

MH<br />

83.13<br />

83. 4783. 37 83.29 8 3. 17<br />

8 3. 61<br />

88.0<br />

83.27<br />

83.27<br />

8 3. 45<br />

8 3. 40<br />

88.5<br />

86.0<br />

83.5<br />

83.2083.14<br />

83. 27<br />

8 3. 33<br />

86.0<br />

86.5<br />

88.5<br />

82.5<br />

87.0<br />

87.5<br />

88.0<br />

82.0<br />

89.0<br />

83.5<br />

83.05<br />

88.5<br />

83.0<br />

83. 08<br />

89.0<br />

PT<br />

12<br />

83.0<br />

82.95<br />

83.02<br />

83. 15<br />

87.0<br />

86.5<br />

89.5<br />

88.0<br />

87.5<br />

82.5<br />

82.95<br />

86.5<br />

88.5<br />

83.5<br />

87.0<br />

82.84<br />

8 2.97<br />

87.5<br />

82.0<br />

83.72<br />

88.39<br />

Grass<br />

Watercourse<br />

82.5<br />

88.0<br />

89.0<br />

90.0<br />

88.93<br />

83.23<br />

81.73<br />

83.60<br />

83.0<br />

81.74<br />

82.49<br />

86.07<br />

83.44<br />

82.48<br />

83.84<br />

90.36<br />

83.83<br />

81.58<br />

83.96<br />

81.68<br />

86.09<br />

82.56<br />

83.29<br />

83.82<br />

PT I PT J PT 15<br />

PT K PT L<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

88.00<br />

1 in 15<br />

87.00 1 in 5<br />

1 in 9<br />

86.00<br />

1 in 4<br />

85.00<br />

84.00<br />

Proposed Road<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

1 in 7<br />

85.74 89.12 87.96 83.90 81.48<br />

81.61<br />

90.65<br />

90.32 90.75 90.88 90.8190.70<br />

Lp<br />

89.16<br />

Grass<br />

82.68<br />

86.16<br />

86.12<br />

82.74<br />

MH<br />

82.74<br />

82.83<br />

82.77<br />

89.5<br />

88.31<br />

88.85<br />

MH<br />

82.67<br />

82.70<br />

85.73<br />

88.70<br />

87.07<br />

Gy<br />

82.58<br />

82.63<br />

86.11<br />

82.38<br />

82.64<br />

82.56<br />

Gy<br />

82.59<br />

88.67<br />

88.41<br />

83.91<br />

83.80<br />

83.31<br />

81.62<br />

82.48<br />

85.99<br />

82.51<br />

87.80<br />

Grass<br />

81.67<br />

83.65<br />

82.50<br />

82.53<br />

8 2. 65<br />

81.56<br />

Lp<br />

86.03<br />

83.46<br />

81.65<br />

86.02<br />

88.59<br />

90.98<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles)<br />

81.55<br />

83.75<br />

82.37<br />

82.40<br />

82.64<br />

82.42<br />

81.56<br />

87.60<br />

82.49<br />

81.46<br />

82.2982.32<br />

83.67<br />

85.96<br />

83.74<br />

81.53<br />

81.41<br />

85.97<br />

88.57<br />

90.77<br />

83.53<br />

81.43<br />

88.57<br />

81.44<br />

86.85<br />

83.65<br />

Gy<br />

82.26<br />

MH 82.27<br />

82.24<br />

82.36<br />

82.28<br />

Gy<br />

82.12<br />

84.16<br />

82.17<br />

83.87<br />

81.47<br />

82.16<br />

85.92<br />

85.89<br />

83.44<br />

83.54<br />

88.19<br />

81.24<br />

88.05<br />

90.49<br />

90.41<br />

86.61<br />

81.43<br />

Lp<br />

82.47<br />

81.99<br />

85.16<br />

83.47<br />

83.91<br />

82.27<br />

81.93<br />

85.82<br />

83.46<br />

85.69<br />

87.52<br />

81.29<br />

85.76<br />

Grass<br />

82.47<br />

85.71<br />

90.07<br />

90.14<br />

82.99<br />

81.81<br />

82.30<br />

83.93<br />

Wate rcourse<br />

83.43<br />

82.81<br />

85.57<br />

85.65<br />

85.60<br />

85.60<br />

81.25<br />

82.44<br />

86.98<br />

Grass<br />

Grass<br />

82.30<br />

89.71<br />

82.33<br />

81.36 81.10<br />

MH<br />

81.81<br />

81.79<br />

81.73<br />

81.86 81.66 81.49<br />

82.03<br />

81.81<br />

MH<br />

Gy<br />

81.99<br />

82.20 81.94<br />

81.68<br />

81.60<br />

81.63<br />

85.45 85.19<br />

89.6589.09<br />

82.40<br />

81.53<br />

81.57<br />

81.47<br />

Grass<br />

81.44<br />

P anel fence h t 1.8m<br />

85.42<br />

85.38 85.19<br />

85.44<br />

83.66<br />

83.24<br />

85.43<br />

81.29<br />

Lp<br />

86.99<br />

Gy<br />

81.28<br />

Gy<br />

81.36 81.28<br />

82.58<br />

83.35<br />

81.40<br />

88.94<br />

81.15<br />

82.4482.46<br />

82.56<br />

85.22<br />

81.33<br />

83.60<br />

81.18<br />

81.27<br />

85.25<br />

85.32<br />

88.09<br />

87.14<br />

85.36<br />

84.67<br />

87.88<br />

86.95<br />

81.16<br />

81.23<br />

88.63<br />

81.1981.16<br />

82.60<br />

85.06<br />

87.99<br />

82.62<br />

82.65<br />

81.19<br />

85.13<br />

85.29<br />

88.37<br />

84.97<br />

85.06<br />

85.15<br />

86.66<br />

88.17<br />

87.74<br />

81.07<br />

82.5282.60<br />

Grass<br />

81.05<br />

Additional<br />

Margin<br />

P an el fen ce h t 1.8m<br />

87.28<br />

81.86<br />

82.51<br />

1 in 40<br />

4m 3.5m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.5m 4m<br />

Additional<br />

Margin<br />

85.03<br />

81.06<br />

82.40<br />

85.14<br />

80.99<br />

H/S<br />

85.07<br />

Tarmac Fo otpath<br />

81.13 80.94 80.80<br />

81.10<br />

81.16 81.01 80.85<br />

8 1. 29<br />

8 1. 14<br />

87.72<br />

Veg etation<br />

(B rambles)<br />

80.91<br />

Grass<br />

84.99<br />

86.26<br />

87.27<br />

83.41<br />

81.04<br />

84.75 84.6684.43<br />

84.81<br />

Lp<br />

80.92<br />

80.71<br />

Gy<br />

MH<br />

80.90<br />

84.88<br />

84.93<br />

82.68 82.57 82.58 82.58<br />

82.59<br />

84.83<br />

80.81<br />

80.62<br />

84.87<br />

84.74<br />

82.49<br />

Gy<br />

80.74<br />

80.72<br />

MH<br />

80.84<br />

8 3.048 2. 94 8 2. 82 8 2. 73 8 2. 62 8 2. 51 8 2. 39 8 2. 24 8 1. 98 8 1. 78 8 1. 61 8 1. 40 8 1. 26 8 1. 07 8 0. 93 8 0. 75 8 0. 58<br />

8 2. 90<br />

88.5<br />

83.5<br />

86.0<br />

85.5<br />

85.0<br />

82.0<br />

83.0<br />

83.5<br />

PT<br />

F<br />

84.5<br />

83.0<br />

82.75<br />

90.5<br />

89.0<br />

86.5<br />

87.0<br />

84.0<br />

82.5<br />

89.5<br />

88.0<br />

87.5<br />

83.5<br />

86.5<br />

90.0<br />

87.0<br />

88.5<br />

87.5<br />

90.0<br />

PT<br />

13<br />

89.0<br />

82.0<br />

82.5<br />

88.0<br />

89.5<br />

83.5<br />

83.0<br />

88.5<br />

90.5<br />

PT<br />

G<br />

83.5<br />

1.5m Min Height Parapet<br />

82.0<br />

90.5<br />

89.0<br />

83.0<br />

82.5<br />

83.0<br />

89.5<br />

PT<br />

H<br />

83.5<br />

86.5<br />

87.0<br />

90.0<br />

88.5<br />

86.0<br />

82.0<br />

87.5<br />

88.0<br />

90.0<br />

82.5<br />

89.0<br />

88.0<br />

90.5<br />

81.5<br />

81.5<br />

83.0<br />

82.5<br />

89.5<br />

82. 40<br />

84.0<br />

82.0<br />

88.5<br />

PT<br />

14<br />

83.5<br />

83.5<br />

90.5<br />

89.0<br />

83.0<br />

83.0<br />

89.5<br />

82.5<br />

8 2. 07<br />

PT<br />

I<br />

86.5<br />

90.0<br />

87.0<br />

8 1. 94<br />

86.0<br />

82.0<br />

87.5<br />

90.0<br />

82.5<br />

89.0<br />

87.0<br />

86.5<br />

86.0<br />

81.5<br />

83.0<br />

82.5<br />

81. 81<br />

88.0<br />

PT<br />

J<br />

87.5<br />

85.5<br />

85.0<br />

81.5<br />

89.5<br />

89.0<br />

84.5<br />

84.0<br />

82.0<br />

88.5<br />

88.5<br />

88.0<br />

83.5<br />

PT<br />

15<br />

83.0<br />

82.0<br />

Eav es lvl<br />

90.85<br />

82.5<br />

86.5<br />

89.5<br />

93.69<br />

85.5<br />

87.0<br />

PT<br />

K<br />

82.0<br />

87.5<br />

87.0<br />

86.0<br />

87.5<br />

86.5<br />

86.0<br />

81.5<br />

82.5<br />

8 1. 40<br />

85.5<br />

85.0<br />

81.5<br />

88.0<br />

89.0<br />

84.5<br />

81.5<br />

84.0<br />

82.0<br />

PT<br />

L<br />

88.5<br />

88.0<br />

83.5<br />

88.5<br />

83.0<br />

82.0<br />

4.5m Wide Combined Footway/Cycleway<br />

Viewport 7 - Scale @ 1:100<br />

Typical Cross Section Through Bridge Deck<br />

82.5<br />

81.5<br />

81.5<br />

82.0<br />

86.5<br />

85.5<br />

PT<br />

16<br />

82.5<br />

82.5<br />

87.0<br />

86.0<br />

87.5<br />

88.0<br />

82.0<br />

81.5<br />

8 0. 98<br />

85.0<br />

85.0<br />

87.5<br />

8 0. 82<br />

81.5<br />

82.0<br />

81.0<br />

84.71<br />

84.67<br />

86.5<br />

82.5<br />

81.5<br />

80.95<br />

84.92<br />

85.78<br />

83.0<br />

80.99<br />

84.72<br />

86.97<br />

Watercourse<br />

80.74<br />

80.60<br />

80. 73<br />

85.5<br />

82.5<br />

82.5<br />

84.70<br />

84.76<br />

83.16<br />

81.0<br />

86.0<br />

86.73<br />

81.0<br />

80.45<br />

80.58<br />

80.55<br />

84.51<br />

86.78<br />

82.55<br />

80.60<br />

84.61<br />

Grass<br />

85.0<br />

83.60<br />

81.5<br />

80.61<br />

86.17<br />

84.60<br />

85.60<br />

83.54 83.91<br />

82.0<br />

82.0<br />

80.92<br />

80.44<br />

84.60<br />

82.48<br />

Northbound Southbound<br />

Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5<br />

84.5<br />

84.43<br />

H edge h t 1 .1m<br />

84.5<br />

84.30 84.08<br />

84.48<br />

85.36<br />

83.5<br />

80.45<br />

84.32<br />

83.48<br />

84.96<br />

84.45<br />

85.06<br />

84.37<br />

84.38<br />

84.23<br />

82.46<br />

80.57<br />

84.94<br />

84.65<br />

83.77<br />

84.18<br />

Gy<br />

Lp 83.95<br />

Grass<br />

Sap<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

Gy<br />

83.68<br />

Lp<br />

83.04<br />

IC<br />

83.53<br />

IC<br />

IC<br />

84.08<br />

IB<br />

83.20 82.87<br />

83.11 82.98<br />

83.76<br />

Sap<br />

Sign<br />

Sign<br />

83.67<br />

BT<br />

83.68<br />

83.57<br />

83.62<br />

Tarmac<br />

83.26<br />

Gy<br />

83.45<br />

83.68<br />

83.62 83.56<br />

Post<br />

Tarmac<br />

83.61<br />

MH<br />

83.39<br />

83.32<br />

83.57<br />

Sp<br />

83.30<br />

IB<br />

82.68<br />

83.54<br />

Sign's<br />

IB Tarmac<br />

82.85<br />

83.22<br />

83.28<br />

82.76<br />

(Chevro ns) 83.74<br />

IC<br />

84.13<br />

83.76<br />

83.07 83.11<br />

Lp<br />

MH<br />

83.66<br />

83.49<br />

83.45<br />

83.37<br />

83.65<br />

IC<br />

BT Lp<br />

83.48 Sp<br />

IC<br />

Grass<br />

83.03<br />

83.16<br />

83.41<br />

83.35<br />

83.65<br />

Sp Sign's<br />

Sign's<br />

83.35<br />

(Chevro ns)<br />

(Chevro ns)<br />

83.32<br />

83.28<br />

82.60<br />

83.42<br />

83.50<br />

IC<br />

IC<br />

83.55<br />

82.94<br />

83.35<br />

83.28<br />

Grass<br />

82.85<br />

83.32<br />

83.26<br />

82.93<br />

82.79<br />

IC<br />

Sign's<br />

83.60 GH11<br />

83.13<br />

(Chevro ns)<br />

82.63 82.76<br />

Tarmac<br />

83.553<br />

Sp<br />

81.25<br />

IB<br />

IB<br />

PT<br />

82.97<br />

82.62<br />

83.19<br />

82.81<br />

82.87<br />

17<br />

83.01<br />

82.77<br />

82.82<br />

83.31<br />

81.26<br />

Tarmac<br />

82.84<br />

83.08<br />

Lp<br />

83.40<br />

82.90<br />

82.77<br />

83.28 83.2183.12<br />

Lp<br />

83.02<br />

81.36<br />

IB<br />

Lp<br />

Tarmac<br />

Sign<br />

82.62<br />

PInv<br />

IB<br />

80.10<br />

Ø0.9m<br />

84.19 83.87<br />

Grass<br />

84.03<br />

82.45<br />

84.42<br />

83.93<br />

84.68<br />

Grass<br />

83.63<br />

80.91<br />

84.00<br />

84.58<br />

83.35<br />

83.50<br />

84.25<br />

83.59<br />

81.0280.84<br />

80.35<br />

84.17<br />

83.99<br />

83.52 83.49<br />

8 3.62<br />

80.42<br />

83.48 83.45<br />

83.92<br />

83. 55<br />

83.85<br />

Northbound Southbound<br />

84.27<br />

83.39<br />

1 in 12<br />

Lane 5 Lane 4 Lane 3 Lane 2 Lane 1 H/S Additional<br />

Margin<br />

3.5m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m<br />

3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.5m<br />

H/S Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4<br />

Lane 4 Lane 3 Lane 2 Lane 1 H/S<br />

84.23<br />

84.13<br />

83.90<br />

84.35<br />

82.38<br />

84.15<br />

84.38<br />

84.39<br />

83. 52 83. 48 83. 53<br />

83.6083.70<br />

83. 60<br />

83.40<br />

T armac<br />

83. 43<br />

83.45<br />

84.10<br />

83.79<br />

83.89<br />

84. 03<br />

83.94<br />

83.45<br />

83.17<br />

83. 94<br />

83.53<br />

83.80<br />

83.70<br />

83.38<br />

83.92<br />

83.78<br />

8 3. 64<br />

83.51<br />

83. 66 83. 73<br />

83. 36<br />

83.6883.66<br />

84. 10<br />

Ctv<br />

83.36<br />

83.79<br />

80.69<br />

82.25<br />

83.78<br />

83.91<br />

83.81<br />

83.45<br />

83.90<br />

83.78<br />

83.32<br />

83. 44<br />

83.80<br />

83.17 83.02<br />

84.04<br />

83.80<br />

83.79<br />

82.18 82.04<br />

80.73<br />

83.55<br />

83. 67<br />

83.16<br />

83.70<br />

8 3. 01<br />

82.89<br />

83.8783.79<br />

83.76<br />

Sign<br />

IC<br />

83.78<br />

IB<br />

83.00<br />

80.36<br />

80.90<br />

83. 75<br />

83.62<br />

8 3. 65<br />

83.55<br />

83. 67<br />

82.8982.67 82.53 82.40<br />

82.93<br />

82.92<br />

82.28<br />

Grass<br />

82.34 82.33 82.26<br />

Lp<br />

80.30<br />

Gy Gy<br />

80.10 80.11<br />

BT<br />

80.19<br />

80.24<br />

80.12<br />

Gy Gy<br />

80.43<br />

8 3. 27<br />

Tarmac<br />

SUB-<br />

Stn 80.60<br />

80.68<br />

Ta rm ac<br />

8 3.29<br />

8 4. 03<br />

8 3. 57<br />

83.23<br />

83.39<br />

83.14<br />

8 3. 93<br />

83. 15<br />

Ctv<br />

83. 04<br />

R ailing s ht 1m<br />

82.88 82.61<br />

82.85<br />

Tar mac<br />

PInv<br />

80.34<br />

Ø0.9m<br />

80. 80. 48 80. 22 80. 27 80. 33<br />

80.2880.20<br />

7080. 87<br />

8 0. 41<br />

MH<br />

80.35<br />

80.40<br />

84.5<br />

82.0<br />

81.0<br />

81.5<br />

80.27<br />

82.5<br />

82.5<br />

81.5<br />

83.0<br />

82.5<br />

81.0<br />

80.21 80.12<br />

81.0<br />

81.5<br />

84.0<br />

82.0<br />

82.0<br />

83.5<br />

80.5<br />

82.35<br />

80.14 80.35 80.57 80.74<br />

80.20<br />

80. 33<br />

81.5<br />

82.0<br />

80.52<br />

82.5<br />

81.5<br />

81.0<br />

80.47<br />

80.39<br />

80. 52<br />

81.0<br />

81.5<br />

80.73<br />

82.06<br />

83.14<br />

82.22<br />

82.75<br />

81.07<br />

82.57<br />

83.43<br />

8 2. 86<br />

82.74<br />

82.80<br />

81.16<br />

81.57<br />

8 3. 55<br />

8 2. 65<br />

82.21<br />

82.43<br />

Gy<br />

82.25<br />

8 1.15<br />

81.02<br />

83.63<br />

82.60<br />

82.55<br />

Tarmac<br />

82.86<br />

8 2. 98<br />

82.71<br />

8 2. 52<br />

82.21<br />

8 2.33<br />

B lock<br />

p aved<br />

82.17<br />

Ctv<br />

GH12<br />

81.258<br />

81.00<br />

81. 44<br />

82. 74<br />

83.41<br />

83.31<br />

82.63<br />

81.9781.72<br />

82.52<br />

IC<br />

82.33<br />

81.31<br />

8 1. 84<br />

80.85<br />

80.6380.85<br />

80. 98<br />

80. 76<br />

Sign<br />

7.3m Wide Road Width<br />

82.0<br />

Sign<br />

8 0. 98<br />

82. 09<br />

83.55 83.4583.34<br />

8 3. 5483. 39 83. 30<br />

82.71<br />

83.19<br />

82.95<br />

8 3. 07<br />

8 2. 87<br />

82.75<br />

82.27<br />

81.50 81.21 80.90<br />

Gy<br />

82.46<br />

MH<br />

Sv 81.14<br />

80.74<br />

82.55<br />

82. 22 81. 89 81. 50 81. 01<br />

82. 51<br />

82.38<br />

81.91<br />

80.59<br />

80. 72<br />

82.82<br />

82.6482.75<br />

8 2. 88<br />

Tarmac<br />

82. 68<br />

81.46<br />

82.09<br />

82.67<br />

Tarmac<br />

82.86<br />

Lp<br />

81.76<br />

MH<br />

81.38<br />

Lp<br />

Viewport 5 - Scale @ 1:750<br />

Proposed Lane Arrangement (To be Implemented by the Highways Agency.)<br />

Viewport 6 - Scale @ 1:750<br />

Existing Lane Arrangement<br />

80.98<br />

8 3.39<br />

83.26<br />

8 2. 95<br />

81.37<br />

83.17<br />

82.98<br />

82.65<br />

83.0083.08<br />

82.53 82.24 81.90 81.52<br />

83.11<br />

8 3.04<br />

80.88<br />

82.98<br />

83. 11<br />

83.26<br />

81.11<br />

83.29<br />

83.20<br />

83.17<br />

82.8883.16<br />

83.14<br />

83.06<br />

81.64<br />

83.42<br />

Additional<br />

Margin<br />

83.0482.97<br />

8 3. 10<br />

83.17<br />

82.36<br />

83.17<br />

83.25<br />

83.13<br />

83.02<br />

83.02<br />

82.91<br />

8 3.04<br />

83.14<br />

83.17<br />

83.43<br />

82.83<br />

82.40<br />

83.04<br />

83.07<br />

Edge<br />

of<br />

Roundabout<br />

82.92<br />

83. 08 82. 94 82. 84<br />

83.09 82.96 82.82 82.72<br />

83. 33<br />

82.13<br />

Veg etation<br />

Tarmac<br />

83.0<br />

Veg etation<br />

80.24<br />

82.5<br />

82.0<br />

81.5<br />

81.0<br />

80.5<br />

80.14<br />

Flat ro of<br />

lvl 8 9.34<br />

8 2. 97<br />

80.02<br />

82.88<br />

83.29<br />

8 2. 89<br />

82.77<br />

82.92<br />

82.94<br />

Tarmac<br />

8 2. 81<br />

KEY<br />



c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Viewport 1<br />

Scale @ 1:1,250<br />

Viewport 2<br />

Scale @ 1:1,000<br />

Viewport 3<br />

Scale @ 1:500<br />

Viewport 4<br />

Scale @ 1:1,000<br />

X Ax is = 1:500<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000<br />

80.00<br />

79.00<br />

78.00<br />

77.00<br />

76.00<br />

75.00<br />

74.00<br />

73.00<br />

72.00<br />

71.00<br />

70.00<br />

91.00<br />

90.00<br />

89.00<br />

88.00<br />

87.00<br />

86.00<br />

85.00<br />

84.00<br />

83.00<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

79.00<br />

78.00<br />

77.00<br />

76.00<br />

75.00<br />

74.00<br />

73.00<br />

72.00<br />

X Ax is = 1:500 71.00<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000 70.00<br />

PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 PT 5 PT 6 PT 7 PT 8 PT 9 PT 10 PT 11 PT 12 PT 13 PT 14 PT 15 PT 16 PT 17<br />

1 in 45<br />

Overhead Power Lines<br />

1 in 55<br />

1 in 75<br />

1 in 600<br />

1 in 86<br />

1 in 22<br />

Proposed Bridge Lev el = 80.00<br />

Proposed Slip To M1<br />

1 in 13<br />

Existing Carriageway<br />

Eas t-Bound<br />

1 in 2<br />

72.82 72.15 71.60 72.00 71.95 72.30 73.64 71.33 87.01 83.64 76.66 75.50<br />

76.22 74.12 72.86 72.45 72.41<br />

PT A PT B PT 6<br />

PT C PT D<br />

FP /<br />

Cyc leway<br />

85.90<br />

Proposed Road<br />

86.10<br />

1 in 3 1 in 3<br />

1 in 598 1 in 700 1 in 51<br />

1 in 44<br />

72.24 72.27 72.30 72.65 73.06<br />

90.40<br />

90.40<br />

1 in 25<br />

2.8m 3.5m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 2.8m<br />

H/S<br />

Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3<br />

M69 Eastbound<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

79.00<br />

78.00<br />

77.00<br />

76.00<br />

75.00<br />

74.00<br />

73.00<br />

72.00<br />

X Ax is = 1:500 71.00<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000 70.00<br />

PT E PT F PT 13<br />

PT G PT H<br />

1 in 1800<br />

1 in 3<br />

1 in 39<br />

FP /<br />

Cyc leway Proposed Road<br />

1 in 30<br />

1 in 35<br />

75.75 75.74 76.20 76.79 76.28<br />

1 in 3<br />

1 in 9<br />

1 in 23<br />

1 in 4<br />

.8m<br />

Proposed Slip To<br />

M69<br />

Proposed Bridge Lev el = 83.11<br />

1 in 26<br />

Existing Carriageway<br />

West-Bound<br />

3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.65m 3.5m<br />

Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 1 H/S<br />

Nosing<br />

X Ax is = 1:500<br />

Y Axis = 1:1000<br />

82.00<br />

81.00<br />

80.00<br />

79.00<br />

78.00<br />

77.00<br />

76.00<br />

75.00<br />

74.00<br />

73.00<br />

72.00<br />

71.00<br />

70.00<br />

M69 Westbound<br />

1 in 42<br />

PT E PT F PT 13<br />

PT G PT H<br />

1 in 1800<br />

1 in 39<br />

Existing road lev el = 75.50<br />

FP /<br />

Cyc leway<br />

75.75 75.74 76.20 76.79<br />

1 in 30<br />

Proposed Road<br />

1 in 3 1 in 3<br />

1 in 24<br />

1 in 13<br />

1 in 30 1 in 35<br />

1 in 73<br />

76.28<br />

1 in 750<br />

<strong>Key</strong>,<br />



LEVEL<br />




Viewport 5<br />

Cross Section A - A<br />

Scale @ 1:1,000 c WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

103.72<br />

103.41<br />

104.30<br />

Sp<br />

103.71<br />

104.28<br />

103.06<br />

SLOW<br />

GH3<br />

104.299<br />

104.06<br />

Bg<br />

103.24<br />

102.69<br />

103.75<br />

104.33<br />

104.03<br />

104.06<br />

103.42<br />

102.40<br />

Bg<br />

103.72<br />

102.57<br />

102.29<br />

104.35<br />

103.14<br />

103.82<br />

103.64 103.32 103.02 102.81 102.62 102.54<br />

103.38<br />

102.46<br />

104.43<br />

103.46<br />

103.79<br />

103.66<br />

�� ��<br />

103.96<br />

102.21<br />

102.99<br />

103.34<br />

103.11<br />

102.26<br />

103.08<br />

102.85<br />

102.15 102.19<br />

102.87<br />

102.77<br />

103.16<br />

101.89<br />

102.84<br />

102.69<br />

102.61<br />

101.94<br />

102.65<br />

102.47<br />

102.42<br />

102.55<br />

102.62102.47<br />

102.80 102.69 102.63<br />

102.43<br />

102.54<br />

102.47 102.38 102.30 102.24 102.17 102.08 101.99 101.86 101.69 101.32 100.94 100.62 100.45 100.20 100.00 99.81 99.62 99.37 99.12 98.83 98.58 98.36 98.13<br />

101.94<br />

102.37<br />

Bg<br />

102.36<br />

101.81<br />

102.48<br />

102.36<br />

102.31<br />

102.39<br />

101.60<br />

102.50<br />

102.58<br />

Bg<br />

102.23<br />

101.39<br />

102.37<br />

102.45<br />

102.30<br />

102.16<br />

102.14<br />

101.62<br />

GH4<br />

102.230<br />

102.07<br />

101.13<br />

102.35<br />

102.57<br />

102.64102.42<br />

102.22<br />

Bg<br />

101.96<br />

101.90<br />

PInv<br />

100.46<br />

101.98<br />

100.72 100.68<br />

101.86<br />

101.59 101.22<br />

100.27<br />

102.15<br />

101.62<br />

99.98<br />

102.07<br />

102.00<br />

101.27<br />

99.65<br />

Bg<br />

100.91<br />

102.53<br />

Bg<br />

PInv<br />

99.08<br />

95.59<br />

100.39<br />

100.00 99.66<br />

99.25<br />

101.99<br />

101.86<br />

100.59<br />

102.58<br />

100.18<br />

98.90<br />

100.65<br />

100.41<br />

102.45<br />

101.63<br />

102.31<br />

99.17<br />

101.29<br />

100.17<br />

PInv<br />

101.98<br />

Bg<br />

GH5<br />

100.190<br />

98.66<br />

99.89<br />

SLOW<br />

100.95<br />

99.95<br />

98.86<br />

98.81<br />

100.66<br />

98.62<br />

102.34<br />

102.45<br />

98.53<br />

102.21<br />

99.73<br />

99.53<br />

100.56<br />

95.79<br />

102.37<br />

100.38<br />

98.45<br />

99.27<br />

101.91<br />

Bg<br />

99.04<br />

98.24 98.10<br />

102.31 101.91<br />

101.98 101.20<br />

100.14<br />

99.28<br />

100.49<br />

99.49<br />

Sp<br />

PInv<br />

100.58<br />

Bg<br />

98.11<br />

PInv<br />

97.99<br />

Bg Bg<br />

PInv<br />

98.09<br />

97.83<br />

96.04<br />

99.93<br />

100.22<br />

96 .29<br />

95.82<br />

95.81<br />

98.19<br />

97.58<br />

97.38<br />

99.02<br />

101.26<br />

100.15<br />

95.60<br />

97.08<br />

99.95<br />

98.05<br />

99.72<br />

98.71<br />

97.87<br />

96.64<br />

96.52<br />

96.82<br />

98.74<br />

99.93<br />

96.65<br />

100.52<br />

97.52 97.25<br />

Mkr<br />

100.29<br />

99.48<br />

100.39<br />

99.67<br />

99.40<br />

98.49<br />

95.92 96.02 96.17<br />

96.93<br />

99.67<br />

97.87<br />

Sv<br />

Sv<br />

Sv<br />

Fh<br />

96 .37<br />

GH6<br />

96.124<br />

96.02<br />

Bg<br />

95.77<br />

95.62<br />

98.11<br />

99.99<br />

98.15<br />

97.84<br />

97.73 97.29<br />

97.08<br />

96.77<br />

99.16<br />

96.26 96.52 96.77<br />

97.61<br />

97.35<br />

97.05<br />

95.86<br />

99.71<br />

99.72<br />

99.30 99.24 98.57<br />

99.21<br />

98.91<br />

98.20<br />

98.67<br />

98.88<br />

PInv<br />

98.20<br />

97.96<br />

97.71 97.51 97.26<br />

96.63<br />

96.31<br />

96.08<br />

95.77<br />

99.36<br />

98.45<br />

98.72<br />

96.91<br />

99.04<br />

98.14<br />

97.93<br />

95.90<br />

98.24<br />

97.67<br />

97.37<br />

97.03<br />

96.70<br />

Bg<br />

Fh<br />

95.78<br />

98.83<br />

97.93<br />

96.34<br />

96.10<br />

97.99 97.92<br />

95.91<br />

97.33<br />

97.61<br />

96.50<br />

96.23<br />

96.26<br />

96.04<br />

96.70<br />

97.30<br />

98.60<br />

96.97<br />

Sp<br />

98.01 97.76 97.54<br />

96.14<br />

95.86<br />

96.73<br />

97.16<br />

97.96<br />

96.71<br />

96.64<br />

96.49<br />

Sp<br />

96.58<br />

95.87<br />

PInv<br />

95.87<br />

96.56<br />

96.35<br />

96.90<br />

96.89 97.10 97.37<br />

96.65<br />

96.77<br />

96.19<br />

96.48<br />

96.8797.25<br />

97.06<br />

96.66 96.41<br />

96.54<br />

96.89 97.12<br />

95.93<br />

96.79<br />

97.02<br />

97.25<br />

97.31<br />

97.23<br />

97.32<br />

97.47<br />

97.50<br />

97.48<br />

97.85<br />

97.84<br />

97.94<br />


Appendix C Summary of Travel Planning<br />

Measures<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

1 Employment Travel Plan Action Plan<br />

1.1 ACTION PLAN<br />

1.1.1 This does not represent an exhaustive list of measures for the site but aims to<br />

provide an indication of the types of measures that may be applicable. Many of them<br />

are site-wide initiatives which form the basis of this Framework Travel Plan, and<br />

additional measures and initiatives will be expected to be provided through the individual<br />

occupier travel plans.<br />

Travel Plan Measures<br />

Staff<br />

Walking All staff will be made aware of the Personal Journey Planner prior to<br />

occupation. A summary and ready reference is provided in<br />

Appendix 2 in the travel plan.<br />

A copy of information leaflets issued in the Induction pack will also<br />

be provided on staff notice boards and websites.<br />

Umbrellas will be made available for staff if they are walking to/from<br />

the employment area. These will be located at the reception desk.<br />

These will be organised by the TPC within the first month of<br />

occupation.<br />

The TPC will include a list of national / local sustainable events in<br />

the Induction Pack and on the website. The TPC will provide<br />

walking diaries, information on calorie calculators and pedometers to<br />

promote walking amongst staff as incentives for staff who make a<br />

pledge to switch from car travel one day a week or more.<br />

Car Sharing Dedicated car share spaces will be provided for car sharers within<br />

the site located close to building entrances.<br />

As part of the induction talk presented by the TPC, the aims of<br />

reducing single car occupancy will be highlighted to staff. The TPC<br />

will talk through the staff the potential of car sharing. Employees will<br />

then be informally asked if they would be willing to car share, and<br />

also provide them with details of Leicestershare.com the free online<br />

car sharing website. The TPC’s will undertake this within the first<br />

month of occupation and update the details on the car sharing<br />

database accordingly.<br />

Cycling Secure cycle stands will be provided at convenient points throughout<br />

the site.<br />

Showing facilities and lockers will be provided for staff for the<br />

storage of cycle equipment<br />

A Bicycle User Group will be established within the first three months<br />

of occupation.<br />

Details of cycling routes will be included within the Induction Pack<br />

and on the site website together with links to various bodies such as<br />

Sustrans (www.sustrans.org.uk) prior to occupation. Leaflets and<br />

information will be made available in communal areas and staff<br />

notice boards.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Transport Assessment

The individual TPC’s could request £300 cycle challenge grant<br />

available to the site through the City <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

The site-wide TPC may establish a ‘cycle pool’ to promote active<br />

travel for employees who live within 2 miles of the site. They may<br />

consider buying reclaimed bikes from ‘Bikes4all’ (which sells such<br />

bikes for as little as £15).<br />

Assistance for staff purchase of bikes will also be considered by<br />

individual employers.<br />

Puncture repair kits will be made available for staff on reception.<br />

This will be undertaken within 1 month of occupation by the TPC.<br />

Public Transport Site specific public transport information leaflets will be prepared and<br />

included on the site website prior to occupation of the site by the<br />

framework TPC. These will be distributed and displayed as<br />

necessary by the occupier TPCs within their organisation.<br />

The site specific public transport routes that are proposed for the site<br />

will be promoted by the TPCs to all staff throughout the lifetime of<br />

the Travel Plan<br />

The Site Management TPC will liaise with both Leicester City and<br />

County <strong>Council</strong> Public Transport Officers on public transport issues<br />

and opportunities throughout the development phasing. This<br />

information will then be forwarded to the individual TPC’s within the<br />

first month of occupation.<br />

The framework TPC will contact the relevant bus companies to<br />

discuss the possibility of providing discounted or free travel vouchers<br />

for bus travel for staff. This will be undertaken within 1 month of<br />

occupation by the framework TPC.<br />

Visitors All letters, emails, etc. that are sent by the employment uses to<br />

visitors will have ‘how to get to the site by sustainable travel modes<br />

and the site website address’. This will help to gain a higher<br />

percentage of sustainable travel awareness to these users.<br />

Leaflets on buses, cycling, walking and the Travel Plan will be on<br />

display at the reception of each employment use and made available<br />

to all visitors. This will be undertaken by the individual TPC’s within<br />

a month of occupation, with assistance from the Site Management<br />

TPC.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Transport Assessment

2 Residential Travel Plan Action Plan<br />

2.1 ACTION PLAN<br />

2.1.1 This does not represent an exhaustive list of measures for the site but aims to<br />

provide an indication of the types of measures that may be applicable. Many of them<br />

are site-wide initiatives which form the basis of this Umbrella Residential Travel Plan,<br />

and additional measures and initiatives could be developed and provided as necessary.<br />

Travel Plan Measures<br />

Residents<br />

Walking All residents will be made aware of the walking opportunities within<br />

and in the vicinity of the site prior to occupation and through the<br />

Welcome Pack on purchase of a property. An example is provided<br />

at Appendix 3 in the travel plan.<br />

A copy of information leaflets issued in the Welcome pack will also<br />

be provided in the central transport hub and other communal<br />

facilities as appropriate.<br />

The TPC will include a list of national and local sustainable events in<br />

the Welcome Pack and on the website and promote these to<br />

residents by holding events for the site.<br />

Car Sharing As part of the Welcome Pack the aims of reducing single car<br />

occupancy will be highlighted to residents. The TPC will talk through<br />

the potential of car sharing amongst residents and it will form a focus<br />

for the Residents Forum meetings. Details of Leicestershare.com<br />

the free online car sharing website will be provided.<br />

Cycling Secure cycle stands will be provided at convenient points throughout<br />

the site including the community facilities, the places of education,<br />

leisure and retail. Cycle Parking will be provided in accordance with<br />

the local parking standards for residential use.<br />

The TPC will review marketing campaigns and participation in<br />

cycling events such as national cycle to work day, Skyride, City Bike<br />

Challenge and Healthy Lifestyles to help raise the general profile of<br />

cycling.<br />

A Bicycle User Group will be established within the first six months<br />

of occupation.<br />

Details of cycling routes will be included within the Welcome Pack<br />

and on the site website together with links to various bodies such as<br />

Sustrans (www.sustrans.org.uk) prior to occupation. Leaflets and<br />

information will also be made available in community facilities and in<br />

the transport hub.<br />

The TPC will look into the possibility of providing cycle equipment<br />

vouchers to residents with a local cycle retailer.<br />

The TPC will review marketing campaigns and participation in<br />

cycling events such as national cycle to work day, Skyride, City Bike<br />

Challenge and Healthy Lifestyles to help raise the general profile of<br />

cycling.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Transport Assessment

Public Transport Site specific public transport information leaflets will be prepared and<br />

included on the site website prior to occupation of the site by the<br />

TPC. These will be distributed and displayed as necessary by the in<br />

community facilities and also included in the Welcome Pack.<br />

Personalised<br />

Travel Planning<br />

The site specific public transport routes that are proposed for the site<br />

will be promoted by the TPC to all residents throughout the lifetime<br />

of the Travel Plan<br />

The TPC will liaise with both Leicester City and County <strong>Council</strong><br />

Public Transport Officers on public transport issues and<br />

opportunities throughout the development phasing to ensure the bus<br />

services are attractive and convenient for use by residents.<br />

The TPC will discuss with the relevant bus companies the possibility<br />

of providing discounted or free travel vouchers for bus travel for<br />

residents. This will be undertaken within 1 month of occupation by<br />

the TPC and it is proposed that a free pass for 6 months travel is<br />

issued to each household.<br />

The development proposal will include a high quality bus service<br />

through the site linking with the City Centre via the A47. This service<br />

will be provided in the peak periods on a 20 minute frequency.<br />

During the off peak period it is proposed that an hourly service is<br />

provided. The TPC will promote the proposed bus service by<br />

providing details of routing, timetable and bus stops within the Travel<br />

Pack.<br />

The TPC will work with a specific provider of PTP in order to further<br />

promote the use of the alternative methods of sustainable travel that<br />

are being made available to residents. This will commence within<br />

the first six months of occupation in order to maximise the results<br />

and also to influence travel patterns before they are established.<br />

11501693 Supplementary Transport Assessment

Appendix D Detailed Modal Flows<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

AM - A47 - B582 (Dresford Road)<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

640 262<br />

379 368<br />

45 519 76 9 242 11<br />

38 9<br />

400 726<br />

708 270 515 863 128 884<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

469 176 580 684 115 864<br />

337 658<br />

67 91<br />

87 165 39 17 244 147<br />

856 461<br />

291 408<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

13 2<br />

31 54<br />

0 0 13 0 0 2<br />

0 0<br />

83 80<br />

88 5 96 80 0 82<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

225 31 255 180 54 234<br />

224 180<br />

0 0<br />

1 0 0 0 0 0<br />

5 0<br />

1 0<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

653 264<br />

410 422<br />

45 519 89 9 242 13<br />

38 9<br />

483 806<br />

796 275 611 943 128 966<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

694 207 835 864 169 1098<br />

561 838<br />

67 91<br />

88 165 39 17 244 147<br />

861 461<br />

292 408<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)

AM - A47 - Beggars Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

451 854<br />

468 17 629 1051 197 1002<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

555 885 874 1066<br />

490 747<br />

395 319<br />

65 178 127 148<br />

412 516<br />

243 275<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0<br />

97 97 89 97 97 138<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

255 50 249 70<br />

0 0<br />

50 70<br />

255 89 249 138<br />

147 167<br />

344 387<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

451 854<br />

565 114 718 1148 294 1140<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

810 935 1123 1136<br />

490 747<br />

445 389<br />

320 267 376 286<br />

559 683<br />

587 662<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane

AM - A47 - Kirby Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 657<br />

0 389<br />

276 381<br />

181<br />

651<br />

0 0 832 1032<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1023 208 955<br />

747<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 39<br />

0 79<br />

34 5<br />

79<br />

38<br />

0 0 117 43<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 64 0 30<br />

30<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 696<br />

0 468<br />

310 386<br />

260<br />

689<br />

0 0 949 1075<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1087 208 985<br />


AM - A47 - Baines Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

0 0 1032<br />

1032<br />

0 1032<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 955 955<br />

955<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0 20<br />

0<br />

20 20<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 20 20<br />

0<br />

20<br />

20 20<br />

0 40<br />

0 40<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0 1052<br />

1032<br />

20 1052<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 975 975<br />

955<br />

20<br />

20 20<br />

0 40<br />

0 40<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane

AM - A47 - Brounstone Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

772 681<br />

675 605<br />

251 218 303 272 218 191<br />

275 268<br />

713 829<br />

1141 153 1105 1348 251 1077<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

849 106 578 1123 54 735<br />

446 681<br />

26 0<br />

152 294 89 170 283 57<br />

397 469<br />

535 510<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

22 4<br />

36 46<br />

22 0 0 4 0 0<br />

36 45<br />

0 3<br />

36 0 0 49 1 3<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

22 0 0 26 1 12<br />

0 11<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 0 11 0 0<br />

0 1<br />

0 11<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

794 685<br />

711 651<br />

273 218 303 276 218 191<br />

311 313<br />

713 832<br />

1177 153 1105 1397 252 1080<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

871 106 578 1149 55 747<br />

446 692<br />

26 0<br />

152 294 89 181 283 57<br />

397 470<br />

535 521<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane

AM - A47 - A563<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

1358 1062<br />

1194 1981<br />

215 828 315 747<br />

315<br />

191 113<br />

1184<br />

631<br />

362 1232 1083<br />

970<br />

1112<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

783 289<br />

366<br />

998 964<br />

944<br />

1482<br />

343 538<br />

202 714 286 200<br />

924<br />

1533 1373<br />

1202 1124<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

27 52<br />

81 115<br />

0 27 0 52<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0 129 9<br />

6<br />

130<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

68 33<br />

6<br />

106<br />

68 100<br />

0 81 129 26<br />

244<br />

95 157<br />

210 270<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

1385 1114<br />

1275 2096<br />

215 855 315 799<br />

315<br />

191 113<br />

1184<br />

631<br />

362 1361 1092<br />

976<br />

1242<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

783 289<br />

366<br />

1066 997<br />

950<br />

1588<br />

411 638<br />

202 795 415 226<br />

1168<br />

1628 1530<br />

1412 1394<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd)

AM - Beggars Lane - B582<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

798 0<br />

254 0<br />

253 501 44<br />

42<br />

7<br />

2<br />

33 153 0 0<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

969 49 528 0 0<br />

224<br />

255<br />

492 198 107<br />

789 0<br />

797 0<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

5 100<br />

1 70<br />

0 5 0 1 99<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0 14 0 151<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

0 0 47 0 70 214<br />

0<br />

47 144<br />

0 1 14 0 52<br />

52 145<br />

15 52<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA TA Base + LLITM Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

803 898<br />

255 324<br />

253 506 44 253 502 143<br />

7 7<br />

2 2<br />

42 33 167 42 33 304<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

969 49 575 969 119 742<br />

224 224<br />

302 399<br />

492 199 121 492 198 159<br />

841 934<br />

812 849<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)

AM - B582 (Mill Hill) - Leicester Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

723 672<br />

956 399<br />

17 240 466 16 388 268<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 781 0 0 767<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

42 440 493 167 73 371<br />

25 116<br />

28 182<br />

0 516 315 35 326 499<br />

268 570<br />

831 860<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

52 145<br />

15 52<br />

0 47 5 0 144 1<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 47 0 0 24<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

0 1 39 6 0 38<br />

0 6<br />

38 32<br />

0 14 42 0 52 23<br />

85 176<br />

56 75<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

775 817<br />

971 451<br />

17 287 471 16 532 269<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 828 0 0 791<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

42 441 532 173 73 409<br />

25 122<br />

66 214<br />

0 530 357 35 378 522<br />

353 746<br />

887 935<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)

AM - B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Rd) - B4114 (St Johns) (Foxhunter Rbt)<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns) B4114 (St Johns)<br />

1582 1474<br />

2422 3389<br />

30 253 795 504 982<br />

492<br />

143 27<br />

673<br />

277<br />

253 920 479<br />

452<br />

944<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

622 759<br />

250<br />

1112 248<br />

1121<br />

1509<br />

103 388<br />

119 1490 139 24 248<br />

1259<br />

1175 388<br />

1772 1507<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns)<br />

84 2<br />

171 55<br />

0 0 84 0 1<br />

1<br />

0 0<br />

86<br />

0<br />

86 0 137<br />

137<br />

138<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

55 0<br />

0<br />

0 19<br />

53<br />

53<br />

0 0<br />

55 171 0 0 19<br />

1<br />

170 0<br />

226 20<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns) B4114 (St Johns)<br />

1666 1476<br />

2593 3444<br />

30 253 879 504 983<br />

493<br />

143 27<br />

759<br />

277<br />

339 920 616<br />

589<br />

1082<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

677 759<br />

250<br />

1112 267<br />

1174<br />

1562<br />

103 388<br />

174 1661 139 24 267<br />

1260<br />

1345 388<br />

1998 1527<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)

AM - B4114 (Narborough) - Leicester Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

2184 1925<br />

2589 1558<br />

409 1775 0 324 1601 0<br />

506 283<br />

506 0 0 283 0 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

540 16 32 343 0 0<br />

2 0<br />

14 0<br />

129 2067 19 1275<br />

1789 1601<br />

2196 1294<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

50 64<br />

88 40<br />

50 0 0 64 0 0<br />

88<br />

0<br />

40<br />

307 219 0 50 10 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

221 0 0 68 0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

171 0 4 0<br />

219 10<br />

171 4<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

2234 1989<br />

2677 1598<br />

459 1775 0 388 1601 0<br />

594 323<br />

0 0<br />

813 219 0 333 10 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

761 16 32 411 0 0<br />

2 0<br />

14 0<br />

300 2067 23 1275<br />

2008 1611<br />

2367 1298<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)

170 462 0 0<br />

158 0<br />

9 161 425 37<br />

427 99 550<br />

63<br />

487 100 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 328<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

545 38 31 98 0 0<br />

311 349 67 0<br />

234 21 61<br />

554 0<br />

316 0<br />

0 95 0 0<br />

210 0<br />

0 0 95 0<br />

711 210 501<br />

0<br />

501 0 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 501<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

361 0 0 0 0 0<br />

95 95 0 0<br />

266 0 0<br />

501 0<br />

266 0<br />

170 557 0 0<br />

368 0<br />

9 161 520 37<br />

1138 309 1051<br />

63<br />

988 100 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 829<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

906 38 31 98 0 0<br />

406 444 67 0<br />

500 21 61<br />

AM - A563 / Meridian Way Dumbell Rbt<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

0<br />

1055 0<br />

582 0<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge

AM - A563 - Meridian South<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 1653<br />

0 1109<br />

0 0 498<br />

503<br />

584<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South A5460<br />

0 0 478 313<br />

313<br />

0 1567<br />

0 1274<br />

A563 A563<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 159<br />

0 119<br />

0 0 5<br />

5<br />

112<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South<br />

0 0 5 66<br />

66<br />

0 52<br />

0 58<br />

A563 A563<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 1812<br />

0 1228<br />

0 0 503<br />

503<br />

696<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South<br />

0 0 483 379<br />

379<br />

0 1619<br />

0 1332<br />

A563 A563<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

304<br />

1<br />

305<br />

970<br />

57<br />

1027<br />

1187<br />

49<br />

1236<br />

466<br />

110<br />

576<br />

0<br />

0<br />

A5460<br />


AM - A563 Scudamore Roundabout<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

353<br />

174 178 1<br />

1073<br />

151<br />

23<br />

899 27<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road Park Rise<br />

590<br />

808 1 24<br />

19<br />

4<br />

615 438 3<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

26<br />

0 26 0<br />

26<br />

0<br />

26<br />

0 0<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road Park Rise<br />

1056<br />

57<br />

1081<br />

59 0 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

59 57 0<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

0 379<br />

0 647<br />

0 0 0 174 204 1<br />

0 151<br />

0 49<br />

0 0 0 1099 899 27<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road<br />

0 0 0 867 1 24<br />

0 19<br />

0 4<br />

0 0 0 674 495 3<br />

0 1081<br />

0 1056<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Park Rise

AM - A47 - NARBOROUGH RD<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 205<br />

0 262<br />

0 174 31<br />

0 0 1193<br />

0<br />

1163<br />

30 1482<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 835 182 1017<br />

835<br />

0<br />

0 80 288<br />

0 204<br />

0 368<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 75<br />

74<br />

1 78<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 45 45<br />

45<br />

0 1<br />

0 4<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 205<br />

0 262<br />

0 174 31<br />

0 0 1268<br />

0<br />

1237<br />

31 1560<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 880 182 1062<br />

880<br />

0<br />

0 80 292<br />

0 205<br />

0 372<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />


AM - A47 - WYNGATE DRIVE<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />


0 702<br />

0 591<br />

216 486<br />

0 0 1114<br />

141<br />

930<br />

43 942<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1235 52 1082<br />

984<br />

46<br />

35 398 12<br />

0 575<br />

0 445<br />


Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />


0 19<br />

0 23<br />

19<br />

0 0 109<br />

23<br />

83<br />

3 84<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 84 65<br />

65<br />

0 3<br />

0 1<br />


Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />


0 721<br />

0 614<br />

235 486 0<br />

0 0 1223<br />

164<br />

1013<br />

46 1026<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1319 52 1147<br />

1049<br />

46<br />

35 398 13<br />

0 578<br />

0 446<br />




Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 1891<br />

0 0 1682 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 209 209<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 77<br />

0 0 77 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 1968<br />

0 0<br />

1759<br />

0<br />

0 0 1759 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 209 209<br />

0<br />

1682<br />


AM - Fosse Road - King Richards Road<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 455<br />

0 432<br />

174 281<br />

1<br />

784<br />

0 0 785 795<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 956 97 879<br />

782<br />

334 11<br />

0 281<br />

0 345<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 4<br />

0 0<br />

75<br />

0 0 75 75<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 49 45<br />

45<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 459<br />

0 432<br />

178 281 0<br />

0 0 860<br />

1<br />

859<br />

0 870<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 1005 97 924<br />

827<br />

0<br />

0 334 11<br />

0 281<br />

0 345<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />


AM - A563 - Meridian South<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

122<br />

51<br />

9 20 93<br />

337<br />

9<br />

306<br />

22 443<br />

Meridian Way Meriadian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

154 40 481<br />

129<br />

312<br />

16 2 44<br />

62<br />

354<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

20<br />

39<br />

20 0 0<br />

788<br />

39<br />

710<br />

39 710<br />

Meridian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

401 0 361<br />

361<br />

0<br />

20 0 0<br />

20<br />

39<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

142<br />

90<br />

29 20 93<br />

1125<br />

48<br />

1016<br />

61 1153<br />

Meridian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

555 40 842<br />

490<br />

312<br />

36 2 44<br />

82<br />

393<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Meridian Way

0<br />

Site Site<br />

0<br />

781<br />

781 781<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

494 494<br />

494<br />

47<br />

AM - Leicester Lane - Site Access<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

272<br />

Site Site<br />

347<br />

40 307<br />

47 307<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

40 225 225<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

272<br />

Site Site<br />

347<br />

40 307<br />

47<br />

781<br />

828 1088<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

534 225 719<br />

494<br />

Leicester Lane

PM - A47 - B582 (Dresford Road)<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

373 259<br />

585 386<br />

57 223 93 5 249 5<br />

30 5<br />

442 535<br />

660 188 590 678 138 736<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

858 123 739 732 119 912<br />

565 724<br />

51 69<br />

236 432 55 3 262 196<br />

462 456<br />

723 461<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

31 0<br />

13 43<br />

0 0 31 0 0 0<br />

0 0<br />

223 132<br />

223 0 254 132 0 132<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

81 13 94 64 43 107<br />

81 64<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Leicester Lane) B582 (Leicester Lane)<br />

404 259<br />

598 429<br />

57 223 124 5 249 5<br />

30 5<br />

665 667<br />

883 188 844 810 138 868<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

939 136 833 796 162 1019<br />

646 788<br />

51 69<br />

236 432 55 3 262 196<br />

462 456<br />

723 461<br />

B582 (Desford Rd) B582 (Desford Rd)

PM - A47 - Beggars Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

521 709<br />

572 51 978 784 75 1008<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

667 791 1203 1142<br />

623 935<br />

168 207<br />

44 457 268 299<br />

219 282<br />

501 567<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0<br />

254 254 46 150 150 86<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

93 89 125 170<br />

0 0<br />

89 170<br />

93 46 125 86<br />

343 320<br />

139 211<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

521 709<br />

826 305 1024 934 225 1094<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

760 880 1328 1312<br />

623 935<br />

257 377<br />

137 503 393 385<br />

562 602<br />

640 778<br />

Beggars Lane Beggars Lane

PM - A47 - Kirby Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 373<br />

0 783<br />

218 155<br />

480<br />

324<br />

0 0 804 479<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1142 303 1227<br />

924<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 92<br />

0 71<br />

75 17<br />

71<br />

5<br />

0 0 76 22<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 152 0 77<br />

77<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Kirby Lane Kirby Lane<br />

0 465<br />

0 854<br />

293 172<br />

551<br />

329<br />

0 0 880 501<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1294 303 1304<br />


PM - A47 - Baines Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

0 0 479<br />

479<br />

0 479<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1461 1461<br />

1461<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0 20<br />

0<br />

20 20<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 20 20<br />

0<br />

20<br />

20 20<br />

0 40<br />

0 40<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

0 0 499<br />

479<br />

20 499<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0 1481 1481<br />

1461<br />

20<br />

20 20<br />

0 40<br />

0 40<br />

Baines Lane Baines Lane

PM - A47 - Brounstone Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

596 617<br />

656 549<br />

263 219 114 235 296 86<br />

252 83<br />

567 611<br />

954 135 749 802 108 737<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

1134 183 903 1461 271 1343<br />

664 1072<br />

56 0<br />

207 221 68 154 195 40<br />

410 404<br />

496 389<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

36 40<br />

21 8<br />

36 0 0 40 0 0<br />

21 5<br />

0 1<br />

21 0 0 6 0 1<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

36 0 0 71 3 29<br />

0 26<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 0 5 0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 5<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B5380 (Ratby Lane) B5380 (Ratby Lane)<br />

632 657<br />

677 557<br />

299 219 114 275 296 86<br />

273 88<br />

567 612<br />

975 135 749 808 108 738<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

1170 183 903 1532 274 1372<br />

664 1098<br />

56 0<br />

207 221 68 159 195 40<br />

410 404<br />

496 394<br />

Brounstone Lane Brounstone Lane

PM - A47 - A563<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

1484 1181<br />

1194 1100<br />

237 870 377 746<br />

435<br />

187 45<br />

908<br />

464<br />

257 1139 849<br />

804<br />

1263<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

1166 271<br />

626<br />

1349 1554<br />

997<br />

1514<br />

452 517<br />

303 736 298 579<br />

1221<br />

1579 1426<br />

1337 1800<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

31 61<br />

12 74<br />

0 31 0 61<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0 78 16<br />

16<br />

113<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

178 46<br />

18<br />

193<br />

178 175<br />

0 12 78 28<br />

186<br />

209 251<br />

90 214<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 (New Parks Way) A563 (New Parks Way)<br />

1515 1242<br />

1206 1174<br />

237 901 377 807<br />

435<br />

187 45<br />

908<br />

464<br />

257 1217 865<br />

820<br />

1376<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd) A47 (Hinkley Rd)<br />

1166 271<br />

626<br />

1527 1600<br />

1015<br />

1707<br />

630 692<br />

303 748 376 607<br />

1407<br />

1788 1677<br />

1427 2014<br />

A563 (Brounstone Way) A563 (Brounstone Way)<br />

A47 (Hinkley Rd)

PM - Beggars Lane - B582<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

360 0<br />

793 0<br />

20 280 60<br />

738<br />

217<br />

184<br />

337 553 0 0<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

72 77 207 0 0<br />

12<br />

118<br />

40 499 309<br />

735 0<br />

848 0<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

0 112<br />

0 55<br />

0 0 0 2 110<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0 47 0 138<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

0 0 14 0 55 165<br />

0<br />

14 110<br />

0 0 47 0 28<br />

14 112<br />

47 28<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA TA Base + LLITM Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Dresford Rd) B582 (Dresford Rd)<br />

360 472<br />

793 848<br />

20 280 60 20 282 170<br />

217 217<br />

184 184<br />

738 337 600 738 337 691<br />

Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane Beggars Lane (Next Outlet) Beggars Lane<br />

72 77 221 72 132 372<br />

12 12<br />

132 228<br />

40 499 356 40 499 337<br />

749 847<br />

895 876<br />

B582 (Mill Hill) B582 (Mill Hill)

PM - B582 (Mill Hill) - Leicester Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

785 590<br />

792 537<br />

21 308 456 0 427 163<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 607 0 0 625<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

126 374 572 380 35 755<br />

91 378<br />

107 342<br />

14 418 151 2 502 462<br />

415 769<br />

583 966<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

15 145<br />

51 28<br />

0 14 1 0 143 2<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 39 0 0 137<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

0 4 41 24 0 45<br />

0 24<br />

37 21<br />

0 47 38 0 28 135<br />

51 164<br />

85 163<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B582 (Hall Walk) B582 (Hall Walk)<br />

800 735<br />

843 565<br />

21 322 457 0 570 165<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0 646 0 0 762<br />

High street Leicester Lane High street Leicester Lane<br />

126 378 613 404 35 800<br />

91 402<br />

144 363<br />

14 465 189 2 530 597<br />

466 933<br />

668 1129<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)

PM - B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Rd) - B4114 (St Johns) (Foxhunter Rbt)<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns) B4114 (St Johns)<br />

2553 1800<br />

1460 1408<br />

29 264 1453 807 982<br />

863<br />

50 70<br />

444<br />

265<br />

129 1221 564<br />

452<br />

1474<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

753 513<br />

370<br />

1043 961<br />

1121<br />

1389<br />

160 261<br />

119 868 149 36 389<br />

1259<br />

1778 1421<br />

1172 1512<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns)<br />

101 1<br />

26 2<br />

0 0 101 0 1<br />

1<br />

0 1<br />

51<br />

0<br />

51 0 104<br />

137<br />

77<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

85 0<br />

0<br />

0 148<br />

53<br />

108<br />

0 0<br />

85 26 0 0 41<br />

1<br />

152 27<br />

111 41<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

B4114 (St Johns) B4114 (St Johns)<br />

2654 1801<br />

1486 1410<br />

29 264 1554 807 983<br />

864<br />

50 71<br />

495<br />

265<br />

180 1221 668<br />

589<br />

1551<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road) B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)<br />

838 513<br />

370<br />

1043 1109<br />

1174<br />

1497<br />

160 261<br />

204 894 149 36 430<br />

1260<br />

1930 1448<br />

1283 1553<br />

B4114 (Leicester Rd) B4114 (Leicester Rd)<br />

B582 (<strong>Blaby</strong> Road)

PM - B4114 (Narborough) - Leicester Lane<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

2566 2453<br />

2483 1481<br />

12 2554 0 613 1840 0<br />

642 212<br />

642 0 0 212 0 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

40 97 143 640 0 0<br />

11 0<br />

35 0<br />

17 1744 27 1269<br />

2589 1840<br />

1761 1296<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

89 40<br />

49 59<br />

89 0 0 40 0 0<br />

49<br />

0<br />

59<br />

150 101 0 64 5 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

115 0 0 48 0 0<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

26 0 8 0<br />

101 5<br />

26 8<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)<br />

2655 2493<br />

2532 1540<br />

101 2554 0 653 1840 0<br />

691 271<br />

0 0<br />

792 101 0 276 5 0<br />

Leicester Lane Police HQ Leicester Lane Police HQ<br />

155 97 143 688 0 0<br />

11 0<br />

35 0<br />

43 1744 35 1269<br />

2690 1845<br />

1787 1304<br />

Narborough Rd (B4114) Narborough Rd (B4114)

60 390 0 0<br />

436 0<br />

1 59 258 132<br />

650 237 721<br />

280<br />

441 412 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 413<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

525 103 214 331 0 0<br />

251 354 117 0<br />

274 96 249<br />

558 0<br />

619 0<br />

0 208 0 0<br />

90 0<br />

0 0 208 0<br />

337 90 247<br />

0<br />

247 0 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 247<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

704 0 0 0 0 0<br />

208 208 0 0<br />

496 0 0<br />

247 0<br />

496 0<br />

60 598 0 0<br />

526 0<br />

1 59 466 132<br />

987 327 968<br />

280<br />

688 412 0 0 0<br />

Meridian Way west 660<br />

Meridian Way west<br />

Meridian Way west Meridian Way west<br />

1229 103 214 331 0 0<br />

459 562 117 0<br />

770 96 249<br />

PM - A563 / Meridian Way Dumbell Rbt<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

0<br />

805 0<br />

1115 0<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge<br />

LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Withers Way A563 southbound diverge<br />

A563 northbound diverge A563 southbound merge

PM - A563 - Meridian South<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 1478<br />

0 1543<br />

0 0 754<br />

754<br />

667<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South A5460<br />

0 0 459 235<br />

235<br />

0 1555<br />

0 1767<br />

A563 A563<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 104<br />

0 225<br />

0 0 0<br />

0<br />

82<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South<br />

0 0 8 174<br />

174<br />

0 33<br />

0 59<br />

A563 A563<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

A563 A563<br />

0 1582<br />

0 1768<br />

0 0 754<br />

754<br />

749<br />

Meridian South A5460 Meridian South<br />

0 0 467 409<br />

409<br />

0 1588<br />

0 1826<br />

A563 A563<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

379<br />

2<br />

381<br />

1388<br />

57<br />

1445<br />

1038<br />

33<br />

1071<br />

440<br />

71<br />

511<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

A5460<br />


PM - A563 Scudamore Roundabout<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

59 288<br />

134 204<br />

3 16 40 37 250 1<br />

2 177<br />

276 19<br />

290 12 533 1135 939 23<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road Park Rise<br />

309 108 521 723 1 32<br />

287 22<br />

126 9<br />

19 24 217 664 433 3<br />

154 1198<br />

260 1100<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

39 27<br />

19 42<br />

39 0 0 0 27 0<br />

19 0<br />

337 34<br />

375 19 337 34 0 0<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road Park Rise<br />

782 0 704 31 0 0<br />

704 0<br />

0 0<br />

39 0 0 31 42 0<br />

19 61<br />

39 73<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

98 315<br />

153 246<br />

42 16 40 37 277 1<br />

21 177<br />

613 53<br />

665 31 870 1169 939 23<br />

Scudamore Road Park Rise Scudamore Road<br />

1091 108 1225 754 1 32<br />

991 22<br />

126 9<br />

58 24 217 695 475 3<br />

173 1259<br />

299 1173<br />

New Parks Way New Parks Way<br />

Park Rise

PM - A47 - NARBOROUGH RD<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 233<br />

0 239<br />

0 177 56<br />

0 0 997<br />

0<br />

967<br />

30 1328<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1481 95 1572<br />

1477<br />

4 144 305<br />

0 207<br />

0 453<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

51<br />

0 0 51 58<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 102 102<br />

102<br />

0 0<br />

0 7<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Tudor Road Tudor Road<br />

0 233<br />

0 239<br />

0 177 56<br />

0 0 1048<br />

0<br />

1018<br />

30 1386<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1583 95 1674<br />

1579<br />

0<br />

4 144 312<br />

0 207<br />

0 460<br />

Narborough Rd Narborough Rd<br />


PM - A47 - WYNGATE DRIVE<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />


0 909<br />

0 835<br />

191 718<br />

0 0 960<br />

258<br />

659<br />

43 693<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1630 68 1492<br />

1349<br />

75<br />

90 509 34<br />

0 836<br />

0 633<br />


Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />


0 20<br />

0 32<br />

20<br />

0 0 89<br />

32<br />

56<br />

1 56<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 160 134<br />

134<br />

0 1<br />

0 6<br />


Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />


0 929<br />

0 867<br />

211 718 0<br />

0 0 1049<br />

290<br />

715<br />

44 749<br />

A47 A47 A47 A47<br />

0 0 1790 68 1626<br />

1483<br />

75<br />

96 509 34<br />

0 837<br />

0 639<br />




Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 2144<br />

0 0 1563 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 581 581<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 57<br />

0 0 57 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

St Nicholas Circle (N) St Nicholas Circle (N)<br />

0 0<br />

0 2201<br />

0 0<br />

1620<br />

0<br />

0 0 1620 0<br />

St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E) St Augustine Road St Nicholas Circle (E)<br />

0 0 0 581 581<br />

0<br />

1563<br />


PM - Fosse Road - King Richards Road<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 143<br />

0 535<br />

69 74<br />

0 0 559<br />

1<br />

558<br />

0 558<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 1261 324 1525<br />

1192<br />

9<br />

0 210 0<br />

0 83<br />

0 210<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 3<br />

0 0<br />

49<br />

0 0 49 98<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 105 102<br />

102<br />

0 0<br />

0 49<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Fosse Road (N) Fosse Road (N)<br />

0 146<br />

0 535<br />

72 74 0<br />

0 0 608<br />

1<br />

607<br />

0 656<br />

King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road King Richards Road<br />

0 0 1366 324 1627<br />

1294<br />

9<br />

0 210 49<br />

0 83<br />

0 259<br />

Fosse Road (S) Fosse Road (S)<br />

49<br />


PM - A563 - Meridian South<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

59<br />

134<br />

3 16 40<br />

290<br />

2<br />

276<br />

12 533<br />

Meridian Way Meriadian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

309 108 521<br />

287<br />

126<br />

19 24 217<br />

260<br />

154<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

39<br />

19<br />

39 0 0<br />

375<br />

19<br />

337<br />

19 337<br />

Meridian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

782 0 704<br />

704<br />

0<br />

39 0 0<br />

39<br />

19<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

Foxon Way Foxon Way<br />

98<br />

153<br />

42 16 40<br />

665<br />

21<br />

613<br />

31 870<br />

Meridian Way Meridian Way Meridian Way<br />

1091 108 1225<br />

991<br />

126<br />

58 24 217<br />

299<br />

173<br />

Meridian East Meridian East<br />

Meridian Way<br />

Meridian Way

0<br />

Site Site<br />

0<br />

607<br />

607 607<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

572 572<br />

572<br />

39<br />

PM - Leicester Lane - Site Access<br />

Proposed 2016 Flows from TA LLITM Core Traffic 2026 (PCU's)<br />

Development Trips 2026 from TA LLITM Development Only Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

347<br />

Site Site<br />

247<br />

41 206<br />

39 206<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

41 308 308<br />

Proposed 2026 Flows using TA LLITM Core + Dev Traffic 2026 (Including Mitigation) (PCU's)<br />

347<br />

Site Site<br />

247<br />

41 206<br />

39<br />

607<br />

646 813<br />

Leicester Lane Leicester Lane Leicester Lane<br />

613 308 880<br />

572<br />

Leicester Lane<br />

Leicester Lane

Appendix E Detailed Junction Assessment<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

A47/ Desford Cross Roads<br />

Existing Junction<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

92.1<br />

19.0 101.8 37.1<br />

85.6<br />

24.5 87.5 27.6<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Ahead<br />

93.2<br />

23.6 99.3 30.4<br />

81.3 9.8 95.6 13.7<br />

2/3 Leicester Lane - Right 34.9 1.7 34.9 1.7 5.6 0.3 7.0 0.3<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

71.3<br />

12.2 100.1 33.1<br />

97.4 31.7 116.6 1054.0<br />

3/3 A47 (E) - Right 50.2 5.7 65.0 7.4 55.5 4.2 81.6 7.5<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Desford Road - Left<br />

Desford Road - Ahead<br />

41.6<br />

5.1 43.8 5.4<br />

95.8 14.1 114.2 29.5<br />

4/3 Desford Road - Right 30.2 1.5 30.2 1.5 91.2 8.3 114.0 18.0<br />

PRC (%) -3.6<br />

-13.1<br />

-8.2 -29.6<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 62.0<br />

105.0<br />

76.7 201.0<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

97.9 24.6 114.7 92.2<br />

68.8 13.5 80.7 20.5<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Ahead<br />

41.3 5.6 49.7 6.2<br />

92.1 14.8 92.1 12.4<br />

2/3 Leicester Lane - Right 44.2 2.2 44.2 2.2 2.8 0.2 2.8 0.2<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

96.0 27.1 98.3 32.9 109.0 103.0 117.9 101.6<br />

3/3 A47 (E) - Right 64.3 4.8 61 5.1 57.5 4.4 78.2 6.9<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Desford Road - Left<br />

Desford Road - Ahead<br />

98.2 30.4 112.7 65.3 1114.0 34.3 111.4 27.3<br />

4/3 Desford Road - Right 42.6 2.1 42.6 2.1 110.5 20.7 110.5 20.7<br />

PRC (%) -9.1 -27.4<br />

-23.8 -31.0<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 86.7 197.4<br />

166.7 205.5

A47/ Desford Cross Roads<br />

Proposed Improvement<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 95.5 23.7 88.5 28.1<br />

1/2 A47 (W) - Right 100.3 17.7 88.2 7.0<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Ahead<br />

98.0 28.1<br />

77.3 9.2<br />

2/3 Leicester Lane - Right 34.9 1.7 5.6 0.3<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

97.8 28.9<br />

90.1 31.2<br />

3/3 A47 (E) - Right 61.9 7.2 81.6 7.5<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Desford Road - Left<br />

Desford Road - Ahead<br />

36.4 4.5<br />

87.4 10.9<br />

4/3 Desford Road - Right 30.2 1.5 91.2 8.3<br />

PRC (%) -11.5<br />

-1.3<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 92.4<br />

63.5<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 102.8 42.5 81.5 21.7<br />

1/2 A47 (W) - Right 97.2 11.8 85.6 7.0<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Ahead<br />

51.9 6.5<br />

75.3 9.3<br />

2/3 Leicester Lane - Right 44.2 2.2 2.2 0.2<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

90.7 25.4<br />

92.7 31.5<br />

3/3 A47 (E) - Right 53.3 48.0 72.6 6.4<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Desford Road - Left<br />

Desford Road - Ahead<br />

102.1 34.7<br />

89.1 11.9<br />

4/3 Desford Road - Right 42.6 2.1 86.8 9.1<br />

PRC (%) -14.2<br />

-3.0<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 102.3<br />


A47-Beggars Lane<br />

LINSIG Model Results<br />

Existing Junction<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) 33.4 6 93.6 17.1 96.4 40.4 199.6 356.0<br />

2/1 A47 (E) 67.1 17.2 89.3 31.2 73.7 20.6 82.5 28.2<br />

3/1 Beggars Lane 65.3 8.3 91.7 23.3 97.2 15.7 193.4 203.7<br />

PRC (%)<br />

34.1 -4.0<br />

-8.1 -121.8<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 18.9<br />

52.2<br />

42.2 650.0<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) 54.2 12.7 127.0 123.5 83.3 19.8 250.0 339.7<br />

2/1 A47 (E) 75.9 22.0 71.8 20.6 100.0 55.0 111.4 119.9<br />

3/1 Beggars Lane 74.8 15.9 130.3 107.2 97.7 27.6 145.2 164.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

18.6<br />

-44.8<br />

-11.1 -177.8<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 30.7<br />

315.6 67.7 668.4<br />

Proposed Junction Improvement<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026+Dev (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026+Dev (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

50.0 9.3<br />

89.6 32.2<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

70.9 12.3 84.0 26.0<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Right<br />

70.5<br />

9.9<br />

89.6 16.7<br />

PRC (%)<br />

27.0<br />

0.4<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 26.1<br />

35.2<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026+Dev (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026+Dev (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

82.4 19.4 81.6 23.4<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

A47 (E) - Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

82.5 23 101.2 64.8<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Right<br />

81.3 18.1 100.1 31.3<br />

PRC (%)<br />

9.1<br />

-12.4<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 37.4<br />


A47/ Kirby Lane<br />

LINISG Results Summary<br />

Existing Junction<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Name<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026+Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (E) - Ahead 63.4 7.3 66.0 7.9<br />

1/2 A47 (E) - Right 56.5 1.9 56.5 1.9<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 105.1 39.7 119.8 96.8<br />

3/1 Kirby Lane - Left<br />

3/2 Kirby Lane - Right<br />

PRC (%)<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

PM Peak<br />

-18.6<br />

102.1<br />

Lane Name<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026+Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (E) - Ahead 73.7 9.9 82.3 12.8<br />

1/2 A47 (E) - Right 75.4 3.2 82.3 4<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 93.1 15.9 106.3 45.7<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Kirby Lane - Left<br />

Kirby Lane - Right<br />

83.3 5.8 98.4 14.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-3.4<br />

-18.1<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

27.8<br />

76.7<br />

Proposed Junction Improvement (LCC Scheme)<br />

106.7 35.8<br />

116.5<br />

63.3<br />

-33.1<br />

207.2<br />

2026+Development (LLITM)<br />

Lane Name<br />

AM Peak PM Peak<br />

Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat. (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

J1 - 1/1 A47 (E) - Ahead 62.0 6.9 79.8 11.7<br />

J1 - 1/2 A47 (E) - Right 56.5 1.7 82.3 39.0<br />

J1 - 2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 109.8 61.9 101.9 31.8<br />

J1 - 3/1<br />

J1 - 3/2<br />

Kirby Lane - Left<br />

Kirby Lane - Right<br />

88.1 8.0 83.2 6.3<br />

J2 - 1/1 Crossing (E) 62.8 5.1 58.2 4.4<br />

J2 - 2/1 Crossing (W) 71.9 4.4 85.6 10.5<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-22.0<br />

-13.2<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 89.4<br />


A47/ Baines Lane<br />

LINSIG Results Summary<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Description<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W 61.6 10.2<br />

2/1 A47 (E) 61.8 9.5<br />

3/1 Baines Lane 26.2 1.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

45.6<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 6.7<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Description<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A47 (W 64.8 11.4<br />

2/1 A47 (E) 56.7 7.9<br />

3/1 Baines Lane 31.4 1.3<br />

PRC (%)<br />

39.0<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 7.0

A47/ Braunstone Lane/ Ratby Lane Crossroads<br />

Existing Junction<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

149.9 96.3 149.9 96.3 102.5 28.4 98.6 23.7<br />

1/6 A47 (E) - Right 31.0 2.7 31.0 2.7 13.2 1.5 12.3 1.5<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 93.5 29.2 93.4 29.0 78.7 20.6 55.6 11.6<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

90.7<br />

9.3<br />

91.4 11.2 105.6 44.7 98.6 17.9<br />

3/1 Braunstone Lane - Ahead/ Left 32.0 6.0 32.0 6.0 21.2 3.7 20.5 2.7<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

Braunstone Lane - Ahead<br />

Braunstone Lane - Right<br />

55.4<br />

8.2 58.7 9.5<br />

62.2 10.0 60.3<br />

6.6<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Ratby Lane - Left<br />

Ratby Lane - Ahead<br />

59.7<br />

12.5 59.7 12.5 105.8 49.2 101.9 39.9<br />

4/3 Ratby Lane - Right 73.1 4.6 73.1 4.6 37.3 1.9 37.9 2.0<br />

8/1 Ratby Lane (merge) - Left Lane 27.6 0.2 29.4 0.2 27.9 0.2 30.8 0.2<br />

8/2 Ratby Lane (merge) - Right Lane 2.9 0.0 3.1 0.0 4.6 0.0 4.3 0.0<br />

9/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Northbound 45.6 6.9 46.9 7.3 40.2 5.6 40.5 5.7<br />

10/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Southbound 35.6 3.7 37.8 3.8 36.9 2.0 40.1 2.4<br />

PRC (%) -66.5 -66.5<br />

-17.5 -13.3<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

148.8 146.9 113.1 69.5<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

Braunstone Lane - Ahead/ Left<br />

Braunstone Lane - Ahead<br />

82.7 12.3 88.1 16.5 99.1 16.0 103.4 22.7<br />

1/3 Braunstone Lane - Right 15.8 1.8 13.8 1.7 16.7 1.2 13.9 1.2<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 78.5 14.9 86.7 21.2 48.5 9.8 82.0 19.9<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

84.4 15.7 87.0<br />

9.0 75.2<br />

9.9 0.0 0.0<br />

3/1 Ratby Lane - Left 9.9 1.5 10.9 2.3 8.8 1.3 8.9 1.5<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

Ratby Lane - Ahead<br />

Ratby Lane - Right<br />

60.9 9.8 61.4 10.7 87.3 13.1 84.8 15.9<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

83.4 22.6 88.7 24.6 97.6<br />

44.5 105.0 72.6<br />

4/3 A47 (E) - Right 45.5 5.5 81.2 7.1 64.7 8.8 77.3 10.0<br />

7/1 Ratby Lane (merge) - Left Lane 25.0 0.2 33.8 0.3 20.0 0.1 48.9 0.5<br />

7/2 Ratby Lane (merge) - Right Lane 17.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 14.2 4.1 16.4 1.1<br />

10/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Southbound 35.2 4.6 37.3 5.0 36.4 4.9 38.8 5.4<br />

11/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Northbound 40.4 2.7 41.7 2.5 33.8 1.4 66.3 1.4<br />

PRC (%) 6.6 1.4<br />

-10.1 -16.7<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

48.0 54.3<br />

63.7 97.5<br />

A47/ Braunstone Lane/ Ratby Lane Crossroads<br />

Proposed Junction (LCC Scheme)<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

68.8<br />

14.7<br />

17.5 3.2<br />

1/3 A47 (E) - Right 77.4 5.0 76.7 18.2<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 74.2 16.1 96.2 36.9<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

82.8<br />

19.2 79.7 9.9<br />

3/1 Braunstone Lane - Ahead/ Left 61.0 10.8 80.5 8.9<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

Braunstone Lane - Ahead<br />

Braunstone Lane - Right<br />

38.3<br />

2.7 87.8 12.0<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Ratby Lane - Left<br />

Ratby Lane - Ahead<br />

48.0<br />

5.8 53.9<br />

6.2<br />

4/3 Ratby Lane - Right 81.0 10.6 95.0 14.5<br />

8/1 Ratby Lane (merge) - Left Lane 46.3 5.8 34.3 1.6<br />

8/2 Ratby Lane (merge) - Right Lane 11.6 1.9 24.6 8.1<br />

9/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Northbound 42.3 0.6 38.8 1.1<br />

10/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Southbound 47.3 3.5 40.8 2.6<br />

PRC (%) 8.7 -6.8<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

47.2 62.0<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (E) - Ahead<br />

9.5 1.6 47.7<br />

11.0<br />

1/3 A47 (E) - Right 106.7 52.8 85.9 25.0<br />

2/1 A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left 92.3 31.4 53.2 9.8<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

A47 (W) - Right<br />

73.0 5.6 64.8 10.2<br />

3/1 Braunstone Lane - Ahead/ Left 87.8 9.7 41.8 4.9<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

Braunstone Lane - Ahead<br />

Braunstone Lane - Right<br />

90.0 11.8 46.8 6.1<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

Ratby Lane - Left<br />

Ratby Lane - Ahead<br />

46.4 6.0 53.4<br />

8.9<br />

4/3 Ratby Lane - Right 91.2 13.8 83.6 11.1<br />

8/1 Ratby Lane (merge) - Left Lane 33.7 4.5 29.5 8.9<br />

8/2 Ratby Lane (merge) - Right Lane 22.0 7.1 18.0 5.4<br />

9/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Northbound 37.6 0.6 33.2 0.5<br />

10/1 Ratby Lane Crossing - Southbound 37.6 2.4 39.1 2.5<br />

PRC (%) -18.6 4.7<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

101.4 45.8

A47/ A563 Signalised Roundabout<br />

LINSIG Results Summary<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM) 2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A563 (N) - Left<br />

A563 (N) - Middle<br />

133.6 118.7 76.0 8.1 54.3 5.1<br />

66.3 6.0<br />

1/3 A563 (N) - Right 154.2 127.7 212.2 304.3 132.4 112.3 150.5 143.6<br />

2/1 Circulatory (N) - Middle 8.5 0.0 8.8 0.1 8.4 0.1 10.9 0.1<br />

2/2 Circulatory (N) - Left 37.4 1.1 41.7 4.6 37.2 3.8 37.1 0.3<br />

2/3 Circulatory (N) - Right 17.3 0.1 16.3 0.3 17.3 0.2 20.4 0.1<br />

3/1 A47 (E) - Left 181.1 100.7 85.3 13.4 202.1 206.4 181.2 211.5<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

A47 (E) - Middle<br />

A47 (E) - Right<br />

181.6 160.7 68.4 7.6 139.7 130.7 122.4 92.4<br />

4/1 Circulatory (E) - Left 3.5 0.5 27.3 0.3 22.5 4.5 33.5 0.5<br />

4/2 Circulatory (E) - Right 24.8 0.8 42.3 0.5 38.9 0.3 36.1 0.9<br />

5/1 Circulatory (S) - Left 20.2 0.2 18.3 2.7 18.6 2.9 16.2 0.8<br />

5/2 Circulatory (S) - Middle 27.3 0.2 30.6 0.2 27.4 0.2 29.0 0.2<br />

5/3 Circulatory (S) - Right 15.2 1.1 17.1 1.2 17.9 0.1 17.7 0.1<br />

6/1 Circulatory (W) - Left 21.0 0.3 23.2 1.8 22.1 0.3 19.6 0.2<br />

6/2 Circulatory (W) - Middle 37.4 0.3 41.2 1.9 40.2 3.9 35.3 0.4<br />

6/3 Circulatory (W) - Right 18.3 0.1 21.3 0.1 15.7 0.1 14.8 0.1<br />

7/1<br />

7/2<br />

A47 (W) - Left<br />

A47 (W) - Middle<br />

189.0 217.8 212.5 244.0 194.5 201.7 156.8 159.8<br />

7/3 A47 (W) - Right 159.9 81.5 179.9 93.7 164.5 76.4 132.8 52.9<br />

8/1 A563 (S) - Left 56.4 8.2 89.5 13.1 98.2 17.4 158.5 96.4<br />

8/2<br />

8/3<br />

A563 (S) - Middle<br />

A563 (S) - Right<br />

67.3<br />

8.4 122.9 115.0 106.8 42.2 179.9 239.2<br />

9/1 A47 (W) Ped X - Left 22.2 0.8 25.1 0.2 25.4 0.3 21.2 0.4<br />

9/2 A47 (W) Ped X - Right 10.4 0.3 14.9 0.1 14.1 0.1 16.6 0.3<br />

10/1 A563 (S) Ped X - Left 46.8 0.5 43.7 5.6 34.6 0.3 47.0 0.9<br />

10/2 A563 (S) Ped X - Right 14.3 0.1 21.0 0.2 24 0.2 20.2 0.1<br />

11/1 A563 (N) Ped X - Left 25.0 2.4 26.0 2.0 25.6 0.8 23.4 2.2<br />

11/2 A563(N) Ped X - Right 33.3 0.3 37.3 0.5 36.4 6.8 30.9 0.3<br />

12/1 A47 (E) Ped X - Left 21.5 1.2 26.2 0.4 21.3 0.3 24.0 0.2<br />

12/2 A47 (E) Ped X - Right 29.8 0.8 31.4 1.4 26.3 1.4 27.9 0.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-110.0 -136.1<br />

-124.6<br />

-101.3<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

603.2 543.9 577.9 672.0<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM) 2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

A563 (N) - Left<br />

A563 (N) - Middle<br />

160.8 199.6 91.1 13.4 79.0<br />

8.1 100.7 19.9<br />

1/3 A563 (N) - Right 164.6 140.4 197.7 281.3 146.4 132.9 218.0 231.0<br />

2/1 Circulatory (N) - Middle 5.7 0.0 6.6 0.1 5.9 0.0 8.6 0.0<br />

2/2 Circulatory (N) - Left 32.6 0.2 38.8 1.5 33.6 5.1 43.5 0.4<br />

2/3 Circulatory (N) - Right 15.1 0.1 16.6 0.7 16.3 0.1 18.0 0.1<br />

3/1 A47 (E) - Left 185.2 140.3 180.8 221.5 180.2 195.5 194.3 268.1<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

A47 (E) - Middle<br />

A47 (E) - Right<br />

187.2 224.5 117.2 69.8 142.4 135.7 124.5 96.1<br />

4/1 Circulatory (E) - Left 36.6 0.3 30.8 0.5 31.9 4.6 37.7 0.4<br />

4/2 Circulatory (E) - Right 24.3 0.2 38.9 0.9 35.3 0.3 27.2 0.2<br />

5/1 Circulatory (S) - Left 15.1 0.2 20.6 0.2 22.7 3.0 20.0 1.4<br />

5/2 Circulatory (S) - Middle 24.1 0.2 37.1 0.3 33.2 0.4 41.4 0.6<br />

5/3 Circulatory (S) - Right 12.6 0.1 11.9 1.1 10.7 0.1 13.0 1.8<br />

6/1 Circulatory (W) - Left 13.1 0.1 18.2 0.3 17.7 1.2 21.8 0.3<br />

6/2 Circulatory (W) - Middle 37.1 0.3 37.2 0.4 35.9 2.3 43.3 7.4<br />

6/3 Circulatory (W) - Right 16.0 0.1 18.3 0.1 14.7 0.1 21.4 4.4<br />

7/1<br />

7/2<br />

A47 (W) - Left<br />

A47 (W) - Middle<br />

168.6 148.0 168.6 150.1 157.8 124.8 107.1 33.7<br />

7/3 A47 (W) - Right 127.7 37.0 127.7 37.4 119.3 28.3 81.2 7.3<br />

8/1 A563 (S) - Left 120.9 62.4 102.2 24.4 147.5 128.1 124.3 84.5<br />

8/2<br />

8/3<br />

A563 (S) - Middle<br />

A563 (S) - Right<br />

116.8 78.6 129.5 133.6 171.9 282.9 167.1 312.7<br />

9/1 A47 (W) Ped X - Left 26.4 0.3 32.8 2.5 33.5 0.3 34.4 0.9<br />

9/2 A47 (W) Ped X - Right 17.2 0.4 20.2 0.1 18.2 0.1 20.8 0.3<br />

10/1 A563 (S) Ped X - Left 47.7 0.5 45.0 0.6 42.8 0.4 50.5 1.8<br />

10/2 A563 (S) Ped X - Right 12.5 0.1 21.4 0.1 19.4 0.1 14.3 0.3<br />

11/1 A563 (N) Ped X - Left 18.8 0.2 23.2 0.4 23.1 0.2 28.5 0.9<br />

11/2 A563(N) Ped X - Right 33.6 1.0 33.7 0.5 32.5 0.3 36.5 0.4<br />

12/1 A47 (E) Ped X - Left 19.2 1.2 28.4 0.3 23.2 0.2 26.3 0.2<br />

12/2 A47 (E) Ped X - Right 26.5 0.3 28.6 1.4 25.3 0.2 36.1 0.3<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-108 -119.7 -100.2<br />

-142.2<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

706.3 594.3 672.3 623.5

A47/ A563 Signalised Roundabout<br />

Proposed Crossroads<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA) 2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A563 (N) - Ahead/ Left 101.3 35.7 97.8 23.9<br />

1/2<br />

1/3<br />

A563 (N) - Ahead<br />

A563 (N) - Right<br />

96.7 29.6 103.4 38.3<br />

2/1 A47 (E) - Left Give Way 29.9 5.8 40.0 7.8<br />

2/2 A47 (E) - Ahead 1 39.5 5.4 64.4 9.0<br />

2/3 A47 (E) - Ahead 2 36.8 5.3 62.4 9.2<br />

2/4<br />

2/5<br />

A47 (E) - Right 1<br />

A47 (E) - Right 2<br />

61.7<br />

5.4 102.8 25.3<br />

3/1 A563 (S) - Left Give Way 11.7 0.7 11.8 1.2<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

A563 (S) - Ahead 1<br />

A563 (S) - Ahead 2<br />

81.9 15.3 95.5 23.2<br />

3/4<br />

3/5<br />

A563 (S) - Right 1<br />

A563 (S) - Right 2<br />

98.4<br />

1.5 102.1 26.0<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

102.2 35.9 103.5 37.7<br />

4/3 A47 (W) - Right 1<br />

84.2<br />

8.6 96.6 17.0<br />

4/4 A47 (W) - Right 2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

PM Peak<br />

-39.9 -41.1<br />

133.2 131.7<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA) 2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 A563 (N) - Ahead/ Left 95.9 29.9 86.8 19.1<br />

1/2<br />

1/3<br />

A563 (N) - Ahead<br />

A563 (N) - Right<br />

88.0 24.8 95.0 26.7<br />

2/1 A47 (E) - Left Give Way 50.2 12.2 50.3 11.8<br />

2/2 A47 (E) - Ahead 1 85.3 12.6 110.5 32.3<br />

2/3 A47 (E) - Ahead 2 79.5 11.8 112.2 37.2<br />

2/4<br />

2/5<br />

A47 (E) - Right 1<br />

A47 (E) - Right 2<br />

58.0<br />

5.0<br />

64.2<br />

5.8<br />

3/1 A563 (S) - Left Give Way 17.9 2.2 24.6 2.9<br />

3/2<br />

3/3<br />

A563 (S) - Ahead 1<br />

A563 (S) - Ahead 2<br />

68.8 10.4 113.9 101.4<br />

3/4<br />

3/5<br />

A563 (S) - Right 1<br />

A563 (S) - Right 2<br />

93.0 12.4 113.4 55.9<br />

4/1<br />

4/2<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead/ Left<br />

A47 (W) - Ahead<br />

96.6 19.0 114.8 57.5<br />

4/3<br />

4/4<br />

A47 (W) - Right 1<br />

A47 (W) - Right 2<br />

63.6<br />

5.4<br />

60.9<br />

5.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-8.4<br />

-30.9<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

57.1 130.3

Desford Road/ Beggars Lane<br />

LINSIG Results Summary<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA) 2026 + Development (TA)<br />

2026 + Development<br />

(TA+LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

Desford Road (S) - Left<br />

Desford Road (S) - Ahead<br />

69.9 10.6 71.4 10.8 71.4 10.8<br />

1/3 Desford Road (S) - Right 62.9 3.4 71.1 4.1 93.5 8.0<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Desford Road (N) - Ahead/ Left<br />

Desford Road (N) - Right<br />

92.1 19.0 95.2 21.9 119.8 101.7<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Ahead/ Right<br />

93.8 16.6 96.5 19.7 116.1 74.9<br />

4/1 Ind. Park - Ahead/ Left 5.2 0.2 5.2 0.2 5.2 0.2<br />

4/2 Ind. Park - Right 19.0 0.9 19.0 0.9 19.0 0.9<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-4.3<br />

-7.3<br />

-33.1<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

47.9 55.4<br />

192.6<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA) 2026 + Development (TA)<br />

2026 + Development<br />

(TA+LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

Desford Road (S) - Left<br />

Desford Road (S) - Ahead<br />

65.6 11.1 63.9 10.9 67.5 11.4<br />

1/3 Desford Road (S) - Right 80.7 9.3 83.7 10.8 99.0 16.7<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Desford Road (N) - Ahead/ Left<br />

Desford Road (N) - Right<br />

77.2 9.5 80.9 10.1 98.2 20.2<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Ahead/ Right<br />

77.0 3.9 78.6 4.0<br />

94.9 11.8<br />

4/1 Ind. Park - Ahead/ Left 78.2 11.0 81.8 11.5 94.7 15.7<br />

4/2 Ind. Park - Right 67.6 8.5 70.7 8.9 81.9 10.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

11.5 7.5<br />

-10.0<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

43.5 45.5<br />


Desford Road/ Beggars Lane<br />

Proposed Junction Improvement<br />

Summary of LINSIG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

Desford Road (S) - Left<br />

Desford Road (S) - Ahead<br />

73.0 11.2 73.9 12.3<br />

2/1 Desford Road (N) - Ahead/ Left 6.6 0.7 7.9 0.9<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

Desford Road (N) - Ahead<br />

Desford Road (N) - Right<br />

65.2 6.7<br />

5.7 0.3<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Ahead/ Right<br />

73.0 11.5 73.9<br />

5.2<br />

4/1 Ind. Park - Ahead/ Left 5.2 0.2 72.0 10.3<br />

4/2 Ind. Park - Right 19.0 0.9 62.2 8.1<br />

PRC (%) 23.2 21.8<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 23.9 25.2<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

2026 + Development<br />

(TA+LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

Desford Road (S) - Left<br />

Desford Road (S) - Ahead<br />

84.5 14.0<br />

84.5 14.4<br />

2/1 Desford Road (N) - Ahead/ Left 52.6 6.9 30.6 3.9<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

Desford Road (N) - Ahead<br />

Desford Road (N) - Right<br />

74.0 8.0 29.2 4.1<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Beggars Lane - Left<br />

Beggars Lane - Ahead/ Right<br />

83.1 16.3 84.7 10.1<br />

4/1 Ind. Park - Ahead/ Left 5.2 0.2 81.8 11.5<br />

4/2 Ind. Park - Right 19.0 0.9 70.7 8.9<br />

PRC (%) 6.6 6.3<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 39.3 37.5

B582/ Leicester Lane<br />

Summary of LINSIG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B582 (N) - Ahead/ Left 91.1 27.8 107.5 66.9 84.3 23.9 113.9 95.4<br />

2/1 Leicester Lane - Ahead/ Left/ Right 93.4 23.3 106.9 49.3 95.1 20.1 113.8 51.0<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B582 (S) - Ahead/ Left<br />

B582 (S) - Right<br />

91.9 18.9 105.2 47.1 96.7 27.7 113.3 105.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-3.7 -19.5<br />

-7.5 -26.6<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

60.0 201.1 67.4<br />

330.7<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B582 (N) - Ahead/ Left 92.2 30.2 95.5 34.1 113.9 77.7 137 157.3<br />

2/1 Leicester Lane - Ahead/ Left/ Right 92.2 25.0 102.7 43.2 114.1 95.7 136.6 172.1<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B582 (S) - Ahead/ Left<br />

B582 (S) - Right<br />

90.5 13.8 100.7 24.9 115.1 114.3 137.1 232.3<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-2.5 -14.2<br />

-27.9 -52.4<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

58.4 106.9 354.0 669.8<br />

Proposed Junction (Banned Right Turn)<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B582 (N) - Ahead/ Left 85 25.5 78.1 23.1<br />

2/1 Leicester Lane - Ahead/ Left/ Right 85.3 19.9 78 14.2<br />

3/1 B582 (S) - Ahead/ Left 56.7 13.2 39.6 8.1<br />

PRC (%) 5.5 15.2<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 33.1 24.5<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B582 (N) - Ahead/ Left 92 29.7 97.1 33<br />

2/1 Leicester Lane - Ahead/ Left/ Right 91.3 25 97.4 38.4<br />

3/1 B582 (S) - Ahead/ Left 53.9 11.8 71.1 16<br />

PRC (%) -2.3 -8.2<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 44.6 52.7

Foxhunter Roundabout<br />

Summary of LINISG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B1114 (S) - Ahead/ Left 86.9 14.9 94 18.5 91.3 12.9 97.4 17.7<br />

1/2 B1114 (S) - Ahead 2 87.3 16.1 94.1 19.9 93.3 14.8 98.3 19.9<br />

1/3<br />

1/4<br />

B1114 (S) - Ahead 3<br />

B1114 (S) - Right<br />

90.7<br />

17.4<br />

95.7 21.5 95.4 16.7<br />

99.2 22.2<br />

2/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Left 57.1 7.8 63.2 7.6 58 8.7 62.1 9.5<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Right<br />

Balby Road - Right<br />

88.5<br />

15.8<br />

93.7 17.3 94.3 23.6<br />

99.7 35<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 1<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 2<br />

56.7<br />

6.3<br />

55.2 5.9<br />

53.8 5.4<br />

55.9 5.5<br />

3/3 B1114 (N) - Ahead 1 83.2 12.7 90.8 14.7 87.9 12 98 17.9<br />

3/4 B1114 (N) - Ahead 2<br />

3/5 B1114 (N) - Right<br />

87.8<br />

13.3<br />

93.9 16.4 92.3 13.6<br />

99.8 21<br />

4/1 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Left 46.6 1.6 52.8 2.8 33 1.1 53.7 2.8<br />

4/2 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Right 46.8 1.5 54.4 3.6 37.6 1.6 56.4 3.5<br />

5/1 Circulating (S) - Ahead 48.2 6.7 50.8 6.9 49.1 77 51.2 8.7<br />

5/2 Circualting (S) - Ahead/ Right 35.9 6 39.1 6.5 42.5 5.6 47.8 6.2<br />

5/3 Circuating (S) - Right 36.9 6.5 37.6 5.9 45.6 6.6 48.3 6.6<br />

6/1 Circulating (E) - Ahead 1 52.7 1.5 58.3 1.9 57.2 1.4 70.6 3.2<br />

6/2 Circulating (E) - Ahead 2 52.1 2.4 59.1 2.9 56.5 2.3 69.5 4.1<br />

6/3 Circulating (E) - Right 24.7 0.3 23.9 0.2 29.1 0.3 27.7 0.2<br />

7/1 Circulating (N) - Ahead 24.8 1.9 29.5 1.1 18 0.5 24.8 0.9<br />

7/2 Circulating (N) - Ahead/ Right 36.8 4.4 41.2 3 24.3 1.1 37.1 2.5<br />

8/1 B1114 (S) Crossing - Nearside 45.3 4.9 50.8 1.5 42.5 1 50.9 1.2<br />

8/2 B1114 (S) Crossing - Offside 37.6 2.8 44.1 0.5 32.3 0.2 39.7 0.3<br />

9/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Nearside 35.9 3.4 38.8 0.9 30.5 0.6 35.1 1<br />

9/2 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Offside 29 2.6 26.1 0.4 24.9 0.5 23.4 0.4<br />

10/1 B1114 (N) Crossing - Nearside 64.8 11.3 67.1 1.7 69.5 1.9 71.1 3.5<br />

10/2 B1114 (N) Crossing - Middle 62.7 11.4 67.2 1.1 64.5 1.1 69.2 1.4<br />

10/3 B114 (N) Crossing - Offside 40.9 4.4 46.4 0.4 34.4 0.3 37.3 0.3<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Nearside 43.9 3.3 47.8 1.7 42 0.7 50.9 1.6<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Offside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

12/1<br />

12/2<br />

51.6<br />

0.5<br />

53.9 0.6 47.6 0.5<br />

47.5<br />

0.5<br />

12/3 33.3 0.2 35.6 0.3 31.6 0.2 31.9 0.2<br />

13/1 Circulating (W) - Ahead 1 42.7 0.4 44.5 0.4 48.6 0.6 47.7 0.5<br />

13/2 Circulating (W) - Ahead 2 52.6 6.2 56.3 7.1 54.1 1.6 57.9 3.7<br />

13/3 Circulating (W) - Ahead 3 29.87 4.8 33.7 5.5 24.9 2.2 27.1 3.2<br />

13/4 Circulating (W) - Right 9.1 1.1 9.1 1.1 6.6 0.5 7.1 0.5<br />

14/1 22.5 2 25 2.3 14.9 1.2 22.5 2.3<br />

14/2 25.7 2.4 29.4 2.8 19.4 1.7 29.5 2.8<br />

15/1 61.8 0.8 61.8 0.8 83.8 25 89.7 4.2<br />

16/1 28.3 0.2 30.6 0.2 24 0.2 27.7 0.2<br />

162 22.8 0.1 20.6 0.1 19.6 0.1 18.4 0.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-0.8 -6.4 -6.0<br />

-10.8<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

53.0 57.9 58.6 81.0

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B1114 (S) - Ahead/ Left 84.8 9.1 89.1 10.8 87.5 11.7 99.6 19.4<br />

1/2 B1114 (S) - Ahead 2 85 9.8 89.3 11.6 87 12.2 99.3 20.3<br />

1/3<br />

1/4<br />

B1114 (S) - Ahead 3<br />

B1114 (S) - Right<br />

88.6 11 91.6 13 91 13.9 100.2 24.3<br />

2/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Left 813 10.2 92.6 13.4 86.9 14.8 97 23.4<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Right<br />

Balby Road - Right<br />

90.2 13.2 96.7 17.8<br />

91.9 17.8<br />

98.8 28.8<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 1<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 2<br />

62.4 7.5 61.8<br />

7.5 56.1 6.1<br />

57.2<br />

6.3<br />

3/3 B1114 (N) - Ahead 1 88.7 19.9 92.1 22.9 90.3 15.9 97.2 21.3<br />

3/4<br />

3/5<br />

B1114 (N) - Ahead 2<br />

B1114 (N) - Right<br />

92.8 22.6 95.7 26.5 92.7<br />

17.2<br />

98 22.4<br />

4/1 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Left 24.3 0.8 26.9 1.1 32.7 1.4 46.4 2.8<br />

4/2 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Right 25.9 1.2 28 1.5 36.4 2 48.4 3.6<br />

5/1 Circulating (S) - Ahead 40.2 4.4 41.7 5 47.1 5.5 52.5 6.6<br />

5/2 Circualting (S) - Ahead/ Right 27.4 6.4 27.9 6.4 38.3 6.5 43.5 6.7<br />

5/3 Circuating (S) - Right 25.1 5.3 24.8 4.9 33.2 4.9 35.4 4.4<br />

6/1 Circulating (E) - Ahead 1 72.1 9.5 74 11.3 59.1 3.5 72.2 4.8<br />

6/2 Circulating (E) - Ahead 2 71.7 3.8 77.3 4.7 63.7 2.7 77.5 5.4<br />

6/3 Circulating (E) - Right 23.5 0.2 22.6 0.1 19.2 0.1 19.4 0.1<br />

7/1 Circulating (N) - Ahead 34.8 1.6 38.6 2 31.5 1.2 38.7 1.8<br />

7/2 Circulating (N) - Ahead/ Right 38.7 2.6 43.8 3 35.5 2.3 48.7 3.2<br />

8/1 B1114 (S) Crossing - Nearside 68.5 3.4 72.4 4.1 55.4 2.8 64.3 4<br />

8/2 B1114 (S) Crossing - Offside 56.9 0.8 63.8 1 43.5 0.5 50.4 1.1<br />

9/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Nearside 45.9 0.9 46.9 1.1 41.6 1 46 1.4<br />

9/2 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Offside 40.2 0.7 39.2 0.6 35.8 0.8 34.8 0.7<br />

10/1 B1114 (N) Crossing - Nearside 31.1 0.4 28.3 0.3 43.4 0.6 44.6 0.7<br />

10/2 B1114 (N) Crossing - Middle 42.8 0.4 44.8 0.4 54 0.6 58.5 0.7<br />

10/3 B114 (N) Crossing - Offside 26.7 0.2 29.4 0.2 33.9 0.3 35.8 0.3<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Nearside 43.5 2.3 50.2 2.4 49 2.4 61.2 2.8<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Offside 9.7 0.2 9 0.2 9.7 0.1 9.5 0.1<br />

12/1<br />

12/2<br />

87 3.3 89.8 4.2 61<br />

0.8<br />

60.8<br />

0.8<br />

12/3 50.9 0.5 53.5 0.6 36.2 0.3 36.5 0.3<br />

13/1 Circulating (W) - Ahead 1 21.6 0.1 19.3 0.1 30.4 0.2 30.6 0.2<br />

13/2 Circulating (W) - Ahead 2 35.8 0.9 37.5 1.1 45.2 1.4 49 3<br />

13/3 Circulating (W) - Ahead 3 19.3 0.8 21.3 1 24.6 1.1 26 2.7<br />

13/4 Circulating (W) - Right 10.3 2.1 10.3 2.1 10.7 2.1 12.8 31<br />

14/1 14.5 1.2 16.3 1.4 179 1.5 25.4 2.3<br />

14/2 17.3 1.4 19.1 1.7 22.6 2 30 2.9<br />

15/1 57.9 0.7 57.9 0.7 77.2 1.7 89.1 3.9<br />

16/1 36.2 0.3 36.9 0.3 32.8 0.2 36.2 0.3<br />

162 31.7 0.2 30.9 0.2 28.2 0.2 27.4 0.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-3.1 -7.5<br />

-3.0<br />

-11.3<br />

Total Delay (PCUhr)<br />

74.36 93.24<br />

77.36<br />

134.27<br />

Flow (PCU)<br />

5212 5475<br />

5219 5772<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

51.4 61.3 53.4 83.7

Proposed Fully Signalised Option<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B1114 (S) - Ahead/ Left 76 13.1 79.9 11.3<br />

1/2 B1114 (S) - Ahead 2 70.5 12.5 78.3 11.7<br />

1/3<br />

1/4<br />

B1114 (S) - Ahead 3<br />

B1114 (S) - Right<br />

738 11.8 79.1 11.2<br />

2/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Left 43.8 5.9 49.1 7.5<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Right<br />

Balby Road - Right<br />

78.6 13.5 89.3 22.5<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 1<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 2<br />

39.6 4.5 42.7 4.6<br />

3/3 B1114 (N) - Ahead 1 47.9 7.5 54.8 7.6<br />

3/4<br />

3/5<br />

B1114 (N) - Ahead 2<br />

B1114 (N) - Right<br />

59.5 7.6 71.8 9.5<br />

4/1 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Left 78.4 9.6 71.3 8.8<br />

4/2 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Right 74.9 9 68.1 8.2<br />

5/1 Circulating (S) - Ahead 61.9 10.8 56.7 10.9<br />

5/2 Circualting (S) - Ahead/ Right 62.8 1.4 70.5 2<br />

5/3 Circuating (S) - Right 31.1 0.5 35.9 0.7<br />

6/1 Circulating (E) - Ahead 1 75.3 13.6 93.5 17.9<br />

6/2 Circulating (E) - Ahead 2 73.9 6.6 93.3 10<br />

6/3 Circulating (E) - Right 30.4 0.4 36.9 0.4<br />

7/1 Circulating (N) - Ahead 71.5 4.7 61.5 3.5<br />

7/2 Circulating (N) - Ahead/ Right 79 3.1 69.7 2.1<br />

8/1 B1114 (S) Crossing - Nearside 51.5 1 50.7 1.1<br />

8/2 B1114 (S) Crossing - Offside 43.4 0.4 40 0.3<br />

9/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Nearside 40.2 0.6 37.5 0.3<br />

9/2 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Offside 24.7 0.2 21 0.1<br />

10/1 B1114 (N) Crossing - Nearside 63 4 62.1 4<br />

10/2 B1114 (N) Crossing - Middle 55.7 0.7 54.1 0.7<br />

10/3 B114 (N) Crossing - Offside 64.1 0.9 64.4 1<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Nearside 47.6 1.4 50.9 1.8<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Offside 0.1 0 0 0<br />

12/1<br />

12/2<br />

52.7 0.6 45.87 0.4<br />

12/3 36.8 0.3 33.8 0.3<br />

13/1 Circulating (W) - Ahead 1 68.8 8 70.7 10.2<br />

13/2 Circulating (W) - Ahead 2 77.8 6.8 78.8 8.7<br />

13/3 Circulating (W) - Ahead 3 77.5 7.7 81.2 10.2<br />

13/4 Circulating (W) - Right 15.1 0.6 12.3 0.2<br />

14/1 21.6 0.1 21.4 0.1<br />

14/2 20.6 0.1 20.4 0.1<br />

15/1 61.8 0.8 89.7 4.2<br />

16/1 31.7 0.2 29.6 0.2<br />

162 19.4 0.1 16.6 0.1<br />

PRC (%)<br />

13.9 -3.9<br />

Total Delay (PCUhr)<br />

71.73 89.32<br />

Flow (PCU)<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

5535 5394<br />

46.7 59.6

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 + Development (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 + Development (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1 B1114 (S) - Ahead/ Left 42.9 60 75 10.7<br />

1/2 B1114 (S) - Ahead 2 37.9 5.6 70.5 10.5<br />

1/3<br />

1/4<br />

B1114 (S) - Ahead 3<br />

B1114 (S) - Right<br />

41.7 4.9 69.9 8.9<br />

2/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Left 76 10 85.1 16.8<br />

2/2<br />

2/3<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Road - Ahead/ Right<br />

Balby Road - Right<br />

88 13.8 88.8 19.5<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 1<br />

B1114 (N) - Left 2<br />

61.7 7.5 56.2 6.2<br />

3/3 B1114 (N) - Ahead 1 91.2 2.1 91.7 16.8<br />

3/4<br />

3/5<br />

B1114 (N) - Ahead 2<br />

B1114 (N) - Right<br />

96.6 28.1 95.9 20.2<br />

4/1 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Left 44.3 4.8 46.4 6.2<br />

4/2 Enderby Road - Ahead/ Right 43.7 4.7 46.4 6.2<br />

5/1 Circulating (S) - Ahead 73.2 11.9 66.2 6<br />

5/2 Circualting (S) - Ahead/ Right 57.6 1 64.9 13<br />

5/3 Circuating (S) - Right 28.5 0.2 24.1 0.2<br />

6/1 Circulating (E) - Ahead 1 84.8 11.6 87.9 8.3<br />

6/2 Circulating (E) - Ahead 2 82.6 6.8 87.5 8.7<br />

6/3 Circulating (E) - Right 25 0.4 22.7 0.4<br />

7/1 Circulating (N) - Ahead 40.7 2.4 42.5 3.1<br />

7/2 Circulating (N) - Ahead/ Right 46.8 2.5 50.8 3.4<br />

8/1 B1114 (S) Crossing - Nearside 74.6 4.3 66.2 3.4<br />

8/2 B1114 (S) Crossing - Offside 61.6 0.8 48.6 0.5<br />

9/1 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Nearside 46.8 0.9 46.6 11<br />

9/2 <strong>Blaby</strong> Road Crossing - Offside 39.3 0.5 34.2 0.5<br />

10/1 B1114 (N) Crossing - Nearside 29.4 0.9 47.7 0.9<br />

10/2 B1114 (N) Crossing - Middle 33.6 0.3 43.1 0.4<br />

10/3 B114 (N) Crossing - Offside 41.1 0.3 50.3 0.55<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Nearside 51.6 1.4 64.1 2.8<br />

11/2 Enderby Road Crossing - Offside 7.5 0 6.6 0.3<br />

12/1<br />

12/2<br />

89.4 4.1 60.3 0.8<br />

12/3 53.9 0.6 37 0.3<br />

13/1 Circulating (W) - Ahead 1 36 4.4 79.9 13.5<br />

13/2 Circulating (W) - Ahead 2 50.1 3.7 87.5 7.5<br />

13/3 Circulating (W) - Ahead 3 52.9 5.4 88.5 10.4<br />

13/4 Circulating (W) - Right 18.3 0.6 31 2.3<br />

14/1 13.8 0.1 21.4 0.1<br />

14/2 13.7 0.1 21.4 0.1<br />

15/1 57.9 0.7 89.1 3.9<br />

16/1 36.9 0.3 36.7 0.3<br />

162 30.9 0.2 26.9 0.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

Total Delay (PCUhr)<br />

Flow (PCU)<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

-7.3 -6.5<br />

80.17 102<br />

5475 5772<br />

52.7 63.6

B4114/ Leicester Lane/ Police HQ<br />

LINSIG Results Summary<br />

Existing Junction<br />

TA Traffic Flows<br />

Lane Description<br />

1/1 B4114 (S) - Left<br />

1/2 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left)<br />

2026 Base AM (TA) 2026 Base PM (TA)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/3 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left/Mid) 56.4 14.1 41.5 9.3<br />

1/4<br />

1/5<br />

B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right/Mid)<br />

B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right)<br />

80.3 20.6 61.2 10.3<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

52.7<br />

6.5 75.3<br />

1.3<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Police HQ - Ahead/ Left<br />

Police HQ - Right<br />

12.1 0.6<br />

70.7<br />

4.3<br />

5/1 Link - Ahead 1 42.9 0.5 36.3 0.4<br />

5/2 Link - Ahead 2 53.8 0.8 39.7 0.5<br />

5/3 Link - Ahead 3 46.2 0.6 36.3 0.4<br />

5/4 Link - Ahead 4 74.2 1.1 39.4 9.7<br />

6/1 B4114 (N) - Ahead 1 51.8 8.0 75.2 18.2<br />

6/2 B4114 (N) - Ahead 2 53.4 8.9 76.1 20.4<br />

6/3 B4114 (N) - Ahead 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

6/4 B4114 (N) - Right 79.6 14.5 3.0 0.3<br />

PRC (%)<br />

12.1 18.2<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 22.8<br />

18.8<br />

LLITM Traffic Flows<br />

58.1<br />

13.5 39.5<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base AM (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

2026 Base PM (LLITM)<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/1<br />

1/2<br />

B4114 (S) - Left<br />

B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left)<br />

33.3 6.4 49.0<br />

8.6<br />

1/3 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left/Mid) 34.8 7.4 49.6 9.5<br />

1/4<br />

1/5<br />

B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right/Mid)<br />

B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right)<br />

54.8 7.3 71.6 11.8<br />

2/1<br />

2/2<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

Leicester Lane - Left<br />

27.3 3.1<br />

16.4 1.7<br />

3/1<br />

3/2<br />

Police HQ - Ahead/ Left<br />

Police HQ - Right<br />

0.0<br />

0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

5/1 Link - Ahead 1 29.6 0.3 41.5 0.4<br />

5/2 Link - Ahead 2 33.1 0.3 46.2 0.5<br />

5/3 Link - Ahead 3 31.7 0.3 43.7 0.5<br />

5/4 Link - Ahead 4 31.7 0.3 43.7 0.5<br />

6/1 B4114 (N) - Ahead 1 46.6 6.5 53.7 8.6<br />

6/2 B4114 (N) - Ahead 2 48.3 7.5 55.3 9.5<br />

6/3 B4114 (N) - Ahead 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

6/4 B4114 (N) - Right 54.8 9.5 71.6 17.6<br />

PRC (%)<br />

64.3 25.7<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

17.2 22.2<br />


B4114/ Leicester Lane/ Police HQ<br />

Proposed Junction<br />

TA Traffic Flows<br />

Lane Description<br />

1/1 B4114 (S) - Left<br />

1/2 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left)<br />

2026+Dev AM<br />

2026 + Dev PM<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/3 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left/Mid) 94.6 35.0 56.9 13.3<br />

1/4 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right/Mid)<br />

1/5 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right)<br />

2/1 B4114 (N) - Ahead (Nearside) 62.6 15.7 91.6 39.1<br />

2/2 B4114 (N) - Ahead (Middle) 63.7 17.2 92.2 42.6<br />

2/3 B4114 (N) - Ahead (to P&R) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

2/4 B4114 (N) - Right 96.0 22.0 19.1 2.7<br />

3/1 Leicester Lane - Left<br />

3/2 Leicester Lane - Left<br />

3/3 Leicester Lane - Right<br />

3/4 Leicester Lane - Right<br />

4/1 Police HQ - Ahead/ Left 12.1 0.6 34.5 1.7<br />

4/2 Police HQ - Right 11.4 0.6 69.2 4.2<br />

5/1 Link - Ahead 1 63.1 3.8 57.6 1.9<br />

5/2 Link - Ahead 2 86.3 6.5 51.6 1.8<br />

5/3 Link - Ahead 3 55.4 2.9 41.9 1.4<br />

5/4 Link Ahead 4 55.4 2.9 41.9 1.4<br />

PRC (%)<br />

-9.2 -2.4<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

54.9<br />

51.4<br />

LLITM Traffic Flows<br />

Lane Description<br />

1/1 B4114 (S) - Left<br />

1/2 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left)<br />

2026+Dev AM 2026 + Dev PM<br />

Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU) Deg. Sat (%) Queue (PCU)<br />

1/3 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Left/Mid) 43.8 8.8 62.6 11.1<br />

1/4 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right/Mid)<br />

1/5 B4114 (S) - Ahead (Right)<br />

2/1 B4114 (N) - Ahead (Nearside) 57.0 13.2 65.6 17.1<br />

2/2 B4114 (N) - Ahead (Middle) 58.2 14.6 66.7 18.9<br />

2/3 B4114 (N) - Ahead (to P&R) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

2/4 B4114 (N) - Right 61.4 11.8 76.4 20.1<br />

3/1 Leicester Lane - Left<br />

3/2 Leicester Lane - Left<br />

3/3 Leicester Lane - Right<br />

3/4 Leicester Lane - Right<br />

96.4<br />

98.2<br />

59.7<br />

64.2<br />

42.5<br />

623.0<br />

36.7 53.1 11.9<br />

42.4 73.9 15.3<br />

9.0 66.5<br />

62.0 10.7<br />

2.9 0.2 1.7 0.1<br />

4/1 Police HQ - Ahead/ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

4/2 Police HQ - Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

5/1 Link - Ahead 1 38.0 1.1 51.6 1.3<br />

5/2 Link - Ahead 2 39.3 1.2 54.1 1.5<br />

5/3 Link - Ahead 3 35.8 1.1 46.7 1.2<br />

5/4 Link Ahead 4 35.8 1.1 46.6 1.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

44.4 15.6<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

17.4 31.9<br />

8.4<br />

9.4<br />

12.0<br />

4.5 29.6 1.8<br />

77.9 12.4<br />

28.3 3.2 20.1 2.0

Meridian Way Dumbbell Roundabouts<br />

ARCADY Results Summary<br />

A563/ Withers Way/ Meridan Way<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base AM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026+Dev AM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 Base PM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026+Dev PM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A Withers Way 0.158 0.2 0.195 0.2 0.059 0.1 0.070 0.1<br />

B Overbridge 0.206 0.3 0.263 0.4 0.209 0.3 0.331 0.5<br />

C A563 Off Slip 0.192 0.2 0.370 0.6 0.376 0.6 0.748 2.9<br />

D Meridian Way 0.222 0.3 0.544 1.2 0.355 0.5 0.539 1.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

62.8% 30.6% 47.4% 10.2%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

2.4 3.0 2.4 4.2<br />

A563/ Retail Park<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Base AM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026+Dev AM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 Base PM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026+Dev PM (TA)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A A563 Off Slip 0.353 0.5 0.577 1.4 0.327 0.5 0.585 1.4<br />

B Retail Park 0.064 0.1 0.094 0.1 0.193 0.2 0.247 0.3<br />

C A563 On Slip Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit<br />

D Overbridge 0.317 0.5 0.607 1.5 0.416 0.7 0.559 1.3<br />

PRC (%) 49.7% 24.3% 43.4% 26.5%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

4.2 4.8 3.0 4.2

A563/ Meridian South<br />

Summary of Model Results<br />

Existing Roundabout<br />

Lane<br />

Description<br />

2026 Core AM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev AM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A A563 (N) 0.562 1.3 0.617 1.6<br />

B Slip Road 0.180 0.2 0.222 0.3<br />

C A563 (S) 0.416 0.7 0.442 0.8<br />

D Meridian Way South 0.289 0.4 0.305 0.4<br />

PRC (%)<br />

28.8%<br />

23.3%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 1.8 2.4<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core PM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev PM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A A563 (N) 0.537 1.2 0.618 1.6<br />

B Slip Road 0.133 0.2 0.219 0.3<br />

C A563 (S) 0.562 1.3 0.438 0.8<br />

D Meridian Way South 0.519 1.1 0.306 0.4<br />

PRC (%) 28.8% 23.2%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 2.4<br />

2.4<br />

Proposed Signal Roundabout<br />

Lane<br />

Description<br />

2026 + Dev AM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev PM (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 A563 (N) - Entry 55.2 5.8 55.3 5.0<br />

2/1 Circulatory (N) 10.6 0.0 10.5 0.0<br />

3/1 A5460 - Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

3/2 A5460 - Ahead 28.9 2.1 0.0 0.0<br />

3/3 A5460 - Ahead/ Right 38.3 3.0 53.9 4.4<br />

3/4 A5460 - Right 38.1 2.9 50.3 4.1<br />

4/1 Circulatory (E) - Ahead 38.8 2.4 44.7 3.5<br />

4/2 Circulatory (E) - Ahead 48.4 6.1 44.8 4.9<br />

4/3 Circulatory (E) - Ahead/ Right 47.1 6.1 44.8 5.7<br />

5/1 A563 (S) - Entry 39.6 1.1 39.4 1.0<br />

6/1 Circulatory (S) 8.4 0.0 8.3 0.0<br />

7/1 Meridian South - Entry 26.5 1.1 26.5 11.0<br />

8/1 Circulatory (W) 24.1 0.1 23.9 0.1<br />

11/1 Meridian South Crossing WB L1 28.9 1.9 26.9 2.4<br />

11/2 Meridian South Crossing WB L2 5.2 0.4 7.2 0.4<br />

12/1 A563 (N) Crossing NB L1 30.3 1.9 28.9 1.3<br />

12/2 A563 (N) Crossing NB L2 30.4 1.8 28.9 1.6<br />

12/3 A563 (N) Crossing NB L3 26.0 2.3 28.9 2.6<br />

13/1 A563 (N) Crossing SB L1 52.7 6.6 63.5 9.1<br />

13/2 A563 (N) Crossing SB L2 36.5 3.6 27.5 2.5<br />

13/3 A563 (N) Crossing SB L3 38.7 4.0 37.5 3.8<br />

15/1 Meridian South Crossing EB L1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

15/2 Meridian South Crossing EB L2 25.8 2.3 21.1 1.8<br />

15/3 Meridian South Crossing EB L3 9.7 0.7 14.6 1.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

63.1 41.8<br />

Total Delay (PCUhr)<br />

12.66 13.08<br />

Flow (PCU)<br />

4026 4026<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

11.3 11.7

A563 Scudamore Roundabout<br />

Summary of ARCADY Results<br />

AM Peak (08:00 - 09:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A New Parks Way (N) 0.266 0.4 0.290 0.4<br />

B Park Rise 0.037 0.0 0.038 0.0<br />

C New Parks Way (S) 0.466 0.9 0.517 1.1<br />

D Scudamore Road 0.640 1.8 0.673 2.0<br />

PRC (%)<br />

21.0% 17.7%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU)<br />

3.0<br />

3.6<br />

PM Peak (17:00 - 18:00)<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A New Parks Way (N) 0.221 0.3 0.247 0.3<br />

B Park Rise 0.048 0.1 0.049 0.1<br />

C New Parks Way (S) 0.455 0.8 0.494 1.0<br />

D Scudamore Road 0.676 2.1 0.679 2.4<br />

PRC (%) 17.4% 17.1%<br />

Average Delay (s/PCU) 3.6 3.6

A47/ Wyngate Drive/ Woodville Drive<br />

Summary of LINISG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) Left/ Ahead 70.6 10.8 75.5 12.2<br />

1/2+1/3 A47 (W) Ahead/ Right 74 12.3 78.4 14<br />

2/1 Woodville Road Left/ Ahead 53.5 5 58.6 5.3<br />

2/2+2/3 Woodville Road Right/ Ahead 75.7 7.2 79.5 7.3<br />

3/2+3/1 A47 (E) Ahead/ Left 69.3 11 71.4 11.8<br />

3/3 A47 (E) Ahead/ Right 67.5 10.4 70.4 11.1<br />

4/1 Wyngate Drive Left/ Ahead 46.8 4.3 49.8 4.4<br />

4/2 Wyngate Drive Ahead 49.1 4.9 52 5<br />

4/3 Wyngate Drive Right 3.1 0.2 3.1 0.2<br />

PRC (%)<br />

18.8<br />

13.1<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 31.8<br />

33.0<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 A47 (W) Left/ Ahead 60.7 8.4 64.7 9.3<br />

1/2+1/3 A47 (W) Ahead/ Right 654 1.1 69 11.3<br />

2/1 Woodville Road Left/ Ahead 89.6 11.7 95.7 14.6<br />

2/2+2/3 Woodville Road Right/ Ahead 95.7 15.8 96.8 17.4<br />

3/2+3/1 A47 (E) Ahead/ Left 94 21.9 99.4 31.1<br />

3/3 A47 (E) Ahead/ Right 94.7 21.9 96.8 26.4<br />

4/1 Wyngate Drive Left/ Ahead 66.2 6.6 71 7.1<br />

4/2 Wyngate Drive Ahead 67.4 7.4 72.1 7.8<br />

4/3 Wyngate Drive Right 8.7 0.7 8.7 0.7<br />

PRC (%) -6.3 -10.5<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 49.8 60.4

King Richards Road/ Fosse Road<br />

Summary of LINSIG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 Fosse Road (N) 77.8 10.8 81.6 11.4<br />

2/1 King Richards Road (E) Ahead/ Left 75.4 9.6 76.8 10.3<br />

2/2+2/3 King Richards Road (E) Right/ Ahead 78.9 10.0 79.6 10.5<br />

3/1+3/2 Fosse Road (S) 58.2 6.9 60.5 7.0<br />

4/1 King Richards Road (W) Left/ Ahead 79.4 9.9 83.1 11.2<br />

4/2+4/3 King Richards Road (W) Ahead/ Right 79.2 9.9 83.1 11.2<br />

PRC (%) 13.4 8.3<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 39.1 40.9<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 Fosse Road (N) 63.6 3.9 72.1 4.4<br />

2/1 King Richards Road (E) Ahead/ Left 102.2 34.0 102.9 36.8<br />

2/2+2/3 King Richards Road (E) Right/ Ahead 100.1 28.5 103.8 43.8<br />

3/1+3/2 Fosse Road (S) 93.3 9.0 103.7 14.1<br />

4/1 King Richards Road (W) Left/ Ahead 42.9 5.0 45.0 5.5<br />

4/2+4/3 King Richards Road (W) Ahead/ Right 42.8 5.0 45.0 5.5<br />

PRC (%) -13.6 -15.3<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 81.8 105.4

A47/ Narborough Rd<br />

Summary of LINSIG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 A47 (E) Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

1/2 A47 (E) Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

1/3 A47 (E) Ahead 51.0 7.8 52.3 8.2<br />

1/4 A47 (E) Ahead 50.9 7.8 52.1 8.2<br />

1/5 A47 (E) Right 75.8 5.8 75.8 5.8<br />

2/2+2/1 Narbourough Road North Left/ Ahead/ Right 72.7 5.0 75.0 5.1<br />

2/3 Narbourough Road North Right 60.5 3.9 71.0 4.6<br />

3/1 A47 (W) Left/ Ahead 72.6 13.1 76.6 14.7<br />

3/2+3/3 A47 (W) Right/ Ahead 75.5 13.8 77.3 14.8<br />

4/1 Tudor Road Left 19.4 0.8 19.4 0.8<br />

4/2+4/3 Tudor Road Ahead/ Right 54.4 2.7 54.4 2.7<br />

PRC (%) 18.7 16.4<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 35.0 35.6<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 A47 (E) Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

1/2 A47 (E) Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

1/3 A47 (E) Ahead 82.1 17.8 87.8 20.9<br />

1/4 A47 (E) Ahead 82.0 17.8 87.7 20.9<br />

1/5 A47 (E) Right 52.8 2.8 52.8 2.8<br />

2/2+2/1 Narbourough Road North Left/ Ahead/ Right 80.5 5.9 84.0 6.6<br />

2/3 Narbourough Road North Right 72.0 4.7 71.5 4.6<br />

3/1 A47 (W) Left/ Ahead 55.6 9.2 58.6 9.9<br />

3/2+3/3 A47 (W) Right/ Ahead 56.9 9.2 59.6 9.9<br />

4/1 Tudor Road Left 35.0 1.6 35.0 1.6<br />

4/2+4/3 Tudor Road Ahead/ Right 55.3 2.7 55.3 2.7<br />

PRC (%) 9.6 2.5<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 34.6 37.5

St Augustine Road/ St Nicholas Circle<br />

Summary of LINSIG Results<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 St Nicholas Circle L1 32.4 1.5 32.4 1.5<br />

1/2 St Nicholas Circle L2 36.0 1.8 36.0 1.8<br />

1/3 St Nicholas Circle L3 35.5 1.8 35.5 1.8<br />

2/2+2/1 St Augustine Road L1+L2 55.2 3.5 57.6 3.7<br />

2/3 St Augustine Road L3 45.1 5.5 47.7 5.8<br />

PRC (%) 62.9 56.3<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 9.2 9.2<br />

PM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

1/1 St Nicholas Circle L1 53.4 4.1 53.4 4.1<br />

1/2 St Nicholas Circle L2 55.9 4.7 55.9 4.7<br />

1/3 St Nicholas Circle L3 55.9 4.7 55.9 4.7<br />

2/2+2/1 St Augustine Road L1+L2 57.7 4.4 59.4 4.7<br />

2/3 St Augustine Road L3 44.5 6.2 46.5 6.7<br />

PRC (%) 56 51.4<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU) 16.1 16.0

<strong>Blaby</strong> Bypass Roundabout<br />

Summary of ARCADY Results<br />

Note: LLITM does not include flows for the Winchester Road entry to the roundabout<br />

Treat results with caution<br />

AM Peak<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A <strong>Blaby</strong> Bypass (N) 0.779 3.5 0.807 4.1<br />

B Enderby Road 0.332 0.5 0.358 0.6<br />

C <strong>Blaby</strong> Bypass (S) 0.583 1.4 0.603 1.5<br />

D Enderby Road (W) 0.695 2.2 0.753 3<br />

E Winchester Road 0 0 0 0<br />

PRC (%)<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU)<br />

PM Peak<br />

7.1% 4.3%<br />

4.8 5.4<br />

Lane Description<br />

2026 Core (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

2026 + Dev (LLITM)<br />

RFC Queue (Veh)<br />

A <strong>Blaby</strong> Bypass (N) 0.615 1.6 0.653 1.9<br />

B Enderby Road 0.480 0.9 0.538 1.1<br />

C <strong>Blaby</strong> Bypass (S) 0.614 1.6 0.659 1.9<br />

D Enderby Road (W) 0.822 4.5 0.876 6.6<br />

E Winchester Road 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0<br />

PRC (%)<br />

Delay/ PCU (s/PCU)<br />

2.8% -2.6%<br />

5.4 6.6

Appendix F Proposed Improvements -<br />

Desford Road Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Appendix G Proposed Improvements -<br />

Beggars Lane Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��<br />

��� ��

Appendix H Proposed Improvements - Kirby<br />

Lane<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Appendix I Proposed Improvements -<br />

Baines Lane<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Appendix J Bus Lane Improvements along<br />

A47<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

Appendix K Proposed Improvements -<br />

Braunstone Lane Crossroads<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

Appendix L Proposed Improvements -<br />

A47/A563 Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc

Appendix M Proposed Improvements - <strong>Blaby</strong><br />

Road/Leicester Lane Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

Appendix N Proposed Improvements -<br />

Foxhunter Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

Appendix O Proposed Improvements -<br />

Leicester Lane/St Johns Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Appendix P Proposed Improvements to<br />

A5460/A563 Link<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

�� ��

Appendix Q Proposed Improvements to<br />

Beggars Lane/Desford Road Junction<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

Appendix R Traffic Calming Proposals<br />

11501693 Supplementary Travel Assessment

c<br />

WSP Group plc<br />

��� ��

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