INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1968. Altfriesisch swāger. Indogermanische Forschungen 73 (1-2): 133-135.<br />

Lendinara, Patrizia. HAVE<br />

1990. The Survival of Indo-European Words in Old Frisian. In Aspects of Old Frisian<br />

Phonology, edited by Rolf H. Bremmer, Geart van der Meer and Oebele Vries. Pp. 285-<br />

311. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi; Groningen: SSFYRUG. [Pp. 297-300: “Family<br />

and State.”]<br />

Meijers, Eduard M.<br />

1946. Het Friese en het Drentse erfrecht en huwelijksgoederenrecht. Akademiedagen 2:<br />

37-71. Amsterdam.<br />

Van Helten, W. L.<br />

1906. Zum altfriesischen Vokalismus. III. Zu altfries. ā(a) und ē(e) aus germ. nicht in<br />

schwachtoniger Silbe stehendem ai (aus idg. ai, āi, oi). Indogermanische Forschungen<br />

19: 185-198. [P. 192: on tāker ‘husband’s brother’ and āthum ‘brother-in-law’.]<br />

Walde. Alois.<br />

1901. Zur Entwicklung von germ. ai im Friesischen. Indogermanische Forschungen 12:<br />

372-386. [Pp. 375-376: in kin terms such as tāker ‘husband’s brother’ and āthum<br />

‘brother-in-law’.]<br />



DUTCH<br />

Barnard, Alan. HAVE<br />

1980a. Convergent Structures in Nama and Dutch-Afrikaans <strong>Kinship</strong> Terminologies.<br />

VOC: Journal for Overseas <strong>Studies</strong> 1 (1): 25-34. [Cross-listed in AFRICA/KHOISAN.]<br />

Gerritzen, Doreen, Gerrit Bloothooft, and Frans van Poppel en Jan Verduin.<br />

1999. Naming for Kin and the Development of Modern Family Structures: An Analysis<br />

of a Rural Region in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.<br />

The History of the Family: An International Quarterly 4: 261-295.<br />

Kalmijn, Matthijs, Paul M. de Graaf, and Anne-Rigt Poortman.<br />

2004. Interactions Between Cultural and Economic Determinants of Divorce in the<br />

Netherlands. Journal of Marriage and the Family 66: 75-89.<br />

Kalmijn, Matthijs, Paul M. de Graaf, and Jacques P. G. Janssen. HAVE<br />

2005. Intermarriage and the Risk of Divorce in the Netherlands: The Effects of Differences<br />

in Religion and Nationality, 1974-94. Population <strong>Studies</strong> 59 (1): 71-85.<br />

Kooy, Gerrit A.<br />

1973. Brak, porodica i srodstvo u nizozemskom selu u sociološkoj perspektivi. Sociologija<br />

Sela 11 (2-4): 240-246. Zagreb. (Special Issue: “Brak, Porodica i Srodstvo u Selu”) [A<br />

Dutch village.]<br />

Paping, Richard.<br />

2004. Family Strategies, Wage Labour and the Family Life Cycle in the Groningen<br />

Country Side, c. 1850-1910. In Where the Twain Meet Again: New Results of the Dutch<br />

Russian Project on Regional Development, 1780-1917, edited by P. Kooij and Richard<br />

Paping. Groningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut.<br />

Tavernier-Vereecken, G.

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