INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Dhonnchadha, Márín Ní.<br />

1986. Inailt ‘Foster-Sister, Fosterling’. Celtica 18: 185-191.<br />

Foy, Willy.<br />

1896. Die indogermanischen s-Laute (s und z) im Keltischen. Indogermanische<br />

Forschungen 6: 313-339. [Pp. 322-323: OIr siur, fiur, Cymr chwaer ‘sister’ in the context<br />

of IE s in anlaut and inlaut.]<br />

Hamp, Eric P. HAVE<br />

1975. *dhugHtēr in Irish. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 33: 39-40. [On<br />

possible epigraphic reflections of the IE word for ‘daughter’in Old Irish.]<br />

Hamp, Eric P. HAVE<br />

1987. Miscellanea. Welsh hogyn, hogen. Indogermanische Forschungen 100: 123.<br />

Hamp, Eric P. HAVE<br />

1990. Varia. XLIII. Istres MATPON. Études Celtiques 27: 181-182. [Epigraphic<br />

evidence for genitive plural of ‘mother.’]<br />

Holmer, N.<br />

1955. Some Old Irish forms. 3. nathar, sethar, etc. Ériu 17: 109-111. [On the origin of<br />

the Gen. Sing. of siur ‘sister’.]<br />

Huld, Martin E.<br />

1981. Cu Chulainn and His IE Kin. Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 38: 238-241. [On<br />

OIr fiur in the meaning ‘woman’s brother’s daughter’ in the context of the Omaha<br />

hypothesis of PIE kin terminology.]<br />

Jasanoff, Jay H. HAVE<br />

1989. Old Irish bé ‘woman’. Ériu 40: 135-141.<br />

Jenkins, Gwyn M. HAVE<br />

1958. DAW : DOFION. Bulletin of the Board of Celtic <strong>Studies</strong> 17: 252-258. [The Welsh<br />

term for ‘son-in-law’ and the IE name of ‘husband’s brother’.]<br />

Lambert, Pierre-Yves.<br />

1994. La Langue Gauloise: Description Linguistique, Commentaire d’Inscriptions<br />

Choisies. Paris: Editions Errance. [Pp. 61, 168-169: attested kin terms.]<br />

Lane, George S. HAVE<br />

1932. Celtic Notes. 7. Irish nuachar, snuachar. Language 8 (4): 297-298. [On the term<br />

for ‘spouse’.]<br />

Lejeune, Michel.<br />

1985. Texts gaulois et gallo-romans en cursive latine. 3. Le plomb du Larzac. Études<br />

Celtiques 22: 95-177. [Pp. 131-134, 167-168: on kin terms, including the attestation of<br />

duxtir.] HAVE<br />

Lewis, Hubert.<br />

1889. The Ancient Laws of Wales. London: Elliot Stock. [Includes laws of the kindred.]<br />

Leyton, Elliott H.<br />

1972. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Class in an Ulster Vilage. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Toronto.

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