INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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2000. Patrilines, Surnames, and Family Identity: A Case Study From the Russian Baltic<br />

Provinces in the Nineteenth Century. History of the Family 5 (2): 199-214.<br />

Plakans, Andrejs, and Charles Wetherell.<br />

2001. Choix des noms et construction de l’identité familiale. L’émancipation des serfs<br />

dans les provinces baltes au XIXe siècle. In Le Patronyme: Histoire, Anthropologie,<br />

Société, edité par G. Brunet, P. Darlu et G. Zei. P. 95-114. Paris: CNRS.<br />

Rekena, A. S.<br />

1977. Nazvaniia rodstva v nekotorykh iuzhnykh govorakh verkhnelatyshckogo dialekta.<br />

In Kontakty latyshskogo iazyka. S. 169-191. Riga: Zinatne. [Includes an English<br />

summary (pp. 190-191).]<br />

Rūke-Dravina, Velta.<br />

1953. Zur Konsonantenerweichung bei Diminutiven im Lettischen. Commentationes<br />

Balticae 1: 141-165. [Diminutive kin terms māšuks ‘sister’, dēluks ‘son’, brāluks<br />

‘brother’ passim.]<br />

Svabe, Arveds.<br />

1953. Mantojuma Tiesibas [Inheritance Rights]. In Latviesu Tautas Dziesmas [Latvian<br />

Folksongs]. Vol. 2, edited by Arveds Svabe, K. Straubergs, and E. Hauzenberga-Sturma.<br />

Pp. 83-100. Copenhagen: Imanta.<br />

Terent’eva, L. N.<br />

1984. The Latvian Peasant Family. In <strong>Kinship</strong> and Marriage in the Sovier Union, edited<br />

by Tamara Dragadze. Pp. 130-168. London: Routledge.<br />

Upelnieks, Kr.<br />

1938. Uzvardu dosana Vidzemes un Kurzemes zemniekiem [The Giving of Surnames to<br />

the Peasants of Livland and Kurland]. Riga, Latvija: Tieslietu Ministrija.<br />

Wetherell, Charles, Andrejs Plakans, and Barry Wellman.<br />

1994. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Community in an Eastern European Peasant Estate. Journal of<br />

Interdisciplinary History 15: 639–663.<br />


Bartoli, Matteo.<br />

1933. Il carattere conservativo dei linguaggi baltici. Studi Baltici 3:1-26. [P. 9: on Lith<br />

šešuras ‘husband’s father’ in the IE perspective.] HAVE<br />

Bezzenberger, Adalbert. HAVE<br />

1878. Ueber das litausche Wort brólis. Altpreussische Monatsschrift 15: 282-288.<br />

Buivydienė, Rūta.<br />

1986. Lie. strùjus. Baltistica 22 (2): 13-20. (in Lithuanian; summary in Russian)<br />

[“Grandfather’.]<br />

Būga, K.<br />

1921. Priėsagos -ūnas ir dvibalsio uo kilmė. Lietuvos Mokykla 4. [P. 424: on láigonas<br />

‘wife’s brother’.]<br />

Būga, K.

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