INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1993. Armenian, Tocharian, and the “Glottalic Theory.” In 2d International Symposium<br />

on Armenian Linguistics (21-23 September 1987). Pp. 218-241. Yerevan: Armenian<br />

Academy Press. [Pp. 221, 222, 224: reflexes of IE stops in several Armenian kin terms.]<br />

MODERN<br />

Diniz, Beatriz. HAVE<br />

1977. Os Termos do Parentesco em Armênio. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo,<br />

Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. 189 P.<br />

Mahé, Jean-Pierre. HAVE<br />

1984. Structures sociales et vocabulaire de la parenté et de la collectivité en arménien<br />

contemporain. Revue des Études Arméniennes 18 (1-2): 327-345.<br />

Platz, Stephanie. HAVE<br />

1995. “We Don’t Have Capitalism…We Have <strong>Kinship</strong>”: The State, the Family, and the<br />

Expression of Armenian Identity. Anthropology of East Europe Review 13 (2): 30-33.<br />

Wallis, Wilson D. HAVE<br />

1923. Some Phases of Armenian Social Life. American Anthropologist 25 (4): 582-584.<br />

[Includes a list of kin terms collected among Armenians in Fresno, California.]<br />

BALTIC<br />


Bērtulis, R.<br />

1987. Vārda formas un nozĩmes savstarpējās attiecības (Latv. mate: liet. mótė). In<br />

Latviešu valodas kontaktu pētījumi. PP. 29-62. Rīga: Zinātne.<br />

Devoto, Giacomo. HAVE<br />

1934-1935. Lit. ÚOŠVIS, Lett. UÔSVIS ‘Suocero’. Studi Baltici 4 : 57-62. [Baltic terms<br />

for ‘wife’s father’.]<br />

Fränkel, Ernst.<br />

1923. Zur Verstümmelung, bzw Unterdrückung funktionsschwacher oder funktionsarmer<br />

Elemente in den baltoslavischen Sprachen. Indogermanische Forschungen 41: 393-421.<br />

[P. 401-402: shortened forms of Baltic kin terms.] HAVE<br />

Fränkel, Ernst. HAVE<br />

1934. Zur Vermischung der -o- und -u- Stämme im Baltischen. Zeitschrift für<br />

Vergleichende Sprachforschung 61: 270-276. [Pp. 271-274: vocative and shortened<br />

forms of kin terms.]<br />

Fränkel, Ernst. HAVE<br />

1936-1937. Alcuni problemi di grammatical e di vocabolario Lituani. 2. Intorno ai nomi<br />

di parentela baltici. Studi Baltici 6: 110-116.<br />

Fränkel, Ernst. HAVE<br />

1949. Undeutungen von Flexionformen und eventuelle Entstehung neuer Paradigmen in<br />

den indogermanischen Sprachen. 2. Lit. (j)eras “Lamm,” lett. jęrs, preuss. eristian usw.<br />

Indogermanische Forschungen 59: 306-309. [P. 308-309: on ietere, ietala vs. vietere,<br />

vietala in Latvian and gente vs. jente ‘husband’s brother’s wife’ in Lithuanian.]<br />

Fränkel, Ernst.

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