INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Oshiro, Terumasa. HAVE<br />

1990. On <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms in Hieroglyphic Luwian. Orient 26: 86-93.<br />

Starke, Frank. HAVE<br />

1980. Das luwische Wort für ‘Frau’. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 94:<br />

74-86.<br />

Starke, Frank.<br />

1987. Die Vertretung von uridg. *dhugh 2ter ‘Tochter’ in den Luwischen Sprachen und<br />

ihre Stammbildung. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 100: 243-369.<br />

Starke, Frank.<br />

1990. Untersuchung zur Syammbildung des Keilschrift-Luwischen Nomens. Wiesbaden:<br />

Otto Harrassowitz. [Pp. 347, 469: term for daughter; 229: term for son.]<br />

Yakubovich, Ilya S. HAVE<br />

2008. Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Chicago.<br />

[Sporadically on kin terms.]<br />

LYCIAN<br />

Arkwright, Walther.<br />

1898. Über das lykische Alphabet. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen<br />

Institutes in Wien 1: 52-76. [P. 67: Lyc kbatra and Gk thugater ‘daughter’.]<br />

Bryce, T. R. HAVE<br />

1978. Two Terms of Relationship in the Lycian Inscriptions. Journal of Near Eastern<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> 37 (3): 217-225.<br />

Bugge, Sophus. HAVE<br />

1897. Lykische Studien. I. Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter. II. Historisk-filosofisk Klasse 7:<br />

1-91. Christiania. [Pp. 76-86: kin terms.]<br />

Bugge, Sophus.<br />

1901. Lykische Studien. II. Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter. II. Historisk-filosofisk Klasse<br />

4: 1-123. Christiania. [Pp. 15-18, 25, 37-38, 88, 94: on kin terms.] HAVE<br />

Carruba, Onofrio. HAVE<br />

1969. Su alcuni nomi di parentela in Licio e in Nesico. La Parola del Passato 24: 269-<br />

278. [Includes a comparative table of Anatolian kin terms from Laroche 1958.]<br />

Carruba, Onofrio.<br />

1976. Anatolico e Indoeuropeo. In Scritti in Onore di Guiliano Bonfante. Pp. 121-146.<br />

Brescia: Paideia. [P. 125: the Luwian term for daughter and its IE cognates.]<br />

Carruba, Onofrio. HAVE<br />

1990. Alle origini del matriarcato. Instituto Lombardo, Rendicontti della Classe di<br />

Lettere 124: 239-246.<br />

Čop, Bojan. HAVE

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