INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Mitterauer, Michael, and Alexander Kagan.<br />

1982. Russian and Eastern European Family Structures: A Comparative View. Journal<br />

of Family History 7: 103-131.<br />

Plakans, Andrejs.<br />

1977. Identifying Kinfolk Beyond the Household. Journal of Family History 2: 3-27.<br />

Plakans, Andrejs.<br />

1982. Ties of <strong>Kinship</strong> and <strong>Kinship</strong> Roles in an Historical Eastern European Community:<br />

A Synchronic Analysis. Journal of Family History 7: 52-75.<br />

Plakans, Andrejs. HAVE<br />

1987. Interaction Between the Household and the Kin Group in the Eastern European<br />

Past: Posing the Problem. Journal of Family History 12 (1-3): 163-175. (Special issue:<br />

Family History at the Crossroads: Linking Familial and Historical Change, edited by<br />

Tamara Hareven and Andrejs Plakans.)<br />

Plakans, Andrejs, and Charles Wetherell.<br />

1997. Auf der Suche nach einer Verortung: Die Geschichte der Familie in Osteuropa,<br />

1800–2000. In Historische Familienforschung. Bilanz und Perspektiven, edited by Josef<br />

Ehmer, Tamara Hareven, and Richard Wall. Pp. 301–325. Frankfurt: Campus.<br />

Sklar, June L. HAVE<br />

1974. The Role of Marriage Behaviour in the Demographic Transition: The Case of<br />

eastern Europe Around 1900. Population <strong>Studies</strong> 28 (2): 231-247.<br />

Szoltysek, Mikolaj.<br />

2008a. Rethinking Eastern Europe: Household-Formation Patterns in the Polish-<br />

Lithuanian Commonwealth and European Family System. Continuity and Change 23:<br />

389-427.<br />

Szoltysek, Mikolaj.<br />

2008b. Three Kinds of Preindustrial Household Formation System in Historical Eastern<br />

Europe: A Challenge to Spatial Patterns of the European Family. History of the Family<br />

13 (3): 223-257.<br />


<strong>COLLECTIONS</strong><br />

Meloni, B. (ed.)<br />

1997. Famiglia Meridionale Senza Familismo. Strategie Economiche, Reti di Relazioni i<br />

Parentela. Roma: Donzelli.<br />

Ravis-Giordani, Georges. (ed.)<br />

1987. Femmes et Patrimonie dans les Sociétés Rurales de l’Europe Méditéranéenne. Paris:<br />

Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.<br />

Reviews: Fine & Leduc 1986; Allen P. 1989.<br />

Woolf, Stuart J. (ed.)<br />

1993. Espaces et Familles dans l’Europe du Sud à l’Âge Modern: Adaptations et<br />

Resistances. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.

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