INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Review: Rose, H. 1954.<br />

Whittaker, Gordon.<br />

2009. Milking the Udder of Heaven: A Note on Mesopotamian and Indo-Iranian<br />

Religious Imagery. In From Daēnā to Dîn: Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der<br />

Iranischen Welt. Festschrift für Philip Kreyenbroek zum 60. Geburtstag, herausgegeben<br />

von Christine Allison, Anke Joisten-Pruschke und Antje Wendtland. Pp. 127-137.<br />

Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. [Pp. 131-133: deity names such as Apam Napat<br />

‘grandson of water’, Neptunus, etc. in IE languages with Sumerian parallels.]<br />

Windfuhr, Gernot L. HAVE<br />

2002. The IE Terms for Siblings of Spouse: Etymology and Chiastic Logic. In The<br />

Linguist’s Linguist: A Collection of Papers in Honour of Alexis Manaster Ramer, edited<br />

by Fabrice Cavoto. Vol. 2. Pp. 461-475. München: LINCOM EUROPA.<br />

Winning, William B. HAVE<br />

1838. A Manual of Comparative Philology: In which the Affinity of the Indo-European<br />

Languages is Illustrated and Applied to the Primeval History. London: Printed for J. G.<br />

and F. Rivington. [Pp. 52-54: kin terms as a proof of the kinship of IE languages.]<br />

Winter, Werner. HAVE<br />

1969. Analogischer Sprachwandel und Semantische Struktur. Folia Linguistica 3: 29-45.<br />

[Vastly on IE kin terms.]<br />

Winter, Werner. HAVE<br />

1952. An Indo-European Prefix *n- ‘Together With’. Language 28 (2): 186-191.<br />

[Includes kin term formations.]<br />

Winter, Werner. HAVE<br />

1980. OInd. máhi: Gk. méga Reconsidered. In American Indian and Indoeuropean<br />

<strong>Studies</strong>: Papers in Honor of Madison S. Beeler, edited by Kathryn Klar, Margaret<br />

Langdon, and Shirley Silver. Pp. 487-495. The Hague, etc.: Mouton. [Pp. 493-494: IE<br />

word for ‘daughter’ and its etymology.]<br />

Witczak, Krzysztof T.<br />

2003. Review of Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture, edited by J. P.<br />

Mallory and D. Q. Adams. Studia Indogermanica Lodziensia 5: 175-184. [P.<br />

183: IE words for ‘wife, dear’, including Lyc lada ‘wife’, laθθe ‘husband’s in-laws’.]<br />

Wolfe, Susan J. HAVE<br />

1983. ‘Sister,’ ‘Sister’s Son’ and ‘Mother’s Brother’: Linguistic Evidence for Matrilineal<br />

<strong>Kinship</strong>. In 1982 Mid-American Linguistics Conference Papers, edited by Frances<br />

Ingemann. Pp. 254-268. Lawrence: University of Kansas, Department of Linguistics.<br />

Wolfe, Susan J.<br />

1984. The Reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European <strong>Kinship</strong>. North Dakota Quarterly 52<br />

(1): 67-76.<br />

Wolfe, Susan J. HAVE<br />

1986. On Terms of Consanguineal <strong>Kinship</strong> in Proto-Indo-European. Papers in Linguistics<br />

19 (4): 425-447.<br />

Wolfe, Susan J.

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