INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1983. A Large Family: The Peasant’s Greatest Wealth: Serf Households in Mishino,<br />

Russia, 1814-1858. In Family Forms in Historic Europe, edited by Richard Wall, Jean<br />

Robin, and Peter Laslett. Pp. 105-151. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Dickenmann, E.<br />

1934. Untersuchungen über die Nominalkomposition im Russischen. Leipzig. [Pp. 71-74:<br />

dvandva compounds, including kin terms.] HAVE<br />

Farnsworth, Beatrice. HAVE<br />

1986. The Litigious Daughter-in-Law: Family Relations in Rural Russia in the Second<br />

Half of the Nineteenth Century. Slavic Review 45 (1): 49-64.<br />

Friedrich, Paul.<br />

1963. An Evolutionary Sketch of Russian <strong>Kinship</strong>. In Symposium on Language and<br />

Culture. Proceedings of the 1962 Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society<br />

(1962: Washington, D.C.), edited by Viola E. Garfield, and Wallace L. Chafe. Pp. 1-26.<br />

Seattle.<br />

Friedrich, Paul W.<br />

1966. The Linguistic Reflex of Social Change: From Tsarist to Soviet Russian <strong>Kinship</strong>.<br />

In Explorations in Sociolinguistics, edited by Stanley Lieberson. Pp. 31-57. Bloomington:<br />

Bloomington, Indiana University.<br />

Reprinted in: Language, Context and the Imagination, by Paul W. Friedrich. Pp. 168-200.<br />

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979.<br />

Friedrich, Paul W.<br />

1964. Semantic Structure and Social Structure: An Instance from Russian. In<br />

Explorations in Cultural Anthropology: Essays in Honor of George Peter Murdock,<br />

edited by Ward H. Goodenough. Pp. 131-166. New York: McGraw-Hill.<br />

Reprinted in: Language, Context and the Imagination, by Paul W. Friedrich. Pp. 126-167.<br />

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979.<br />

Gessat-Anstett, Élisabeth. HAVE<br />

2000. Histoires et mutations. Les terminologies russes de parenté. L’Homme 154-155:<br />

613-634.<br />

Gsovsky, Vladimir.<br />

1947. Family and Inheritance in Soviet Law. Russian Review 7: 71-87.<br />

Reprinted in: Soviet Society: A Book of Readings, edited by Alex Inkeles and Kent<br />

Geiger. Pp. 530-540. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.<br />

Heady, Patrick.<br />

2003. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Economy in the Russian Countryside: A Provisional Model. In<br />

Distinct Inheritances: Property, Family and Community in a Changing Europe, edited by<br />

H. Grandits and Patrick Heady. Pp. 257-292 Münster: LIT.<br />

Jakobson, Roman.<br />

1936. Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre. Gesamtbedeutungen der russischen Kasus.<br />

Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague 6. Études Dédiées au Quatrième Congrès de

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