INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Ewers, Johann P. G. von.<br />

1826. Das Älteste Recht der Russen in Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Dorpat:<br />

August Sticinsky; Hamburg: Friedrich Perthes. [Pp. 1-18: the beginnings of the “kin rule”<br />

theory.] HAVE<br />

Kennedy, Craig. HAVE<br />

1995. Fathers, Sons, and Brothers: Ties of Metaphorical <strong>Kinship</strong> between the Muscovite<br />

Grand Princes and the Tatar Elite. In Камень Краежгъльнъ: Rhetoric of the Medieval<br />

Slavic World. Essays Presented to Edward L. Keenan on His Sixtieth Birthday by His<br />

Colleagues and Students, edited by Nancy S. Kollmann, Donald Ostrowski, Andrei<br />

Pliguzov and Daniel Rowland. Pp. 292-301. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Research Institute.<br />

(Harvard Ukrainian Srudies 19.)<br />

Kivelson, V. A.<br />

1994. The Effects of Partible Inheritance: Gentry Families and the State in Muscovy.<br />

Russian Review 53 (2): 197-212.<br />

Reutz, Alexander von.<br />

1829. Versuch über die Geschichtliche Ausbildung der Russischen Staats- und Rechts-<br />

Verfassung. Mitau: Steffenhagen. [One of the first hints at a later theory of “kin rule” in<br />

ancient Russia.]<br />

MODERN<br />


Ankeria, Santeri.<br />

1951. Beseda “semja” v russkih bilinah. Slavistična Revija 4: 87-92. Ljubljana. [The use<br />

of the “family”word for “wife.”]<br />

Bohac, Rodney D.<br />

1985. Peasant Inheritance Strategies in Russia. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 16:<br />

23-42.<br />

Chasles, Pierre.<br />

1921. La famille paysanne russe d’après le droit coutumier. Revue des Études Slaves 1:<br />

240-254.<br />

Comrie, Bernard. HAVE<br />

1999. Grammatical Gender Systems: A Linguist's Assessment. Journal of<br />

Psycholinguistic Research 28 (5): 457-466. [Pp. 459-460: Russian kin terms and their<br />

gender.]<br />

Cooper, Brian<br />

1987. Problems with the In-Laws: The Terminology of Russian Family Relationships.<br />

Journal of Russian <strong>Studies</strong> 52: 37-46.<br />

Czap, Peter.<br />

1982. The Perennial Multiple Family Household, Mishino, Russia, 1782-1858. Journal of<br />

Family History 7: 5-26.<br />

Czap, Peter.

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