INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1991. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Contract: Property Transmission and Family Relations in<br />

Northwestern Portugal. Comparative <strong>Studies</strong> in Society and History 33 (3): 443-465.<br />

Callier-Boisvert, Colette.<br />

1968. Remarques sur le système de parenté et sur la famille au Portugal. L’Homme 8 (2):<br />

87-103.<br />

O’Neill, Brian J.<br />

1983. Dying and Inheriting in Rural Trás-os-Montes. Journal of the Anthropological<br />

Society of Oxford 14: 44-74.<br />

O’Neill, Brian J.<br />

1987. Pul Eliya in the Portuguese Mountains: A Comparative Essay on <strong>Kinship</strong> Practices<br />

and Family Ideology. Sociologia Ruralis 27 (4): 278-303.<br />

Rowland, D.<br />

1984. Sistemas familiars e padrões demográficos em Portugal: Questões para uma<br />

investigação comparada. Ler História 3: 13-32.<br />

Santos, Armindo dos.<br />

1986. Configurations Spatiales et Organisation Sociale: Structure Agraire et Système de<br />

Parenté dans le Village de Chãos de la Région de Beira-Beixa au Portugal. Ph.D.<br />

dissertation. Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.<br />

Wall, Karin.<br />

1998. Famílias no Campo: Passado e Presente em Duas Freguesias do Baixo Minho.<br />

Lisboa: Publicacos Dom Quixote.<br />

Review: Callier-Boisvert 2000.<br />

Willems, E.<br />

1962. On Portuguese Family Structure. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 3<br />

(1): 65-79.<br />



Cronţ, Gheorghe.<br />

1969. Instituţii Medievale Românesti: Înfrăţirea de Moşie; Jurătorii. Bucharest: Editura<br />

Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania. [“Medieval Romanian Institutions: <strong>Kinship</strong>;<br />

Jurors.”]<br />

Reviews: Hitchins 1971; Fischer-Galati 1975.<br />

MODERN<br />

Binder, Stephan.<br />

1932. “Kind”, “Knabe,” “Mädchen” in den Nördlichen Dialekten des Dakoromanischen<br />

Sprachgebietes. Ein Beitrag zur Onomasiologie. Bukarest: Presa.<br />

Bogrea, V.<br />

1922. O problema semantica. Dacoromania 2 (1921-1922): 664-666. Cluj. [On<br />

the semantic connection between ‘knee’ and ‘generation’.]

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