INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Mikelarena, F.<br />

1992. Estructuras familiares y sistemas sucesorios en Navarra: Una aproximación crítica<br />

desde las ciencias sociales a las perspectivas tradicionales. Revista Jurídica de Navarra<br />

14: 119-145.<br />

Mira, J.<br />

1971. Mariage et famille dans une communauté rurale du Pays de Valence (Espagne).<br />

Etudes Rurales 42: 105-119. (Special Issue: “Recherches sur la Parenté Paysanne.”)<br />

Pitt-Rivers, Julian A.<br />

1958. Ritual <strong>Kinship</strong> in Spain. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series<br />

II 20: 424-431.<br />

Rice, Carl C.<br />

1901. Etymological Notes on Old Spanish consograr, consagrar, *consangrar. Modern<br />

Language Notes 16 (8): 236-238.<br />

Roque, Maria A.<br />

1988. Hermanos y tios o el character uxorilocal del parentesco castellano. Revista de<br />

Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares 43: 525-537.<br />

Ruiz Domenec, J. E.<br />

1979. Système de parenté et théorie de l’alliance dans la société Catalane (env. 1000-env.<br />

1240). Revue Historique 532: 305-326.<br />

Stocquart, Émile.<br />

1907. Aperçu de l’Évolution Juridique du Mariage. I. Espagne. Bruxelles: Oscar<br />

Lamberty.<br />

Review: Baldwin 1907.<br />

Vicent, Bernard, and James Casey.<br />

1987. Casa y familia en la Granada del Antiguo Régimen. In La Familia en la España<br />

Mediterranea (s. XV-XIX), edited by Pierre Vilar. Pp. 172-211. Barcelona: Crítica.<br />



<strong>COLLECTIONS</strong><br />

Duby, Georges, and Jacques Le Goff. (eds.)<br />

1981. Famiglia e Parentela nell’Italia Medievale. Bologna: Mulino. 206 P.<br />


Drell, Joanna H.<br />

1992. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Conquest: Family Strategies in the Principality of Salerno During the<br />

Norman Period 1077-1194. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.<br />

Haas, Louis. HAVE<br />

1995. Il Mio Buono Compare: Choosing Godparents and the Uses of Baptismal <strong>Kinship</strong><br />

in Renaissance Florence. Journal of Social History 29 (2): 341-356.<br />

Herlihy, David.

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