INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1900. Etymologies of Some Latin Words of Will and Desire. Proceedings of the 32d<br />

Annual Session of the American Philological Association (July): 24-26. [Pp. 25, 26:<br />

amita ‘father’s sister’ < *ame-ta as a verbal adjective of *amo ‘I love’.]<br />

Shaw, Brent D.<br />

1984. Latin Funeral Epigraphy and Family Life in the Later Roman Empire. Historia 33:<br />

457-497.<br />

Shaw, Brent D.<br />

1987. The Family in Late Antiquity: The Experience of Augustine. Past and Present 115:<br />

3-51.<br />

Shaw, Brent D., and Richard P. Saller.<br />

1984. Close-Kin Marriage in Roman Society? Man 19 (3): 432-444.<br />

Shaw, Brent D.<br />

1992. Explaining Incest: Brother-Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt. Man 27: 267-<br />

299.<br />

Skutsch, Franz.<br />

1910a. Quisquilien. 5. patĕr, matĕr, fratĕr. Glotta 2: 156-157.<br />

Skutsch, Franz.<br />

1910b. Quisquilien. 6. Vokativ puere und Verwandtes. Glotta 2: 157-158.<br />

Sohm, Rudolph.<br />

1884. Institutionen des Römischen Rechts. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.<br />

Translated into English as The Institutes of Roman Law, by James C. Ledlie. Oxford:<br />

Clarendon Press, 1892. [Pp. 120-122: paterfamilias; 355-486: family and inheritance.] HAVE<br />

Review: J. C. 1893.<br />

Szemerényi, Oswald. HAVE<br />

1952. The Development of the Indo-European Mediae Aspiratae in Latin and Italic.<br />

Archivum Linguisticum 4 (1): 27-53. [P. 44: on Lat consobrinus ‘cousin’ < *swesrinos<br />

and its phonetic path; contra Pisani.]<br />

Taubenschlag, R.<br />

1916. Die patria potestas im Recht der Papyri. Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte 37: 177-<br />

230.<br />

Thierfelder, Helmut.<br />

1960. Die Geschwisterehe im Hellenistisch-Römischen Aegypten. Münster: Achendorff.<br />

Reviews: Rees 1961; Welles 1962.<br />

Thomas, Yan.<br />

1980. Mariages endogamiques à Rome: Patrimonie, pouvoir et parenté depuis l’époque<br />

archaïque. Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger 3: 345-382.<br />

Thomas, Yan.

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