INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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von Peter Kneissl und Volker Losemann. Pp. 393-410. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche<br />

Buchgesellschaft.<br />

Saller, Richard P.<br />

1994. Patriarchy, Property, and Death in the Roman Family. Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press.<br />

Reviews: Bradley 1995; Brettell 1996; Gardner 1996.<br />

Saller, Richard P.<br />

1997. Roman <strong>Kinship</strong>: Structure and Sentiment. In The Roman Family in Italy: Status,<br />

Sentiment, Space, edited by Beryl Rawson and P. Weaver. Pp. 7-34. Oxford and<br />

Canberra: Clarendon Press.<br />

Saller, Richard P. HAVE<br />

1999. Pater Familias, Mater Familias, and the Gendered Semantics of the Roman<br />

Household. Classical Philology 94 (2): 182-197.<br />

Sancho, L.<br />

1990. El matrimonio romano primitivo y el valor de la Lex inhumanissima (Cic.Rep. II,<br />

37, 62). Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquite 37: 347-383.<br />

Scheid, John. HAVE<br />

1975. Scribonia Caesaris et les Julio-Claudiens. Problèmes de vocabulaire de parenté.<br />

Mélanges d’Arche'ologie et d’Histoire de l’École Francaise de Rome 87 (1): 349-375.<br />

Scheid, John.<br />

1993. Die Parentalia für die verstorbenen Caesaren als Modell für den römischen<br />

Totenkult. Klio 75: 188-201.<br />

Scherillo, G.<br />

1931. Sul Tractatus de Gradibus Cognationum. Studi Economoci-Giuridici della Facoltà<br />

di Giurisprudenza dell’ Università di Cagliari 18.<br />

Schrijnen, Jos.<br />

1914. Das “sabinische l” im Lateinischen. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung<br />

46: 376-380. [P. 380: Lat lēvir ‘husband’s brother’.] HAVE<br />

Schrijver, Peter. HAVE<br />

1991. The Reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals in Latin. Amsterdam and<br />

Atlanta: Rodopi. [Pp. 21: on nepōs ‘grandson’; 105-108, 331-332, 415, 489, 509: on Osc<br />

fu(u)tir and Gaul duxtir ‘daughter’; 97: on Lat pater ‘father’; 97, 105-108: on Lat<br />

ianitrices ‘wives of two brothers’; 242: Lat fīlius ‘son’; 269, 271: on Lat lēvir ‘husband’s<br />

brother’; 218, 434: on Lat gener ‘son-in-law’; 131, 199: on Lat glōs ‘husband’s sister’.]<br />

Settipani, Christian.<br />

2000. Continuité Gentilice et Continuité Familiale dans les Familles Sénatoriales<br />

Romaines à l’Époque Impériale. Mythe et Réalité, Oxford: Unit for Prosopographical<br />

Research, Linacre College, University of Oxford.<br />

Shackleton Bailey, D. R.<br />

1977. Brothers or Cousins. American Journal of Ancient History 2: 148-150.<br />

Shannon, Charles H.

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