INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Pailler, Jean-Marie.<br />

1990. Les Bacchanales: Une affaires de famille. In Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans<br />

l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 77-83. Roma:<br />

Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Pearce, T. E. V.<br />

1974. The Role of the Wife as CUSTOS in Ancient Rome. Eranos 72: 16-33.<br />

Peile, John.<br />

1887. Strītauos (Fest). Trītauos. Classical Review 1 (7): 205.<br />

Persson, P.<br />

1909. Zur lateinischen Grammatik und Wortkunde. Indogermanische Forschungen<br />

26 (2): 60-68. [P. 63: socer as exemplifying the rule u > e before r in unaccented open<br />

syllables.]<br />

Persson, P.<br />

1915. Latina. I. Zur behandlung von u in unbetonter offener Silbe. Glotta 6: 87-92. [Pp.<br />

87-88: on Lat socer ‘father-in-law’.] HAVE<br />

Petr, V. J.<br />

1899. Über den Wechsel der Laute d und l im Lateinischen. Beiträge zur Kunde der<br />

Indogermansichen Sprachen 25: 127-158. [P. 137: on lēvir.] HAVE<br />

Phillips, Jane E.<br />

1978. Roman Mothers and the Lives of Their Adult Daughters. Helios 6 (1): 69-80.<br />

Pisani, Vittore. HAVE<br />

1948. Nepos “scialacquatore” e l’allungamento nel nom. sing. dei monosillabi.<br />

Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 1 (1): 30-32.<br />

Pisani, Vittore. HAVE<br />

1951. UXOR. Ricerche dui morphologia indeuropea. In Miscellanea Giovanni Galbiati.<br />

Vol. 3. Pp. 1-38. Milano: U. Hoepli.<br />

Pomata, G.<br />

1994. Legami di sangue, legami di seme. Consanguineita e agnazione del diritto romano.<br />

Quaderni Storici 86 (2).<br />

Pomeroy, Sarah B.<br />

1976. The Relationship of the Married Woman to Her Blood Relatives in Rome. Ancient<br />

Society 7: 215-227.<br />

Puigvert i Planagumà, Gemma. HAVE<br />

1998. Rendimientos morfológicos del sufijo ie. *-yH 2: Un exemplo evidente de cohesion<br />

interna del sistema morfológico latino. Faventia 20 (2): 79-92. [Pp. 91-92: on vocative<br />

filie ‘son’ in the context of Latin morphology.]<br />

Raditsa, L. F.<br />

1980. Augustus’ Legislation Concerning Marriage, Procreation, Love Affаirs and<br />

Adultery. Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt 2 (13): 278-339.<br />

Raepsaet-Charlier, M. T.

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