INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1870. Matrimonium. In Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, edited William<br />

Smith. Pp. 735-744. London: Murray.<br />

Lacey, Walter K.<br />

1986. Patria Potestas. In Marriage, Divorce and Children in Ancient Rome, edited by<br />

Beryl Rawson. Pp. 121-144. Oxford: Clarendon Press.<br />

Lange, Ludwig. HAVE<br />

1876. Römische Alterthümer. Berlin: Weidmann. [Pp. 102-259: family and clan law.]<br />

Lazzeroni, Romano. HAVE<br />

1971. Contatti di lingue e di culture nell’Italia antica: Il nome del figlio e quello dei<br />

Dioscuri. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 11: 1-21.<br />

Lefas, Alexandre.<br />

1897. L’adoption testamentaire à Rome. Nouvelle Revue Historique de Droit Français et<br />

Étranger 21: 721-763.<br />

Review: Durkheim 1899d.<br />

Lentano, Mario.<br />

1996. Le Relazioni Difficili: Parentela e Matrimonio nella Commedia Latina. Napoli:<br />

Loffredo. 206 P.<br />

Lewis, N.<br />

1970. On Paternal Authority in Roman Egypt. Revue Internationale des Droits de<br />

l’Antiquite 17: 251-258.<br />

Lindsay, H.<br />

1998b. Adoption and Succession in Roman Law. Newcastle Law Review 3 (1): 57-81.<br />

Lindsay, H.<br />

2001. Adoption and Its Function in Cross-Cultural Contexts. In Childhood, Class and Kin<br />

in the Roman World, edited by S. Dixon. Pp. 190-204. London and New York: Routledge.<br />

Lobrano, Giovanni.<br />

1984a. Il “filius familius tutor” in D. 1.6.9. In Sodalitas: Scritti in Onore di Antonio<br />

Guarino, a cura di Vincenzo Giuffrè. T. 6. Pp.3027-3055. Napoli: Jovene, 1984.<br />

Lobrano, Giovanni.<br />

1984b. Pater et Filius Eadem Persona: Per lo Studio della Patria Potestas. Milano: A.<br />

Giuffrè.<br />

Lounsbury, Floyd. HAVE<br />

1967. The Structure of the Latin <strong>Kinship</strong> System and Its Relation to Roman Social<br />

Organization. In Trudy VII Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa Antropologicheskikh i<br />

Etnograficheskikh Nauk, Moskva, 3-10 avgusta 1964 g. T. 4. Pp. 261-270. Moscow:<br />

Nauka.<br />

Lubotsky, Alexander.<br />

1994. Vd. ávidhat. In Früh-, Mittel-, Spätindogermanisch. Akten der IX. Fachtagung der<br />

Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 5. bis 9. Oktober 1992 in Zurich. Ss. 201-206.<br />

Wiesbaden: Reichert. [P. 3: Lat vitricus ‘step-father’.]

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