INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Franciosi, Gennaro.<br />

1989. Famiglia e Persone in Roma Antica. Dall’Età Arcaica al Principato. Torino:<br />

Giopichelli.<br />

Frank, Marica.<br />

1995. The Rhetorical Uses of Family Terms in Seneca’s Oedipus and Phoenissae.<br />

Phoenix 49 (1): 121-130.<br />

Fraschetti, Augusto.<br />

1990. “Cognata Numina”: Culti della città e culti della famiglia del principe in epoca<br />

Augustea. In Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean<br />

Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 85-119. Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Frier, Bruce W., and Thomas A. J. McGinn.<br />

2004. A Casebook on Roman Family Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.<br />

Review: Bradley 2005.<br />

Frisk, Hjalmar. HAVE<br />

1938. Indogermanica. 5. anniculus. Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift 44: 18-20.<br />

[Diminutive kin terms are used for comparison.]<br />

Funck, A. HAVE<br />

1892. Was heisst ‘die Kinder’. Archiv für Lateinische Lexicographie und Grammatik 7:<br />

73-102.<br />

G. L.<br />

1870. Familia. In Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, edited William Smith. Pp.<br />

519-520. London: Murray.<br />

Gardner, Jane F., and Thomas Wiedmann.<br />

1991. The Roman Household: A Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge.<br />

Reviews: Currie 1992; Parkin T. 1994.<br />

Gaudemet, J.<br />

1961. Aspetti comunitari del regime matromoniale romano. Jus 12: 450-464.<br />

Guarino, Antonio.<br />

1939. Adfinitas. Milano: Giuffrè. 110 P.<br />

Hallett, Judith P.<br />

1984. Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family. Princeton,<br />

NJ: Princeton University Press.<br />

Reviews: Bradley 1985; MacMullen 1985; Martin 1986; Saller 1986.<br />

Hamp, Eric P. HAVE<br />

1982. Remnants of the Pronominal Genitive Singular -l. American Journal of Philology<br />

103 (2): 214-216. [On Lat famul, familia.]<br />

Hamp, Eric P. HAVE

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