INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Derouet, Bernard.<br />

1990. L’aristocratie romaine donne-t-elle l’image d’un “système à maisons”? In Parenté<br />

et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and Hinnerk<br />

Bruhns. Pp. 271-283. Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Devoto, Giacomo.<br />

1940. Storia della Lingua di Roma. Bologna: L. Cappelli. [P. 11: on the etymology of<br />

Lat. uxor ‘wife’.]<br />

DeWitt, Norman W.<br />

1935-1936. Semantic Notes on Latin Words. Classical Journal 31: 505-506.<br />

[Interpretation of Lat. nepos ‘grandson, nephew’ and avunculus ‘mother's brother’.]<br />

Dickey, Eleanor.<br />

2002. Latin Forms of Address: From Plautus to Apuleius. Oxford: Oxford University<br />

Press. [Pp. 110-128: “<strong>Kinship</strong> terms.”]<br />

Review: Katz 2003.<br />

Dixon, Suzanne.<br />

1985. The Marriage Alliance in the Roman Elite. Journal of Family History 10 (4):<br />

353-378.<br />

Dixon, Suzanne.<br />

1992. The Roman Family. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.<br />

Reviews: Gardner 1993; Parkin T. 1994.<br />

Dondin-Payre, Monique.<br />

1990. La stratégie symbolique de la parenté sous la République et l’empire Romains. In<br />

Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and<br />

Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 53-76. Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Dumont, Jean-Christian.<br />

1990. L’imperivm du pater familias. In Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité<br />

Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 475-495. Roma: Ecole<br />

Française de Rome.<br />

Durry, M.<br />

1956. Sur le mariage romain. Autocritique et mise au point. Revue Internationale des<br />

Droits de l’Antiquité, 3e Série, 3: 227-243.<br />

Reprinted in: Revue des Études Latines 47 (1969): 27-41.<br />

E. W. F.<br />

1907. Note on Warren. American Journal of Philology 28: 488. [Uxor ‘wife’ from *ughswesor<br />

‘yoke-sister’, ‘yoke-fellow’, ‘wife’, from the root wegh-.]<br />

Elwyn, Sue.<br />

1993. Interstate <strong>Kinship</strong> and Roman Foreign Policy. Transactions of the American<br />

Philological Association 123: 261-286.

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