INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Andreau, Jean.<br />

1990. Activité financière et liens de parenté en Italie Romaine. In Parenté et Stratégies<br />

Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp.<br />

501-526. Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Arjava, Antti. HAVE<br />

1988. Paternal Power in Late Antiquity. Journal of Roman <strong>Studies</strong> 88: 147-165.<br />

Ascoli, Graziadio I.<br />

1864. Uxor (vaça, vacca). Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 13: 157-160.<br />

Augustins, Georges.<br />

1985. Parenté et maisonnée à Rome, un point de vue sur l’origine du testament.<br />

L’Ethnographie 81 (1): 85-96.<br />

Augustins, Georges.<br />

1990. Groupe de parenté ou principe de légitimité. In Parenté et Stratégies Familiales<br />

dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 611-618.<br />

Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Bakkum G. C. L. M.<br />

2009a. The Latin Dialect of the Ager Faliscus: 150 Years of Scholarship. Ph.D.<br />

dissertation. Amsterdam University: Faculty of Humanities. [Pp. 177-212: kin terms<br />

discussed in the Lexical Material section.]<br />

Bakkum G. C. L. M.<br />

2009b. The Latin Dialect of the Ager Faliscus: 150 Years of Scholarship. Ph.D.<br />

dissertation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.<br />

Bauman, R.<br />

1984-1985. Family Law and Roman Politics. In Sodalitas: Scritti in Onore di Antonio<br />

Guarino. T. 3. Pp. 1283-1330. Napoli: Jovene.<br />

Bénabou, Marcel.<br />

1990. Pratique matrimoniale et representation philosophique: Le crépiscule des<br />

strategies? In Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine, edited by Jean<br />

Andreau and Hinnerk Bruhns. Pp. 123-137. Roma: Ecole Française de Rome.<br />

Bettini, Maurizio.<br />

1984. Pater, avunculus, avus nella cultura romana più arcaica. Athenaeum 62 (3-4): 468-<br />

491.<br />

Reprinted in: Sodalitas: Scritti in Onore di Antonio Guarino, a cura di Vincenzo Giuffrè.<br />

T. 2. Pp. 855-880. Napoli: Jovene, 1984.<br />

Bettini, Maurizio.<br />

1986. Antropologia e Cultura Romana: Parentela, Tempo, Immagini dell’Anima. Rome:<br />

La Nuova Italia Scientifica.<br />

Reviews: Barton 1988; Douglas 1988.<br />

English translation: Anthropology and Roman Culture: <strong>Kinship</strong>, Time, Images of the<br />

Soul. Translated by John Van Sickle. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1991.

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