INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1983. Bergers Corses: Les Communautés Villageoises du Niolu. Edisud, Aix.<br />

[Extensively on kinship, marriage, feuding, ritual kinship and endogamy.]<br />

Revised edition: Ajaccio: Albiana-Parc Naturel Régional de Corse, 2001.<br />

Review: Augustins 2005.<br />

Wilson, Stephen.<br />

1988. Feuding, Conflict, and Banditry in Nineteenth-Century Corsica. Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge University Press. [<strong>Kinship</strong>, affinity, endogamy and feuding.]<br />

Reviews: Kertzer 1990; Petrusewicz 1990; Reece 1990.<br />

ITALIC<br />

Hamp, Eric.<br />

1971. “Fils” et “fille” en italique: Nouvelle contribution. Bulletin de la Société de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 66 (1): 213-227.<br />

Lejeune, Michel. HAVE<br />

1968. “Fils” et “fille” dans les langues de l’Italie ancienne. Bulletin de la Société de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 62 (1): 67-86.<br />

Mastrelli, Carlo A. HAVE<br />

1980. Un falso arcaismo: lat.-fal. uxor. pel. usur. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 65: 14-<br />

18.<br />


Giacomelli, G.<br />

1963. La Lingua Falisca. Firenze: L.S. Olschki. [P. 155: pp. 155ff: the structure of<br />

onomastic formula, including kin terms such as mater and filios; 259: usur = Lat uxor<br />

‘wife’.]<br />

<strong>COLLECTIONS</strong><br />

LATIN<br />

Andreau, Jean, and Hinnerk Bruhns. (eds.)<br />

1990. Parenté et Stratégies Familiales dans l’Antiquité Romaine. Actes de la Table<br />

Ronde des 2-4 Octobre 1986, Paris, Maison de Sciences de l’Homme. Roma: Ecole<br />

Française de Rome.<br />

Review: Parkin T. 1994.<br />

La Definizione Essenziale Giuridica del Matrimonio: Atti del Colloquio Romanistico-<br />

Canonistico (13-16 marzo 1979). Roma: Libreria Editrice della Pontificia Università<br />

Lateranense, 1980. 175 P.<br />

Dixon, Suzanne. (ed.)<br />

2001. Childhood, Class, and Kin in the Roman World. London and New York: Routledge.<br />

Reviews: Golden 2002; Hope 2002; Treggiari 2002.

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