INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1958. Una nuova iscrizione messapica proveniente da Sepino. Indogermanische<br />

Forschungen 63: 253-272. [Pp. 261-272: on bilia ‘daughter’.] HAVE<br />

Stier, G.<br />

1857. Zur Erklärung der Messapischen Inschriften. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende<br />

Sprachforschung 6: 142-150. [Pp. 147-148: on Bilias ‘daughter’.]<br />

Whatmough, Joshua.<br />

1931. The Osi of Tacitus – Germanic or Illyrian? Harvard <strong>Studies</strong> in Classical Philology<br />

42: 139-155. [P. 152: on bilia in connection with fīlia and the reflection of dh in<br />

Messapic.]<br />


Haas, Otto. HAVE<br />

1966. Die Phrygischen Sprachdenkmäler. Sophia: Academie Bulgare des Sciences.<br />

(Linguistique Balkanique 10.) [Pp. 103, 112, 161, 208, 211: attested forms of Phryg kin<br />

terms.]<br />

Neumann, Günther. HAVE<br />

1987. Zur Verwandtschaftsbezeichnung *ιανατηρ. Glotta 65: 33-37. [A controversial<br />

word found among Greek inscriptions in Asia Minor, which is often attributed to<br />

Phrygian.]<br />

Solmsen, Felix.<br />

1897. Zum Phrygischen. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 34: 36-68. [Pp.<br />

39, 48: on Phryg gelaros, gallaros and IE terms for ‘husband’s sister’.] HAVE<br />




Anonymous. HAVE<br />

1893. The Corsican Clan. New York Times. December 10.<br />

Jaffe, Alexandra M.<br />

1999. Ideologies in Action: Language Politics on Corsica. Berlin: Mouton & Walter de<br />

Gruyter. [Pp. 46-52: “<strong>Kinship</strong> and the ‘Clan’.”]<br />

Reviews: Timm 2000; Millar 2002.<br />

Lenclud, G.<br />

1986. De bas en haut, de haut en bas. Le système des clans en Corse in l’état en<br />

perspective. Etudes Rurales 101-102: 137-173.<br />

Olivesi, Claude.<br />

1983. Le système politique Corse: Le clan. Cuntrasti 1: 13-24.<br />

Orsoni, Claude.<br />

1990. Clanisme et racisme: Hypothèse sur les relations inter-communaires en Corse.<br />

Peuples Méditerranéens 51: 191-201.<br />

Ravis-Giordani, Georges.

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