INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Mahapatra, L. K.<br />

1973. Ritual <strong>Kinship</strong> in Orissa. Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 31-32:<br />

89-105.<br />

Mayer, Adrian C.<br />

1960. Caste and <strong>Kinship</strong> in Central India: A Village and Its Region. Berkeley and Los<br />

Angeles: University of California Press.<br />

Reviews: Cohn 1960; Hermanns 1960; Mandelbaum 1960; Beals 1961; Varma 1961.<br />

Mehra, J. D. HAVE<br />

1959. <strong>Kinship</strong> System of the Shokas of Almora District, Uttar Pradesh. The<br />

Anthropologist 6 (1-2): 1-6. Delhi.<br />

Parry, Jonathan P.<br />

1972. Caste and <strong>Kinship</strong> in Kangra. Ph.D. dissertation. Cambridge University.<br />

Parry, Jonathan P.<br />

1979. Caste and <strong>Kinship</strong> in Kangra. London: Routledge & Kegan.<br />

Reviews: Carrithers 1979; Allen 1980; Berreman 1980; Fox 1980; Gaborieau 1980; Good<br />

1980; Vatuk 1980.<br />

Pfeffer, Georg.<br />

1983. Präskription und Geschichte: Grenzen in pakistanischen Terminologien. In<br />

Ethnologie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Karl Jettmar, heraugegeben von Peter Snoy.<br />

Pp. 471-485. Wiesbaden: Steiner.<br />

Raha, Manis K., and Palash Ch. Coomar. HAVE<br />

1989. The <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms of the Bhantu of Andamans: Structural Analysis. Man in India<br />

69 (4): 374-386.<br />

Tenhunen, Sirpa.<br />

1998. Urban Hierarchies in Flux: Arranged Intercaste Marriages in Calcutta. In Changing<br />

Patterns of Family and <strong>Kinship</strong> in South Asia. Proceedings of an International<br />

Symposium on the Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of India’s Independence held at the<br />

University of Helsinki 6 May 1998, edited by Asko Parpola, and Sirpa Tenhunen. Pp. 75-<br />

86. Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society.<br />

Vreede-de Stuers, Cora.<br />

1963. Terminologie de parenté chez les musulmans Ashráf de l’Inde du Nord. Bijdragen<br />

tot de Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde 119 (3): 254-266.<br />



Biddulph, John.<br />

1880. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendant of Government<br />

Printing. [Pp. 82-83: milk kinship.]<br />

DARDIC<br />


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