INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Matasović, Ranko.<br />

2004. Gender in Indo-European. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. [Pp. 80-81:<br />

“<strong>Kinship</strong> terms.”]<br />

Mayrhofer, Manfred. HAVE<br />

1952. Gibt es ein indogermanisches *sor- ‘Frau’ ? Studien zur Indogermanischen<br />

Grundsprache 4: 32-39. Wien.<br />

Mayrhofer, Manfred.<br />

1986. Indogermanische Grammatik. Bd. 1. Lautlehre. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. [Pp. 136-<br />

138: an extensive analysis of the IE term for ‘daughter’.]<br />

Meid, Wolfgang M. HAVE<br />

1966. Idg. *g u en “Frau”? Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 80: 271-272.<br />

Meillet, Antoine. HAVE<br />

1920. Le nom du “fils.” Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 21: 45-48.<br />

Meillet, Antoine.<br />

1928. Esquisse d’une Histoire de la Langue Latine. Paris: Librairie Hachette. [Pp. 139:<br />

on Lat socer ‘father-in-law’; 166-167: on the geminated consonants in IE kin terms and<br />

their loss in Slavic.] HAVE<br />

Meillet, Antoine.<br />

1931. Essai de chronologie des langues indo-européennes. Bulletin de la Société de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 32: 1-28. [Pp. 8-9: IE formant *sor- allegedly found in words for<br />

‘sister’ and ‘wife’.]<br />

Meillet, Antoine. HAVE<br />

1933. Compte-rendu de Sprachliche Beziehungen zwischen Arisch und Balto-Slawisch,<br />

par H. Arntz. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 34: 38-39. [P. 39: on the<br />

assimilation processes in the IE terms for father-in-law.]<br />

Mestheneos, Elizabeth, and Antonia Svensson-Dianellou.<br />

2004. Naming Grandparents. Generations Review 14 (3): 10-13. [A comparative survey<br />

of terms and nicknames applied to grandparents in IE dialects, with some notes on<br />

Africa.]<br />

Mezger, Fritz.<br />

1948a. I.e. Se-, Swe- and Derivatives. Word 4: 98-105. [On a common formant in IE kin<br />

terms.]<br />

Mezger, Fritz. HAVE<br />

1948b. Some Formations in -ti- and -tr(i)-. Language 24 (2): 152-159. [Extensively on<br />

kin term morphology.]<br />

Miranda, Rocky V.<br />

1975. Indo-European Gender: A Study in Semantic and Syntactic Change. Journal of<br />

Indo-European <strong>Studies</strong> 3 (3): 199-215. [On the formative role of semantic change in<br />

*g w enH- ‘woman, wife’ on the evolution of IE gender system.]<br />

Mitterauer, Michael.

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