INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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Das, Veena.<br />

1976. Masks and Faces: An Essay on Punjabi <strong>Kinship</strong>. Contributions to Indian Sociology<br />

10 (1): 1-30.<br />

Das, Veena.<br />

1986. The Work of Mourning: Death in a Punjabi Family. In The CulturalTransition:<br />

Human Experience and Social Transformation in the Third World and Japan, edited by<br />

Merry I. White and Susan Pollak. Pp. 179-210. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.<br />

Hershman, Paul.<br />

1981. Punjabi <strong>Kinship</strong> and Marriage. Delhi: Hindustan.<br />

Reviews: Donnan 1982; Leaf 1983; Pfeffer 1983; Brar 1984.<br />

Leaf, M. J.<br />

1971. The Punjabi <strong>Kinship</strong> Terminology as a Semantic System. American Anthropologist<br />

73 (3): 545-554<br />

Wakil, Parvez A.<br />

1966. Biraderi in the Punjab: Analysis of <strong>Kinship</strong> Rules, Roles and Relationships. In<br />

Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological<br />

Sciences, 1968, Tokyo and Kyoto. Vol. 2, edited by Banri Endo, Hiroshi Hoshi, and<br />

Shozo Masuda. Pp. 99-122. Tokyo: Science Council of Japan.<br />

JATS<br />

Chowdhry, Prem. HAVE<br />

2004. Caste panchayats and the Policing of Marriage in Haryana: Enforcing <strong>Kinship</strong> and<br />

Territorial Exogamy. Contributions to Indian Sociology 38: 1-42.<br />

Madsen, Stig T.<br />

1991. Clan, <strong>Kinship</strong>, and Panchayat Justice among the Jats of Western Uttar Pradesh.<br />

Anthropos 86 (4-6): 351.<br />

Sharma, Satya P.<br />

1973. Marriage, Family, and <strong>Kinship</strong> among the Jats and the Thakurs of North India:<br />

Some Comparisons. Contributions to Indian Sociology 7: 81-103.<br />

Yadava, J. S. HAVE<br />

1969. <strong>Kinship</strong> Groups in a Haryana Village. Ethnology 8 (4): 494-502. [Jats.]<br />

SINDHI<br />

Behura, N. K. HAVE<br />

1965. Aspects of Bad-Bhatia <strong>Kinship</strong> in an Orissa Village. Man in India 45 (1): 37-49.<br />

[Bhatia, dialect of Sindhi. Includes kin terminology.]<br />

Gidwani, Parso J.<br />

1978-1979. Sindhi <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms. Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 38<br />

(1-4): 91-95.<br />



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