INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1970. Death and <strong>Kinship</strong> in Hinduism: Structural and Functional Interpretations.<br />

American Anthropologist 72 (6): 1357-1377.<br />

Pillai, M. Shanmugam.<br />

1965. Caste Isoglosses in <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms. Anthropological Linguistics 7 (3): 59-66.<br />

Saksena, Baburam. HAVE<br />

1926. The Names of Relatives in Modern Indo-Aryan Languages. Proceedings and<br />

Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference 4 (2): 475-514.<br />

Scheffler, Harold W.<br />

1980. Kin Classification and Social Structure in North India. Contributions to Indian<br />

Sociology 14 (2): 131-168.<br />

Skoda, Uwe.<br />

2004. Wahlverwandtschaften. Zur Verbindung von Politik und Verwandtschaft im<br />

indischen Wahlkampf. Südasien Informationen 6: 1-22.<br />

Strümpell, Christian.<br />

2000. <strong>Kinship</strong> in Western Uttar Pradesh: A Re-Interpretation of Sylvia Vatuk’s Model of<br />

North Indian <strong>Kinship</strong>. Journal of Social Sciences 4 (4): 295-304.<br />

Trautmann, Thomas R.<br />

1973. Consanguineous Marriage in Pali Literature. Journal of the American Oriental<br />

Society 93: 158-180.<br />

Vatuk, Sylvia. HAVE<br />

1969. Reference, Address and Fictive <strong>Kinship</strong> in Urban North India. Ethnology 8<br />

Vatuk, Sylvia.<br />

1972. <strong>Kinship</strong> and Urbanization: White Collar Migrants in North India. Berkeley:<br />

University of California Press.<br />

Reviews: Madan 1973; Parry 1973; Löffler 1974; Goldstein 1975; Leaf 1975; Eichinger<br />

Ferro-Luzzi 1976.<br />

Vatuk, Sylvia.<br />

1975. Gifts and Affines in North India. Contributions to Indian Sociology 9 (2): 155-196.<br />

Vatuk, Sylvia.<br />

1982. Forms of Address in the North Indian Family: An Exploration of the Cultural<br />

Meaning of Kin Terms. In Concepts of Person: <strong>Kinship</strong>, Caste, and Marriage in India,<br />

edited by Ákos Östör, Lina Fruzzetti, and Steve Barnett. Pp. 56-98. Cambridge, MA:<br />

Harvard University Press.<br />

Wadley, Susan S.<br />

1976. Brothers, Husbands and Sometimes Sons: Kinsmen in North Indian Ritual.<br />

Eastern Anthropologist 29 (2): 149-170.<br />


Stern, Henri.<br />

1973. Le pouvoir dans l’Inde traditionnelle: Territoire, caste et parenté. Approche<br />

théorique et étude régionale (Rajasthan). L’Homme 13 (1-2): 50-70.

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