INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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1964. Honour, Family, and Patronage: A Study of Institutions and Moral Values in a<br />

Greek Mountain Community. Oxford: Clarendon Press.<br />

Reviews: Arnott 1965; Hatch 1965; Mouzelis 1965; Pitt-Rivers 1965.<br />

Campbell, J. K.<br />

1970. The Kindred in a Greek Mountain Community. In Mediterramean Countrymen:<br />

Essays in the Social Anthropology of the Mediterranean, edited by Julian A. Pitt-Rivers.<br />

Pp. 73-96. Paris: Mouton.<br />

Reprinted in: Readings in <strong>Kinship</strong> in Urban Society, edited by C. C. Harris. Pp. 39-70.<br />

Oxford, etc.: Pergamon Press.<br />

Kavadias, Georges.<br />

1965. Pasteurs-Nomades Mediterranéens: Les Saracatsans de Grèce. Paris: Gauthier-<br />

Villars.<br />

Reviews: Ettlinger 1966; Péchoux 1968.<br />

Layton, Robert.<br />

1997. An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University<br />

Press. [Cross-listed in TEXTBOOKS. Pp. 40-45: Sarakatsani kinship.]<br />


Katičić, Radoslav.<br />

1976. Ancient Languages of the Balkans. The Hague and Paris: Mouton. [Pp. 150,<br />

171: attested kin terms.] HAVE<br />

Krahe, Otto. HAVE<br />

1937. Die Illyrier in ihrer sprachliechen Beziehungen zu Italikern und Griechen. Welt als<br />

Geschichte 3: 284-299. [Pp. 294: on Hes. bra ‘brother’; 295-296: on Deipaturos.]<br />

Krahe, Hans.<br />

1955. Die Sprache der Illyrier. T. 1. Die Quellen. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. [Pp. 44,<br />

54: attested kin terms.] HAVE<br />

<strong>INDO</strong>-ARYAN<br />


Bartholomae, Christian.<br />

1896. Beiträge zur altindischen Grammatik. Aus Anlass von J. Wackernagel’s Aind.<br />

Grammatik. I. Lautlehre. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 50:<br />

674-735. [P. 693: contracted terms for daughter in Pali and Prakrit and their relation to<br />

full forms in Sanskrit.] HAVE<br />

Bartholomae, Christian.<br />

1897. Die neunte Präsensklasse der Inder. Indogermanische Forschungen 7: 50-81. {Pp.<br />

51-55: on Indo-Aryan terms for daughter.] HAVE<br />

Fritz, Matthias.<br />

2000. Die indoiranische Bezeichnungen für ‘heiraten’. Rekonstruktion auf der Basis<br />

indirekter Evidenz. In Indoarisch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik. Arbeitstagung der

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