INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies

INDO-EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Firth, Raymond ... - Kinship Studies


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GREEK<br />

<strong>COLLECTIONS</strong> OF ESSAYS<br />

Avezzù, Elisa, and Oddone Longo. (eds.)<br />

1991. Koinon Aima: Antropologia e Lessico della Parentela Greca. Bari: Adriatica.<br />

Bresson, Alain, Marie-Paule Masson, Stavros Perentidis et Jérôme Wilgaux. (eds.)<br />

2006. Parenté et Société dans le Monde Grec: De l’Antiquité à l’Âge Moderne: Colloque<br />

International, Volos (Grèce), 19-20-21 juin 2003. Bordeaux: Ausonius; Paris: Boccard.<br />


Ahrens, H. L.<br />

1868. Das alkmanische Partheneion des Papyrus. Philologus 27: 241-285. [Pp. 264-266:<br />

terms for sister and wife in Homer and Hesychius.] HAVE<br />

Alaux, J.<br />

1995. Le Liège et le Filet. Filiation et Lien Familial dans la Tragédie Athénienne du ve<br />

Siècle av. JC. Paris: Belin.<br />

Andrewes, A.<br />

1961a. Philochorus on Phratries. Journal of Hellenic <strong>Studies</strong> 81: 1-15.<br />

Andrewes, A.<br />

1961b. Phratries in Homer. Hermes 89: 129-140.<br />

Autran, Charles. HAVE<br />

1938. πατήρ et ’αδελφός. Revue des Études Indo-Européennes 1: 330-343.<br />

Avezzù, Elisa.<br />

1983-1984. Il lessico della parentela in Platone. Atti dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze 142:<br />

305-335<br />

Avezzù, Elisa.<br />

1991. Antropologia e lessico della parentela greca. In Koinon Aima: Antropologia e<br />

Lessico della Parentela Greca, edited by Elisa Avezzù and Oddone Longo. Pp. 25-40.<br />

Bari: Adriatica.<br />

Bartholomae, Christian. HAVE<br />

1885. Θυγάτηρ. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 27: 206-207.<br />

Becker, Howard.<br />

1950. In Defense of Morgan’s “Grecian Gens”: Ancient <strong>Kinship</strong> and Stratification.<br />

Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6: 309-339.<br />

Beekes, Robert S. P. HAVE<br />

1976. Some Greek aRa-Forms. II. γάλως. III. γυνή. Münchener Studien zur<br />

Sprachwissenschaft 34: 13-17. [Terms for husband’s sister and wife.]<br />

Beidelman, T. O.<br />

1989. Agonistic Exchange: Homeric Reciprocity and the Heritage of Simmel and<br />

Mauss. Cultural Anthropology 4 (3): 227-259.

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