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academica of cicero. - 912 Freedom Library

academica of cicero. - 912 Freedom Library


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... privaverit, possit dicere. I do not think our passage at all analogous to those he quotes, and still<br />

prefer to construe quem as a strong relative, making a pause between quis and quem. Visionem:<br />

Simply another trans. <strong>of</strong> fa?tas?a. Ut Carneades: see Sext. A.M. VII. 166 t?? te p??a??? fa?tas?<br />

a? ?a? t?? p??a??? ?aµa ?a? ape??spast?? ?a? d?e??de?µe??? (R. and P. 411). As the trans. <strong>of</strong><br />

the latter phrase in Zeller 524 "probable undisputed and tested" is imperfect, I will give Sextus'<br />

own explanation. The merely p??a?? is that sensation which at first sight, without any further<br />

inquiry, seems probably true (Sext. A.M. VII. 167—175). Now no sensation is perceived alone;<br />

the percipient subject has always other synchronous sensations which are able to turn him aside<br />

(pe??spa?, pe??e??e??) from the one which is the immediate object <strong>of</strong> his attention. This last is<br />

only called ape??spast?? when examination has shown all the concomitant sensations to be in<br />

harmony with it. (Sext. as above 175—181.) The word "undisputed," therefore, is a misleading<br />

trans. <strong>of</strong> the term. The d?e??de?µe?? ("thoroughly explored") requires more than a mere<br />

apparent agreement <strong>of</strong> the concomitant sensations with the principal one. Circumstances quite<br />

external to the sensations themselves must be examined; the time at which they occur, or during<br />

which they continue; the condition <strong>of</strong> the space within which they occur, and the apparent<br />

intervals between the person and the objects; the state <strong>of</strong> the air; the disposition <strong>of</strong> the person's<br />

mind, and the soundness or unsoundness <strong>of</strong> his eyes (Sext. 181—189).<br />

§34. Communitas: apa?a??a??a or ep?µ???a t?? fa?tas???; Sext. A.M. VII. 403, P.H. I. 127.<br />

Proprium: so Sext. <strong>of</strong>ten uses ?d??µa, e.g. A. M. IX. 410. Signo notari: signo for nota, merely<br />

from love <strong>of</strong> variety. The in before communi, though bracketed by Halm after Manut., Lamb. is<br />

perfectly sound; it means "within the limits <strong>of</strong>," and is so used after notare in De Or., III. 186.<br />

Convicio: so Madv. Em. 143 corrected the corrupt MSS. readings, comparing Orator 160, Ad<br />

Fam. XV. 18. A.W. Zumpt on Pro Murena 13 rightly defines the Ciceronian use <strong>of</strong> the word,<br />

"Non unum maledictum appellatur convicium sed multorum verborum quasi vociferatio." He is<br />

wrong however in thinking that Cic. only uses the word once in the plural (Ad Att. II. 18, 1), for it<br />

occurs N.D. II. 20, and elsewhere. Perspicua: e?a???, a term used with varying signification by<br />

all the later Greek schools. Verum illud quidem: "which is indeed what they call 'true'."<br />

Impressum: n. on 18. Percipi atque comprehendi: Halm retains the barbarous ac <strong>of</strong> the MSS.<br />

before the guttural. It is quite impossible that Cic. could have written it. The two verbs are both<br />

trans. <strong>of</strong> ?ata?aµßa?es?a?; Cic. proceeds as usual on the principle thus described in D.F. III. 14<br />

erit notius quale sit, pluribus notatum vocabulis idem declarantibus. Subtiliter: Cic.'s constant<br />

trans. <strong>of</strong> a???ß?? or ?at' a???ße?a? (passim in Sext. e.g. P.H. II. 123). Inaniterne moveatur:<br />

MSS. agree in ve for ne, on which see M.D.F. IV. 76. Inaniter = ?e??? = ?e?d??. Cf. n. on I. 35,<br />

also II. 47, D.F. V. 3 (inaniter moveri), T.D. IV. 13, De Div. II. 120, 126, 140 (per se moveri),<br />

Greek ?e??pa?e?? (Sext. P.H. II. 49), ?e??pa?e?a (= inanis motus, Sext. A.M. VIII. 184), ?e??<br />

pa??µata ?a? a?ap?asµata t?? d?a???a? (ib. VIII. 354), d?a?e??? ?e???sµ?? (ib. VII. 241), d?a?<br />

e??? fa?tas?a (ib. VIII. 67), and the frequent phrase ????µa t?? d?a???a?. For the meaning see<br />

n. on 47. Relinquitur: so in Sext. ap??e?pe?? is constantly used as the opposite <strong>of</strong> a?a??e??<br />

(tollere).<br />

§35. Neminem etc.: they are content to make strong statements without any mark <strong>of</strong> certainty.<br />

Primo quasi adspectu: the merely p??a?? fa?tas?a is here meant; see 33.<br />

§36. Ex circumspectione, etc.: the d?e??de?µe??; see n. on 33. Primum quia ... deinde: for the<br />

slight anacoluthia, cf. M.D.F ed. II. p. 796. Iis visis, etc.: i.e. if you have a number <strong>of</strong> things,<br />

emitting a number <strong>of</strong> appearances, and you cannot be sure <strong>of</strong> uniting each appearance to the<br />

thing from which it proceeds, then you can have no faith in any appearance even if you have<br />

gone through the process required by Carneades' rules. Ad verum ipsum: cf. 40. Quam proxime:<br />

cf. 47, and also 7. Insigne: s?µe???, the same as nota and signum above. Quo obscurato: so<br />

Lamb. for MSS. obscuro which Halm keeps. Cf. quam obscurari volunt in 42 and quo sublato in<br />

33. Argumentum: Cic. seems to be thinking <strong>of</strong> the word te?µ?????, which, however, the Stoics<br />

hardly use. Id quod significatur: t? s?µe???t?? in Sext.<br />

§§37—40. Summary The distinction <strong>of</strong> an animal is to act. You must either therefore<br />

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