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illud: cf. 121. Iacere: 79. In his discrepant: I. 42 in his constitit.<br />

§135. Moveri: ???e?s?a?, 29. Laetitia efferri: I. 38. Probabilia: the removal <strong>of</strong> passion and<br />

delight is easier than that <strong>of</strong> fear and pain. Sapiensne ... deleta sit: see Madv. D.F. p. 806, ed. 2,<br />

who is severe upon the reading <strong>of</strong> Orelli (still kept by Klotz), non timeat? nec si patria deleatur?<br />

non doleat? nec, si deleta sit? which involves the use <strong>of</strong> nec for ne ... quidem. I have followed<br />

the reading <strong>of</strong> Madv. in his Em., not the one he gives (after Davies) in D.F. ne patria deleatur,<br />

which Halm takes, as does Baiter. Mine is rather nearer the MSS. Decreta: some MSS. durata;<br />

Halm conj. dictata. Mediocritates: µes?pete?, as in Aristotle; cf. T.D. III. 11, 22, 74. Permotione:<br />

???ese?. Naturalem ... modum: so T.D. III. 74. Crantoris: sc. librum, for the omission <strong>of</strong> which<br />

see n. on I. 13; add Quint. IX. 4, 18, where Spalding wished to read in Herodoti, supplying libro.<br />

Aureolus ... libellus: it is not <strong>of</strong>ten that two diminutives come together in Cic., and the usage is<br />

rather colloquial; cf. T.D. III. 2, N.D. III. 43, also for aureolus 119 flumen aureum. Panaetius: he<br />

had addressed to Tubero a work de dolore; see D.F. IV. 23. Cotem: T.D. IV. 43, 48, Seneca De<br />

Ira III. 3, where the saying is attributed to Aristotle (iram calcar esse virtutis). Dicebant: for the<br />

repetition <strong>of</strong> this word cf. 146, I. 33.<br />

§136. Sunt enim Socratica: the Socratic origin <strong>of</strong> the Stoic paradoxes is affirmed in Parad. 4,<br />

T.D. III. 10. Mirabilia: Cic. generally translates pa?ad??a by admirabilia as in D.F. IV. 74, or<br />

admiranda, under which title he seems to have published a work different from the Paradoxa,<br />

which we possess: see Bait., and Halm's ed. <strong>of</strong> the Phil. works (1861), p. 994. Quasi: = almost, ?<br />

?? ep?? e?pe??. Voltis: cf. the Antiochean opinion in I. 18, 22. Solos reges: for all this see Zeller<br />

253 sq. Solos divites: ??t? µ???? ?? s?f?? p???s???, Parad. VI. Liberum: Parad. V. ??t? µ????<br />

?? s?f?? e?e??e??? ?a? pa? af??? d?????. Furiosus: Parad. IV. ??t? pa? af??? µa??eta?.<br />

§137. Tam sunt defendenda: cf. 8, 120. Bono modo: a colloquial and Plautine expression; see<br />

Forc. Ad senatum starent: "were in waiting on the senate;" cf. such phrases as stare ad cyathum,<br />

etc. Carneade: the vocative is Carneades in De Div. I. 23. Huic Stoico: i.e. Diogeni; cf. D.F. II.<br />

24. Halm brackets Stoico, and after him Bait. Sequi volebat: "pr<strong>of</strong>essed to follow;" cf. D.F. V. 13<br />

Strato physicum se voluit "gave himself out to be a physical philosopher:" also Madv. on D.F. II.<br />

102. Ille noster: Dav. vester, as in 143 noster Antiochus. But in both places Cic. speaks as a<br />

friend <strong>of</strong> Antiochus; cf. 113. Balbutiens: "giving an uncertain sound;" cf. De Div. I. 5, T.D. V. 75.<br />

§138. Mihi veremini: cf. Caes. Bell. Gall. V. 9 veritus navibus. Halm and Bait. follow Christ's<br />

conj. verenti, removing the stop at voltis. Opinationem: the ???s?? <strong>of</strong> Sext., e.g. P.H. III. 280.<br />

Quod minime voltis: cf. I. 18. De finibus: not "concerning," but "from among" the different fines;<br />

otherwise fine would have been written. Cf. I. 4 si qui de nostris. Circumcidit et amputat: these<br />

two verbs <strong>of</strong>ten come together, as in D.F. I. 44; cf. also D.F. III. 31. Si vacemus omni molestia:<br />

which Epicurus held to be the highest pleasure. Cum honestate: Callipho in 131. Prima naturae<br />

commoda: Cic. here as in D.F. IV. 59, V. 58 confuses the Stoic p??ta ?ata f?s?? with ta t?? s?<br />

µat?? a?a?a ?a? ta e?t?? <strong>of</strong> the Peripatetics, for which see I. 19. More on the subject in Madvig's<br />

fourth Excursus to the D.F. Relinquit: Orelli relinqui against the MSS.<br />

§139. Polemonis ... finibus: all these were composite fines. Adhuc: I need scarcely point out that<br />

this goes with habeo and not with probabilius; adhuc for etiam with the comparative does not<br />

occur till the silver writers. Labor eo: cf. Horace's nunc in Aristippi furtim praecepta relabor,<br />

also D.F. V. 6 rapior illuc: revocat autem Antiochus. Reprehendit manu: M.D.F. II. 3. Pecudum: I.<br />

6, Parad. 14 voluptatem esse summum bonum, quae mihi vox pecudum videtur esse non<br />

hominum; similar expressions occur with a reference to Epicurus in De Off. I. 105, Lael. 20, 32.<br />

T.D. V. 73, D.F. II. 18; cf. also Aristoph. Plut. 922 p??ßat??? ß??? ?e?e?? and ß?s??µat?? ß???<br />

in Aristotle. The meaning <strong>of</strong> pecus is well shown in T.D. I. 69. Iungit deo: Zeller 176 sq. Animum<br />

solum: the same criticism is applied to Zeno's finis in D.F. IV. 17, 25. Ut ... sequar: for the<br />

repeated ut see D.F. V. 10, Madv. Gram. 480, obs. 2. Bait. brackets the second ut with Lamb.<br />

Carneades ... defensitabat: this is quite a different view from that in 131; yet another <strong>of</strong><br />

Carneades is given in T.D. V. 83. Istum finem: MSS. ipsum; the two words are <strong>of</strong>ten confused, as<br />

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