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academica of cicero. - 912 Freedom Library


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nec ille iurare posset in 123. Multis partibus: for this expression see Munro on Lucr. I. 734, for<br />

the sense cf. 82, 123, 126, 128. Deum: see 126.<br />

§117. Vim: = a?a????, cf. cogere in 116. Ne ille: this asseverative ne is thus always closely<br />

joined with pronouns in Cic. Sententiam eliget et: MSS. have (by dittographia <strong>of</strong> m, eli) added<br />

melius after sententiam, and have also dropped et. Dav. wished to read elegerit, comparing the<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong> 119. Insipiens eliget: cf. 115 quale est a non sapiente explicari sapientiam? and 9<br />

statuere qui sit sapiens vel maxime videtur esse sapientis. Infinitae quaestiones: ?ese??, general<br />

propositions, opposed to finitae quaestiones, limited propositions, Gk. ??p??ese??. Quintal III. 5,<br />

5 gives as an ex. <strong>of</strong> the former An uxor ducenda, <strong>of</strong> the latter An Catoni ducenda. These<br />

quaestiones are very <strong>of</strong>ten alluded to by Cic. as in D.F. I. 12, IV. 6, De Or. I. 138, II. 65—67,<br />

Topica 79, Orat. 46, cf. also Quint. X. 5, II. E quibus omnia constant: this sounds like Lucretius,<br />

omnia = t? pa?.<br />

§118. For these physici the student must in general be referred to R. and P., Schwegler, and<br />

Grote's Plato Vol. I. A more complete enumeration <strong>of</strong> schools will be found in Sext. P.H. III. 30<br />

sq. Our passage is imitated by Aug De Civ. Dei XVIII. 37. Concessisse primas: Cic. always<br />

considers Thales to be sapientissimus e septem (De Leg. II. 26). Hence Markland on Cic. Ad<br />

Brutum II. 15, 3 argued that that letter cannot be genuine, since in it the supremacy among the<br />

seven is assigned to Solon. Infinitatem naturae: t? ape????, naturae here = ??s?a?. Definita:<br />

this is opposed to infinita in Topica 79, so definire is used for finire in Orat. 65, where Jahn qu.<br />

Verr. IV. 115. Similis inter se: an attempt to translate ??µ???µe?e?a?. Eas primum, etc.: cf. the<br />

exordium <strong>of</strong> Anaxagoras given from Diog. II. 6 in R. and P. 29 pa?ta ???µata ?? ??µ?? e?ta ???<br />

? e???? a?ta d?e??sµ?se. Xenophanes ... deum: Eleaticism was in the hands <strong>of</strong> Xenoph. mainly<br />

theological. Neque natum unquam: cf. neque ortum unquam in 119. Parmenides ignem: cf. Arist.<br />

Met. A. 5 qu. R. and P. 94. He only hypothetically allowed the existence <strong>of</strong> the phenomenal<br />

world, after which he made two a??a?, ?e?µ?? ?a? ?????? t??t?? de t? µe? ?ata µe? t? ??? ?<br />

e?µ?? tatte?, ?ate??? de ?ata t? µ? ??. Heraclitus: n. on I. 39. Melissus: see Simplicius qu. R.<br />

and P. 101, and esp. t? e?? a?e? a?a ?? te ?a? esta?. Plato: n. on I. 27. Discedent: a word <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

used <strong>of</strong> those vanquished in a fight, cf. Hor. Sat. I. 7, 17.<br />

§119. Sic animo ... sensibus: knowledge according to the Stoics was homogeneous throughout, no<br />

one thing could be more or less known than another. Nunc lucere: cf. 98, also 128 non enim<br />

magis adsentiuntur, etc. Mundum sapientem: for this Stoic doctrine see N.D. I. 84, II. 32, etc.<br />

Fabricata sit: see 87 n. Solem: 126. Animalis intellegentia: reason is the essence <strong>of</strong> the universe<br />

with the Stoics, cf. Zeller 138—9, also 28, 29 <strong>of</strong> Book I. Permanet: the deity is to the Stoic p?e?<br />

µa e?d????? d? ????? t?? ??sµ?? (Plut. De Plac. Phil. I. 7 qu. R. and P. 375), spiritus per<br />

omnia maxima ac minima aequali intentione diffusus. (Seneca, Consol. ad Helvid. 8, 3 qu. Zeller<br />

147). Deflagret: the Stoics considered the ??sµ?? f?a?t??, cf. Diog. VII. 141, Zeller 156—7.<br />

Fateri: cf. tam vera quam falsa cernimus in 111. Flumen aureum: Plut. Vita Cic. 24 alludes to<br />

this (??t? ???s??? p?taµ?? e?? ?e??t??). This is the constant judgment <strong>of</strong> Cic. about Aristotle's<br />

style. Grote, Aristot. Vol I. p. 43, quotes Topica 3, De Or. I. 49, Brut. 121, N.D. II. 93, De Inv. II.<br />

6, D.F. I. 14, Ad Att. II. 1, and discusses the difficulty <strong>of</strong> applying this criticism to the works <strong>of</strong><br />

Aristotle which we possess. Nulla vis: cf. I. 28. Exsistere: Walker conj. efficere, "recte ut videtur"<br />

says Halm. Bait. adopts it. Ornatus: = ??sµ??.<br />

§120. Libertas ... non esse: a remarkable construction. For the Academic liberty see Introd. p. 18.<br />

Quod tibi est: after these words Halm puts merely a comma, and inserting respondere makes cur<br />

deus, etc. part <strong>of</strong> the same sentence. Bait. follows. Nostra causa: Cic. always writes mea, tua,<br />

vestra, nostra causa, not mei, tui, nostri, vestri, just as he writes sua sponte, but not sponte<br />

alicuius. For the Stoic opinion that men are the chief care <strong>of</strong> Providence, see N.D. I. 23, II. 37,<br />

D.F. III. 67, Ac. I. 29 etc., also Zeller. The difficulties surrounding the opinion are treated <strong>of</strong> in<br />

Zeller 175, N.D. II. 91—127. They supply in Sext. P.H. I. 32, III. 9—12 an example <strong>of</strong> the<br />

refutation <strong>of</strong> ????µe?a by means <strong>of</strong> ????µe?a. Tam multa ac: MSS. om. ac, which I insert.<br />

Lactantius qu. the passage without perniciosa. Myrmecides: an actual Athenian artist, famed for<br />

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