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academica of cicero. - 912 Freedom Library


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identical with it in form must stand or fall together (98).<br />

§91. Inventam esse: cf. 26, 27. In geometriane: with this inquiry into the special function <strong>of</strong><br />

Dialectic cf. the inquiry about Rhetoric in Plato Gorg. 453 D, 454 C. Sol quantus sit: this <strong>of</strong><br />

course is a problem for f?s???, not for d?a?e?t???. Quod sit summum bonum: not d?a?e?t???<br />

but ????? must decide this. Quae coniunctio: etc. so Sext. <strong>of</strong>ten opposes s?µp???? or s???µµe?<br />

?? to d?e?e??µe???, cf. esp P.H. II. 201, and Zeller 109 sq. with footnotes. An instance <strong>of</strong> a<br />

coniunctio (hypothetical judgment) is "si lucet, lucet" below, <strong>of</strong> a disiunctio (disjunctive<br />

judgment) "aut vivet cras Hermarchus aut non vivet". Ambigue dictum: aµf?ß????, on which see<br />

P.H. II. 256, Diog VII. 62. Quid sequatur: t? a????????, cf. I. 19 n. Quid repugnet: cf. I. 19, n. De<br />

se ipsa: the ipsa, according to Cic.'s usage, is nom. and not abl. Petrus Valentia (p. 301, ed<br />

Orelli) justly remarks that an art is not to be condemned as useless merely because it is unable to<br />

solve every problem presented to it. He quotes Plato's remarks (in Rep. II.) that the Expert is the<br />

man who knows exactly what his art can do and what it cannot. Very similar arguments to this <strong>of</strong><br />

Cic. occur in Sext., cf. esp. P.H. II. 175 and the words ea?t?? esta? e??a??pt????. For the mode<br />

in which Carneades dealt with Dialectic cf. Zeller 510, 511. The true ground <strong>of</strong> attack is that<br />

Logic always assumes the truth <strong>of</strong> phenomena, and cannot prove it. This was clearly seen by<br />

Aristotle alone <strong>of</strong> the ancients; see Grote's essay on the Origin <strong>of</strong> Knowledge, now reprinted in<br />

Vol II. <strong>of</strong> his Aristotle.<br />

§92. Nata sit: cf. 28, 59. Loquendi: the Stoic ??????, it must be remembered, included ???t????<br />

?. Concludendi: t?? s?µpe?a??e?? or s???????es?a?. Locum: t?p?? in the philosophical sense.<br />

Vitiosum: 49, n. Num nostra culpa est: cf. 32. Finium: absolute limits; the fallacy <strong>of</strong> the sorites<br />

and other such sophisms lies entirely in the treatment <strong>of</strong> purely relative terms as though they<br />

were absolute. Quatenus: the same ellipse occurs in Orator 73. In acervo tritici: this is the false<br />

sorites, which may be briefly described thus: A asks B whether one grain makes a heap, B<br />

answers "No." A goes on asking whether two, three, four, etc. grains make a heap. B cannot<br />

always reply "No." When he begins to answer "Yes," there will be a difference <strong>of</strong> one grain<br />

between heap and no heap. One grain therefore does make a heap. The true sorites or chain<br />

inference is still treated in books on logic, cf. Thomson's Laws <strong>of</strong> Thought, pp 201—203, ed 8.<br />

Minutatim: cf. Heindorf's note on ?ata sµ????? in Sophistes 217 D. Interrogati: cf. 104. In 94 we<br />

have interroganti, which some edd. read here. Dives pauper, etc.: it will be easily seen that the<br />

process <strong>of</strong> questioning above described can be applied to any relative term such as these are. For<br />

the omission <strong>of</strong> any connecting particle between the members <strong>of</strong> each pair, cf. 29, 125, T.D. I. 64,<br />

V. 73, 114, Zumpt Gram. 782. Quanto addito aut dempto: after this there is a strange ellipse <strong>of</strong><br />

some such words as id efficiatur, quod interrogatur. [Non] habemus: I bracket non in deference<br />

to Halm, Madv. however (Opusc. I. 508) treats it as a superabundance <strong>of</strong> negation arising from a<br />

sort <strong>of</strong> anacoluthon, comparing In Vatin. 3, Ad Fam. XII. 24. The scribes insert and omit<br />

negatives very recklessly, so that the point may remain doubtful.<br />

§93. Frangite: in later Gk. generally ap???e??. Erunt ... cavetis: this form <strong>of</strong> the conditional<br />

sentence is illustrated in Madv. D.F. III. 70, Em. Liv. p. 422, Gram. 340, obs. 1. Goer. qu. Terence<br />

Heaut. V. 1, 59 quot incommoda tibi in hac re capies nisi caves, cf. also 127, 140 <strong>of</strong> this book.<br />

The present is <strong>of</strong> course required by the instantaneous nature <strong>of</strong> the action. Chrysippo: he spent<br />

so much time in trying to solve the sophism that it is called peculiarly his by Persius VI. 80.<br />

inventus, Chrysippe, tui finitor acervi. The titles <strong>of</strong> numerous distinct works <strong>of</strong> his on the Sorites<br />

and Mentiens are given by Diog. Tria pauca sint: cf. the instances in Sext. A.M. VII. 418 ta pe?t?<br />

???ta ????a est??, ta µ???a ????a est??, also Diog. VII. 82 ??s??a?e?? the advice is quoted in<br />

Sext. P.H. II. 253 (de?? ??stas?a? ?a? epe?e??), A.M. VII. 416 (?? s?f?? st?seta? ?a? ??s??<br />

ase?). The same terms seem to have been used by the Cynics, see Sext. P.H. II. 244, III. 66.<br />

Stertas: imitated by Aug. Contra Ac. III. 25 ter terna novem esse ... vel genere humano stertente<br />

verum sit, also ib. III. 22. Pr<strong>of</strong>icit: Dav. pr<strong>of</strong>icis, but Madv. rightly understands t? ??s??a?e??<br />

(Em. 184), cf. N.D. II. 58. Ultimum ... respondere: "to put in as your answer" cf. the use <strong>of</strong><br />

defendere with an accus. "to put in as a plea". Kayser suggests paucorum quid sit.<br />

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