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1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library


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PAGE ~ 1 % . TEE ORD QUI,?,<br />

7<br />

Did We Take a Picfure of Your Farm! No, '4<br />

ORD, 'NEBRASKA 'JUNE 30, 1959<br />

'lee's Park Farms<br />

i<br />

Reel Under Hail<br />

Heavy Rains, Hail<br />

lnflicis 40 Per Cent<br />

Damages to Wheat<br />

( I<br />

GRFYJ~L~<br />

I, - - ~\AL NEWS REVIEW;<br />

. . , . #<br />

. . +<br />

Ijeavy hail, cbu led with a threc<br />

inch rain, severe& danlaled far111<br />

crops in thc Lee's Park area threc<br />

~riilcs southwest of Ai-cadia, Thursday.<br />

Farmers re orted wheat damage<br />

as high as 461pcr cent In addition<br />

corn, along Lee creek which,<br />

tlrains the arca, w$s flooded.<br />

Farmers made no es!~niate of<br />

corn damagc. Most bellevcd the<br />

crop might rccoker if not complete^<br />

ly covered by mud. Corn is about<br />

five inches high.<br />

The storni run~bled over Lee's<br />

park about 11 a.m. Thr area was<br />

blanketed by heavy, black, clouds<br />

lnost of the day.<br />

Mrs. Don .Murray, a far111 wife,<br />

said thc raln reached three and<br />

onc-fourth inche~ on the Alurray<br />

farm.<br />

Hail Five lnches D.eep<br />

Hail strifiped leaves froni trecs<br />

then slood four to five inches deep<br />

on the lawn, shc ~ajd.<br />

The Muriays lost, 18 small pigs<br />

quartered ill houses in a small<br />

canlon. The deluge rollcd down<br />

can On) the hog ' Farme~s and the experimental plot . . . it looks good now and farmers hope it yill ifay'tl;ql way,<br />

houses, tien streamed ~ts M -. ~ vast Y<br />

the AIurray front door.<br />

A $on, Kent hlulray, managed to<br />

sa\e three of the animals. ~xperimenial' PI01 Indicates Ground Ir Wet 30 inches bown<br />

I The AIulrdy corn crop suffered<br />

I partia! da~qage, hlr~. blurray said. Dr,land fields, op the 3laq nard 1 oats and barle}. A Lertllrrcr tcst Knudscl) saki it bas happened at<br />

The cro yas pro\ected by a ds kc<br />

Schudel far111 south cf the Uarker is also iuldcl\taq t!ie uni~cyai'ly's ,North pfatte sta-<br />

I bu~lt fol?owlng a slm~lar storm selschool.<br />

are nct to a dcutli of 30 I Core Drill Tests Itlon. A :-<br />

' era1 )ears ago.<br />

i,pclies: L After tlie lecture Uell Knudscn, "Lot Can, Oappen" "<br />

Most of the Lee's yark \\heat<br />

That pleasant neus, alld the fact as>i>tcint ;i rouomist, pulled out a<br />

loas occilrred as heads \\ere shat.<br />

that soinc plants will send roots 17 corc drill t%cn \rent to drilling Pres6d for an answer as to whgt<br />

, tcrcd .by bail. John \Vhite said<br />

ieet deep are i\?o of the intcrest- Knudsen sank the drill tuo and the cxpcri~nqnt'~l plot proled, job11<br />

t there was no wind with the storm.<br />

ilie tid-blts of information secured a half fect before he struck dry Furler said lt pa$ "to0 cnr;fy."<br />

1 Wheat Is Shattered by25 farmers E'rjday.<br />

clay. lie told farniers it wasn't un- Fjpgerin a,< lush stand pf oats<br />

Farmers gathered at thc Schudel usual for plants to send doun roots Fulrer but a lot 31% cah liappe~~ It 100ks bc&cefi aod now nqv<br />

I lie exh~blted se~cral \+lieat 1a)out shortly after one o'clock 15 feet \+here the ground is \set<br />

heads taken fro111 rat aged fields. Friday to hear a air of uni~ersity clear dorm.<br />

and bar\ est."<br />

Only a few kernels remained on pssistant agroaonktr lecture about "The plant will send roots do\rn "\Vc hope nothipg hgppens,"<br />

) e?cb stalk. \Vhltc ,said \\heat<br />

until they encounter thc dry la~er said the fa~~iieh a> f tliey l$it the<br />

1 F' This is the tourth in a series of aerlal views of Valley County farms faken by the duir. If you can identify your farm; and call at th;!<br />

an experi~nental plot. .<br />

fields irere Lttcred \rlth shattereti<br />

betu ecn surface and swl~ surface<br />

r<br />

Tlie plot is located oil the SC~LI-<br />

plot to buu up ,tile toad in ears.<br />

Q~ir,fybu will be given free an 8x10 picture.<br />

t--- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - . --- - -- - - - - -- .- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

del Ian& The uni\ersity is conduct- moisture," he said. "If tbcrc's,?~ Fpurtccn agficultural training<br />

T c banks of Lee's creek bore ing tests for al;lo\~t 30 \arictics of dry layer the roots keep going \cts \rere anion$ the group.<br />

evidence of the deluge. ' Bridges<br />

1% ere iled high' \tith debris. Vrgdcrgrou<br />

t 1 u as caked in an 01 ei-lay of<br />

/ dcpp !iud.<br />

Mink Are Thrivinv<br />

liowe\er thcy hale lilade sonic<br />

m0riey.<br />

Low Quality Wheal AIr. and Mrs. George Cetak are<br />

C~rn Flvvded<br />

still maintaining a mlnk far111 and<br />

The skins are sent to Ncw York<br />

1 Corn fields along the creek ruf- are still enjoy,il~g the hobbj. At<br />

for sale. . .<br />

~a hes,$urplus: Miller fcred the worst floodlng hIost the present tlnie they bait. 138 ----ucre<br />

hea~ify mudded ih. Some young which will be sold in the I Round Park 4-H Club Meets<br />

Secretary of -~~ricu~ture Ezra \+ere still co\ercd with thrce to<br />

'I'alt Benaon has announced that lour inches of water, Fridaq.<br />

\tinter.<br />

Hoi~~icl Park 4-II CIU~ niet at the<br />

They ha\e abgut 60<br />

tlic referendum on whate ~narkctold<br />

males (hollli of Leader Mary Ellcjl Bon-<br />

1 The ~Zrcadia State ~ a~ik and Max<br />

iiig quotas for the 1956 crop \+ill<br />

and feulales. So far, Blrs. Cetak 1 ne June 24. The girls nlade bul-<br />

I Wall, (both ~nfe hall Insurance), says thcy ha\e pretty fajr luck. l<br />

be held on June 25, 1359. 'reported an influx of claims.<br />

letin boards and the bogs display-<br />

Only a few hale died. Cool \rca-<br />

In making' the an~yiu~?c,incn!, I , $lost \rere lor 40 per cell1 dam-<br />

/ ed bird houses. The birthdays of<br />

ther is milch bettcr than hot \tea-<br />

Ucn?;on said,<br />

Johl~ lIruby, Larry Slicppcrd, and<br />

v .'<br />

/ age,, both said.<br />

.'LTnder prcscnf law, defeat of Llsted as ha\ing damaged fields<br />

thcr.<br />

1 Beverly Sheppcrd ~vcre cclebratcd.<br />

The farrii is on the hill south\vcst I<br />

marketing quotas \roul?',', 16caii '&ere Delbert Drake, Jqhn Wh~tc,<br />

Other mc~nbers present were: Conuhcat<br />

prlcc suppurts for the 1956 Shorty Dean, Dou Kam~nskj, Bcsof<br />

Orcl. Sc\cral cages' are 'empty nie Jean Pesck, Karcn Sheppcrd<br />

' sic >furray, Ed\{ art1 Ilerclial, Jess<br />

at prcbent, Nrs. Cet,k sab<br />

crup at 50 per cent of parity to coand<br />

Elrasor 1Iruby. Guests were:<br />

Jlar\cl, Loren Gabriel, Hay Jlc-<br />

The raising of mini is u:i exact- Mr. and Mrs. E'. q. Pesck, Mr. and<br />

opcr~(i~ig pro~lucers. There \vp~~ld<br />

, Donald.<br />

ly a monc3y makinu proposit&m for<br />

probably be little compliance will]<br />

Mrs. Joe 1Iruby and hlr. and Airs.<br />

i2A,j ,-<br />

the Cetaks, but a hobby.<br />

Cia;)-ton Slicppcrd. -<br />

acreage all~t~iiehts, ho\re\cr,, witB - - - - - -<br />

I<br />

/ Send siiled winter garments<br />

price suppcrrt incentih es at, this<br />

leiel. On the other hand, ap$Lg- 1 Farm Prospect$<br />

. f<br />

Better<br />

I to us n,?w, have them'cleqned<br />

\ a1 of niarkcting quotas \\ill n~i!$ti Farm price and incorilc pro-<br />

:I c~l~ti~l:~i~ti~>~l of prescnt )) 1uUd4. ' .- .: -<br />

and 1110th-proafed before stor-<br />

/ sperts ha~c impro~ cd si~lce last<br />

tion curbs along uith price sup fall This is in spite of thc fact ing thetn away. Clean clothes<br />

port for the 135G crop, at put: lek$ that the farm parit2 ratio dropped<br />

than the leiel to be annoi~nc d to 86, its loncst po~nt since March, bettqr, wepr, lgngerl<br />

prior to the referendum." . , ) 194i, during the lnonth epdilig<br />

Whether it's a bite or<br />

For all practical purposes, t11c<br />

a<br />

Deccmbcr 15, 1954.<br />

!<br />

banquet, you come out on<br />

p~icc, support law treats all iilic'at People should codsunle mqrc top when you eat hero.<br />

dike. But all nhcqt is not alike, fqrni products thjs )car, and keep Top quality, top prepara-<br />

.lhe ctiffelv~~i kinds, rangiii$ 'fr?$ prices higher, for l\to reasons. , tion, top service-all at AD AMEN'S<br />

dy I:~IIU lo fecd \vheats, c~n~iiiarld (1) Industrial production is increas<br />

\bidely differiug pl ices in"t1ie eitii- ! ing. This is puttirig more money<br />

kel; ~ e there t 1s o111~~011,e +i~pport<br />

~ual)ty bry Cleaning<br />

into the band$ of consumers. (2)<br />

price for all \-arie!iea. . ', I~onaumers are buji!ig niore food and Pressing.<br />

I Acreage restrictions apply to 'ill 1 and other commod~tles.<br />

* . Cash . Welniak and the River Vallev far111 . . . no enfhusiasm for close corn ~lanfins. 1 rc heat. s.eard!ess of t4 PC roi aradc.<br />

i --- ' CARSON'S MARKET <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska<br />

/ DUI i~l!i \\'fieat has be& short, coy.<br />

. .<br />

mand~ng higI1 lildrhct pjice~; 111 .I -READ TliE QUIZ \VANT ADS.<br />

- - - ---- --- -- -- - -<br />

,-. lcrioi &heat h ~ pllccl s up the silr<br />

Wclnialr Farm Boarlr Gravel Piis, Farm ~onds and 40,000 ~rees<br />

Ca.11 IVclnipk, otrncr and oper- raist but I kzep bqvsting his \lag;$ lello\rs in Ioi,~ and illi~i~is I fcck lhcsc bdsic disfercnccs s1i0~1lc .I<br />

ator of the Hiber Valley fa1 111 pic. ) right alolig pl'cttj sbrlj fur thciii. - Yaruiiog'bc recognired ia our farm progran<br />

turccl t\ro ~ecIts ago in the Quir, Built Reputation thc~e<br />

I YILI..<br />

l a . . . . - . , .<br />

1<br />

1<br />

. . , . . ,<br />

is a trcc lokina farrilrr. 1 Cash his rclatiolls with<br />

lIe.estirn:~tes his fa1111 has 40,000 hired rncn hale I~iJlt Pi111 a<br />

groijing trccs. lie plantccl an- I talion in the vallej. . -<br />

othc~ 3,000 11101 e this ) car. A1non: I "I.i~~il in ti~ncs \vlic~l it was<br />

tte l~ttcr is a plu~ii orch.ird locat- ' to gct 11ii;i I'\c alivays had<br />

ed in back of Cash's farnl honle. /coali!ig to the far111 asking for 1<br />

"It \+as tlie pluni orcliri~d that , u-ork. Occe one 1pa1i offere~l to<br />

Ict me identify the picture in the , u-ork for half \rhat I was currently '<br />

neuspspcr," Crts!~ said, "lhat and i pajiilg niy regular Inen. I gakg 1<br />

a ncy door we installed on one him a couple of dajs \vor!-i at rcbarn<br />

I gular yay. It just didn't sees rigl,;<br />

Mr. \~el;iiafr's far 111 ope1 atiou is ; to take .adbanlago of thc fellow,<br />

1 ,<br />

~ide and lalied. Iie farills 475 I Cash sad.<br />

acre> iu luo Iocatioqs.<br />

If? l~as 250 acrcs 111 pastule, 100 1 Cash likes valicy I lie<br />

acres' prairie hay, 75 acres in 1 was borii near Eiy~~a j6 y$ars<br />

(or11 ,a$ the bslandc iq alfalfa.<br />

and, esccpt for trip?, has nc\q<br />

kcen away.<br />

: Farm Is Itrigated<br />

The. far111 i:, irrigated. One Iiunlie<br />

and his \ti14 Flurencc niarl.<br />

cired 'acl'es are i~rizated by the<br />

age the big layout. ., ?.licq. brc~e olie \<br />

cort'~ Loup ditch. Thrce ~lrigadaughter,<br />

Lorlla, whv attc~lcls<br />

tlon ~clls \set doi)r\ qqgther<br />

school jr <strong>Ord</strong>. *<br />

80.<br />

The far111 has 240 head of high 1 "We do pritty \r.ell with , our<br />

gradc cattle frqln rt.gisteled Angus / operation here," Cash copclutlcd,<br />

and \Chitefdce bull$.' Casb annual- "and so~iieti~iics \\l~cn I \\atcli tllvbe /<br />

ly nl~rkets about 250 head<br />

/ I ~iionth 1Ie.s ,ne\er --.. askc? .:for<br />

. -.t a<br />

Thd fara! also bodst5 140 head<br />

of 1il1nps;iue hogs.<br />

I [ , . , .I1<br />

is real \\orkl" I lbw.<br />

- - --..- - ----- *.<br />

-- -1--<br />

Make this a great day in your life;;;,Corne take 7<br />

'i00-MI - - .<br />

. - --. .-<br />

a , . A ' , I I<br />

. . . I . .<br />

LAR RIDE!,<br />

TM o 'otbcr angles in Cash's farm<br />

oycr,tion ale un~~sual, lie is currenty$<br />

selling grakcl to faruler cubtpiricl<br />

s. ~$nd he mqnngcs to kecp<br />

.the ,f-i~nily table supplied ~tlth pan<br />

fish trorii thl cc sll~ill far in ' povds.<br />

' Th,e'gl.ai cl sale is a new field<br />

Ca-.!l 'estin~ates the ' fa1 nt can produce<br />

enaugh g19~el to ~iieet the<br />

16~91.' de1113nJ5 for 15 j eal s.<br />

&n early supIiper, i~lstJh<br />

. I . - +<br />

tfon can. save you ~lloucy<br />

&I- all :Uryant heating<br />

cqi~ipnlcnt: There is a<br />

-<br />

- ,<br />

Epme see'il?e glamorous Yyu.11 icaily be plor:ed uhin ,?u iet alook you eithsr ~an't,~et ?t all, qr ha\$ to P ~ ' Y<br />

Look" Ctr()>lcr qt thg price Windlor t4g of Dcllxe,y-J! thi~ slefk, jm~v~rful,neY,<br />

It's SO much esjrd cour>c. + for, you . in get q~st all. ,othc~_ of Chr);lcr's ~?a,kes. &ngg famous ,ofr<br />

I. I ; ,I ' that's a goi ,. . in0toris.b lclr ) ou think, and inrIuJcr $0 . size, mnlfort and 'p~rfo~loaace '<br />

-' switihing to: chiyslei by mbch, ,nore thq[i otbtr cars in its price c!a,s! SO. see us soon;.ao,p't ;-ou? ~oi'll find .our<br />

.* , '!<br />

' -. .'i&e't;,'r of thou~3n~~! You get as stnndrkd eyyipment a uholil easy terisr'rn&e this brillirnt new Chryrler<br />

.<br />

(I a - . -, multitude of exciting new +i\e features that Windm a !'~d{urdl" for . your . budget !<br />

plrlarly pincc. This )ear ?iie prociutid<br />

a 1%5 po~uld crapplc.<br />

Ca\h feels the gener.11 fa11n outlook<br />

is eo~cl. I<br />

"~~ini ire plentiful so far," he<br />

said, "and it looks llkc the local<br />

tatti-? niarhets are up about SOi'c.<br />

IVlth mole nioisti~re this' sun;!iler<br />

ve s:louId m~ke out all right<br />

He's tried cbse pla~~ting of hy-<br />

I brid co~ns, but isn't ~niich ellthused.<br />

"A10st . of the niacb~le~ y lie<br />

ha\&~I ivi~16 ~a~~lli~~nd' lopl~d on the cl?:h! ' I S L ~ U"feel I ~ of ttie load!" rvad hugging ~trbillty! -<br />

- oa the road! As high as 360 Lp if slutch d~i\ii!g of a 5 .<br />

/ - ANDERSON MOTOR .CO. - 119 So. 14th - Phone 51<br />

1<br />

!<br />

-.. - tOR TtIE BEST 1N TV, SEE ''11'5 A GREAT LIFf*' AN .:'CLIMAX~'~-.S.~E-TV-PA~G~E-~~OR-II~E~-A~O-S~~A~~~(S,~-~--~<br />

- P t<br />


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