1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library


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1<br />

. ..<br />

' il'f lU 01W QUIZ, OW, NE13llr, and Mrs. Job( and SeberhI Orclrtcs were in Loap Vr\v ;m$all~ili3ry rill be held irl '<br />

shalt ant1 overdr~l e. 1 ~ lth Kay Sawyer , !elder. Neht the boys \rere dinner guests of )lr. Ithe City \bedd~ng Saturday of where a relat~\e. a!l attended Tllose day L~ncoln, next bunday. neck. Y?nday be\eral and <strong>Ord</strong>rtes T!ICS<br />

1 1948 ~brd tractor, all orcrliauled. \\eek the nisellng all1 be at the and 311's. Xolan S~n~th.<br />

195'2 1liC wilqtie baler rrdl! motor, I holllq of Mrs. Grace JepSen. The - - T--- ---:---<br />

- -- . -- - - - - - -<br />

Ve -<br />

good condltlon. A bargain. meetlns are be~ng held In prepnra- , / -- \tho !lent fioni <strong>Ord</strong> included bliss plan to attend. . I<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~t<br />

I Sobun, 1113. Annr Sobon<br />

~pgrrnl & ~ean, Phone 116, ord 1 tion for the special Youth For 1 s e e , , IS. Kathe~ ~nc Yutruba, Mr. and<br />

12:l(c / Chyi.1 meetfngs bejng schedaled 1 in Lincoln hlonday rhele at. I Nrs. John Jablonski, Llr, and hln.<br />

- - -- --- -- - - - -- - - July 27 10 continue for ten da~s. (ended con~l~lenceln~rlt eLercises at Ste\e Dubas, Rlr, and Mrs. Adrian<br />

FQH SALE--Uoder 7 roy~q hoi~.se -<br />

the Un~vers~ty of Nebraska. j Jablonskl, lIr, and h11b. James<br />

NORTF<br />

in Nvrth LouO: l!ou;e in scotla. 1 siren will slow Among those going fro,,, here 8S~b~n and ?tIrs. Flank Au$ustyn.<br />

I LOUP<br />

-- Ddle St~nt.. 12-ltc,<br />

-- . -<br />

-<br />

g-. -- - - At the Firen?i.ns nleetiqa held ,,ere vr. and ?ifrs. y. L. v!es5~~lg,<br />

1 Monday ni$~t, it was dec~aed to ID,, zeta N ~ hlr. ~ and , M ~ J~~<br />

FOR<br />

~ . Bridgs Wife Home<br />

' 'sA~~,- b~dr~o~llhou5r~ blo~v. the fire siren for r stornl Jirlk afid son CCEald ,p,d M ~ : ~ b!". , L. h. Zalud Was called to<br />

mod~n. ( ne c Q ~ @ ~ ~ ramlng. ~ ~ ~ One - lonj, blast will be of Garlind, 'rexi?, iMy. and 1 Andr1esv a few ~eeks rot by,<br />

cal~d on npigllWiy sotl~l of tile used for storm warrung and qmersqliare.<br />

E. Fafeita Agency-<br />

Mrs Bernard ~l~gpIiIno~, hlrs. the death of her daophler l1l-la~.<br />

Drive In<br />

a] assembly call will be oscillating llazhl ~u genlnos, M ~ . and M ~ While'ln ~ . Cal~fornia, ?Arb. Zalud be-'<br />

__ , _ . ,$ , 12-2tc<br />

- --_ - __ - -- blasts.<br />

~ o Moo$y, b hksr. Charles Jones, eplne ~eriO~~ly 111 and hlr. Zalud A --<br />

1<br />

' 4<br />

and Mr. and hlrs. Edward J. Uubas, Was Sent for- 1fe flew to Los An- 1<br />

Theatre '<br />

I<br />

Donna Jean ~rebied<br />

of Bur\tell.<br />

geles and returned Sunday, bringk!<br />

Hospilal .Report *<br />

Shows Sta* at ,<br />

SP.RGICAL; Lirida Stelenson,<br />

, Dusk<br />

I<br />

Wednesday and Thursday June 15 16<br />


,Sterling Hayden in the story of the Korean Helicopters<br />

Friday qnd Saturdcty June 17 18<br />

' Cinemascope Takes You Under the Sea!<br />


with Robert Wagner, Terry Moore. GilbertqRoland I<br />

Sunday, Monday, Tuesda ' June 19 . 20 21<br />

A fighting Legion L ves Again ' $<br />

with "CHIEF Victor Mature, CRAZY Suzan Ball, HORSE" john Lund , .*,<br />

'q ,<br />

Monday and ~uesda~ are Family Nights ; 1<br />

Wednesday and Thursday June 22 - I 23<br />


GSADIATQRS" .- ' I<br />

Victor Mature-Susan Hayward t i<br />

i<br />

1; - -- - - - - -' - - --- - --<br />

.<br />

Born to Mr. and 1lrs RIelvin r. , lh, byan& jlulli ans. h1r. and Jlrs<br />


llarlin, a son. Kenneth Ilcliin, on 1 tilly ~llI~llgrn Of <strong>Ord</strong> ucrp supper<br />

I Ju~le 9. 1,fe weighed 6 lbs. 13 02. gl,csls. ,<br />

Mrs. Jlal t ~n \\as Donna Jean lfsr- Sunday ,,, cniag gucst;,of the ~1.<br />

,<br />

to 31r. and Mrs. Hay~iiond I n,er D+-~\~bridgcs \\ere hIr, ind<br />

E, lnness, a<br />

Ma.tine I hlr~. Leonard 1Iantoq and Mrs. Joe<br />

. .<br />

1<br />

)lariel on Il She nei<br />

Tro~npkc of Ofd and Sir.. and Mrs.<br />

SATURDAY, JUNE 18 1<br />

I<br />

3.<br />

6 lbs. 3 oz. BIrs. Inness was allce I \V111ner Nelso~~. of BU~H ell.<br />

I<br />

We had an extra good market on all s i ~ 1 k<br />

laqf week. For this week it looks likei<br />

P<br />

' CATTLE<br />

.<br />

-- - -<br />

a I .* '<br />

110 Head of bucket 'und suskinq calves<br />

Sunday Monday June 19 20<br />

+<br />

hip. Clark Bellinger (nee LOJS , i\lrs. Dean scefus, I Soybean Meal - Shorts - Block Salt 55 Head of yearling whiteface steers -<br />

I I , , , . I 1<br />

. $ 2<br />

I<br />


'Oyster'Shell -- Swift's Mineral Blocks. 30 Head of whiteface heifers<br />

~~~~y{,$"g, a$$:g!~e;h2a:$ Mrs. 1Iarrk 3lartih ahd gi,rls<br />

Coopcratlve ho,pltal, \velght 8 lbs I '<br />

SPCn~~llr~day afternoon with<br />

11 Cows with calves at side<br />


sirs. Allln Kron, 45 Cutter, COWS , ,<br />

11.02. ,I . . ---'-<br />

.<br />

=-..- . -'- / Dale Stlne atten~e(1, the State<br />

tOor wwml<br />

1<br />

t 5 Milk cows ' '<br />

, , t : :,( s t:* , t ., Bank hIandge,n en1 school at Crete<br />

last \reek \bh~cb \\as held for bank ' ; FARMERS, EiEVATOR 1 4-year old registered Hereford BUIL The I<br />

?We Are Back in The perbonnel. 11e returned here E'riday<br />

e~ening. - 1 . owners safi "This is one of the best<br />

- -- - - -<br />

- ever $old in the <strong>Ord</strong> salebarn"<br />

sqhd /-. 1dii.d : Gravel<br />

I<br />

bent wilna to Cincoln Yodchoal Tuesday and ~ary .morning COX . ,<br />

2, 2-year old choice registered AngYs bulls '<br />

- 10 enter !he a1 stale fme arts<br />

.<br />


' glng. The, Party stajed 311 der ,the als ~ces of !he Nebraska<br />

Baker, Ericson, good,<br />

ha\e hopes ?he evrntually rill n!ght ln e Adrlp Zlklnund ca- Bus~ness an! Profes~ronal Wonlens j<br />

McDICAL: John )hron, <strong>Ord</strong>, walk. Lart winter she was m the bin. Monday etenlnl, Mr. and Blrs clubs. hlrs. Kokes a a state offl. I<br />

lair; C11arlip Lewis, <strong>Ord</strong>, dismissd; Spears sanilorium in Dentcr for l~nlil Zlklllllnd rere dinner Webt~ cer, in charge of ~ i ~ defense. l l<br />

Joe Anderson, <strong>Ord</strong>, good; Jim set era1 months.<br />

at the home of Lloyd. The menu \)'hlle in Lincoln she visited a'<br />

Turek, <strong>Ord</strong>, disniisbcd; Ton1 Ka- --<br />

tonsisted of the fish caught during daughter, hlrs. Glen Speidel.<br />

pustka, Qrd, dis~nisscd; IIattie Rev, and hlrs. E'. I). ~aundcis the Ileekend.<br />

Shepherd, Or$ good; Mar Lukesh, and three sons grriled bl~nday --<br />

Texas Visitors<br />

Cqmstock, fa~r George Afiqn, <strong>Ord</strong>, ebpninr from Norton\ille. Kan4 , To ~1;eyenne<br />

Guests who arriied Saturday at<br />

fair; John, \Vorral, <strong>Ord</strong>, fa~r. where they had spent most of a Mary Jean Petska, dahghter of the horne of Mr. and hlrs. Joe'<br />

ieek u ith relati1 es.<br />

hlr. and Mrs. Ernanuel Petbka ac- Jirak, were hlr, and hlrs. Gerald<br />

BuRwEL4<br />

.Sunday afternoon callers on hlrs companied Mr. and Mrs. B~ll Such-<br />


Jirak and Mrs. 0. 11. Mines, all 1<br />

Emma hladsen were her nieces. anek to Che cnne, ahen they left of Garland, Tex. The Texas v~s~tors<br />

hfrs George Johnson and hlrs. Saturday --- -<br />

sbe is spending a beck<br />

---- -- -- plan to renlain this \\cek.<br />

Medical-Jinnie l'erlinski, Agnes Jennie Ward of f,incoln and hIrS.<br />

- Cr * - - - --- - - - -<br />

Lukesh,<br />

disnlisscd;<br />

deceased;<br />

Frank Bartos,<br />

Esther T?jlor.<br />

E rank / Anna<br />

Mason<br />

saotter<br />

acc~h~panied<br />

of Elba.<br />

the<br />

Nrr. Fr~eda<br />

, ladies<br />

Carr~ber. 1 bsck to ~~ncoln. . * b , 1 NITROGEN<br />

Sur ical llo\rard Kani$~y, dis- Paul $fadsen afii. jlrs. Agnes ,<br />


rnibsea; JL~Y Green, d~miiss~d. lfanche.ter attended a falnily pic-<br />

We can supply Y ~ with U either the 33)% ~mmoniu&<br />

Births: .,<br />

Sunday at Elba for Jfr. and / Nitrate or the Anhydrous Ammonia ith 82% available<br />

Bprn to JIr. and Mrs. Emil A. sirs. Wa31le Springer of Cha~llpain, ' nitrogen for side dressi6g your corn. Contact our <strong>Ord</strong><br />

Ruzlcka, a daughter, Joscclyn ,111 \<br />

Elevator for your requirements..<br />

hlarie on June 7. She n.eighed 6 1 ?he Adrian SIleeii of Grecley I<br />

I ~ s<br />

(<br />

6\i 02. .Mrs. Ruzicka WAS 1st- ,,ere SatllrJoy e\ening gucats of /<br />

belie Krason. 1 the Stanley Johnhons, I<br />


Born to Xr. 4nrj Jfrs. >Ycs~~Y +\. 1<br />

stallley Jo1lllsl)n spent Sun-<br />

Cosson, a daughter, Vlrglnla .\.Iarle, /day afternc,on \\\th 3trs. Lois S\ten. we have a supply 01 good yellow coin at both bur.<br />

on June 8. She ~elghcd 8 lbs. 21.2 son. ,, % , 1 <strong>Ord</strong> dnd North Loup ~leycxtors. If in need of some corn,<br />

::<br />

I %Irs. C0?r50n was Claudia 1 hlr. and Mrs. Ross ~ortii of LOUP ,<br />

Fletclicr, t' I ('ity Mere Sunday dinner guests of call our elevator. . !<br />

SEEDS<br />

I<br />

Atlas Sorgo - Sourless Orange - Norkan - ~e'ota<br />

Red - Sumac - Norghan Sorghum - Certified Martin<br />

!.4$. %<br />

Milo. t , %<br />

Tho Les \\klsons and Etriler<br />


5 - , Draw bridges \rere fishing at Tay.<br />

1 lor dam Sunday afternoos.<br />

Stork Feathers . . . I ~ o &oh, b who is '~borking ,for<br />

"It Pays to Feed the Best"<br />

TVRr)IK-Horn to JIr. and Mrs. the hlissouri Valley construction . Feed prices are the lowest they have been for several )<br />

Frank 'YlrJik (ncc Marion \Vood) I company at Ains\\ortli spent the , years. 1t.would seem advisable to purchase part of your i<br />

'<br />

of Comstoc) a son, Lonnie'yrank, Ineekcncl Bt ho11le:<br />

Hog Feed requirements now.<br />

I<br />

June 8, 1,995 at the <strong>Ord</strong> Coopera hIonJav etcning supper guests<br />

~I\C boap~tdl. \Vc~gllt 6 lbs 13 ors. / bf the iiltin Krons ucre hfr, and<br />

BJIJLIXCEK-B~~I~ to Vr. an:! , h ~r~. 11o~ard Carter ,and ,hlr. and Tcrnkage -- !Meat Scraps -- firan<br />

%ten and Du~lcd by CEORCE SFATON Frmn the<br />

pl.1 bf Clrswd OJeb A Pamnoud Prlwe<br />

$undby starting Times: 3:OO: 5:OO; 7:OC: 9 o'clock P.M.<br />

Tuesday - Wednesday, June 21 - 22<br />

. <<br />

' "COOL<br />

AS A POOL" *<br />

::' We. dib :~kad~ to r Sharu.oL~ruun left ~lolohday 10 at-<br />

S@p/y Your Needs -went to L~ncoIn Sunday .for I)o 's<br />

, < , b 4 , :. .<br />

, ,' . , f<br />

, tend Girl'+ State Ronald Jensen r :<br />

'.", ,! ' s . State. Ife went down ~11h<br />

;CASH WELNlAK ~~yans<br />

HOGS<br />

victor ,<br />

Thomas. S h a r.p 4 acconlpanied 1175, Head of yeanling pigs and he&$?feed-<br />

fro?, rotl la. , 'er shoats !. I - I , (<br />

15 Pigqy gilts<br />

. Ic - 1 . i'<br />

J ,<br />

I 4 S~wr with pigs'by side 1 " :<br />

,<br />

No Sales at Butwell 1<br />

. Several boars l<br />

, . . We had three packer buyers here last week and we ,<br />

had a whizzer of a hog market. They said they would<br />

. . , . . , be back this Saturday. i<br />

For several Weeks $5-<br />

1l y'ou have stock of any kirld to.sell, bring them to<br />

this market. You will be pleased with your check.<br />

1<br />

A Ton - HORSES I<br />

The ~emodelin~-reb"ilding and paring pro-<br />

- gram is taking considerable more time ind expenie<br />

than we had planned grid it %ill be im-<br />

6 Head of farm horses i,nc.ludinq ~ne??ho!~<br />

work team , ,\<br />

b i<br />

possible to hold any auctions until aftei july I.<br />

L ,<br />

- Plan to st06 in at our Sale Yards and look<br />

SHOAT-40<br />

I<br />

'<br />

over these many new and added improvements.<br />

Watch this paper fc; dater on'the big re- . , *<br />

'r<br />

' .<br />


' . ~emerhber the Mrs. Earl Howell furniture and his- I<br />

opening sale. I '.<br />

/ 1 . ONE, WEEK ONLY<br />

Bllrwell Livestock I JUNE 25th -.<br />

Muket<br />

I \<br />

.<br />

SEED<br />

, ' ,<br />

. .<br />

li our Fr;endy Li.&,ock hdfip$' (I..<br />

cellanepus 1:30 P.M. sale at her reiidence in North Loup. lune 17 at ' :. . I<br />

.. Also recd the advertisement 61 Wesley Swoyrie ie,si- ,<br />

depcq iri Arcadiq, west o{ the depot. Sells here at the<br />

pgvilion on Saturday, June,25, at 2, o'clock P.M. '\<br />

JULY 2nd ,<br />

I<br />

'1<br />

'i .<br />

i<br />

e '

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