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PAGE FOUR^ , THE ORD QUIZ, 01i~. NEBRASKA ' + ,<br />

co~ sages of r ecl I oscs.<br />

. --- - - -- a<br />

-<br />

- -- - - -- - -- - - - ---- - ----.-- --- -- -.- - --<br />

Personals ;lll~l - -bIr ?OII SPCII~<br />

- ~UNE<br />

9, 1955<br />

bistted 1Irs E1nn1.1 >I~tl>cn of xo~th<br />

and 311 Slill(l,l~<br />

b I;obcrt in I:d\1nllci IIoj)l)c<br />

1 ~lth relati\ cs<br />

- 711 311~1 IIrs. Ecl Lohff 'i~~d soil, , John %c~l~lo~ail,l ncnt to Onlc~lx.l -tiucsts of llihz V.ul,l Exlty<br />

JIaltln of lIolstein, Ia , alll\ctl \Iond.ij n:or11111;3 to , C ~ C Ia I ~ \\LC';< , ll~i~l~l'~~ \\eli' I I C ~ SIS~C~ 111 Id\+',<br />

S ~ ~ ~ I Ia11~1 L I ~ are J ~ \isitii~g \bltI> u1t11 rel~t~\t>~ 1115 ,\I tliitr E\lc> \cllh her claugh-<br />

~cla(l\ts and lr~encls ~n (11cl Sun- - .\I,-, 31,,j JI~.~ upl, Kbelll ll t ley" llr, Ste\c~rt l \berc cllnner gilt st\ of JIr, dnd<br />

lncnt IIr and ZII, Elncbt Ciillstof hoillc 31~ dl:d ~~~~~~t x1, lIr5 John I'tdcnik, SLII~CIJJ<br />

ltl\ell 111 and 11s. It&\. toll ~ ; ~ ~ of ei,o,~or s t ~<br />

'ind dai ghter Sulannc, and 311 311~ t;rne,r L ~ C of lia~.ii~g, ~ci,+ 3Ir a~ld IIrs Tcti Sctl~ir \ic3re nftcr-<br />

,111d 111s Lollif and ,un and Cal~ln 1.~2, Cblcago no011 calle~s of RIr and 111s. char-<br />

-SLII~~~> aftelnoon guesti of hlr - H ~ and \ ~ ~~aip!l ~ ~ sd\, ~ 1efl~k'lc~<br />

~ ~ Sl1lldc~<br />

dtld JIls .\II(OI~ Kluiid \&el? l!r )cr and falill]k of xor[h ~ o a!id ~ p -3lr. ' anel Jlrs. C'a1.1 Spooner<br />

~ind )!I% tldolph l'thek and Jo~cc ~~b JLlilctte \\el? supl,cr gLles!., \~"e ~u Al,luId Sunda~.. 'rllc? at-<br />

-Jlr and >!ls. Ste\e Uulin of of tl~e Gr.1'~ Jcnicn f.?tn11q Sulld~~ ' !cn(lcd tll? neddln:: df a refd(l\e.<br />

bt Pa111 and 1Irs Fled S1epick.i e\e:linp 11s. Jullctte anJ Kah - Re\ Lo\\cll Johnbon anJ Jlrs.<br />

oi C;cne\~ \\ere Sundaj d1n1:er and Sai\)cl had been attellding ~1bl; Jchiibon of Klbd \)?re dinner<br />

yuppcr guc\ti of .I!r and 111, school in OlnahLj The) held t!~c gliesls Sunday of ,3lr and hIrs..<br />

E'I ank Krdl and Nurlna mollung and e~cnlng ser~ice in ' Bell Needh,im.<br />

- Jim Duela ii51ted Sunda) e\c the Cal\ai) Udl)tlst chut ch Sun -3Ir. 2nd 31rs. Ch~~les \Vriol~tb-<br />

1, tr c 31r dllci -111. ail~l Jlrs 1,ulllir Vodchi~,~l,<br />

nlng 111 the Elmer Lukesl~ home dd) I Inan \rere in Iiebron Sund.4) \\\.Rere<br />

-Satulda) dlnncr gucits of .ill? -311s Cltlfo~d Kllnger, a sister the) s11s11t the d ~ q \,it11 a blother<br />

~ n 111,s d Chd1lt.s Klin~ek !\ere 1Ir of 111s Ein:na Urid,~, bisited L\I~!I of 3lr. \krights~nan, 11. 11, \\liphla-<br />

,~nd .\I15 Ir\llig John5on 111s. Ur~dgc Su~lda). lhcy also insn.<br />

- -- - - - - - -- . ---- -- - -<br />

-1fr and llrs Charles lill~nck --<br />

,111~1 falnll> alld .\Ir and 111s Irkl~ig<br />

Johnion Meie Sunds> dl~iner gi,c~tz<br />

of 31r, and .\[la. ~ o j d 1I1ncr ~n<br />

\\ ~lodl3l\c<br />

-3Iatt Kl~ma left Jlondng niorn-<br />

,n,: lor 111s honic In Afagna, L'la11,<br />

dlttr spcndlnp ;l.!e~uorial l)a) in<br />

01 d \\ 1111 rela(i\cs<br />

-Sunday dinner guests of hIr<br />

and llrs Ed\+ard Adamek and '<br />

Doiothj irere Lakdll Hdglarid, Leoriard<br />

\Ve\erka, 41r, and Mrs. James '<br />

He's l~he any noin111 hulbaid nith a new Chrqsler YontrFlite Auto~lldtic llri~e . . . and ?noo! of all<br />

in the fa~uily. He's ledrnit~g why; Inore ibibes the~ c,~joy being scc,~ aitd ad~~rircd in A~ncrica'~ ~nocl<br />

"borrow" it thdn any othrr car! .* st~iarl/y drfl~r~~it<br />

It ~ C L that ~ S QIILC nife or hu.bai~d &!so hoWi' Now t n Chr3alers ~ \\auld really keep a fatnily libe<br />

the ed:e and colitrill of Chrq:ler's Full-tinie Poi\er thi% happy. Ne\erthele,s, they'd be the first to tell<br />

is a thoukancl titnes better tllan none<br />

Designed to dominate your room. seut your many stccrillg, any scoii-pontr stetring feels clu1n.y and SOU that o~ie<br />

hed\.y-hdnded. They both pivfcr Chr~altr'sslnoothrr- at all. That's n hy. ne urge SOU to conle in for a<br />

guests in comfort. In a wide choice of raaterials. acti~~g Po\\cr Brakes . . . and the dire feeling of pcrsonal Iooli-see, and a dri,e.<br />

unlinlitcd poncr in Vhrj~.ley's g~edt new VVY eng:iies!<br />

1teS a truly nuncler[ul And , , . Sir or<br />



For sparkling fable beauty; fodoyWs brides choose Holrnes b Edwards<br />

-the worrd's most prectous s~tvprplafel See it soon ond be sure to<br />

'<br />

eat! COME TAKE THE<br />

r<br />

, c<br />

ANDERSON MOTOR CO. -. 119 So. 14th - Phone 51 ,<br />

.> ,- . . . A . . . . . " " - i<br />

Phone 11 - -<br />


,<br />


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