1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library


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PAGE TWO<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Lulnir Bruha , . . first Julie civil wedding.<br />

Cornstock Couple Marry in c courthouse<br />

Darlene Faider, of -Cornslock, / The ccrc~nony took pldce in the I<br />

dauohter of hIr. and Mrs. Charlcs offices of ~~,,,,t~ Judge ~ll~,, ortll<br />

~ai;ier god tuniir F. Brulia, of<br />

Eljria, sdn of hfr. all+ Staln. Ball, in tlie court~nuuse 'rine mar-<br />

Icy ~ruha, \\ere mariled \Vcc(ncs- riagc \!as the filst of the Jiunc sea- I<br />

day, June 1. so11 for Judac Ball.<br />

Broken 8ow Mad.. . Loup rircrs and tributaries at no 1<br />

water costs.<br />

In an attempt to procure re- 1<br />

(Continued yro!n Page 1)<br />

dollars on lrr~gat~on s~stc~ns," , lief, the directors voted to work<br />

ioitiglly through Governor An-<br />

Max Ilickman of Cornstock, said.<br />

'To makc them stop puli~ping now<br />

; derson atid the legislature. If<br />

this fails, they'll gather agai; i<br />

uuidd incan disaster."<br />

i after an invest~gation of vari~us<br />

"It doesn't stand to rcason," / phases involved to lay out an.<br />

said Mrs. Maudc Iicndcrso~~, of other plan of action.<br />

Ilyannis, who o\tns land in the<br />

M~tllen bicinily. "lf /<br />

~<br />

Uill JIapler \\as elected and '<br />

thcy cdrl sell scr\cd as cllnirlllan of the gcncral 1<br />

Ihe uatcr to us thcy don't nccd 11 I ~nccting, wilich was attended by<br />

for pou cr urposcs."<br />

o)cr 100 irrigators and other in ~<br />

Set b p Organization tcrcateJ parties.<br />

\Vith these thougl~ts in mind the<br />

Letter Drafted<br />

irrigators set u a permanent orgsnuation<br />

wlnicR mex nalllcd tlir 1 llul.illg tllr: ccacr;il ~rlccti~~g irrigators<br />

put their sta~i?p ?[.approval<br />

I.~.LIF Basln P~irnp Irrigators Assoclatlon.<br />

and later signed nndiv~cll~ally a 1<br />

I letter to coogressmcn and scnators<br />

A board of directors was c1cctc.d<br />

uhlch illcludcd rcprescntatiics i asking for the Fort l;at~dall to 1<br />

8 Grand Island po\\.cr trans~niss!on<br />

from each of the tllrcc ~ouys ant1 I llnc.<br />

11 i1>utcirles.<br />

~ti~t~d p1~11ty of I<br />

Ir~igators attending the 11nceti;ng<br />

a\ailah!c in tlir<br />

pad in $5 for operational ex- slstc so that. the Loup Iti\c~s l'ul).,<br />

Ptnses, Other tnenlbcrs \\ill bc so- lie I'o\\er Dly.<br />

HI? suggcstctl it ia!l't too late to I<br />

; "'U'DAY introcl~~ce lcgirl.~tioo to halldlc tile<br />

siluat ion.<br />

1 and a half at Milburn to build a<br />

IOUNTtR SPECIAL 1 er:;yt ~;ly;,~ ; ;T;~J; '<br />

I Baked Ham II facilities<br />

diversion dam. Why not add ~<br />

for a hydro generating ,<br />

plant. Located at the head<br />

wafers of the Loup this would<br />

/ provide power and still allow '<br />

I water to flow on down the river '<br />

for irrigators use."<br />

Bake Our hams I Uirerturs nal~ird uere: Cilannils I<br />

I ri~cr-H. B \~'oliorJ, Bul \\ ell and<br />

11. 11 IVcbb, Uul\rcll; llicldle Lour1 '<br />

1 Sandwich 1<br />

Potato Salad I ri~cr-Gllbclt ivrialit. ~ I L ~ \v. I ~ ~ I ~ .<br />

A. Brass, Sargeot -and 1Idx lliclrrcan,<br />

C'omatock; South 1,our) ri\cr<br />

-LCS Horn, Oconlo, \V. I,. L)ucllcy, I<br />

Stapleton ancl Ucrt J?oclil~nan,<br />

r\rllold; Korlh LOLIP riicr-Fra~lk<br />

KI ui~ll, Hurii ell and RAJ n~ond i'.<br />

Gochri~ng~ BLI~\~ ell; hluddy cr cc'k --<br />

L)udne l'ostcr, Ucr \v>n and lkciial<br />

cl Ed~?cy, Urultcn. Uo\jr. % 1<br />

- --- - - - -<br />

I<br />

, c 1 ,--Mr. and Gclald \Vd~Iyd,<br />

ORD BAKERY I 151th thew daughter, Gc~dlcllnc,<br />

and 111 s. E:llcln l;ecgl~ly, spent Tucs-<br />

1 dab in Lincoln tiel alcline WAS<br />

r (1 giicn a11 cxatnination by hcr duc-<br />

> tor She is prog~ebslng<br />

. .<br />

I If you hove, feed thoi corn well, for it needs 1<br />

extra nitrogen to make top yield?. Side-dress<br />

with NIIRANA" . .<br />

Nitrogen Solution now. ! I I<br />

M~ke sirre vf those extra buslicls lllst ~uabc colll 1)lofits<br />

by sidedressing rlow \till1 AI~.C'IZUIIZNB N~'~'ILZNIZ<br />

Nitrvgeln SoIuti611. It is safe and easy to apply<br />

N~TIIANIZ as fast as 40 to SO aclcs a d~y. You can<br />

apply Nll'1tA~A you~sclf, or \\e ill do tlie elltile job<br />

for jou AlICAUIi\N Nll'HANX is Ion. cost, higliqualify<br />

nit~ogcli that fecds >our crops iluickly and lasts<br />

tluuuglnout the gt o~iiig scasoln. Get y~ofit-~iiabing<br />

Nl'I'ItANA now.<br />

See us fgr ARCADIAN NITRANA loday!<br />

Liquid Nitrogen Co.<br />

'<br />

i<br />

Huy Tim~nern~crn Ruy Hurlbcrl i<br />

Norfh Loup, Nebr.<br />

Jake ree en land, Arccrdia. Nebr.<br />

<strong>Ord</strong>1<br />

I Your ARCADIAN dealer-always ready to serve you!<br />

L- -------- --.. -.------J 1<br />

I<br />

I<br />


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