Download Hamlet by William Shakespeare (PDF) - Royalty Free Plays

Download Hamlet by William Shakespeare (PDF) - Royalty Free Plays

Download Hamlet by William Shakespeare (PDF) - Royalty Free Plays


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<strong>Hamlet</strong><br />

Which done, she took the fruits of my advice;<br />

And he, repulsed,--a short tale to make,--<br />

Fell into a sadness; then into a fast;<br />

Thence to a watch; thence into a weakness;<br />

Thence to a lightness; and, <strong>by</strong> this declension,<br />

Into the madness wherein now he raves,<br />

And all we wail for.<br />

KING<br />

Do you think ‘tis this?<br />

QUEEN<br />

It may be, very likely.<br />


Hath there been such a time,--I’d fain know that--<br />

That I have positively said ‘’Tis so,’<br />

When it prov’d otherwise?<br />

KING<br />

Not that I know.<br />


Take this from this, if this be otherwise:<br />

[Points to his head and shoulder.]<br />

If circumstances lead me, I will find<br />

Where truth is hid, though it were hid indeed<br />

Within the centre.<br />

KING<br />

How may we try it further?<br />


You know sometimes he walks for hours together<br />

Here in the lob<strong>by</strong>.<br />

QUEEN<br />

So he does indeed.<br />


At such a time I’ll loose my daughter to him:<br />

Be you and I behind an arras then;<br />

Mark the encounter: if he love her not,<br />

And he not from his reason fall’n thereon<br />

Let me be no assistant for a state,<br />

But keep a farm and carters.<br />

KING<br />

We will try it.<br />

44<br />

<strong>Hamlet</strong><br />

QUEEN<br />

But look where sadly the poor wretch comes reading.<br />


Away, I do beseech you, both away<br />

I’ll board him presently:--O, give me leave.<br />

[Exeunt King, Queen, and Attendants. Enter <strong>Hamlet</strong>, reading.]<br />

How does my good Lord <strong>Hamlet</strong>?<br />

HAMLET<br />

Well, God-a-mercy.<br />


Do you know me, my lord?<br />

HAMLET<br />

Excellent well; you’re a fishmonger.<br />


Not I, my lord.<br />

HAMLET<br />

Then I would you were so honest a man.<br />


Honest, my lord!<br />

HAMLET<br />

Ay, sir; to be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man<br />

picked out of ten thousand.<br />


That’s very true, my lord.<br />

HAMLET<br />

For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god-kissing<br />

carrion,--Have you a daughter?<br />


I have, my lord.<br />

HAMLET<br />

Let her not walk i’ the sun: conception is a blessing, but not<br />

as your daughter may conceive:--friend, look to’t.<br />



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