Maple Valley-Anthon Oto's - Maple Valley Community Schools

Maple Valley-Anthon Oto's - Maple Valley Community Schools Maple Valley-Anthon Oto's - Maple Valley Community Schools
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By Devon Hieber Receiving underwear that said “Save the Drama for yo mamma” as a birthday gift from Angie Flanigan is Senior Laura Hoaglund’s most interesting birthday present. Laura Ann Hoaglund was born at St. Lukes Hospital in Sioux City, IA on February 13, 1989. Laura is the daughter of David and Joan Hoaglund of Mapleton. Laura has one sister, Katie. Laura has been involved in volleyball, basketball, golf, softball, choir, FCA, CCD, Gold Club, NHS, PALS, and Phi Ramma Jamma. Going to Mexico with friends her junior year, meeting Iban, and spending time with Maestra and Jeff Wolf is Laura’s best memory of high school. Laura’s most embarrassing moment was when she was playing basketball in seventh grade, and was taking the ball out of bounds, and there was no one open, so she just dribbled to the basket and did a lay-up. Laura likes any kind of music, eating Mac n’ cheese or peppermint ice cream, eating cream chicken over biscuits at school, watching Raising Helen or Love and Basketball, and celebrating her birthday or her favorite T.V. shows Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, and Grey’s Anatomy. Laura can be found hanging out with her friends or going to an athletic practice during her after school activities. Laura’s hobbies include sports and being on By Aaron Dose Jason Alan Rosauer was born in Ida Grove on November 4 th 1998. His parents are Jon and Cathie Rosauer. His siblings include Brent and Erin Rosauer. Some of Jason’s favorites include pizza, as his favorite school lunch, and 70’s and 80’s Rock ‘n Roll, for music. His favorite classes include Horticulture, Agri-Science, and Band. Jason’s last favorite is girls. Jason would like to be remembered as the “FFA ladies man.” His most memorable high school moments were when he went Page 4, The Ram Write-Up, Maple Valley Anthon- Oto Schools Senior Spotlights her cell phone and computer. Her favorite class is third period study hall with Miss Rabe. Her advice to underclassmen is, “to be involved in as many things as you can and enjoy it because it goes by fast.” Laura wants her high school legend to be to FFA contests and learned how to talk to the FFA ladies. His favorite vacation was to the boundary waters with the FFA Chapter, where he learned to appreciate life more. Throughout high school, Jason’s biggest accomplishment was becoming FFA District Sentinel. During high school, Jason was involved in Band, FFA, Jazz Band, school plays, CCD, and the Knights of Columbus. Jason had a tough time in art classes throughout his high school career. The things that came easy to him included: talking to the “FFA girls,” poetry, and writing essays. The one regret that Jason has from high school is not being nice enough to the ‘peeps.’ His advice for underclassman is, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog that counts!” Jason Rosauer fears white unmarked cop cars and any other white car within viewing distance. Jason likes to watch WWE, and likes to play games. He likes the movie Forrest Gump, and the T.V. show The Simpsons. The most famous person he ever met was Will Jones. Jason has been the most influenced by Mr. Benson because he is full of knowledge and always has good advice when people need it. Some of Jason’s future plans include running for state FFA office, and going to either WIT or Iowa State for Ag education. His upcoming summer plans include a lot of fishing. Jason’s biggest ambition is to own an acreage and plant lots of fruit bearing trees. the girl who always made people laugh. Laura is scared of being kidnapped, or having someone in her house watching her secretly. She is also afraid of snakes. The most famous person she has ever met is Ron DeMars. The most influential person in Laura’s life has been her mom because she has taught her to take what god gives you and make the best of it. She has also been most influential to Laura because she has an outgoing personality and has always supported Laura. Her biggest ambition is to become the best meteorologist in the world, to be successful, get married, and have a family. Laura plans to play softball and hang out with her friends and make as many memories as she can with them. She then plans to attend Iowa State University with a major in Meteorology. By Kelsey Bruhn Nick O’Connell’s best memory of high school is when he had eight people in his Pontiac 6000 SE, the gas line broke, Brad Petersen was sitting on the trunk, and it started moving so he jumped off and landed on his butt. Nick Brian O’Connell was born on December 23 rd ,1988 at Mercy Medical Center in Sioux City, Iowa. He is the son of Brian and Michelle O’Connell. He has one brother, Brice, and one sister, Jessica. The people that Nick looks up to the most are both his parents because they always know how to make him smile when he is upset and they are always there for him. Nick has been involved in football, basketball, baseball, Phi Ramma Jamma, and CCD throughout high school. After school, Nick can be found hanging out at Casey’s with friends or going to practice for football, basketball, or baseball. Some out-of-school activities Nick is interested in is hiking, riding horses, and playing sand volleyball. Nick’s most embarrassing moment is when Phil McGrain depantsed him in physical fitness and everyone in the class saw him and started laughing. Nick’s favorite class this year is personal financing with Miss Lundt. His favorite school lunch is chicken fried steak with gravy and mashed potatoes. The most interesting birthday present that Nick has even received was when Steff Trieber and Angie Flanigan carved his name out of a block of coby jock cheese and also gave him some complimentary sting cheese. American Pie: The Naked Mile, “unrated version, of course,” is Nick’s favorite movie. Some other of his favorite movies include The Guardian, Gridiron Gang, and Wedding Crashers. When asked what his favorite T.V. show is, Nick responded, “I like to watch Cops because it is funny to see people get arrested for stupid stuff.” He has many other favorite things, like the saying “Buckin” and “I like where your head’s at,” the holidays Valentines Day, Christmas, and Thanksgiving, pizza, and any music but oldies. Nick has many favorites, but he also has a fear of heights and spiders. Nick would like his high school legend to be “N.O.C.,” the kid that hit a few bumps on his way through high school, but never let them keep him down, and the kid who was friends with everyone. Advice that Nick would like to give the under classmen is “don’t take life too seriously; you may not make it out alive.” Nick’s biggest ambition is to own a Corvette and to also own a sports team. His future plans are to graduate from high school, go to the Army Reserve, and major in business in college. During his last summer before going off to boot camp, Nick will be hanging out with friends, tubing down the river, and going to Okoboji.

By Shane Erlemeier Adam Richard Petersen was born at Horn Memorial Hospital in Ida Grove on April 11, 1989. He lives in Anthon, IA. His parent’s names are Matt and Rose Petersen, and he has one brother, Andrew. His parents and his brother have been the most influential people in Adam’s life. His favorite music to listen to is country and rap, but he will listen to almost anything. People can usually find Adam munching on his favorite food, which is a burrito supreme from Ruth’s, and crab Rangoon. People can also find him watching his favorite movies, Glory Road and Man on Fire, or watching his favorite television programs, That 70’s show and The O.C. His favorite thing to do after school is hang out with some friends or go to games. Some of the activities that Adam has been involved in during high school are youth group, FFA, golf, and baseball. Having a bonfire and camping at Morgan has been Adam’s best memory of high school. His most embarrassing moment was when he was pitching his sophomore year, and he filled the holes, but mounded-up too much dirt. When he threw his next pitch, his ankle By Michele Pierce When all the seniors went to Morgan Trail, hung out, and had a big bon fire is Katie Hanson’s best memory of high school. Katherine Marie Hanson was born in Hutchinson, Kansas. Her parents are Deb Welte and the late Kirk Welte. She has three sisters, Ashley, Lindsey, and Sydney, along with two brothers, Jamie and Jacob. Katie has been involved in basketball, track, FCCLA, Project Pals, and Phi Ramma Jamma throughout high school. Katie’s usual after school activities are sporting events and hanging out with friends. Katie’s favorites include the holiday Thanksgiving because she likes the food, but her all time favorite food is orange chicken. Her favorite saying is “Later Days,” and she enjoys any kind of music except heavy metal. She enjoys watching movies and has many favorites, including Into the Blue, Joy Ride, and Love and Basketball, Her favorite television shows include The O.C. and Friends. In school, her favorite lunch is chicken and biscuits and her favorite classes are physiology and P.E. Her most embarrassing moment in high school happened the first day of her senior year. “I went to the restroom and there were three freshmen in there also. I came out and couldn’t remember how to work the sink…I thought it was an automatic like the toilets,” laughed Katie. The most famous person Katie has ever met has been Lynyrd Skynyrd and Aaron Davis, Page 5, The Ram Write-Up, Maple Valley Anthon- Oto Schools Senior Spotlights rolled over the mound, which caused him to face plant. Adam’s future plans consist of attending either Iowa Lakes or Ellsworth Community College a former Nebraska football player. Katie’s favorite childhood memory was going to her first motocross race with her brother, Jaime, and Nick and Nathan Boggs. Her worst childhood memory was when she was riding with no hands on her bike, looked back at her brother, and ran right into a parked car. Katie’s favorite vacation was when she flew to Oregon by herself and got really confused at the Denver airport. “The train from Port A By Devon Hieber The senior who could be caught playing a sport or hanging out with friends is Andy Wray. Andy is the son of Russ and Roxie Wray of Mapleton. He has one sister, Kandis. He was born in Denison. Andy has been involved in BPA, wrestling, baseball, golf, football, and choir. Andy’s best memory of high school was when Phil McGrain depantsed Nick O’Connell and everything came down during P.E. His most embarrassing moment was when he was a freshman and got taped to the door divider by the lunch room in the old school. Andy’s favorite activities are to watch movies, eat any kind of food, go skiing in Colorado, and hang out with friends. He also likes to go paint balling, hunting, fishing, and camping. A struggle Andy has had in high school is math. He found it easy to roam the halls. His biggest accomplishment was making varsity wrestling all four years of high school. Andy’s advice to underclassmen is to, “have fun while your in high school; live it up and don’t look back.” His favorite childhood memory was going to Okoboji with Shane. Andy’s worst childhood memory was when he bit through his tongue when he crashed his bike. Andy’s favorite class in high school was to Port C confused me,” laughed Katie. Katie’s secret talent is that she can flip her tongue 180 degrees. The most influential person in Katie’s life has been her mom. “My mom has been through a lot, she knows me best, and helps me when I need it. She tells me that I can do anything if I set my mind to it,” smiled Katie. Katie would like her high school legend to be the girl who was never scared to speak her mind and who could always stump people with good comebacks. Her biggest accomplishment in high school is always sticking up for herself and never letting people’s words get to her head. She also thinks the easiest thing in high school is to make new friends. A struggle that she had in high school was starting the new year. “Sometimes it can be over whelming with all the new homework,” added Katie. One regret that she has of high school is not studying enough. Her advice for younger classmen is to be outgoing and listen to the upper classmen. “They were in your shoes once before, and they know what they’re talking about.” Katie’s future plans are to go to college at Hawkeye in Waterloo for professional photography. Her biggest ambition is to grow up, have a great career, and have a loving family. Her last year’s summer plans are to take scuba diving lessons in Okoboji, to work, to hang with friends, and to have as much fun Construction Tech. His greatest vacation was all his skiing trips. His favorite T.V. show is Dirt. Andy likes to listen to any kind of music, as long as it isn’t country. The most influential person in Andy’s life has been his mom because she supports him. He wants his high school legend to be the kid who had a high pain tolerance. Andy plans to attend college in Norfolk for powerline tech. His last summer’s plans are to hang out with friends, go camping, have bond fires, go tubing, work at the nursing home, and go to softball games. By the numbers 2 inches of torrential rain The fiercest downpour that has been recorded was in Basseterre, Guadeloupe, on Nov. 26, 1970. In a single minute, it rained nearly 2 inches.

By Devon Hieber<br />

Receiving underwear that said “Save the<br />

Drama for yo mamma” as a birthday gift from<br />

Angie Flanigan is Senior Laura Hoaglund’s<br />

most interesting birthday present. Laura Ann<br />

Hoaglund was born at St. Lukes Hospital in<br />

Sioux City, IA on February 13, 1989. Laura is<br />

the daughter of David and Joan Hoaglund of<br />

<strong>Maple</strong>ton. Laura has one sister, Katie. Laura<br />

has been involved in volleyball, basketball,<br />

golf, softball, choir, FCA, CCD, Gold Club,<br />

NHS, PALS, and Phi Ramma Jamma.<br />

Going to Mexico with friends her junior<br />

year, meeting Iban, and spending time with<br />

Maestra and Jeff Wolf is Laura’s best memory<br />

of high school. Laura’s most embarrassing<br />

moment was when she was playing basketball<br />

in seventh grade, and was taking the ball out<br />

of bounds, and there was no one open, so she<br />

just dribbled to the basket and did a lay-up.<br />

Laura likes any kind of music, eating Mac n’<br />

cheese or peppermint ice cream, eating cream<br />

chicken over biscuits at school, watching<br />

Raising Helen or Love and Basketball, and<br />

celebrating her birthday or her favorite T.V.<br />

shows Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, and<br />

Grey’s Anatomy. Laura can be found hanging<br />

out with her friends or going to an athletic<br />

practice during her after school activities.<br />

Laura’s hobbies include sports and being on<br />

By Aaron Dose<br />

Jason Alan Rosauer was born in Ida Grove<br />

on November 4 th 1998. His parents are Jon<br />

and Cathie Rosauer. His siblings include<br />

Brent and Erin Rosauer.<br />

Some of Jason’s favorites include pizza, as<br />

his favorite school lunch, and 70’s and 80’s<br />

Rock ‘n Roll, for music. His favorite classes<br />

include Horticulture, Agri-Science, and Band.<br />

Jason’s last favorite is girls.<br />

Jason would like to be remembered as<br />

the “FFA ladies man.” His most memorable<br />

high school moments were when he went<br />

Page 4, The Ram Write-Up, <strong>Maple</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Anthon</strong>- Oto <strong>Schools</strong><br />

Senior Spotlights<br />

her cell phone and computer. Her favorite<br />

class is third period study hall with Miss<br />

Rabe. Her advice to underclassmen is, “to be<br />

involved in as many things as you can and<br />

enjoy it because it goes by fast.”<br />

Laura wants her high school legend to be<br />

to FFA contests and learned how to talk to<br />

the FFA ladies. His favorite vacation was to<br />

the boundary waters with the FFA Chapter,<br />

where he learned to appreciate life more.<br />

Throughout high school, Jason’s biggest<br />

accomplishment was becoming FFA District<br />

Sentinel. During high school, Jason was<br />

involved in Band, FFA, Jazz Band, school<br />

plays, CCD, and the Knights of Columbus.<br />

Jason had a tough time in art classes<br />

throughout his high school career. The things<br />

that came easy to him included: talking to the<br />

“FFA girls,” poetry, and writing essays.<br />

The one regret that Jason has from high<br />

school is not being nice enough to the ‘peeps.’<br />

His advice for underclassman is, “it’s not the<br />

size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the<br />

fight in the dog that counts!”<br />

Jason Rosauer fears white unmarked cop<br />

cars and any other white car within viewing<br />

distance. Jason likes to watch WWE, and likes<br />

to play games. He likes the movie Forrest<br />

Gump, and the T.V. show The Simpsons. The<br />

most famous person he ever met was Will<br />

Jones.<br />

Jason has been the most influenced by Mr.<br />

Benson because he is full of knowledge and<br />

always has good advice when people need it.<br />

Some of Jason’s future plans include running<br />

for state FFA office, and going to either WIT or<br />

Iowa State for Ag education. His upcoming<br />

summer plans include a lot of fishing. Jason’s<br />

biggest ambition is to own an acreage and<br />

plant lots of fruit bearing trees.<br />

the girl who always made people laugh.<br />

Laura is scared of being kidnapped, or having<br />

someone in her house watching her secretly.<br />

She is also afraid of snakes. The most famous<br />

person she has ever met is Ron DeMars.<br />

The most influential person in Laura’s life<br />

has been her mom because she has taught<br />

her to take what god gives you and make the<br />

best of it. She has also been most influential<br />

to Laura because she has an outgoing<br />

personality and has always supported Laura.<br />

Her biggest ambition is to become the best<br />

meteorologist in the world, to be successful,<br />

get married, and have a family.<br />

Laura plans to play softball and hang out<br />

with her friends and make as many memories<br />

as she can with them. She then plans to<br />

attend Iowa State University with a major in<br />

Meteorology.<br />

By Kelsey Bruhn<br />

Nick O’Connell’s best memory of high<br />

school is when he had eight people in his<br />

Pontiac 6000 SE, the gas line broke, Brad<br />

Petersen was sitting on the trunk, and it<br />

started moving so he jumped off and landed<br />

on his butt.<br />

Nick Brian O’Connell was born on<br />

December 23 rd ,1988 at Mercy Medical Center<br />

in Sioux City, Iowa. He is the son of Brian<br />

and Michelle O’Connell. He has one brother,<br />

Brice, and one sister, Jessica. The people that<br />

Nick looks up to the most are both his parents<br />

because they always know how to make him<br />

smile when he is upset and they are always<br />

there for him.<br />

Nick has been involved in football,<br />

basketball, baseball, Phi Ramma Jamma, and<br />

CCD throughout high school. After school,<br />

Nick can be found hanging out at Casey’s<br />

with friends or going to practice for football,<br />

basketball, or baseball. Some out-of-school<br />

activities Nick is interested in is hiking, riding<br />

horses, and playing sand volleyball.<br />

Nick’s most embarrassing moment is when<br />

Phil McGrain depantsed him in physical<br />

fitness and everyone in the class saw him and<br />

started laughing. Nick’s favorite class this<br />

year is personal financing with Miss Lundt.<br />

His favorite school lunch is chicken fried<br />

steak with gravy and mashed potatoes.<br />

The most interesting birthday present that<br />

Nick has even received was when Steff Trieber<br />

and Angie Flanigan carved his name out of a<br />

block of coby jock cheese and also gave him<br />

some complimentary sting cheese.<br />

American Pie: The Naked Mile, “unrated<br />

version, of course,” is Nick’s favorite movie.<br />

Some other of his favorite movies include<br />

The Guardian, Gridiron Gang, and Wedding<br />

Crashers. When asked what his favorite T.V.<br />

show is, Nick responded, “I like to watch Cops<br />

because it is funny to see people get arrested<br />

for stupid stuff.” He has many other favorite<br />

things, like the saying “Buckin” and “I like<br />

where your head’s at,” the holidays Valentines<br />

Day, Christmas, and Thanksgiving, pizza,<br />

and any music but oldies. Nick has many<br />

favorites, but he also has a fear of heights<br />

and spiders.<br />

Nick would like his high school legend<br />

to be “N.O.C.,” the kid that hit a few bumps<br />

on his way through high school, but never<br />

let them keep him down, and the kid who<br />

was friends with everyone. Advice that<br />

Nick would like to give the under classmen<br />

is “don’t take life too seriously; you may not<br />

make it out alive.”<br />

Nick’s biggest ambition is to own a Corvette<br />

and to also own a sports team. His future<br />

plans are to graduate from high school, go<br />

to the Army Reserve, and major in business<br />

in college. During his last summer before<br />

going off to boot camp, Nick will be hanging<br />

out with friends, tubing down the river, and<br />

going to Okoboji.

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