C4 antho - Chamber Four

C4 antho - Chamber Four C4 antho - Chamber Four

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~186~ The Chamber Four Fiction Anthology Wesley’s parents have one of those elevators that open right into their apartment. I shake hands with Wesley’s parents and give them a bottle of Jura. “There you are,” Wesley’s dad says, squeezing my hand tightly. “How are you doing, dear?” Wesley’s mom asks. “I’m ok, how are you?” I ask. She sighs. “Oh, as good as can be expected.” “I hope you like the wine,” I say. “Thank you, Hector,” Wesley’s dad says, looking at the wine, but also not really looking at it. “I’m sure we will.” I go across the foyer to a silver tray. On the silver tray are mint juleps in pewter tumblers. I take one of the mint juleps and walk over to the living room. There is a four-piece New Orleans band playing New Orleans-style music. I can see the jet set gathering by the big windows facing the park. They are talking in low voices, but I don’t pay attention to them. I go to the fireplace. On the mantle is a vase. The vase is filled with Wesley’s ashes. My plan is to steal the vase and take it to the castles of Islay where they belong. “There’s something wrong with these mint juleps,” one of the jet set says. “Yeah, too much mint,” another one says. The New Orleans band plays another New Orleanssounding song. I look out the window. The buildings around the park are lit up. They make me feel like I’m in an old movie, or on some kind of movie set. A waiter comes by. I take another mint julep. Some investment bankers come over to where I am standing. One of them grins. He asks me if I want any blowcaine. I

On Castles ~187~ laugh inadvertently and say no as if I just had maybe too much blowcaine already. “Good band,” one investment banker says. “Cheesy outfits, though,” another one says. There are four investment bankers now. One of them says something about Tuscany and laughs. I drink more of my new mint julep. I pretend to be looking at an original Dali over the fireplace. Another investment banker says he wants some blowcaine, but he can’t because their babysitter has to go home early. “Is she hot?” one of the investment bankers asks. “Who, the babysitter?” “Yeah.” “No, she’s a dog,” says the investment banker, laughing. “My wife hired her.” Someone on the other side of the room signals that he wants to speak by clinking his glass. He is an investment banker, who owns a Gulfstream 4. He points at Wesley’s parents and thanks them for the party and saying how we all understand how hard it’s been the last few months. After that he talks about the boarding school they all went to and tells an anecdote about the black janitor they used to make fun of. He says the janitor’s name was Ralph. One of the investment bankers’ wives laughs inadvertently. An investment banker passes a baggie of blowcaine behind his back to another investment banker. No one talks about Tuscany for a few minutes. “America is fucked,” says one of the investment bankers, who is suddenly standing next to me. “It’s the new frontier for investment banking,” he says, not looking at me, but at the painting. “If I had to live in America my whole life I’d probably kill myself.” He gulps

~186~ The <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>Four</strong> Fiction Anthology<br />

Wesley’s parents have one of those elevators that open<br />

right into their apartment. I shake hands with Wesley’s parents<br />

and give them a bottle of Jura.<br />

“There you are,” Wesley’s dad says, squeezing my hand<br />

tightly.<br />

“How are you doing, dear?” Wesley’s mom asks.<br />

“I’m ok, how are you?” I ask.<br />

She sighs. “Oh, as good as can be expected.”<br />

“I hope you like the wine,” I say.<br />

“Thank you, Hector,” Wesley’s dad says, looking at the<br />

wine, but also not really looking at it. “I’m sure we will.”<br />

I go across the foyer to a silver tray. On the silver tray are<br />

mint juleps in pewter tumblers. I take one of the mint juleps<br />

and walk over to the living room. There is a four-piece New<br />

Orleans band playing New Orleans-style music. I can see the<br />

jet set gathering by the big windows facing the park. They are<br />

talking in low voices, but I don’t pay attention to them. I go<br />

to the fireplace. On the mantle is a vase. The vase is filled<br />

with Wesley’s ashes. My plan is to steal the vase and take it<br />

to the castles of Islay where they belong.<br />

“There’s something wrong with these mint juleps,” one<br />

of the jet set says.<br />

“Yeah, too much mint,” another one says.<br />

The New Orleans band plays another New Orleanssounding<br />

song.<br />

I look out the window. The buildings around the park are<br />

lit up. They make me feel like I’m in an old movie, or on<br />

some kind of movie set.<br />

A waiter comes by. I take another mint julep.<br />

Some investment bankers come over to where I am standing.<br />

One of them grins. He asks me if I want any blowcaine. I

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