C4 antho - Chamber Four

C4 antho - Chamber Four

C4 antho - Chamber Four


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Dragon ~161~<br />

traffic light and idles into the crumbling downtown. All but a<br />

few of the quaint brick buildings are boarded up, the commerce<br />

moving south long ago with the coming of the Interstate.<br />

Pickups fill the spaces around Swede’s Steakhouse.<br />

Inside, a menagerie of mounted beasts, all horns and fangs,<br />

peers down from the walls. A mountain goat sports Ray-<br />

Bans, a cigarette tucked in its hardened lips. The bartender<br />

draws Wyatt a foamy beer.<br />

Hours later, Simms enters with a flourish, tossing back<br />

the hood of a fur-trimmed parka, stamping snow from his<br />

boots. “Damn! The stuff you see when ya ain’t got a gun,” he<br />

yells. Farmhands and implement peddlers and big-haired<br />

women look toward Wyatt, who feels a sudden chill, imagines<br />

himself in their cross-hairs. Simms throws an arm<br />

around Wyatt, introduces Darla, tall and square-shouldered,<br />

her Nordic presence magnified by a red down duster and riding<br />

boots. Wyatt needs a long glance to take her all in.<br />

Simms grins. “Where’s the little woman?” he asks.<br />

“Home with the kid. Just passing through. Wondering<br />

what you were up to these days.”<br />

The three take a booth, where a robust barmaid deposits<br />

a pitcher and frosted mugs. Simms pours a round, his eyes<br />

swimming as if he’s already had a few, and starts telling stories.<br />

Darla hangs her coat and scarf on the rack of an elk,<br />

drapes a thick blond braid alongside dramatic cleavage.<br />

“I got pissed off this morning and decided to get the hell<br />

out,” Wyatt says. “I don’t know what’s going to hit me when I<br />

get home.”<br />

Simms laughs and slaps the table. Darla eyes him sideways,<br />

runs a finger around the rim of her glass. “This fool<br />

could have had all the chicks,” Simms tells her. “Look at him.<br />

Had to fall for the first one I fixed him up with.”

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