C4 antho - Chamber Four

C4 antho - Chamber Four C4 antho - Chamber Four

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~110~ The Chamber Four Fiction Anthology been crying so hard her eyes were red. The clerk just stared at me silently accusing. I hugged V. and told her I love her, I never meant to leave her. On the way home I bought her an ice cream, but it just made her shiver to eat it. A few blocks later she got sick all over everything. Back home I cleaned her up, but I was not as tender as I should have been. No one knows what it’s like to fail every day at the thing that comes so easily to everyone else. The journal ended here. On December Fourth, Eric had come to me with the news that Rebecca had left. I pressed my palm against her careening script and remembered how, at the park, she had sung just for Vera, how they’d shared their private dance. I wished my touch could travel through those pages to offer her some measure of peace. At the same time, I wanted to be rid of her. I closed the notebook. I left everything as I’d found it under the stairs. When I got back to the apartment, the front door was wide open. I rushed into the boys’ bedroom, where I’d left them napping. I nearly fell to my knees to see them there, unharmed. Sleep revealed the residual plumpness in Peter’s face, but in the past few weeks, Joel’s body had assumed lankier, more grownup proportions. For almost an hour, I stood in the doorway and watched them sleep. I could not stop drinking in their beauty, but I knew I had to wake them or they’d be wild all night. Finally, I roused each one with a kiss on his sweaty hair. That night, Harry and I sat together and listened to Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet. When the yearning second movement came on, I took his hand. I always loved Harry’s hands: their square, honest shape; the printer’s ink that ringed his nails despite his daily washing with a pungent soap. I moved closer and inhaled his scent: the cleaning solvents, the metallic tinge from the type and slugs, the Schlitz beer he drank after work.

Peacocks ~111~ “Let’s move this operation to the bedroom,” he murmured. We unfolded our bed and began undressing as the Quintet ended. We made love for the first time in several weeks and afterwards, I felt both absolved and chastened. By reading and hording Rebecca’s journals, I had, in a manner of speaking, committed an infidelity. I had been unfaithful to the person I had, until recently, believed I was. * * * * The next evening, I told Harry I was going out for a walk. I put on my coat and boots and then retrieved the bag of notebooks from underneath the stairs. Behind Eric’s door, swing music played. My heartbeat was louder and more insistent than my knock. The music went quiet, and a minute later, Eric appeared, in stocking feet. His face looked bloated with sleep. I could not place him in the same universe with his urgent lips and tongue two weeks earlier or the Glenn Miller he had just shut off. One of his toes poked out from a hole in his sock. I could smell the spirits on his breath. He said, “What can I do for you after you’ve done so much for me?” I recognized but did not traffic easily in irony. “Rebecca left some journals under the stairs. I just found them. I thought you’d want to know.” I held out the bag. My voice was as fast and nervous as a child’s. Eric took the bag, and everything else fell away, all his cleverness and courage and rage, everything except the sorrow that was always present in him, like the bass line in a song. “I looked all over the apartment for these. She wrote in them feverishly, you might say obsessively. After she left, I

~110~ The <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>Four</strong> Fiction Anthology<br />

been crying so hard her eyes were red. The clerk just stared<br />

at me silently accusing. I hugged V. and told her I love her, I<br />

never meant to leave her. On the way home I bought her an<br />

ice cream, but it just made her shiver to eat it. A few blocks<br />

later she got sick all over everything. Back home I cleaned<br />

her up, but I was not as tender as I should have been. No<br />

one knows what it’s like to fail every day at the thing that<br />

comes so easily to everyone else.<br />

The journal ended here. On December <strong>Four</strong>th, Eric had<br />

come to me with the news that Rebecca had left. I pressed<br />

my palm against her careening script and remembered how,<br />

at the park, she had sung just for Vera, how they’d shared<br />

their private dance. I wished my touch could travel through<br />

those pages to offer her some measure of peace. At the same<br />

time, I wanted to be rid of her. I closed the notebook. I left<br />

everything as I’d found it under the stairs.<br />

When I got back to the apartment, the front door was<br />

wide open. I rushed into the boys’ bedroom, where I’d left<br />

them napping. I nearly fell to my knees to see them there,<br />

unharmed. Sleep revealed the residual plumpness in Peter’s<br />

face, but in the past few weeks, Joel’s body had assumed<br />

lankier, more grownup proportions. For almost an hour, I<br />

stood in the doorway and watched them sleep. I could not<br />

stop drinking in their beauty, but I knew I had to wake them<br />

or they’d be wild all night. Finally, I roused each one with a<br />

kiss on his sweaty hair.<br />

That night, Harry and I sat together and listened to<br />

Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet. When the yearning second movement<br />

came on, I took his hand. I always loved Harry’s hands:<br />

their square, honest shape; the printer’s ink that ringed his<br />

nails despite his daily washing with a pungent soap. I<br />

moved closer and inhaled his scent: the cleaning solvents,<br />

the metallic tinge from the type and slugs, the Schlitz beer he<br />

drank after work.

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