“M- STrIPES” - Global Tiger Initiative

“M- STrIPES” - Global Tiger Initiative “M- STrIPES” - Global Tiger Initiative

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“M- STrIPES” Monitoring System for Tigers – Intensive Protection & Ecological Status Field Protocols & Customized Software for Analysis, Mapping & Inference National Tiger Conservation Authority Wildlife Institute of India Zoological Society of London World Wide Fund for Nature - India

<strong>“M</strong>- <strong>STrIPES”</strong><br />

Monitoring System for <strong>Tiger</strong>s – Intensive<br />

Protection & Ecological Status<br />

Field Protocols & Customized Software for Analysis, Mapping & Inference<br />

National <strong>Tiger</strong> Conservation Authority<br />

Wildlife Institute of India<br />

Zoological Society of London<br />

World Wide Fund for Nature - India

Aims<br />

• Assist in Effective Patrolling & Protection<br />

• Evaluate Status & Trends of Carnivores &<br />

Ungulates at Regular Intervals<br />

• Monitor Habitat Change<br />

• Evaluate Human Pressures<br />

• Generate Reports to Provide Quantitative<br />

Information for Management Effectiveness<br />

Assessment and Decision Making

System Features<br />

• Provide user friendly Field Protocols (inc training<br />

and material material, data quality control) control), Data Storage and<br />

Report Generating Tool<br />

• Administered and maintained at protected areas areas,<br />

landscapes, States and NTCA<br />

• CCaptures t ddetailed t il d iinformation f ti on population l ti status t t<br />

and trends, animal mortality, illegal activity, human<br />

pressures pressures, patrol effort effort, habitat status for monitoring<br />

and guiding management<br />

• Provides a comprehensive GIS and statistical tool for<br />

processing and reporting information needed for<br />

conservation and management purposes

Protection<br />


Field Protocols<br />

Software<br />

Data Entry, Entry Storage Storage, Retrieval<br />

Ecological<br />

Analytical Engine<br />

Statistical, Spatial, Trends, etc.<br />

Output<br />

Reports, Maps<br />

Adaptive Management Informed Decision Making

Field Protocols & Equipment q p<br />

Patrol Data collection<br />

• Routine / Anti-poaching / Investigation Patrol<br />

• GPS Units (or ( PDA’s) ) and Data Collection Forms<br />

• TTraining i i of f <strong>Tiger</strong> Ti Reserve R Staff St ff in i Data D t Collection C ll ti and d Software S ft<br />


Field Protocols & Equipment q p<br />

Ecological (Phase I) Data collection<br />

– Carnivore Sign Survey<br />

– Ungulate Line Transect<br />

– Human Pressure Assessment on Plots on Transects<br />

– Ungulate Dung on Plots on Transects<br />

– Habitat Status on Plots on Transects<br />

• Fixed Location PIP’s for <strong>Tiger</strong>s (min. 5 in each beat monitored once<br />

a week) k)<br />

• GPS Units (or PDA’s) and Data Collection Forms<br />

• Training of <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve Staff in Data Collection and Software<br />


SSampling li AArea<br />

Road & Drainage network in a Beat, Satpura <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve<br />

Road<br />


<strong>Tiger</strong> g / Carnivore Sign g Surveyy<br />

Intensive search for<br />

tiger / carnivore sign<br />

3-5 searches each<br />

of f48k 4-8 km<br />

Minimum 15 km<br />

search in most likely<br />

areas in each Beat<br />

Record distance<br />

covered and time<br />

spent tiin each hsearch h

Ungulate Encounter Rates<br />

�Establish line<br />

transect 22-4km(or 4 km (or<br />

seg. >2 km) in<br />

each beat.<br />

�Walk early<br />

morning. g Count<br />

no. of each species,<br />

group size, young<br />

of fthe h year.

Matkuli<br />

Vegetation of Matkuli Range, Satpura <strong>Tiger</strong><br />

Satpura Vegetation Map with Beat Boundary BoundaryReserve Reserve<br />

Transects Occuring in Beats, Satpura <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve

Human Disturbance Survey<br />

�Along every 400m<br />

on established<br />

transect<br />

�List �List signs of wood<br />

cutting, lopping,<br />

grass cutting cutting, human<br />

trails within 15m<br />


Ungulate Pellet<br />

CCounts t<br />

�At every 400m<br />

plot along the<br />

line transect<br />

sample a 2 by b<br />

20 m strip.<br />

�Classify and<br />

count ungulate<br />

pellets to<br />

species (wild<br />

& domestic) )


Data Sheet-6<br />

Patrol Form<br />

Name of Guard: …….…. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………..……<br />

Range: ……………………. Beat: …………………<br />

No. of Persons on Patrol:….. ……… Armed……………. Unarmed…………………..<br />

Patrol Type: General Duties, Investigations, Surveillance, Others<br />

Patrol Method: Foot, Jeep, Motorbike, Bicycle, Elephant and Others<br />

Dat<br />

a<br />

Ti<br />

me<br />

D<br />

eg<br />

Lat Long Anima<br />

M<br />

in<br />

Se<br />

c<br />

D<br />

e<br />

g<br />

Mi<br />

n<br />

S<br />

e<br />

c<br />

Plac<br />

e<br />

l<br />

speci<br />

es<br />

seen<br />

Gro<br />

up<br />

size<br />

seen<br />

Ty<br />

pe<br />

Illegal Activities Animal Mortality Records<br />

Time<br />

elapse<br />

d<br />

M – Male, F – Female, Un – Unknown, Y – Young, Ad – Adult.<br />

Detail<br />

s<br />

Actio<br />

n<br />

take<br />

n<br />

Species<br />

Gender<br />

(M/F/Un)<br />

Age<br />

(Y/Ad/Un)<br />

Carcass state<br />

Cause<br />

of death<br />

Sample<br />

s taken

tblTransectSamplePre<br />

tblTransectPlot<br />

An entity relationship diagram<br />

tblTransectSampleHabitat<br />

tblState<br />

tblDivision<br />

tblRange<br />

tblBeat tblCompartment<br />

tblTransect<br />

tblTransectSample<br />

tblTransectSampleHabitatSpecies<br />

tblTransectSampleUngulateDun<br />

tblTransectSampleHumanDisturbance<br />

tblPlot<br />

tblPlotSample<br />


Patrolling Intensity & Spatial Coverage in Corbett TR

Spatial Mapping and Trends of Illegal<br />


Encounterrs<br />

per km patrolled p<br />

Snare<br />

018 0.18<br />

0.16<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.1<br />

008 0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

Patrolling Intensity VS Illegal<br />

Activities<br />

0 002 0.02 004 0.04 006 0.06 008 0.08 01 0.1 012 0.12 014 0.14 016 0.16 018 0.18 02 0.2<br />

Patrolling Intensity (km/100 sq.km)

Human Disturbance in Corbett <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve

Species Distribution, Status & Trends

<strong>Tiger</strong> Sign Encounters<br />

(Beats of Corbett <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve 2006)

<strong>Tiger</strong> Sign Encounters<br />

(Beats of Corbett <strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve 2009)

System y Process<br />

• Computes adequacy y of sampling g effort and<br />

advises to sample more if required statistical<br />

power p is not achieved<br />

• Conduct Spatially Paired Statistical Comparisons<br />

• CConduct d t TTrend d AAnalysis l i (R (Regression) i )<br />

• Interpret Results at Appropriate Spatial Scales<br />

(Beat, range, 10x10 km Grid, Circle and State)<br />

both Statistically y and Biologically g y<br />

• Output User Friendly Results as Maps and<br />


System Output – <strong>Tiger</strong> Status Change in Corbett

Tables for Carnivore Occupancy Estimates<br />

Spatial<br />

Scale<br />

Occupancy estimates (Season / Year)<br />

<strong>Tiger</strong> g Leopard p Dhole Hyena y Etc…<br />

Beat ID-1 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.09 …<br />

Beat ID-2 0.12 0.05 0.12 0.05 …<br />

Beat ID ID-33 007 0.07 009 0.09 007 0.07 009 0.09 …<br />

Beat ID-4 0.06 0.34 0.06 0.34 …<br />

Beat ID-5 0.03 0.23 0.03 0.23 …<br />

Beat ID ID-66 018 0.18 014 0.14 018 0.18 014 0.14 …

Tables for Changes in Carnivore Occupancy<br />

Spatial<br />

SScale l<br />

Change in Occupancy<br />

(Year ( 1 – Year 2) )<br />

<strong>Tiger</strong> Leopard Dhole Hyena Etc…<br />

Range 1 ↓ ↔ ↓ ↓ …<br />

Range 2 ↔ ↑ ↔ ↓ …<br />

Range 3 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ …<br />

Range 4 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ …<br />

Range 5 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ …<br />

↓ = > -20% negative change<br />

↑ = > +20% positive change<br />

↔ = > no significant change<br />

- = no sighting data

Applications<br />

• Monitoring population status, trends, and spatial<br />

occupancy<br />

• Mapping of illegal activities and their trends<br />

• Guiding Park Management for patrolling - spatially and<br />

intensity<br />

• Mapping and trend analysis of human impacts<br />

• Understanding interrelations between above parameters<br />

• Export of data for in-depth analysis in desired format<br />

• Entry, Analysis, Interpretation, and use of Phase I data at<br />

field level<br />

• Ready reports at desired spatial & temporal scales and for<br />

evaluating management effectiveness and guiding<br />

decision and policy making


<strong>Tiger</strong> Occupied Landscape<br />

Complexes<br />

Out of 500,000 km 2 Surveyed about 300,000 of potential<br />

<strong>Tiger</strong> Habitat Remains in India 2006-07<br />

Shivalik<br />

Terai<br />

Central<br />

India<br />

Western<br />

Ghats EEastern t<br />

Ghats<br />

NNorth th<br />

-East<br />

Sunderbans<br />

Only 93 000 km 2 in 2007 Occupied by about 14<br />

Only 93,000 km 2 in 2007 Occupied by about 14<br />

hundred <strong>Tiger</strong>s

Data Sheet-1<br />

Data Sheet for <strong>Tiger</strong>, Leopard & Other Carnivore Sign Encounter Rate<br />

Observer Name: ______________________ Date: ________________Start Start Time:<br />

______________________<br />

End Time: ___________________________Begin GPS: Lat: ___________N, Long:___________E<br />

Forest Division: ___________________ Range _______________ Beat________________<br />

Total Kms. Walked: _________Km. Time Spent in any other activity______Min.<br />

Sighting. No *Carnivore<br />

SSpecies i<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

^Sign Type Forest Type Terrain Type Remarks<br />

* Carnivore species to be recorded: tiger, leopard, wild dog, bear, hyena, wolf, jackal<br />

^ Sign types to be recorded are pugmark (trails), scats (Old: dry with hairs and bones visible; fresh:<br />

dry but intact with shiny surface; very fresh: soft moist, and smelly), scraps, scent marks (spray,<br />

rolling), rake marks on trunks, vocalization (roaring), actual sighting.

Data Sheet-1<br />

Data Sheet for <strong>Tiger</strong>, Leopard & Other Carnivore Sign Encounter Rate<br />

Observer Name: ______________________ Date: ________________Start Start Time:<br />

______________________<br />

End Time: ___________________________Begin GPS: Lat: ___________N, Long:___________E<br />

Forest Division: ___________________ Range _______________ Beat________________<br />

Total Kms. Walked: _________Km. Time Spent in any other activity______Min.<br />

Sighting. No *Carnivore<br />

SSpecies i<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

^Sign Type Forest Type Terrain Type Remarks<br />

* Carnivore species to be recorded: tiger, leopard, wild dog, bear, hyena, wolf, jackal<br />

^ Sign types to be recorded are pugmark (trails), scats (Old: dry with hairs and bones visible; fresh:<br />

dry but intact with shiny surface; very fresh: soft moist, and smelly), scraps, scent marks (spray,<br />

rolling), rake marks on trunks, vocalization (roaring), actual sighting.

Data Sheet-2<br />

Encounter Rate on Line Transects<br />

Observer name: .................................... Start time: .................................<br />

......................................................<br />

Date:<br />

End time: ............................................ ID no. of line transect: .............<br />

………………………km<br />

Total length:<br />

Forest circle: ........................................ Forest division: ..........................<br />

....................................................<br />

Range:<br />

Beat: ..................................................... Transect forest type: .................<br />

...........................<br />

Transect terrain type:<br />

Weather condition: Cloudy/Clear sky<br />

………........................................E<br />

Beginning GPS Lat: ................N; Long:<br />

End GPS Lat: ...................................N; Long: ......................................E<br />

Sight<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

ing<br />

Tim<br />

e<br />

Species<br />

*<br />

Total Nos.<br />

(Adults &<br />

No Young)<br />

Youn<br />

g<br />

Forest Type Terrain Type Remarks

Data Sheet-3B<br />

Human Disturbance<br />

NName of f Ob Observer: …………………. DDate: t ………………… FForest t Division………………….<br />

Di i i<br />

Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ………<br />

Plot<br />

Human Disturbances<br />

No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Wood<br />

Cutting<br />

(No (No. of trees<br />

cut)<br />

Lopping Grass/<br />

(No. of trees Bamboo<br />

lopped) Cutting<br />

(Yes/No)<br />

Presence of<br />

Human/Livestock/Tra<br />

il<br />

(Yes/No)<br />

People Seen<br />

(Yes/No)<br />

Livestock Latitud<br />

Seen e<br />

(Yes/No) (D (D,M,S, M S<br />

North)<br />

Are there any permanent human settlements in the beat? (Yes/No) If Yes how many? Approximate human population<br />

Are there any permanent human settlements in the beat? (Yes/No). If Yes, how many?_____. Approximate human population___________,<br />

Approximate livestock population _______ Cattle, _______ Goat/Sheep, _______ Other Livestock.<br />

Is there NTFP collection in the beat____ Yes/No. If yes, what NTFP is collected_____________, __________, ___________, ___________,<br />

Rate NTFP collection on a scale of 0-4, 0-No to 4-Very high_______________, _______________, _______________, ______________.<br />

Longitud<br />

e<br />

(D (D,M,S, M S<br />


Data Sheet-4<br />

Pellet Counts of Ungulates<br />

NName of f Ob Observer: …………………. DDate: t ………………… FForest t Division………………….<br />

Di i i<br />

Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ………<br />

Type<br />

Plot<br />

NO NO. Forest<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

*Present<br />

/ Ab Absent t<br />

F<br />

Terrain<br />

Type<br />

Chital<br />

Sambar<br />

Wild Pig<br />

Nilgai<br />

Gaur<br />

Barasingha<br />

B<br />

Barking<br />

Deer<br />

Hog Deer<br />

Chinkara<br />

Chowsingha<br />

C<br />

*Based on your personal knowledge mention if the species occurs in the beat irrespective of whether its dung was recorded or not.<br />

1. Do goat/sheep graze the sampled area ? Yes / No<br />

2. In case pellets are obtained in large piles then these could be categorized into the following categories:<br />

No. of Pellets Category<br />

50-100 A<br />

100-200 B<br />

>200 C<br />

Mouse M deer<br />

Hare<br />

Blackbuck B<br />

Wild W buffalo<br />

Elephant<br />

Rhino<br />

Langur<br />

Cattle<br />

Gooat<br />

& Sheep<br />

Othher<br />

Domestic<br />

livestock<br />

Others/Unid.<br />


Data Sheet-5<br />

Track Plot for Carnivores and Mega Herbivores<br />

Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division………………….<br />

Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Track Plot: ………..…<br />

Type<br />

PIP orest<br />

No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Fo<br />

Teerrain<br />

Type<br />

<strong>Tiger</strong><br />

Leopard<br />

Sloth S Bear<br />

Dhole<br />

If tracks of young carnivores (eg. tiger cubs) are observed, please mention in remarks.<br />

Hyena<br />

Jackal<br />

Small S Cat<br />

Gaur<br />

Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Elephant<br />

Rhino<br />

Waater<br />

Buffalo<br />

Others<br />

Others<br />

Deg N<br />

Min N<br />

Sec N<br />

Deg E<br />

Min E<br />

Sec E

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