Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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*ft 18, MM Lowtu, Marat a,<br />

SPORTS.<br />

Grapplers pin down city title<br />

By Stephen Hraxr<br />

<strong>The</strong> LowtU varuly wresUen Ust<br />

week capped off an undefeated<br />

19W-85 sc*) the Eagles<br />

tCMjltcd in another defest for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

A pom! of frustration throughout<br />

the entire season was lapses of intcmity<br />

in the second half by tb:<br />

tcjm. It vsas not as indicative of tt guard Jimms<br />

ArrhulcU. the lea'ing assist man.<br />

along with Flov -ts for their<br />

leadership.<br />

With the low of several tenters,<br />

next year's tcarr will be cscn<br />

smaller than this year's team. Lowstated<br />

that he would not change the<br />

team's concept on tough defense and<br />

patience and that the return of Matsuno<br />

and guard Mark Fukuda would<br />

be of great benefit.<br />

•^enlor Mark Horn challenges<br />

lib Fade opponent.<br />

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baseball .<br />

sad bait<br />

Athlete cl<br />

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Archaic*.athletics,<br />

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"Soon<br />

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<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

FLAME.<br />

America<br />

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At Low<br />

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For the pi<br />

co-captain<br />

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his v<br />

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great tica!<br />

will he re<br />

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playoff tc<br />

League<br />

March<br />

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<strong>The</strong> M|u<br />

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EtkW!<br />

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no:<br />


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