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Alcoholic beverage<br />

Should they be<br />

(raop.<br />

* *<br />

,!, tlun H wr- armiri<br />

rWwork ukifcui carries more than 5.000 fcxr and vrfoc »d»«r.<br />

Utcmaiu Tftry year.<br />

What do these first four su&ttcs<br />

have lo do with the fifth statistic?<br />

According to Comprehensive Care<br />

Corporation, a private company that<br />

specializes in pravUiog alcohol anti<br />

drug abuse program*. "Exposure u><br />

alcobol advertising has been fount<br />

to influence young people.**<br />

With this In mind, acveral national<br />

groups are incrcatlrg<br />

pressure for a ban on alcohol advertising<br />

on television and radio.<br />

Claiming thai the broadcast advittiscments<br />

influence mo>e pcopie.<br />

especially minors, to drink alcobol,<br />

the lobbying groups are stating taat<br />

the health and safjty of the Ancri;an<br />

society should be placed before my<br />

industry** right to commercial<br />

advertisement*<br />

In response lo these prcsuirc<br />

groups, the alcoholic beverage<br />

sumption Icaris to greater intoxication<br />

ud greater health problems.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re has oot been conclusive<br />

evidence to prove or disprove the<br />

point, however. As Dr. Michelle A.<br />

Wolf of the Department of Broadcast<br />

Communicatiofts Arts at San<br />

Francisco State *Inivenrt> (SFSU)<br />

stated. "Tecnigen definitely learn<br />

from what they see and hear. But<br />

what they do in terms of behavior is<br />

almos< impossible to determine.<br />

You can't talk about that unless the<br />

environment and the family life of<br />

the person is taken into account.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se cause-effect notions (hat people<br />

have are too simptutic. TV<br />

doesn't have as much powef as pov<br />

pie believ; it docs."<br />

According lo Wolf, product! can<br />

be K>ld on two different levels. <strong>The</strong><br />

first level U a functional level, with<br />

"<strong>The</strong> glamorous and glorified images<br />

of alcohol use are misleading<br />

impressionable young people into<br />

believing that alcohol is associated<br />

with success in ssx, sports,<br />

business, ami friendships."<br />

manufacturing todusny nod the<br />

broadcast industry arc joining forces<br />

to oppose the ban. For these groups,<br />

it b more than a question of health<br />

or free speech.<br />

For the brewing industry, a ban in<br />

commercial advertisements could<br />

mean a drop in the numrcr and the<br />

.•ate of purchasing of the* t products.<br />

In oiher words, if the proposal succeeds,<br />

the beer and wine companies<br />

could lose millions of dollars in<br />

fcvsrues.<br />

For the television and radio indestries,<br />

the proposal would effect a<br />

lota of more than S7J0 million in<br />

advertising. Alcoholic beverage<br />

f»m,... ,-j.u ,„ the single largest<br />

product advertisers on television.<br />

giving networks etjbt percent of the<br />

commercial viewing time. <strong>The</strong>y also<br />

account for 3.5 percent of total<br />

television advertising rev&ues and<br />

li percent o? radk> reverses.<br />

IN ra^or qocaion at band is<br />

whether or not advertising on teJcvisioa<br />

ml radio affccti the audiences<br />

and encourage* them lo drink<br />

alcohot. If this allegation can be<br />

" proven, then the advertising would<br />

be ooonected to Incttmsed health and<br />

death risks, she* increased coo-<br />

a commercial proclair.-infj «hat the<br />

product docs for its u»c.\ An exame'e<br />

of this would be dishwashing liquid.<br />

<strong>The</strong> advertiser of Sparklcan<br />

dishwashing liquid would icll its audience<br />

that Sparkkan washes dishes<br />

faster, better, and more permanently<br />

than other brands do.<br />

<strong>The</strong> iccond level of advertising is<br />

that of abstract value. Th!> type of<br />

advertising acts on the basic needs<br />

and wants of all consumers. <strong>The</strong><br />

product U displayed as leading to a<br />

better and more successful life. Thz<br />

correlating example would be a<br />

commerctil that shows a beautiful,<br />

young housewife thai uses<br />

Sparklcan to clean a week's worth<br />

of dishes in fivemimnesaad because<br />

of the wonderful product has a lov*<br />

ing husband, charming children.<br />

and always wins «the bridxe club.<br />

Abstract value advertising does not<br />

work on an explicit level: it relies<br />

more on implying certain things<br />

rather than stating them outright.<br />

A major auction of the proponents<br />

of the ban is that CK<br />

alcoholic beverage commercials are<br />

not advertised on the functional<br />

level, but nther only on the abstract<br />

value level. Most televisioo com-<br />

Fim! Your Lovely CUU "<br />



Tnmfannel Type» ofTojl<br />

&CaM»fcP>*iiiacl><br />

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2M2Irraf<br />

Between 22nd* 23 rd Avo.<br />

•. ,'Tcfc:7»-W25<br />

77ir lo»rl/. MarJi 3, 198). ff IS<br />

•IN DEPTH<br />

commercials:<br />

banned from the air?<br />

merciih don't emphasize the tasu<br />

and cffecti of drinking: rither the)<br />

show people enjoying life and drinking<br />

alcohol.<br />

George Hacker. Ihc national coordinator<br />

of Project SMART - Slop<br />

Marketing Alcohol on Xadio and<br />

Telcvtjon — a major advocate of<br />

the propmed ban, taid. "<strong>The</strong><br />

glamorous and glorified images of<br />

alcohol oie are mit'eading impressionable<br />

younjt pcriplt into bcliev Dg<br />

th« alcohol n assovivtcd wUh sue<br />

ccsi in sex. ipmii. His'nes*. and<br />

friendships."<br />

As Wolf pointed out. if advertisers<br />

for Leer and wine advertised<br />

on the functional level and showed<br />

what bappcaal after people used<br />

their product*, alcohol would not<br />

look as appealing. A drank driver<br />

advertising a beer would tut be as<br />

succevsful as an attractive >uppic<br />

would. Wolf commented, "If you<br />

showed the effects, you'd look like a<br />

fool."<br />

Certain groups pushing for the<br />

pasting of a ban arc especially concerned<br />

about commercials in which<br />

celebrities appear who may have a<br />

large Influence on young audiences.<br />

Arnold Fecc of the National Parent •<br />

Teacher Auociation expressed the<br />

contention that the advertisemenu<br />

are "directed at young people who<br />

cannot drink."<br />

"Young people are particularly<br />

affected by alcohol endorsements by<br />

athletes or entertainers." according<br />

to the Comprehensive Care<br />

Corporal km.<br />

If this b the ca*r, the commercials<br />

would be encouraging tccnigers nuc<br />

only tu drink, bu: to break the law<br />

by drink. n| alcoholic beverage*.<br />

With the new law Uiat iv iniendc-1 to<br />

•.umJanluc the drinking age nationally<br />

at 21. ihii would aifeci a<br />

greater proportion of the nation's<br />

youth.<br />

Again the comention cannot be<br />

proven so we arc left with an ongoing<br />

debate. Advertisers contend that<br />

iheir commercials are only meant to<br />

"introduce new products" and<br />

"gain* larger share of the market."<br />

T*y point out that there has been<br />

no causal connection prmen between<br />

broadcast advertisements and<br />

increased consumption of alcohol.<br />

<strong>The</strong> broadcauers and alcoholic<br />

beverage producers adamantly<br />

rtfiuc to allmv the industry to be put<br />

under any limit ur ban. Doci.'tl B.<br />

Shea, president of the United State*<br />

Brewers Association stated, "To<br />

hav- a legitimate product removed<br />

from a legitimate medium is inappropriate.<br />

It is the same as saying<br />

because 50,000 people are killed in<br />

auto accidents each year you should<br />

ban automobiles advertising."<br />

Professor John Tcnj-e of the<br />

«33 Uascn su u Anton<br />

&U1FHK1KO.CAM112<br />

Department jf Management and<br />

Marketii.; K. SFSl 1 corntnented that<br />

tne cootentiom of the proponents of<br />

the ban are " ridicule a." He ex*<br />

plained. "It depends on us.* or<br />

mUuse. <strong>The</strong>y say people are going<br />

out and getting intoxicated. Sensible<br />

teenagers don't do those kinds of<br />

tilings! People are looking for easy<br />

answers and they don't »tu."<br />

industries havn refused to pay for<br />

such a propose]. "If you say that<br />

counter-ads are necessary, you<br />

assume that the problem is related to<br />

advertising." said Donald Weber or<br />

the CBS Broadcasting Group. "We<br />

don'r think that is the case."<br />

Presently, the broadcasters do<br />

follow certain voluntary restriction<br />

imposed upon themselves. Hard liquor<br />

is nut advertised oo tdevmcu<br />

and radio, only beer and wine are.<br />

Also, alcohclk beverage commercials<br />

do not show people actually<br />

drinking the beverage. <strong>The</strong>y show a<br />

full glass being raised and a half,<br />

empty glass being lowered, but<br />

never the act of drinking.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United States is not the only<br />

area in which this subject is under<br />

comroversy. Canada has Instituted<br />

limited bans in certain areas. In Ontario,<br />

commercial* dwt emphasize<br />

aicohol with a kurcenful<br />

"lifestyle" have been banned, and<br />

for 14 montru all advertising of<br />

alcoholic beverages in British Columbia<br />

was banned. In a third attempt.<br />

broidcMi commercials were<br />

banned in Manitoba. In none of<br />

"It is the same as saying because<br />

Tengc believes that the commercials<br />

don't influence people to<br />

drink. "I think mow people drink<br />

became ot their involvement with<br />

their peer group*," he Hated.<br />

Instead of a ban of all alcoholic<br />

bevenge commercials, some people<br />

arc proposing "counter*<br />

advertisements" showing the effects<br />

of alcohol consumption. <strong>The</strong> institution<br />

of such a program would be<br />

considered under the equal time<br />

clause of broukautLig of controver-<br />

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