Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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r*f H 14, Vie Iht lotH. Lowill. l*mh Mmh S. >. 19SS '•<br />



By Erfc Fasti n*<br />

A» we begm the new semester we must welcome home some (avorite<br />

friends. I begin the welcomes by saying "Hello!" to none other than<br />

one of our blond, blue-eyed Swedish Svrfcr brothers, Erik Noyes..<br />

Yes, Freshmen, now you can finally experience Erik for real, not<br />

through your monthly Thr lavtU. not Severutm .<br />

Two other quick welcomes: Tina llorton has relume! from a<br />

semester in Germany (apparently she left Maureen Con irvrc).<br />

I must give an especially big "Hello!" lo everyone's favorite<br />

substitute teacher for everything, Mr. Knox.. Mr. K is now. dum<br />

do dum. a Permanent Tcachsr with five sections of Geography!<br />

Freshmen Beware! By the way, docs anyone actually know Mr.<br />

Koox's first nune? Does be have one?<br />

Rumor hal h that the Too Tough To Handle CTBS Test will be<br />

revised for next year. No, our lest U not going to ihe Kindergarteners<br />

across the puking !oi, the test is being trashed. It seems a few loo<br />

many students received the urpossible to reach 99 percent.<br />

How terrible! No more Mr. Camacho. Mary Mead in Pago Pago,<br />

or the reproductive cycles of the shrew? No more seeing "gravitate<br />

:: earth," "3x4," or "herd"? Oh, please no. How cruel! Please,<br />

Amiable A], do something, anything, to save our beloved CTBS!<br />

Here, we'll offer you a compromise: you save the lest, and we'll keep<br />

the halls clean. If this fails, maybe the LEC can sun a "Save the<br />

CTBS Test!" campaign. At least somebody should do something: how<br />

can we let Mr. Caaucbo dnwn7<br />

Or. a sour note, the BSCS (Board for Scotch and Coors Service)<br />

has ruled tint no club or organization may sell homemade ftuods. <strong>The</strong><br />

decision was made after Mrs. Hayes' A.P. World History Class<br />

sold baked goodies (and they were very good goodie*). Pray tell, you<br />

wise and serious BSCS leaders, why can clubs not sell homemade<br />

baked goods? What do the advanced placement students do, sell their<br />

talarfes In 25 years lime on the New York Futures Market? Do you<br />

really think people such as Gordon Tans, Avrll Swan, Julie<br />

YamsJcawa, and John Sloan (granted his cookies were mysterious),<br />

arc going lo poison the student body? All these promising students<br />

(they are promising 5's on Ihe A.P. test) want to do is go on field trips.<br />

Although It may not seem possible, our wonderful (this is their appreciation<br />

for the month) teachers know material which is not related<br />

to their subjects. <strong>The</strong>refore, a con'est has been devised lo reward<br />

students for their knowledge and enable teachers to share incir extra<br />

facts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Question is: What color b Puce?" (Question from English<br />

teacher Mr. Peter Gain. •->. <strong>The</strong> prizes are: First Prize: A bellydance<br />

lesson from Mrs. Lu.. "rondahl. Second Prize: \ bmk.<br />

6:30am Saturday morning walk v.,~ 'r. Peter Gamble, Thinl Prize:<br />

A tennis lesion from Miss Sandy Bird, i-ounh Priu: A cello lesson,<br />

given in Russian, from Mrs. Nancy laves. Fifth Prize: A car tuneup<br />

by Mr. Robert McMtlns. Son). no exchanges possible.<br />

' By Nick Ffc.tnlinos<br />

Word has it that senior John Tuiasosopo Is going to replace Mr.<br />

T on the television show "A-Team." John is currently testing different<br />

hair designs to find that just right "totsh look." When asked<br />

about his rcftexincnt, Mr. T -aid. "I didn't think they could find<br />

a tougher guy." Speaking of tough, have any of you lasted the hamburgers<br />

in the bcancry lately?<br />

Mr. Thomas* hair has grown back just in time for track<br />

»uon...watch those bets. Mr. Thomas!<br />

Oh, by the way.Kerln Aden, do you recall this quote . "My heart's<br />

with the Niners. but my money's in the right place"? Your money<br />

is in the right place now. in Ihe hands of a true 49cr fan!<br />

Why was it so quiet in the courtyard the week before finals? Many<br />

of you probably didn't know thai freshman Sue Artemoff was out<br />

with the chicken pox that same week...strange coincidence, huh?<br />

What was it that caused such a mass of people togather near the<br />

main office on the afternoon of February V? Were they giving out<br />

free Prince tickets? No! Something better, free LEC bookcovers.<br />

1.500 bookcovers were given away in 30 minutes, a new school<br />

record. Speaking of records, plans are being made for the World's<br />

Largest Waterballoon Fight to be held on the football field sometime<br />

in May. <strong>The</strong>re U a chance thai <strong>Lowell</strong> might make it into the Guinness<br />

Book of World Records for the second time; yes. <strong>Lowell</strong> is currently<br />

holding the record for having the highest amount of trampled<br />

students (who forgot to stand up) during passing period.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>class</strong>es have all come out with their new spring slogans:<br />

Class of '83 - "Often imitated but never duplicated."<br />

Class of '56 - "Spirit Week wu fixed!"<br />

Chut of '87 - "At bast we're not freshmen"<br />

Class of ,'88 - "We still can't find Ihe swi..iming pool!"<br />

On many as occasion girls cmer the boys' locker room lo use the<br />

vending machines. A group of sophomores are banding together lo<br />

light tM» unnecessary and immoral Invasion of privacy. But guys,<br />

please stop and consider what is more Important- if a girl sees you<br />

in your underwear,' or if a poor, hunger stricken thirst quenching<br />

female has to walk all ihe way to the tar reaches of the main campus.<br />

lo that combat zone known as ROTC. <strong>The</strong> fans support the girls;<br />

the hit] between Ihe locker room and the ROTC has, as pointed out<br />

by math teacher Robert McMalnl. an incline of 42 degrees and, if<br />

climbed will use, a* pointed out by science teacher Donald Murray,<br />

71 percent of the body's total energy potential. Why put such a strain<br />

like that on a poor gni't body? With Ihe convenbnee of the boys'<br />

locker room and with the adoed excitement to the glrli, medical student<br />

Robert Herrera hu found- that the increase in the bean rate<br />

prodoces greater circulation of blood to the brain thinly stimulating<br />

: the gfais to learn more. Aid to sum up this controversial Issue science<br />

teacber.Naocy Brewer says that you shouldn't be eating and drinking<br />

that garbage la the first place.-<br />

JSfciL. :"•'••-,• ''•/• - * • - '<br />

Teachers, students ...<br />

Who dresses worse?<br />

By Martlne TrtUun j<br />

•ttd BrtJj Merwnkh<br />

WL4 do <strong>Lowell</strong> students think of<br />

the way their teachers dress?<br />

Most commented that teachers<br />

dress "fine," but specific rcnuiks<br />

were leu than complimentary.<br />

• "Lowclltcachcudrcttvfry.vcry<br />

polymer," taid junior Robert<br />

Motels), "...but while 1 can stand<br />

polycucr, the combination of plaid<br />

and polyester b unbearable."<br />

Many <strong>Lowell</strong> students included<br />

"polyester" tod "plakl" in. their<br />

comments about <strong>Lowell</strong> faculty<br />

fashion. This gives cause for one to<br />

wonder, what did teachers »*ear<br />

before the Invention of polyester?<br />

Even freshmen have noticed the<br />

funkm trends of their teachers. Two<br />

S>f£li°S freshmen, who wish to remain<br />

anonymous on the grounds that<br />

it may incriminate them, noted that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> leacnen dress • "tacky and oldfaihioned."<br />

Many other students<br />

mentioned that faculty fashion tends<br />

to be "dated."<br />

Some students compUineo that<br />

their teachers* clothing affects their<br />

attention span. "<strong>The</strong> color combina*<br />

tions, like red and purple, ruins my<br />

concentration because it blinds me."<br />

c'aimed Moloui, "but at kast<br />

teachers don't wear neon."<br />

"I think most twhsr* dreu all<br />

right," said senior Nick Fiorcntinos,<br />

"except for tome of the ties, not to<br />

mentioa tames (is the Math Dcpartmeni)."<br />

Several allusions were made to<br />

loud ties by various math stivJents.<br />

Senior Pat Uikcrt commented.<br />

"Urge earrings, jiant pcatL, and<br />

clusters of blue stones irriute me (in<br />

<strong>class</strong>)."<br />

"I try to avoid ihtnkin,; akxit the<br />

way teacher* dreu. Bel bottoms<br />

tcare me." said sophomore Michael<br />

Pearson.<br />

Mury students agreed that male<br />

teachers, on the whole, dreu wone<br />

than female teachers do. As one<br />

anonymous junior put it. "If you ice<br />

a male teacher walking dow-n the<br />

street, vou know by the way hw tie,<br />

pants, and sports jacket* clash that<br />

man is a teacher. Female teachers do<br />

a better job of fining into society."<br />

While tome students criticized their<br />

teachers' mode of dress, others accepted<br />

it "1 love the way teachers<br />

dress." said one "A" student.<br />

"I think they dreu tike teachers<br />

ihould dress, as comfy as possible,"<br />

concluded junior Amy Cheung.<br />

A poll of <strong>Lowell</strong> students asked<br />

which department had the worst<br />

dressed faculty members. Con*<br />

jratulatiom go to the math department<br />

teachers, who received 54 percent<br />

of the votes. Condolences go to<br />

the Foreign Lvtfuace and Social<br />

Science Departments.<br />

Teacher comments aboui student<br />

dress were almost kSeukal with «tu-<br />

Whiie many comments were<br />

neutral, tome leachen were almost<br />

as *pcci!kally biting as the students<br />

were* lrVhcti teacher Anna lSicotat<br />

was approached with UK question of<br />

bow her student* uYeu. the barely<br />

For information<br />

regarding lessons<br />

and teacher train; -g<br />

Phone 469-1431<br />


stifled an explosion of laughter and<br />

ther replied. "I'm at a tutal lack of<br />

words to describe what I feel when<br />

one-half of my Italian <strong>class</strong> walks<br />

in."<br />

Ocits Rauchrran sarcastically asked.<br />

"What do you mean dress? I>*<br />

they try to k»k 'ike that?* <strong>The</strong>n h=<br />

added '.-m only sorry that I did not<br />

get involved with the cosmetic indusfy.<br />

It Kerns to be the big thing<br />

right now. I mistakenly thought that<br />

all of that make-up was the junior<br />

fcith look."<br />

Rauchman. now famous for complaining<br />

about the lack of heating in<br />

the temporary buildings where his<br />

clauet are. claimed that he has never<br />

been able to see w hat his students arc<br />

wearing since the students alwa* <<br />

have to wxar their heavy coau.<br />

Math teacher Robert McMains<br />

added. "A higher proportion of the<br />

students seem to dreu carefully, but<br />

that is according to what they feel is<br />

in style." However, in the same<br />

15<br />

FINALLY.<br />

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by appointment oNy<br />

sentence he noted, "<strong>The</strong> current<br />

rumpled style la pit»y." He t'so<br />

ktatcd. "SMKofthe students mustn't<br />

took in the mirror in the morning.<br />

becMtse if they did. they would probably<br />

dreu differently."<br />

When asked which of her students<br />

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