Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Teenage suicide ... is it worth it?<br />

By Shirtty Nf<br />

Rick teemed to hive U all. <strong>The</strong><br />

dds« vx> of « weil-lo-du family, be<br />

s **» abo • lop bright jtulera whh *<br />

-. prmniiing future.<br />

',. Lohnic, also from • well-to-do<br />

tualK aod an only child, «n a<br />

'trouNcd girl who had attempted<br />

vvtefcfe once, aedftbd. She and Rkk .<br />

fell in k>«, to ibe dUmay of their<br />

, pBr3n.wburvcnru.Uy tried to brcrX<br />

' up the coaplc.<br />

Fer>irf tnpted by their parents'<br />

vidouMtcu rjr) feeling a\ if there<br />

were no other idutkxi. Ri;k »nd<br />

Lttniemadea suicide pact, and that<br />

light. U*ey carried n out.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sccac just described may<br />

Kxud familial brcauie it is Imm the<br />

.' widely watched icccnt TV movie,<br />

' SimviRg, Although the drama wu<br />

. a fictional story based on fictional<br />

dnncten. the borror and epidemic<br />

efteewfe suicide today is very real.<br />

Abho^ teenage suicide occurs in<br />

All pans of the wcrld. it b the most<br />

widespread in the United States. -<br />

Suicide U lite wennd leading cauic<br />

of death (accidents aie first)<br />

amocg young adults aged 15 to 24.<br />

<strong>The</strong> teen suicide rate has tripled<br />

since 1970. Today, a b estimated that<br />

500.000 teem attempt suicide each<br />

year, with 5,000 of them actually succeeding.<br />

Tragically, these knocking<br />

•umbers may actually even be higher<br />

became many suicide cases go totally<br />

unreponed. Fuiihcroorc, the<br />

number of trcn suicides arc predicted<br />

to rise even higher in the years to<br />

COfDC.<br />

<strong>The</strong> obvious question is; why are<br />

so many teens taking their own live*?<br />

Expcru believe that almost<br />

anything could trigger a widdal urge<br />

• in a teen. Because the "teca" years<br />

are the very difficult years of transition<br />

from child to adult, teens must<br />

accept new responsibilities and oew<br />

challenges. It is during ibe teen years<br />

that a person becoraes truly<br />

vulnerable, aod with same teens finding<br />

the stress tad pretuirei of<br />

"growing up" loo much in handle,<br />

they ultimately chootc to end the<br />

pressure* by taking iheir lives. Today's<br />

society it placing mote and<br />

more pressure on its adolescents to<br />

compete, to achieve, to succeed, to<br />

be better than the next person...the<br />

list goes on.<br />

Denny Hotiey, a 13-year-old, hung<br />

hinuclf last summer after repeatedly<br />

telling his mutter, "If there were<br />

one less mouth to feed, maybe 'kings<br />

would be better."<br />

Danny's father was a military man<br />

on suipvncnt ovenev, wnuc hu<br />

funUy stayed in Cslifoinia. T1)ey<br />

were Mrug|ting to make eads meet,<br />

ml Dareiy. being me ekfca child. feU<br />

However, the blame canr from per*<br />

son to person.<br />

Betty, a high tdool ttulent in Redwood<br />

City, believes people think of<br />

suicide as "a way out."<br />

"When you're derpcrate. there<br />

doesn't icem to be any other soruuon.<br />

Sometime* I'll hear it on the news<br />

that tome kid has killed himself, and<br />

I say to myself. *what if I did it?'<br />

Sometimes you really start to wonder<br />

why you exist when life is so<br />

miserable. 1 mink people who kill<br />

ihcnuclvcs btlicvc that suicide ends<br />

the pain ol living." *<br />

Like Deny, many teens do contemplate<br />

Tilcide after a friend or<br />

anotiicr teen in their community has<br />

killed himself. This diitutbing<br />

dominn eftect of suicide does occur.<br />

Several years ago, after a boy had<br />

Uwc and killed himself, su ether<br />

Today's society is placing more<br />

and more pressure on its adolescents<br />

to compete, to achieve, to succeed,<br />

to be better than the next person ...<br />

responsible for his family's welfare<br />

Besides the tremendous pressures<br />

of "being responsible." many c*Ser<br />

factors do account for the high teen<br />

suicide rate:<br />

Some bUme the working parent*<br />

(especially the mother), for not having<br />

time to spend with their children<br />

anymore. <strong>The</strong> family unit, the image<br />

of the traditional "family* , Is not<br />

whit U used to be. Family violc*wc<br />

has alio increased over the yean, SA<br />

well as the divorce me.<br />

Since 1 $61<br />

299 Bayshore Blvd.<br />

San Francisco, CA<br />

(415) 826-4880<br />

teenagers in his town look theii own<br />

lives within a two HCCL periai.<br />

What kind of teen commits suicide?<br />

Tern uiicMe encomruues all social<br />

and econrmic barrien. A teen w-ho<br />

S from a wealthy family is jtut as<br />

tiny M cemmh tuicvk a* a teci who<br />

ii rock-broom pocr. <strong>The</strong> suident<br />

body president or foothill team capuimijtul<br />

as littiy to commit mickte<br />

as the (Uss "weinlo" uf outcast.<br />

Howe-.er. as described by Dr.<br />

Pamela Cantor ir. the February IB,<br />

Vtr Ixmtlt. San* S, 19V. tap »<br />

JWURE<br />

"Ninety percent r* -nerr^Cen are<br />

female. Roearch Indicate) that this<br />

type is usually a firstborn child,<br />

unusually dote to her mother and<br />

able to give help, but unabie to accept<br />

it hertctf. He* father k often absent<br />

ph)itca!ly anc/or psychologically,<br />

and if the parents are divwted.<br />

she blames herself ft-r the split and<br />

vfcwi herself as bring abandoned.<br />

"Three out of four adofescentk who<br />

commit uiicidc me boys. Such a bo><br />

is o^en a ytmingcr child who tends to<br />

kuT things iiuk*e. He has Isimed<br />

that he has to scUe bis proldctm on<br />

his own *ai u unabTc to jeejt nclp.<br />

A toer, he may be from aa> social<br />

<strong>class</strong> — a poor or an iffbent home<br />

where he feels hljh presrore to<br />

achieve. In cib'ier case, he tries to<br />

please hit parcnti, but feels he is not<br />

rccognuid and appreciated for who<br />

an! what he is."<br />

When a teen expresses suicidal<br />

thoughts, such as, "I wish I were<br />

dead." or ihrcatcns suicide, none of<br />

these actions should be ignored.<br />

Other suicidal warning signs such<br />

as abnormal behavior (constant<br />

depression, etc.) and withdrawal<br />

from normal habits ard activities<br />

should ako not be ignored.<br />

Suicide prevention center; and<br />

suicide hotlines can be fin^d<br />

throughout the country. However, if<br />

a teen refutes to seek counseling for<br />

his problem;, friends or relatives<br />

ihould not be aftiid to get help. A<br />

uiKidal teen feels at if theic is no<br />

solution to hi* problems.<br />

Suicide ii a tear) pbenotneaaa.<br />

Before a leca decides to commit<br />

suicide, he tbculd envision the facet<br />

aid think of the fulirp of Aose he<br />

would leave behind — his family and<br />

friends, adrice that rs given by<br />

tcvcral suicide prevention<br />


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